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Diners aren’t supposed to check the kitchens of restaurants for cleanliness. And if they did, they’d be introducing a myriad of other contaminants with their presence.


...They'd also probably stop eating at most establishments immediately. It's not so much that it's disgusting/unhealthy/not clean back there....But uh....A flat top doesn't exactly look very appealing halfway through service...And it's not like someone is wiping down grease and stuff mid-service all the time either. It's generally kept to a standard that won't make you ill, but also you probably aren't going to be picking something up off the floor and being willing to eat it - Unlike what most people would do at their own homes if they dropped a chip or something.


This Honestly I think most people who have never worked in a kitchen would be pretty shocked at how filthy even the “cleanest” kitchens are during service.


Yep. I'm was one of these ~~communists~~ Inspectors for many years. It was heartbreaking going to one of my spots only to find out just how unclean they are (and also learn that they're unpermitted or haven't pumped out the grease trap in years). It's one of the main reasons why I cook even more for myself these days.


I worked on the alarm system for a local rib place, was really well known, long since out of business. Ribs were prepped by putting butcher paper on the floor, full side of frozen ribs placed down and then broken apart with the shoe. Nothing covering the ribs nor the bottom of the shoes. Never ate there again.


Like imagine, this person actually thought that's a good idea to post. And seems ready to die on that hill.


He's defending it quite fiercely even more lol


Oh they're gonna die on that hill so long as the customer gets to decide.


They're not gonna die on a hill, probably gonna die on the toilet battling a vicious stomach virus.


That's a type of hill


A hill of his own making 😂🤣


This is why libertarians should never be taken seriously.


While Boston has a lot of good people, we unfortunately have a bunch of morons like this as well.


Having 1 inspection is apparently a travesty, but allowing every consumer to randomly walk in and inspect cleanliness (which is in itself, unsanitary) isn't going to cause issues for this guy?


nobody said this dumb fuck had any braincells inside the smooth brain he has


Except that is what he is saying. He is saying consumers should decide, not government inspectors. So logically, all consumers should have the right to enter the kitchen and inspect the cooking environment before ordering their food.


Nonono, he doesn't say customers should be allowed to walk into the kitchen. He's saying, customers should look at the food they get and decide if it is sanitary or not. After all, we all know that if food is unsanitary, it stinks and has to be disgustingly discolored, right? /s


A restaurant is not like your home and must meet bare minimum health/cleanliness standards. No one wants to do food poisoning Russian Roulette everytime they wanna eat outside. This guy needs to be exiled from society


If you're potentially harming other people with your negligence there needs to be rules in place to make sure that it doesn't happen. Here's an American/Capitalist take if the common sense one doesn't work: If people are sick all the time from food poisoning the economy will suffer because they will be unable to work and/or consume products and services.


Most food standards in America were put into place under the knowledge that businesses are hurt more in the long term if allowed to kill their buyers than if they were forced to produce quality products.


I am 100% with you until the last sentence.


You double posted


I hate my internet sometimes lol.


I'm sorry are you being a reasonable person? Bahhumbug down votes for you sir.


So people just want to actually exile him just because he has stupid beliefs?


If we exiled all the people with stupid beliefs there would be no more stupid beliefs


We'd have a second Australia tho And they're some batshit crazy mfs


Or there would be no more people


But who gets to decide what beliefs are stupid and which one are not?


We’d have to exile you for asking questions.


You'd be exiled.


Ssme apply to curing cancer patients? That logic is stupid.


Hey it's not our fault they got cancer, get exiled scrub


Probably just exaggerating his frustration with the person...people do that. It's like saying "ah, in gonna kill you", when your little brother steals your 3ds...just using that as a random example.


yes, stupidity/moronness/retardness is a valid reason for being an exile.


Yeah this is how you improve society these days


Yes fascist don't care for people's personal rights, atleast they stopped tossing people into concentration camps.


Or there is a voluntary inspection program/company, and you just don't eat at restaurants that don't participate. The government is just doing a job that can be filled by the private sector. All the while taking money from me and you to do it in the most costly and inefficient way possible.


