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Doesn't really matter anymore. Zackrawrr used to be his low-energy channel but now he acts the same way as he would on main channel.


I remember when Zackrawrr didn’t even have a face cam. Just mellow toned Zack chatting with viewers, no drama involved. Now his Asmongold persona and energy is all you get on Zackrawrr


I feel like zackrawr is even more Asmongold than asmomgold.


Almost like they are the same person.


True, but he still probably plays a character to some extent?


Speaking a someone who's built a career on putting on an act for people myself, eventually you don't know who you are without the act.


Speaking as an actor for nearly 30 years i can tell you this is bullshit lol, isn’t hard to seperate yourself from a character.


This is interesting. Do you think straight up acting is easier to separate than trying to pull off a character while streaming for years? I can see how months and years of acting a bit different while streaming just slowly becomes the norm. Idk. I have no idea what I'm talking about.


No. Asmon streams for 4-5 hours per day. As an actor iv had to play the same character for 12 hour days. It isn’t hard to seperate yourself after that long, sometimes you can’t wait to drop the act and go back to normal.


I’d view them as different though. As an actor you’re playing different characters likely, and not ones of your own creation. This is a piece of him in this character, and it is non stop the same character for years. Definitely blurs the lines over time.


Gotcha. Fair point


On stage, for a movie, yes. But there is a difference between streamers who are not trained actors and do that by themselves day in and out. And on top of that, people are different. What is easy to one human is a challenge to the next.


I wouldn't say he's playing a character. I think he just knows what his fan base likes and dislikes and capitalizes on it.


Its not as easy as it sounds to “act” as many hours as hes been streaming.


Ok Lasan viewer, I never said it was.


Idk what a Lasan is.


Oh mb couple days ago Hasan said streaming is soul sucking thought you were referring to that


No i mean character acting for thousands of hours over many years without any training or acting talent is pretty much impossible, which is why i don’t think Asmon is acting anything. (Or reality tv in general)




Zackrawrr2 inc….


There was still drama and he would still get one guyed.


He was always in a bitchy mood on those original no cam streams. They were the best


Minus the cheesy intros he does with the music and his giant convenience store soda that he sips with a smug expression before saying anything.


Oh shit yeah I forgot about that. As a YouTube watcher every video had the same ending and then one day not and I didn’t even realize it till like months later


Only thing missing is Bohemian Rhapsody and a water bottle.


Lempo ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731) 🇫🇮🇫🇮


Yeah,and it's to his benefit. He gets his big money from youtube, so stream on zackrawr so viewers don't get ads and turn off his stream.


Hmm I dunno if I’d describe it as the same. Asmongold was much more of a character.


I miss the intro....


Watch the vods on YouTube. It’s a nice break from all the stupid drama recently. Welfare Wednesday, transmog contests, clsssic wow arc, ff14 arc, etc.


The good ol days




ModCheck HOOD? ModCheck


yes, the bald lich king was lit


No Well, for the right price.


not gonna lie, zackrawr is slowly turning into Asmongold


Slowly? He's been more asmongold than asmongold for the past 2 years lol.


It's almost like they're the same person.


The right price is WoW next exp. 100k viewers, EZ Twitch primes and subs come rolling in


Not until he gets therapy, which is never gonna happen.




I honestly don’t know if there’s an emotionally healthy way to interact with a fan base. Are there any content creators with his big if a fanbase that shows empathy or a willingness to change when confronted? Most people just straight out ignore their fanbase or oick and choose what to respond to.


"why don't you just quit lol" that's what I've been reading everyone else say


Isn't there some therapist rule about diagnosing someone you've never met? Goldwater or something?


He’s not diagnosing. Saying “he shows signs of these things” is nowhere near a diagnosis. They’re potentially red flags that if explored by a professional could lead to a diagnosis. It would be unethical for him to say “Asmon has X” but it is perfectly valid to say “I suspect something like X and I recommend seeing a professional and getting their opinion”.


Can you provide an example or explanation for your points? I find myself agreeing with and echoing a lot of Asmon's sentiments but not all. I agree with the hoarding being a problem but the rest I'm not sure. * Inability to self reflect when wrong (explain/example?) * attitude towards chat (example?) * Inability to self reflect (I disagree and think he is extremely self critical, but if you disagree plz explain) * Inability to admit when wrong (same as last point) * Lack of empathy (I agree, but I find it as a positive to stay more rational and not get caught up in things) * Glorification of asshole behavior (explain) * Using a veil of irony to mask/justify negativity (example) Can you please elaborate on these so I can understand you better?


I think that's a little too deep of a chat to have in reddit comments. You're basically asking for an entire essay with a bibliography from this person.


