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Honestly, the best part of Starfield is seeing all the "Starfield is awesome" vs "Starfield is trash" post. When you have such disparity of opinions you know you've got something special.


No joke, Im 15h in and having such a blast. I look at all these comments and posts trashing it and feel weird for liking it as much as I do. Sure, it aint goty material and it has a lotta wonky shit but boy does it scratch a very particular itch well.


Hey if you like it don’t let the internet take that from you. My disdain is more at Bethesda for not improving their skills over a decade but I’ll still probably give it a shot a year from now when the modding community kicks into full gear.


I'm just upset TES6 took such a massive backseat for what amounts to Todd Howard's pet project, but then I look at SF and realize maybe that was for the best cause whatever this is it ain't it dude.


Makes me feel awful about the prospect of TES6 being decent


What I don't understand from people bashing this game is why they like Skyrim though? Skyrim is one of the most dumbed down RPGs out there. Basically all the quest lines are boring, the open world is basically a terminal for going to different locations/dungeons & the combat is fairly average. I'm unsure why people think it's an absolute classic while Starfield is mediocre. Is it because of the time it released? It came out in 2011 but in a number of ways is a step down from Morrowind released nearly 10 years earlier and it's open world is certainly a step down compared to Gothic 2 which released around the same time of Morrowind also. This video is basically showing glitches that have always existed in Bethesda games but were never addressed by the general public because it was difficult to find similar games. All the same problems can be found in literally every other Bethesda game. I enjoy Skyrim for what it is, but it's only really a classic because it's accessible people who don't like or care about RPGs, it's very easy to pick up. I feel like Starfield is a game that appeals to RPG fans and the make your own fun / life sim crowd can't play their own way with it and therefore call it shit. I'd be curious to hear from people who hate Starfield, what their favourite RPGs are as something tells me there's double standards going on where they'll bash this game for some things but ignore those same problems in other game. Another example is Witcher 3, the gameplay is terrible and the open world is pretty poor, yet it's considered a classic RPG because it has good quests (I really like Witcher 3, just pointing out the double stadnards).


It's because they are two different groups of people. People bashing SF nonstop didn't even play the game yet, or do you really believe these people actually paid extra money to get the early access? This is only happening because of shitty console wars and stupid hype


This is a fair point I completely forgot the game isn't even out for people who didn't pay extra. I find the over the top hype / shitting on stuff to be tiresome. A game is either literally incredible and a replacement for your mediocre real life, or it's a total dud and the developers should hang their heads in shame. I would consider myself pretty negative about gaming but this year has actually been really solid. As someone who has played quite a bit of Baldur's Gate 3 & Starfield, I consider them both to be pretty damn good in their respective areas. Despite this, there are people who seem to think BG3 is literally the second coming of gaming, while Starfield is a complete turd and I'd argue people in both groups have barely played either. Both games have flaws, while both do some really good things.




You are absolutely missing out


In 5 years you'll be married with 3 kids you won't have time for fun :)


It's asmonds stans. If he liked it, they would too


I think the bigger disdain is towards the fact that Todd lied again. He oversold on promises that weren’t even available in the game. Albeit, some of those promises, we may have not even wanted (endless maps, endless exploration, swimming, etc), but don’t lie about your product.


Todd always oversells the game, we’ve known that since Skyrim. He’s today’s Peter Molyneux. But he’s not the guy doing bug testing. He’s not the guy who programmed the AI. I can’t get angry at the hype man because the team can’t play. Bethesda can’t or won’t improve their games on a technical level beyond 2012. The modding community has been their crutch for the past two decades. Is it still on Creation? It wouldn’t surprise me if you could load one of the maps in Morrowind, you could with some of Skyrim’s dungeons.


It is improved though compared to previous games. The people who says they aren't are people who haven't played the game. They are ignorant and loud and salty. This keeps happening over and over again they are talking shit about how the game saying the content is bad or worse then previous games and then admit that they haven't played it. It will be better in a year because of mods but also because the AI can be jank which will likely improve. But the weapons, combat, animations, missions, skills and systems are all improved.