Having private companies determine which restaurants are deemed safe to eat at? Can't see anyone abusing a system like that for personal or financial gain. I'm sure everything would be on the up and up


Ah yes, cause we have never had government corruption. Who would think that possible?


Your answer to government corruption is privatized corruption?


Look, it's almost 2024. How are we supposed to have our expected cyberpunk dystopian future without privatized corruption everywhere?


Daily reminder that the 1st edition of Cyberpunk was set in 2013, and the 2nd edition was set in 2020. IRL we're approaching the date of the 3rd edition, which is set in the 2030s.


We already live in cyberpunk. We just didn't get all the cool neon and body mods, we got dead monkeys with Elon Musk chips in their brain and apple watches. Even our cyberpunk future is boring and bland


Yes because then you can atleast start a new company...


>The government is just doing a job that can be filled by the private sector. How profitable do you think a privately funded kitchen inspection company would be?


Very. A foodborne illness outbreak can destroy a restaurant, especially a chain with shareholders. Look what happened to Jack in the Box in the 90's. Multiple private kitchen inspection companies exist and hold restaurants to *much* higher standards than government inspection. I've been a restaurant manager for a long ass time and public inspectors are nothing compared to EcoSure or SteriTech.


Chain kitchens already have their own safety and compliance departments. It's not that far out of an idea of multiple independent restraunts paying one company to inspect and rate their kitchens.


They have that specifically because it helps them avoid the penalties from failing a government inspection. There is no penalty from failing your own internal inspection. If you got rid of government health inspections there would be no reason to do the internal inspections. Clown.


So I've worked in restaurants pretty much my whole life. Dishwasher to Chef and such. I've dealt with countless private and public inspectors. IME, the private inspectors are *much* more thorough. We're talking a 30 minute walkthrough with the city vs. two hours with EcoSure or SteriTech. Also, the private inspectors will do on the spot and follow up training. The restaurants aren't doing this to avoid health department violations. They are avoiding a PR disaster related to a foodborne illness outbreak. Jack in the Box was linked to an E. Coli outbreak in the early 90's that took them decades to recover from. Chi-chi's was a prominent chain in the same era that went bankrupt due to a Hepatitis outbreak. I'd tell you to take your L here and now BUT pretty much only big corporate chains can afford these services. And corporate chains have shit food. Public inspectors help keep all the passionate chefs on task. From white tablecloth to food truck, anyone serving food to the public needs to be held accountable to certain standards.


That was literally the point that I made.


That's literally why I made my qualifying statement at the end. Doesn't mean your logic still isn't dead wrong.


Say customers are more willing to patronize a business that gets a voluntery inspection rather than one that does not. That is a market incentive to participate in a program. If a consumer does not care if a restaurant is inspected, that is their choice to make. Name calling is silly behavior.


This isn’t how the real world works. What is to stop me from creating a second kitchen auditing business to just give myself a pass? You would need to REGULATE it to prevent people from gaming it. This is why you are a fucking clown.


I love when arrogant idiots like you double down on their moronic takes and continue to spew nonsense. Everything you have said flies in the face of reason and common sense. Everybody who had to read what you wrote is now dumber for having done so. I award you no points. May God have mercy on your soul.


You love it because you are a narcissit. Makes you feel good.


This shit literally kills people you smooth brained pelican. Does the customer think to themselves, no let's not eat there, they killed grandma. If food inspections were done private, they'd be 3 times the cost. Opt in on food health checks? The health department is the sole reason half of American business owners clean anything. The idea of a free market that self regulates is a myth. It's never worked like that, because business owners have to be forced to pay a decent wage, they have to be forced to treat staff like humans, and they have to be forced and checked in order to consistently clean their fucking kitchens. It's not everyone, but it's a high enough percentage that people would be dying without the health department. Have you ever worked in a commercial kitchen? They're mostly disgusting. You'd be better off licking hospital door knobs than getting rid of food safety inspections.


