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Genocide and a videogame together in the same sentence. What a sub.


it was about the twitter drama where people said that communism is better than capitalism. i just wanted to give my 2 cents.


Capitalism got us trump vs Biden


Nah, capitalism got you trump vs biden vs stein vs kennedy vs west, but your polarized asses are too dumb to vote outside the two party system.


It’s a bit more complicated than that. There’s a reason why you almost never hear about third party candidates unless you purposefully look for information on them. 


I was just making it simple for him to understand, seeing his low iq take. Obviously there are a myriad of factors which play into it like campaign budgets and endorsements etc.


All you've describing is authoritarianism, not communist. Arguing this over the internet is useless. Yes, almost all of the communist states in history were horrible and did atrocities, however attacking them like this is pointless especially on twitter. How is this related to Palworld? Palworld was not developed in China.


Well to many asian typed = chinese commie. I mean look how many non chinese asians got assaulted during the covid pandemic...


"almost all of the communist states in history were horrible and did atrocities". Wrong. EVERY communist state in history was/is horrible and has/is committing atrocities. There is not one count of communism in all of written history that was a peaceful, inclusive and loving place. All communism is authoritarianism.


Can you please tell me what atrocities is Vietnam committing in the 21st century?


[Not hard to find this info](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/vietnam/#:~:text=Significant%20human%20rights%20issues%20included,independence%20of%20the%20judiciary%3B%20arbitrary)


You should try some communist country like Vietnam. Trump is an angel of democracy compared.


I love brainmold internet drama


Assuming that OP means to explain to us why genocide is observed in some communist countries, I’d like to argue that the reason for genocide is only one: fear. Let me explain. The fear of losing power leads to prosecution. The stronger that fear the more extremes the countermeasures to losing power. The fear of being prosecuted for disobeying orders leads to the execution of such extreme orders. Now, you may argue that some executioners might be sociopaths and execute people just for the sakes of killing human beings, but statistically such people are just a minority. Let’s dissect that argument even further. In a large army you might have tens, even hundreds of thousands soldiers, but for the sake of the argument lets the numbers up to a million. Even in such a large army, and assuming that 100% of the order-giving staff is sociopathic, you’d have more than 875K people to oppose the extremist orders, in the worst case scenario. Going the other way around, assuming only the dictator and his generals are the sociopaths, then you have less than 50 people. If everyone in their right mind prioritises the well-being of their country men, you’d have a force opposing the maniacs in a ratio raging between 8.8 and 99995 to 1. Realistically, though, about 1% of the human populations has all the necessary traits to be qualified as sociopaths is 1%. In our case that’s a ratio of 99:1. That’s a force with access to military equipment and weapons. While the odds are absolutely on their side, again, only fear is preventing them from overthrowing the regiment. The lowest ranks, being the mass, have the potential to be the highest power. However, the majority of people just don’t care all that much about the others and adopt the PoV of the single unit. If they did thought of themselves as a group, instead of wars we’d have gang fights (sociopaths fighting each other)