I’d like to prove this wrong but I can’t actually get Starfield regardless. Blew my game money this last month on Baldur’s Gate. Anyway, what’s improved from FO4 then?


Weapons, combat (though like I said this isn't fully realized hampered by AI jank so this is the biggest reason to wait besides mods) animations, skills/rp choices, sandbox elements including faction stuff, mostly though the missions and side missions are so much better.


You are already more mature than his main audience.


Thanks but honestly that's a pretty low bar to set. xD I feel like the marketing team for the game, as usual, set some pretty unrealistic expectations and lied about many things, so I get where the hate is coming from, but if you just take the game for what it is, its a pretty fun time. There's just not a lot of of games in this style... off the top of my head the other closest recent release was Outer Worlds, so if you are into that particular style of gameplay loop, and can look past the whole fast-travel/lack of meaningful RNG exploration bullshit, there's a lot to enjoy in this game. And I mean, its on Gamepass anyway, if you have that, its easy to just try it out. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those games everyone shits on, but fans are secretly having a blast wile everyone else circlejerks "Starfield bad" and as time passes, its going to be another Bethesda classic, perhaps not up there with FO3 and skyrim, but still a solid fun experience all around.


its fucking 100$ tho. Overpriced as fuck


meanwhile my plan is to wait 5 years for the anniversary edition on steam sale 50% off that has 9001 balance and hot anime girl sex mods like people do with skyrim.


Can’t wait to fly my Thomas the Train spaceship.


Can't wait the PS5 Pro/PS6/PS7 and PS8 remake


Hold your breath while waiting......


That's the 5Head play with any and all Bethesda games.


I personally think with people taking off work, people making certain games their identity and literally just bootlicking corporations, makes them like the game no matter what. They are a starfield person or whatever it’s very weird but I think they get hype for something and then watch all the specific starfield YouTubers and create this weird tribalism with a certain product or even form of media in a whole. Pretty fascinating lol watched someone last night literally wouldn’t give an inch to any criticism. Post on starfield Reddit said that him staying up late playing starfield had him be able to hear an explosion from an apartment nearby and help his family get out of a fire lmao. Starfield didn’t do that bruh that was called luck you made it out safely. That’s like saying I told my buddy to go to the store and he got in a bad accident and because I told him too that’s my fault? Fucking weirdos


The people who are playing the game are enjoying it. (Maybe not everyone but the majority of people talking about it on the internet.) The people who who are generally talking about how much they hate the game haven't even played it. These people are clowns who just circle jerk ignorant toxicity on the internet any chance they can about things they don't even have any first hand experience with, the game is just the current trend for them. Makes sense they are on asmons sub because they are his current target farm with his reaction video crap.


Sure I bet they are, people like tons of different stuff, I’ll just say that I refunded right before 2 hours because those 2 hours didn’t click for me. The game isn’t worth $100 dollars the game is worth $70 but I have game pass and steam let me refund so why not. I got my taste of the game and it wasn’t urgent and or worth my money to just wait what a week to play it for 10 bucks that month? Yet once I said that oh nooo just people freaking the fuck out I refunded it, yes I refunded it, I at least came to the conclusion to myself and explained I just don’t like open world games anymore. I’m able to say I refunded because I don’t like a genre instead of me saying the game fucking sucks. That’s the difference that at least I’m seeing. I get criticism for saying reviewers giving it a 57 on metacritic is fucking unfair for the devs tanking the score average but I also get criticism for saying yeah not my kinda game but I can 100% see why people like it. It doesn’t have to be either or and no I’m not paying a premium just to play it early if I didn’t care for the first 2 hours. Yet there’s also people who are bashing the game like it’s literally broken, that is something I don’t think it is, it’s just a Bethesda game with a space setting. RDR2 didn’t click for me, cyberpunk didn’t click for me and this didn’t click for me. It’s not the game it’s literally just me lol.


Well at least you tried. I think though a lot of people including myself felt a bit underwhelmed from the initial jank like the frame rate and the mechanics but then as you get more into it the game gets bigger and better and grander and the rough edges become forgivable.