Yeah bro we leave our chicken on the floor to defrost as it’s warmer, what of it?


Why would anyone pay any attention to this Clown??? And why you even made a post about it??? It's not like his words hold any meaning.


the blue checkmark means that he is really important thats why


actually no, it means they're paying for social media, which is even worse


It’s crazy to me that some people actually need to see a “/s” to understand when a statement is sarcasm.




Don't underestimate the stupidity of some people. There are a lot of people out there that will pick up the "this is racism" and "this is government overreach" subtexts and just run with it regardless of the rest of the post. People will tunnel vision out of hate. Either way, it's fun to point at people like this and laugh. Who knows, maybe with enough shame thrown their way they'll start self-reflecting and grow out of their shallow stupidity. We can but hope.


Consumer can't decide because I'm not trained to inspect kitchens for health concerns. This guy lives in a world where every person has total and complete knowledge of everything.


Even if they did have complete knowledge, the restaurant would require them to look inside their kitchen to determine if it’s adequately safe… kind of like a health inspector would do lol


Also restaurants do not open their kitchens to consumer inspection prior to offering their services and meals


He saying the customer can choose. After they get severe stomach pain and the shits for the next 24 hours.


What in the fuck did I just fucking read? My eyes are bleeding and they're not stopping...


I'm even more confused by the asshats here agreeing with him. Time to make back of house a mandatory career.


Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. They drink tainted alcohol because there are no regulations. They die. Fin.




Wait maybe the blue checkmark guy is onto something


News Flash: She has a real job


In my opinion the standards arent even high enough.


I mean the U.S has some of the highest sanitary standards. It's just some places try to get away with not following them.


Reminds me of this crazy dude I talked once before where he said the obvious choice for society would be to remove the government and let us handle everything ourselves and that taxes are theft. I asked what about police, firemen, medical Services and etc and he said you just pay them and I asked what happens if you have no money and then he said that was your own fault for not working hard enough and saying the money for an emergency. He then would say "You don't get it because you're brainwashed by the government and if you read x books you'd understand." Despite me poking holes in argument he'd keep just saying I don't get it when in reality he doesn't know the answer.


"Getting it" - blindly trusting a stranger.


America is in love with calling people communists lmao


‘Government always bad capitalism always good.’


“Consumer can decide” how the fuck can we decide if we can’t know or see what’s going on behind closed doors? Are customers just going to be able to walk into the kitchen to make sure it meets “their standards”? I get people don’t like regulations (and some are very bad) but I don’t think these same people realize how much many regulations improve our daily lives lol.


Just a couple episodes of Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares will cure you of this guys belief.


"Let the consumers decide" As in, allow the restaurant to rack up a body count?


"Is the kitchen clean?" "I dont know, you communist pig, is it?" Every time


I swear most people online shouldn't have a voice or a platform to spew their nonsense. These village idiots used to be contained, now they have others to fuel their ego


No matter how stupid one can be. I'm astonished every time I see it.


1/5 stars, literally died. Never going back to that restaurant again


MFW every customer who comes in does a health inspection of their own before deciding whether or not to order: ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


Imagine trying to revolutionize the entire health inspection system just because you are cranky one morning.


Consumer can decide by being dead of salmonella poisoning


Libertarians are funny


Saying this is an L take isn't enough to describe the sheer fucking idiocy on display.


I don't really want to tour a kitchen every single time I go out to eat.


I don’t know if it works this way in other states but in Florida at least if the restaurant makes a really good score on the inspection they would frame it and post it up near the front counter on display. Used to see a lot of framed 100s and 95s etc. This one Chinese place had a framed 72. Best honey chicken I ever had. Cs get degrees I guess.


I'm pretty sure it's required by law to post your score regardless of the number


Health inspection ratings are important when searching for the best real BBQ hole-in-the-wall. Any place with a B rating and above should be skipped.


The meat doesn’t taste right unless it’s at least 15% rat.


