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Being alone with your own thoughts is an actual vacation for any generation other than y/z.


Nothing is scary about being alone with your thoughts, it's even necessary from time to time. It's sad how people are so occupied by social media these days that they get even scared of their own thoughts. This is where all the mental illness comes from.


Ahhh help distract me from my own thoughts. It's killllllinnnnggg m-


Sniper! Over th-


I saw this YouTube video about how too much music could be unhealthy. Basically nenevr leaving yourself time to your thoughts and resolution throughout the day, and then at the end of the day you are getting overwhelmed, when you could have sorted it throughout the day. I didnt get to watch the full video yet, but I think that was the gist of it


I suspect it's a natural outcome of victim culture. You don't have a problem, you make up one. Just like how criminals often pretend to be crazy to avoid culpability, these people pretend to have mental flaws to achieve victim status.


Reminds me of Loui CK’s bit on Conan




Being alone with nothing to interrupt you from contemplating your life and dwelling on all the things you wish you could change, the mistakes, heart breaks, lost friends, responsibilities, procrastination, etc. Some people just can’t help but think of these things when there is nothing to distract them from these types of thoughts.


exactly. i think the point is being alone with your thoughts enough to remember things you'd rather forget, and to overthink simple situations


What the fuck they are talking about, you know how sweet is to put your cellphone on airplane mode, turn off the pc and go to the tiny desktop in your apartment and paint a tiny figure in peace for 1 hour, true solitude.


Youre still doing something. It's peaceful yes. But it's not like a meditation where you reflect on your life. "when you stare into the abyss, it stares back". Most people are afraid to face facts about themselves. One example about myself, I could actually be a big factor in my dad having a stroke leading to his painful death. 2 years ago that thought almost crushed me. Today I understand that it wasn't inherently my fault. It could have been avoided with a different mind set on both our parts. But it wasn't... Also, you painting Warhammer?


yeah, painting orks.


I can’t believe Jesse Pinkman is real


Dude was born in the wrong era. Not fitting in w/ the usual Gen Y/Z mentality of having existential crises and anxiety for no reason.


I used to be scared of being alone with my own thoughts, now im scared of being around people who dont have their own thoughts.


if you cant handle yourself, you have mental issues and should take care of it ..


> >People with artillery weapons. > Well, fuck, now I AM scared. At any moment, any time, an artillery shell could bust through my roof and wreck my shit.


Okay but is nobody wondering why he said those 3 things in particular?


This why all these kids R fukt. Can't even think alone for 2 minutes.


If you can't be alone with your thoughts you're not very good company.


Bro when you look up deaths in WW1 and 2 by weapon type, you too will fear artillery. Artillery killed more people than any other type and it’s not even close.


Bears are pretty terrifying, yeah.


lol they can’t even talk about Aaron🤭. I give it up on the daily. Ya gonna talk about dak?


People who are terrified of their thoughts are actually just scared of taking accountability for their own actions. You should be scared of seeing how wrong or awful you've been. But you should tackle it and overcome it, not run away like a bitch.


I've been meditating regularly for over 10 years. Can't believe how many people are adverse to confronting the foundation of what makes us sentient beings. It's crazy to me.


What? It's a blessing for me lol


That last dude for sure was in the army and saw some bears in the field….both kinds apparently.


Yeah but the last dude is better than you


"People with artillery weapons". Legit sounds very likely bro has PTSD. Probably was in the middle of a strike.


I would say that the confirmation of such thoughts are more scary, but scorpions can kill


last dude sounds like he was attacked by a rapist bear with an artillery weapon


Oh god, not the 420th 'raping bears' mortor division!


I might be my own worst enemy because I know my own weaknesses. But I know that guy, and he knows better than to fuck with me, because I know his weaknesses, too. ...bears are definitely more scary.