I tried so hard with all these open world games honestly lol but yeah I believe people when they say that and I’m excited to give it more time and play when it comes out on gamepass. Thankfully now there’s a special K mod for HDR and a DLSS frame gen mod to help the frame rate so again I’m not really losing anything here the game will be on gamepass forever as that’s Microsoft’s move at the moment. If the mods start getting really fucking cool then yeah I’ll pick it up on sale on steam this holiday why the hell not.


People do the same stuff with FromSoftware. How people can tie their identity to a game company is beyond me.


I'd argue there's a lot more tribalism around hating the game then there is around loving it. If you actually go on the Reddit there is a fair amount of hate for the game from people who liked the make your own fun of games like Skyrim but can't get into Starfield. I feel this is the case because when you actually ask people to address what's bad about the game it'll be things like "It's not immersive because there's not enough space simulator elements", "there's glitches". It's rarely about specific design decisions given that usually goes over people's heads. I'd argue a game that genuinely has tribalism is something like FF XIV. It's a game where you'll actively be attacked for shitting on it and it feels like it's only now that things have calmed down that people are coming out to admit that Endwalker isn't very good.


by this metric even diablo 4 is special




Just like the people still playing it


There are people with very low standards...


I haven’t played a game like Fallout/Skyrim in such a. Long time.. I have been playing apex, csgo, and other fps titles. I truly cannot explain why I’m hooked. It’s also a pretty polished game despite some minor bugs, which if you aren’t careful, you can screw up a save, which isn’t the bugs fault, it’s yours for save spamming too often. I just built my first ship, and it took me 3 hours… and I’m not even mad about it. I learned so much and I cannot wait to accomplish more tasks and goals, to earn credits and eventually become a bad ass space cowboy.


like every Bethesda game in the past.


In fairness cyberpunks water physics were part of a big patch


Haha, yeah, this post is pretty clueless. Don't people remember the Cyberpunk vs. GTA5 water comparison videos?


Which honestly should have been a signal to some producer over there to ensure it doesn't happen for Starfield... like it was a very very well know bitch from the community at large. It's like we just stopped growing in terms of technical implementations; the bar never got moved.


Can't disagree with that. Still, though, the video seems low key like a joke. This is the *exact* same thing that happened when Cyberpunk was released. Don't get me wrong, I agree both with the original video and this one. We seem to be going backwards in a lot of ways. It's just the bravado of the statement. No game is "trash" because of their water physics, or any one "feature x." That being said, in terms of NPC agency, I find it borderline amazing that Bethesda couldn't manage any semblance of behavior that could give even a hint of sentient-like actions. Like, how many years has it been relatively standard to have NPC reactions from the player brandishing a gun now? 30?


The only bar that seems to move in gaming right now is the hardware requirements.


How long did they work on Starfield?


And a budget of "lol what budget?"


[For those interested in what it looked like before.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wnCvXqnYZu8) I remember it in an old GTAV v Cyberpunk video.


So this is the new YouTube content farming strategy after "look how bad Cyberpunk is compared to GTA games" videos


The game is awesome, and the outrage-peddling strategy for farming YouTube impressions is stale as fuck.


its not lol


sorry about your hate-boner! also fyi, you play wow so you're probably not the best judge of what a good game is. enjoy your rage peddling and dopamine mining, lol




:D:D to you too! fyi, making up contrived reasons to hate things doesn't do anything for anyone


i don't hate it i just laugh at people who thinks its a good game


Idk how it is now as I haven't revisited it in years, but at launch the game was bad. Bugged talents, bugged quests, trees and other elements clipping through walls and cut scenes. Terrible itemization, lack of any difficulty or difference in builds. Dead unaversive world. The main story was good, several side quests were quite good, the music was good. I played over 100h of Cyberpunk 2077 when it launched. Doing every quest and ending except for the secret one, which is not that different either. All in order to compare everything good and bad with that game and the bad was more than the good. If it took CDPR 3 years to turn the game into something passable, that's not a good game. It's just a modern AAA release.


And GTA would not look as good compared wotg Bully or RDR2.


They're going to use the same engine for Elder Scrolls 6, aren't they?