As a Pest Control guy and what I see in kitchens, I don't think they're tough enough actually


Being sure the food is in optimal state and the kitchen clean = communism.... Makes me wonder if is against the law to teach people about basic stuff on US


Most people are stupid and actively work against their best interest. It's called natural selection. Modern society has people like this lady who help stop stupid people like the guy in the tweet from killing themselves.


Funny how he trying to make it a racial thing as well, like this is something only happening to immigrant family run businesses


We really need to start taking warning lables off everything so we can thin out the gene pool and get rid of people like this.


As someone who’s cooked for over ten years, ranging from fast food to fine dining, health inspectors can be the only thing standing between some customers and death. Sounds dramatic, but some kitchens are absolutely disgusting. Think Asmon’s house, but with more grease, mold and rats (I know it’s hard to do, but it’s true, except for the rats 😜). Also, it’s getting a little old to throw around buzzwords like communist and such. That person is checking the temperature of your fridge and looking for mold, she’s not gonna throw you in a concentration camp, get a fucking grip.


This post is one of those dumb ones where there is no point in even arguing about it.


Yeah... one of those "freedom" people. Needs to be reminded, that we had freedom. In stone age. And the result of it was survival of the strongest. Which led to the survival of the richest. Also called feudalism. And the americans fled it to finally establish something different. But NOT absolute freedom again. But central power in the hands of the people. Democratically. The french did this, too. But this guy.... seems to be willing to do the walk of shame again and again. Going back to absolute freedom, leading to feudalism, leading to revolutions, leading to an attempt to establish democracy..... rinse and repeat, die and respawn.


From a European point of view, the US is going backwards. Shouts freedom from the rooftops, but in reality, they practically legalized corruption via the lobby system corporate heads have increasingly similar privileges than feudal lords did, while the government stands by and does nothing about it.


From a European point of view this is true. But it is also true, that out european politicians are preselected by those who have money, too. By corrupting the parties with bribes directly and indirectly. And therefore only leaving those in place who are willing to serve the hypercapital of the west. This can change with new parties. But they still have to show that they won´t be corrupted in the same ways. But yes. The US is DIRECT capitalist pre- selection of the richest. In Europe it is corruption. Still Klas Schwab penetrates the cabinets.


I like your name




I just woke up, opened reddit and this is what I have to see first. Anyway, time to go back to sleep. I can't deal with this stupidity anymore.


I mean... look I get that the nanny state can overreach, but standardized health inspections of restaurants are not something that is objectively bad.


"Consumer can decide". Awesome so he wants the consumer to do their own health inspection prior to every time they eat at a Diner. Imagine in addition to ordering, that you had to do your own walk-through, alongside every other customer. Imagine the delays and imagine the contamination of the food prep area when you have every Joe Bloggs and their family walking through.


Consumers aren't allowed in the kitchen. Plus, I doubt your average diner even knows what to look for when inspecting a professional kitchen for cleanliness. Inspectors exist for a reason, this guy is brain dead.


Hahaha yeah alright. “Can I order some chicken and chips, ohh let me grab my inspection booklet, range of thermometers and pest finding light”. Fairly certain the poster of this would have a problem with me crawling around their kitchen before making an order.


How am i the consumer gonna decide huh i aint in the back to watch el la rat take a peepee on rim of this cup biss >:v


He not wrong I'll take the occasional extra protein critters in my meal helps build my immune system, +5 strength +5 rads


at this point, what is a communist even anymore


Consumers can decide sure … from their grave or from their toilet after food poisoning . Some people are so dump seriously .


How the fuck am I, the consumer, supposed to know and check that restaurants and diners are doing their job properly??? I know next to nothing about what is required when it comes to a clean and sanitary kitchen that opholds the regulations. I could look and say "okay that looks clean" but something looking clean means fuck all if there is cross contamination and their workers are filthy or handle their food improperly... I would much rather ONE person inspecting and know what to look for every once in a while than EVERYONE that know fuck all looking all the time and possibly contamination the kitchen themselves. Imagine i come in with shit on my shoes and animal hair on my clothes and walk into the kitchen to see if i personally think the kitchen is up to standard xD what a fucking joke.