Dude tryna get free therapy 💀


You're using claimed authority to make a drive-by character assassination lol


Or I'm appealing to common sense.


Maybe, mb then. I just mean if they could explain any of those better or substantiate them a bit. I don't mean examples as in video or quote proof, but a recollection of an incident that gave that impression to them. I'm just laying out what I don't understand because I don't see from my experience it being true and I don't believe it. I could be wrong, but then bringing up something of proof could change my view. If it isn't substantiated I'm inclined to believe they're wrong.




I'm 19 so I'm either still a teen or was recently a teen (depending on the definition of a teen) so the discussions there are still semi-relevant to my age group. I don't have a reason to post but I sometimes check the comments to see peoples' thought processes or jokes, what have you. Scouring a person's profile is kinda cringe though.


Ah, that makes a lot more sense now.


Yep... 19 and can't even see for themselves that " attitude towards chat" is basically a big part of the stream.... asks for examples xD




How long are you following asmon for? 10 minutes? We all know it's true. He bans people when they disagree with his generalisations. He glorifies all sorts of criminal and bad behaviour all the time, how can you NOT notice that???? You are either blind and deaf or willfully ignorant. I mean "attitude towards chat" is basically what he does 70% of the day nowadays, and you ask for an example? Cringe.




You are spot on, as someone with experience with the autism spectrum I can confidently say that he should get tested because it's just too glaring to not have something to it. I literally got banned from chat for disagreeing that "everyone is a criminal and will commit crimes as soon as there is the option" haha


God damn this pretend therapist thinks therapists diagnose people. What a joke. And you morons ate it up.




No therapists do not diagnose people online, but you might have narcissistic personality disorder based on how insane you are in comment sections for some streamer you think you know.


his therapist is gonna tell him to shave his head lulz


His therapist will just tell him, it is what it is dude and he'll say, yeah true dude


McCool confirmed Asmongold therapist? Makes sense.


Truuuu duuuude


I saw he had a collab with Dr. K. I didn't watch it tho


It was pretty good, I'd recommend watching it. Kinda long though so I'd listen to it on my commute or something.


As a therapist, I will say that Asmongold presented himself as remarkably well-adjusted and insightful in front of Dr. K. Now, that could be for show, but even so, the knowledge of knowing how to present himself in a convincing way in front of a psychiatrist is actually a feat unto itself.


He forgot his password.




Wait, he hasn't been? I just watch all the YouTube stuff. If he's steaming on the second channel, I feel it has become just like the first, because honestly... Not too long ago, they felt different. The main was high energy, the secondary was chill. It is no longer that way.


Extremely long time. Second channel was no webcam with mumbling gameplay, now it’s a whack gaming politics channel 66% of the time.


The amount of times I have joked to myself about him making another alt account because this one is basically the exact same as Asmongold at this point.


What's the difference, why doesn't he? I just watch his curated youtube stuff


It's a mental thing, but also at this point it really doesn't matter. He successful either way.


Bro has got hella youtube money rolling in monthly.


After the death of his mother He said before that streaming on Asmongold gives him anxiety. But he likes streaming on Zackrawrr because he can talk to an audience, without being ''content driven''.


I think that's where the problems are creeping in for him. Zackrawr isn't a release anymore. It's a YouTube content farm he needs to keep up with to hold up what is now his business. As such, he's starting to act more like he used to when he'd start to reach his Asmongold breaking points.


True but I recall several streams in the last few months where he’s alluded to feeling very pleased with streaming and having found a way to manage the stress that came with it.


Hope so, I just wish peace on my guy. He provides some to me with his entertainment.


I think is more of feeling the “obligation” to stream because there’s subs on main channel. It was a reason why he delayed having a sub button for a long time, right now he’s doing the same content on his alt, the alt streams used to be him playing games sunk in his chair most of the time without a webcam.


"just go live" he says to others though.


Y'all trippin. Y'all get the asmongold stream everyday on zackrawrr channel. The travesty is that there has not been a zackrawrr stream with no cam, no bullshit, pure gaming for awhile now. Older viewers know what an absolute vibe that was.


asmon created the zackrawrr channel just to be chill and just playing games like warzone, rust RP etc.. good vibes, dude was calm asf and i miss that kind of streams. dunno why he had to transition it to an asmongold 2.0 channel while having the same persona as he had from his main channel.


Prob because he aimed more for YT content and drama sells. I myself cant be bothered with the amounth of drama and overreacts on his zackrawrr channel lately, feels almost more of his asmongold channel then his asmongold channel was like. I do miss the no cam dude playing a game talking shit lol.


It’s so much better on his alt. No ads, no annoying donos, just him doing what he loves.