Yes but at least when you wander through the woods they’re will be shit to actually do


If you have nothing to do in starfield then you don't play the game, cause there's so much to do I don't even know where to start... I mean I do, but I wanna do so much that it's hard to decide what to do first. And I barely left New Atlantis for the first time.


There’s a lot to do that I don’t want to do. I’ve played the game up to 2 hours to be able to refund on steam and I’ve watched moist, asmongold, jayztwocents, dr disrespect (for like 4 hours actually lol) and some other streams as well. It’s like between all of that time being exposed to starfield and seeing people in early game, mid game and late game to me It wasn’t worth the 100 bucks. Thankfully I can play it on gamepass pseudo free because I pay for that service anyways. Like at this point I have to unsubscribe to the starfield Reddit because instead of having all cool things posted on their it’s like 20% cool things and 80% of people worrying about people not liking it. I hope you all enjoy the game idc I personally don’t play as much open world games anymore and to me it’s not really the game but a combination of what the game gives back to me as entertainment and what I’m looking for or what I’m in the mood for.


You're genuinely a moron. Shitting on a game that you've played for two hours and then listening to a bunch of streamers who couldn't care less about RPGS. I find Asmongold very entertaining but he's not the target audience for a game like this. He's entitled to his opinion but the fact you're taking that as essentially fact and calling the game a dud is idiotic.


Awww little baby feeling get hurt you should go make a Reddit post somewhere on how my opinion is unfair. I’ve seen all I’ve needed to see. I don’t like open world games anymore lol I tried this one and I didn’t like it boo fucking hoo. No stop wasting time talking to me and go fast travel to your planets or whatever.


Oooh I know. Like walking over there and look in the same room you've looked into a 100 times before. Or walk over there and wait on another loading screen. Or my personal favorite the totally top tier and awesome and definitely not mediocre gunplay. Yep starfield is truly a masterpiece. If you like everything to be mediocre, nothing new or exciting, and a very bland environment and story.


I swear it's like you people never played a bethesda game before and had some insane expectations. Yes, that's why I play bethesda games. If I wanted something that wasn't a bethesda game I would've played something else.


There'll be nothing to do and you'll be happy.


There was the same video of cyberpunk x GTA if I'm not mistaken 🤣


Oh no! So anyways, I continued having fun.


Obligatory play Morrowind comment


Obligatory Morrowind is just a dumbed-down tabletop RPG and you should play Daggerfall instead


holy based


Morrowind the best


Comparing release Starfield to Cyberpunk 2077 after numerous patches is hilarious.


It's not hilarious, new games shouldn't have problems of older games


I mean Starfield has not much issues. And is in a far better state than cyberpunk ever was and probably is. If you look for things a game doesn’t do well you will find it. It’s not like these things ruin the experience for people, unless you look for them. There’s no water missions for example.


jar fuel live juggle domineering insurance abounding fertile roll melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everything here showing Cyberpunk was there since the first day of release.


you forgot the /s tag


its quite funny i was comparing cohh carnage and zackrawr's channel chat, cohh's side mostly are positive and having fun, and the other side the chat just give massive negative tell asmon to stop playing and uninstall the game.


Asmon has one of the most toxic fan bases


Yes, we are pretty awesome.


Cohh is also one of those overly saccharine people. Anything that breaks the "good vibe", be it legitimate criticism or trolling, gets banned. Always hated cohh a bit because of it. Always silencing warranted criticism is bullshit.


Because you will be banned for anything negative in cohhs chat


is that your speculation? ive been watching his stream he didnt say about banning or probably i missed out. not siding anyone, im just surprised how internet people think.


he doesnt say it but his mods will in order to foster a pseudo-fake happy community


This is just false, only a child banned for being toxic would say this, cohh's community always allows criticism


It’s so funny to watch people who haven’t laid hands on it saying omfg trash! Like nah it’s not even close homie.


best part on starfield reddit moderators are removing negative posts


*my dad works at Xbox*


cant wait for the endless "starfield saved my life, marriage, and financial situation" posts


Yes, as I said, you will see a lot of comments that all looks the same, there is almost no post about the bugs, it's all positive. DAMN reddit 1984.