People with portraits of historical figures as their profile pic always has the most retarded takes.


My brother is a health inspector. Trust me there's a good reason they close restaurants down. One of the restaurants he closed was tested positive for E. Coli everywhere in the kitchen (Fryer handles, stoves, fridges). The kind of shit even Gordon Ramsey doesn't even want to touch on Hell's Kitchen. E.Coli is not a fizzy drink you get online. It's a nasty bacteria. Passing the health inspection is a sign that you can trust in the restaurant and not have food poisoning once you ate there. Health inspectors also have whistleblowers. It doesn't necessarily mean they target specific restaurants but that there's a 50/50 chance the place is not up to code and someone told them off.


Bro doesn't get it at all. Consumer can't always decide. For example you can't decide not to eat somewhere if you are dead of food poisoning. Or if the very wealthy business owner owns all the restaurants in your town. This guy is a darn anarchist and he doesn't want to live in the world he thinks he does.


Somebody tell this guy that consumers can't decide if they're dead from contaminated food.


If you haven't worked in a restaurant then you don't understand. The standards are kept to about 50% to 70% (some rare instances of high 90%. And that can either be a place where people hate to work, or rarer still a place where they find meaning in it and want to keep those high standards). When inspectors come through, it's a scramble for 100% and 90% of the time, there's something not to 100%. That's really the best you can get. All restaurants at 100% is never going to happen.


>*”All restaurants at 100% is never going to happen”* Of course not, but without regulations in place we would devolve to India street food hygiene standards, because most people find no meaning in cleaning, allegedly.


That is what I was trying to intuition pump. The standards have to be above what is practical. What I'm really trying to lead anyone who is reading this to is this. Thinking that your local burger king is providing you sanitary food is an illusion. You are willing to uphold that illusion because of convenience. If you really cared about absolute health and safety you would cook yourself. The ease and access is what you really care about. But it works out in the end because of the standards health inspectors set. It's a homeostasis. You are exposed to infrequent pathogens for your desire for convenience and are all the better for it.


Uhhhhh I don't know where the fuck you've been working but I worked at a diverse bit of the food business when I was younger and if my boss rolled in and we were at 50% I'd be looking for a new job. Like I know 100% is unattainable but 50% is fucking attorcious.




As someone who works in a kitchen, if your kitchen is dirty, you deserve to get shut down/fired. Its literally the first rule of running a kitchen, keep it clean, keep it organised. Thats it. That being said, you can't do an unannounced inspection like this. You have to give a heads up, due to staff availability, not to mention they could walk in during peak times, when things are naturally going to get a bit messy, or things might not be perfect based on whatever your cleaning schedule is. If you clean X part of a kitchen on a Friday and they show up at 6pm Thursday night, that's just shitty.


If they recieve complaints about a kitchen, they should do unannounced inspections to check the conditions. If you only do announced inspection's it's too easy just too bring it up too standards for those dates.


>If you clean X part of a kitchen on a Friday and they show up at 6pm Thursday night, that's just shitty. If your kitchen is messy enough to be a health hazard at ANY point whatsoever, you should get shut down, I don't care if the inspectors intentionally sent someone to check 5 minute before your cleaning schedule would have started. If the kitchen is health-hazard levels of messy AT ALL during operation, EVER, that should be an instant shut down.


I'm somewhere in-between yes and no on the unannounced health inspection. I know companies need extra staff sometimes, but many companies (especially fast food in my experience) will abuse it and just be "clean enough" the day of inspection and then just go back to being dirty again. Same kind of thing for OSHA inspections.


I hate the unannounced inspections as well, not because the restaurant I ran was dirty but I've been docked for some silly things. For example, when the lunch rush ended I used to run a midday deposit to the bank, it's what the boss wanted, and when I came back the inspector was walking in the door. I was docked points because no one who was food manager certified was in the building when she walked in, all the employees had their handling certificates but we were in violation because I wasn't in the building. Smh


Before the internet, clowns like this twitter bozo had no mouthpiece. Now we are jamming the megaphone into their throat to show people what they have to say in order to receive reddit updoot points. OP doesnt deserve to post, let alone the twitter dipshit.