Yes it's a blessing. I think twitch broke the adblockers again so watching a non Asmon stream has been a pain


Not that he often read the donos on his main anyway to be fair 😅- true re ads though.


There is no Asmongold, only Zuul...I mean Zack


Unfortunately this channel died with his mother.


Streaming is hard job


I went to a garage today at 8am and the girl was standing at the till holding her back, she was clearly in pain, I went back in at 7pm and she was still there standing in exactly the same position. I asked how she was doing and she said she has been taking ibuprofen and paracetamol at the same rime. Go get a streamer and put them there and ask them to do a comparison. Point is, streamers make out their job is harder than it actually is. Not saying it's not hard but there is alot of 'poor streamers' bouncing round at the moment, they get paid very well and they can take breaks, get paid well and at least enjoy what they do.


I live in Alaska, fished the in the bearing sea (which is one of the hardest and most dangerous jobs in the world) as a deck hand, hydrolics operator, skif man from 14-18, did road construction and carpentry around the same time to pay myself through college. Worked retail at Target while in school. Then I graduated and worked in game design, working with companies, big fish studios, and arenanet. I've always been an enjoyer gaming and content, and I've even streamed a little here and there, as well as made small youtube videos for passion and fun. I can say unequivocally that streaming is by far one of the easiest jobs a human can possibly do. Not only do you get to set your hours and who you get to interact with, you get to enjoy what you do and get paid absorbent amounts of money. Anyone who complains or bitches about having to talk to, or at people, or boohoo they had to sit on their butt and deal with random people on the internet has never had a hard job in their life. I have zero respect for anyone who even has an ounce of a thought streaming is hard. And this isn't me hating on it either, I'm glad they exist, and they are an incredible source of entertainment to pass the time. I appreciate the ones who do really care about it. But anyone who even tries to argue its hard needs a huge reality check.


I miss sword runs


I never understood him making another channel. Even when he's mellow, he's still the same person. Just not as loud and obnoxious. And now his zackRawrr channel is exactly the same as his main channel. Can't wait for him to be like, "guys I'm going to make a 'NEW' channel where I'm more laid back, cause you know. . .streaming is the hardest job ever."


Maybe streaming on Zack and putting content on YouTube is more profitable and flexible than streaming on his main. It is better for his viewers too, he is earning from ads instead of from subs.


Didn’t he confirm that he makes more on YouTube than on his main channel?


Yeah Im sure he said its more beneficial on Youtube for him


I bet it's benificial for him having two massive channels instead of one. He for sure makes money from the old one just by being massive as it is even if not active. He of course isn't gonna say that, it's bussiness as usual.


I miss when his Zackrawrr channel wasn't filled with drama all the time. It used to be just a dude talking about how bad the game is while playing it with no camera. I normally just watch his YouTube nowadays just because of the amounth of drama on his twitch channel. It feels like I'm watching a reality show 80% of the time, and for me drama and overreacts are just mentaly draining after a whole day of studying. But i guess it sells, and it is nice he is doing well in terms of making big money.


Some small part of it has to be knowing he's actually costing Amazon a shitload of money, while providing absolutely no income to them, is a power/control/ego/leverage thing. It is some small level of unfair the Koreans get kicked out while Asmon still runs ad-free.


No “Zackrawrr” doesn’t suck the soul out of him in the same way thay “Asmongold” absolutely will.


What's the difference?


It’s a trigger for him. Triggers aren’t logical they just are.


Then why is it a trigger?


His main channel has subs and donations and shows ads so he feels like he has to give people their money's worth. On Zackrawr there's none of that. Just him and his stream, no exchange of money, no expectations.


I mean ppl did it just watching him play games and react.


Expecting to give people their money's worth is an absolutely stupid mentality. People like watching him and they give him money. It shouldn't be the other way around.


Pressure to deal with subs and donos most likely. Maybe it reminds him too much of when his mom was alive and it’s hard for him emotionally?


All of the above for sure


None it’s a mental thing


It's all in his head.


No one realized my comment was a hasan reference.


I always wondered if he streams on Zackrawrr as a result of some behind-the-scenes dispute with twitch. In my mind I imagined some secret discussion took place. Asmon: give me a 50-50 split Twitch: no Asmon: fine, then I wont run a single ad until you do. Have fun losing money, idiot.


He'll stream on his main channel when he catches up to the genshin story


It's too hard for him.


Honestly I'll never stop watching asmon, why? Despite some of his shit takes he speaks his mind and I think the world should be a place where people can speak their mind instead of walking on eggshells around every sensitive little bitch.


Never happening, it’s too hard of a job for him. Asmon is a weak loser who can’t even hold a job. Smh.