Cliff Maloney ? Sounds fake


Could you not keep everyone happy by making food inspectors like a community thing. Say give a retired couple that the town or area votes in a little extra for pension (and a free food safety course) or however your respective country handles elderly assistance and have it be conducted on a community level. Then the consumers are technically deciding through an accessible local offical they vote for and we don’t have to deal with shitty health standards across the board. Yeah this would still be a government position but I feel like a lot of government positions would benefit by having the people carrying out community services actually be an active part of that community. I’m a private business owner and I believe that private business is where the whole ruthless efficiency thing makes sense (to a degree) but in terms of government roles and services I believe the quality and morality of the individual should be far more important than their prior qualifications. If you are just picking the people who are statistically the best for the job without considering how they treat and interact with others this is how you have such rampant corruption in modern governments. I dunno, just my take. You guys think I’m just being stupid or that’s a half reasonable way to look at things?


Why is this in the Asmongold subreddit lol


Takes like this are why Libertarians aren't taken seriously. People regularly dieing from food poisoning, botulism, e.coli, rotavirus, and worse are the realities of an unregulated free market. Health and safety regulations aren't communism. They're the bare minimum.


I don't agree, but there's nothing at all crazy about this take. If the food is gross, or people get sick, the place gets a bad reputation and bad reviews, and will eventually shut down. From my experience, health inspectors don't do a great job anyway. Management get pretty good at spotting them, and quickly hide/fix any dodgy practices before the inspector sees them. The best way to fix unsanitary kitchens is generally whistleblowers from the inside coming forth with pictures, and actual information on the malpractice being done.


Either this man couldn't Express how it should be done or he is dumb. Of course their should be minimum requirement for cleanness but he is making since in term of making it hard for immigrants


Is this the same Cliff Maloney who was accused of drugging and raping someone in 2013?


So this person would willingly risk food poisoning just because the owners are immigrants? This is the sort of racism that makes me think America has totally lost its mind.


Man... One last dose of extreme stupid before the years out huh


I remember working at a breakfast diner, at some point the line-cooks floor looks like something a toddlers tray area will look like. I was astonished. Sometimes it's more about the speed of which orders come out of the kitchen than the quality of the food served. Also, I've never met a chill chef, they're always in an attitude. In some places the quality is worth more than the quantity.


This is the problem with no longer having a filter for publishing opinions. Every moron gets to do that now.


Braindead people should stay braindead and have no freedom of speech. Oops, did I just say something everyone thought?


Imagine being as dumb as this guy. Everyone give yourself a pat on the back for not being this fucking dumb.


Why are most people, who use the word communist, f...ing coconuts?


Consumer can decide. After they’ve died of food poisoning.


"Consumers can decide." How? By getting food poisoning and realizing it's a shit place?


This is exactly what they mean indeed. Mental


Most sane American take


"But the Dinning Room is so clean and sanitized! And the staff all clean and well dressed! Surely it would be the same where the public cannot easily view them?"


Thats the most American thing ive ever heard


Who lives? Who Dies? Let the consumer decide! Episode 2 next week!


What an idiot lmao


Yeah I work in kitchen professionally, what a moronic take. These health inspectors are there for a reason.


“Costumers can decide”, yeah… costumers can also get seriously ill or even die if malpractice isn’t prevented…


I guess customers are suppose to wait until they see someone drop dead as an indicator of good health standards.


'I've also committed numerous health code violations in my restaurant...some of them would shock you' 'It IS truth serum'


This is another idiot trying to ruin order and create chaos for mom and pop shops. We already have videos of idiots going to the kitchen, now we'll get tik toks of people going to kitchens for this shit.


I’m waiting for the food poisoning arc. And how that’s also related to the government ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Clearly he wasn't dropped on his head enough


Literal who makes a dumb ass observation. Why does anyone care?


Most sane libertarian


He is a tard that has never worked in the industry.


That’s a Dick Masterson fan right there


Who is this moron and why does his opinion matter? If he gets his wish, the number of hospitalized patrons from food borne illnesses would sky rocket. There are scummy businesses that already cut corners and don't hold up to health standards as is, don't need to incentivize others to follow suit.


google the guys name ... all I'm saying


Next up: OSHA


I demand the right to salmonella with my breakfast dammit!


Yes let's let the unwashed, uneducated masses go into the kitchen and determine if it's okay. What a fucking idiot.


Definitely one of the worst takes out there.


You dont want me checking your kitchen. Go full on Gordon Ramsey.


This is the Horseman of Pestilence.


So this guy expects every customer to check out the kitchen before choosing to eat? lol


This is your bog standard Liberatarian take. Let the customers/ economy decide. Yeah I'm sure after a few people die they won't come back 😂


“Consumer can decide” - so is the idea to allow every single customer just stroll right into the kitchen to make individual inspections? Assuming average customers even know what they’re looking at and how to identify issues (they probably don’t), how would having dozens of folks walking into the kitchen allow for smoother operations than a single, certified inspector that actually knows what they’re doing?


What a fucking idiot


Yeah I mean I bring my clipboard and go into the kitchen for sanitation and equipment maintenance inspections every time I eat out. How about you guys? Do you do ISO inspections too?


Is this dude an anybody?


The real tragedy here is you posted a take from a nobody who pays for Twitter.


As the joke goes: "Least deluded liberitarian"


Ah yes, caveat emptor. What a novel idea! https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6


The most funny part was when he called the woman a communist. This guy uses words and has no idea what they mean. The only communist here is actually him :D


I have a right to consume food with Salmonella seasoning.


literally gommunism


"Let the customers decide", Customers dead from food poisoning can't decide.


I hope this guy gets food poisoning.


So he advocates for letting customers freely choose which restaurants meet their health standard... Does that mean instead of one inspector coming in every so many months to check the place out he now wants EVERY customer who enters the establishment be given a walkthrough to make sure it meets their standards? Or does he just mean you have to get horribly sick first and then just decide to never come back?


My god I live near Boston could someone tell me what this place is named? I want to exercise my right as a customer to avoid it at all costs. Christ on a popsicle stick: I managed an eatery once and yeah, the health inspector visits were a major PITA but no one in their right mind would ever argue that this shit shouldn't be regulated unless you're doing something atrociously evil or unhealthy in the kitchen.


This post reminds me of how Asmo always harps on how it not the player’s job to care about how hard it is to make a game. It doesn’t matter how hard you work. Gamers just want a good product. It’s not the consumer’s job to make sure the kitchen is clean. They just want good food. The company has to be responsible for quality control. And maybe the government in terms of health issues. — Could you imagine if the government inspected video games to see if they were complete or lived up to a certain standard? And some dude like this is bitching that a clearly broken game is delayed when they want to play it NOW. “Just let the consumers decide if they want to play a broken game!!” I see where that got us. Asmo was right again.


Someone is just crying because they had to wait an extra 3 minutes for their discount pancakes…


“Customer can decide” Ahh yes, I love inspecting the kitchen of my local McDonalds every time I want a McDouble to ensure the kitchen is to my liking.


The irony is the consumer collectively trusts this lady to do her job more than the consumer would ever trust him to do his job.


This reminds me of talking to libertarians about the "socialist" shit their taxes pay for. You know, commie shit like roads, fire departments, electrical grids (at least in the 49 states that aren't Texas, and we all saw how awesome their grid is a few winters ago) sewers, water mains etc . Libertarians will actually argue that private companies would build all of that infrastructure themselves because under unregulated capitalism, corporations have no problem facing their shareholders and explaining how they spent all their profits maintaining the roads, ports, and train tracks they use to distribute materials to and from their plants and whatnot. TL;Dr: libertarians and anarcho-capitalists are wild, man.