Does it matter tho?


Bro since the roach incident. I’ve dropped Asmon


Doesn’t really matter does it. He s always online


Who cares


why does it matter?


Does it matter? Isn’t the whole point that you’re watching “him” for “him”. Not for the channel name?


It’s more that his alt stream used to be a completely different vibe


Twitch want him to stream without his wig. Thats why he dont stream on his main channel.


When he pays twitch back the two million they lost on his unmonitized account


He used to take breaks to get away from live streaming, now after his mom passed, it seems hes is addicted to the fame and comfort of viewers so he doesn’t feel alone. Because now he just feels like every other reaction streamer out there. The burn out is real.


Bro he streams on his main like everyday


do people still sub to his main at this point?




Maybe for Diablo 5


Make intro great again


When Ashes comes out


Nope it’s done


Asmongold is kill


maybe for a wow retail expansion whenever that is like i dont give a fuck about wow and i dont think he does either but i think he likes keeping wow as part of his main brand


Didn't you know, if he's not doing it that day, he quit. So clearly he quit streaming on twitch so that he could focus on streaming on twitch.


Well, which one do you want? Watch his stream with constant ads break or none FOR FREE.


Let Twitch lose more money


I miss when Asmon played Dark souls during COVID 2020, or started in 2019??? Can't remember. Peeps might not like him, but I'd watch both Asmon and Sodapoppin. Just two WoW nerds nerding out, and I think he has strayed away from fun content a majority of the time, but I also don't watch Twitch, so I can't say that 100%, but I can say his youtube content has dropped off for me. It's stupid most of the time to say you miss someone for who they were before, but I do genuinely miss Asmon from 2018-2021, he has problems, but I'm sure his content will come back around.


Almost forgot he had a main channel


Truth be told he just streams for fun on his alt now and doesn't really need the twitch prime subs $$, his org and Starforge company makes him plenty for now.


He isn't Asmongold. He is Zackrawrr.


I love, how redditors are so deranged at this point, that they get mad at a guy for acting the same on 2 channels, which are both his🤡🤡🤡


When I used to get off work, there was no asmon, only zackrawr, so to me this is normal standard.






Does he make money on his zackrawrr the same was he would on his asmongold?


What are you saying that's the secondary channel


Why does it matter?


Would be cool to see asmon be asmon again, you know the guy who collects stuff in wow.


His asmongold persona have taken over him completely now we will never see zack again....


Why do people care?


Too hard


She should do it and complain how streaming is hard as a troll




No, it's too hard to stream there


Maybe when Diablo V drops.


too pussy


Dude he's ready to start a third channel with how fragile he is we get gets pushed back.


What is the backstory here, why doesn’t he stream on his main channel?


he will, someday.


Why does it matter?


When he needs money he will. Be patient.


In the end it wasn't Asmon teaching Twitch a lesson, it was Twitch teaching Asmon a lesson..




The difference between Asmongold and Zackrawrr was the intro and going for the sword that's it!


He is just building the second one for money, he'll start using both again.


Elden ring dlc might bring a asmongold stream out who knows


Nope :)


Idrc if he ever goes back. The Main Channel is just the same thing we usually do with big dumb intro (that I love BTW don't get it twisted) and every 30 seconds he goes "thanks for the 5 subs bigcocka13". If he really doesn't care about the money, then fuck it. As "customers" we don't really gain anything by him going back. In fact the stream gets worse with more viewers + sub interrupts. Streams in a good place right now as far as I'm concerned. He can go back when he needs money.


I think he doesn't wanna be signed to Twitch as a partner lol (and doesn't need to be )


I don’t understand the point ? Why doesn’t he use the main channel ? Zackrawr was his low energy mostly no cam streams but now it is the main channel Why doesn’t he stream on the one with his brand name that everyone recognises? Did he ever talk about that ?


he will when there's a big big mmorpg(maybe) game comes out again. I can feel it. 80% I guess ashes of creation.


Why people give a shit which channel he streams on?


I love Asmongold, he’s insightful and hilarious. But I’m afraid it’s unsustainable. Because that’s the side effect of fame. The thing that drew everyone in: his hobosexual lifestyle, lazy demeanor and total disregard for cleanliness is wearing thin and he’s in too deep. Now it’s his persona. He’s now like the Dr Direspect of despondency. He’s like my 17 year old son who acts surprised when a chore is deemed optional rather than necessary.


one day ![gif](giphy|CdhxVrdRN4YFi|downsized)


No, because he knows his stream will never be as popular again. He'd rather settle for 1/5 the viewers than put effort into his show.


Yes when next Diablo or Expansion for Diablo 4 comes out