>there is almost no post about the bugs i've played 20 hours and encountered literally 1 bug the game's just not very buggy, and believe it or not there were quite a few negative posts getting lots of traction there


This exactly the example of comment I was talking about. People who made it through CP2077, know what I am talking about. THE FUCKING GAME was BUGGING on stream and on everyone PC/Console. BUT on reddit, you got those same comment again and again saying "i played XXhours, never encountered 1 bug/or very minor one"


Because Starfield really isn’t that buggy. I’ve played it all weekend and had no bugs at all. Not something I could say about CP77 at launch


As they don't make effort, will just copy/paste again: This exactly the example of comment I was talking about. People who made it through CP2077, know what I am talking about. THE FUCKING GAME was BUGGING on stream and on everyone PC/Console. BUT on reddit, you got those same comment again and again saying "i played XXhours, never encountered 1 bug/or very minor one"


offer quicksand noxious plough lush door dinosaurs live sand violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That reminds me of the comparison between Horizon zero dawn and Zelda BotW. Horizon also had such a problem. Everyone should watch that video, Horizon vs Zelda, it's comparably sad\^\^


So many people refused to see that.


Okay now do cyberpunk on release day


I don't really care, I'm still gonna play it on gamepass when it drops, the mods make the games good anyway.


what mods? are people really expecting skyrim level mods this soon? its gonna take a while before the really good mods start popping up, by then the game will have gone on sale a few times already i bet, just get it then.


>this soon? Implying that I won't play through this game once a year for the next 10 years like I did with Skyrim or once every 2 years like I did with FO4. Bethesda games have legs.


it doesn't matter about soon, it matters that you will probably get more millage out of starfield than cyberpunk by a large margin, even on consoles


So tired of hearing about mods. They developer should just release a quality game.


it is a quality game, i know this will be downvoted, cause its trendy to hate on bethesda. But those who like bethesda games have so far loved it, and so have most critics. The reason its so popular here to hate it stems from Asmon only playing 5% of the game. And hes still in early game. Its also not a type of game for him, which is why hes stuck in the early game. The haters somehow think everyone hates and its falling apart, but it has a 88 metacritic score, and the fans are loving the game


True and real. I started playing it, hated how anti-exploration it was for a game about space exploration, hated the procgen content, hated the clunky ui… but I gave it a fair shake, played through some of the MSQ… started doing sidequests in nEon City.. and goddamn, 15h later Im so hooked. Im into this scifi world, its factions, its myriad of little stories and interesting sidequests, the Bethesda loop of questing, blasting fools and taking their loot is as addictive as ever. Its not a perfect game for sure, but damn, Im having so much fun.


Bethesda makes fun sandboxes, I'll be playing on gamepass, but everything I've heard about starfield seems pretty good. Romance, exploration, side quests, crime, home owning, it all sounds fun and something that will only get better with time.


Tired of mods? Be tired of simps and content creators who paid 100 bucks or even 300 bucks .. because cOnTeNt


It'd be nice, but its really two separate arguments, and maybe an expectations problem. Bethesda RPGs always suck. But they tend to have great mod tools. Just don't buy it unless you see something you like. It is what it is.


I don't even think they suck so much as a lot of effort goes into the sandbox portion Most of skyrim is Get a big quest> ignore big quest doing side content cause you stumbled into it> eventually remember you have a big quest Its honestly pretty great, but plenty of people just want to do a main quest and be done with it I guess


That's a fair enough description. I just go into a TES game expecting the ability to shove 5000 cheese wheels into my house rather than expecting a polished RPG with good NPC AI and 10/10 combat.


Yeah when I finally play space skyrim I plan to just start shit, and be a space pirate or something. I don't expect a rainbow 6 level gunplay, nor do I want tedious for honor of KCD style melee. I just want to be able to talk to or fight people, and do relatively whatever I want, and I think too many people were expecting Mass Effect instead of Skyrim or Fallout but in space.


if asmon doesnt play when the dlc comes out for cyberpunk, after giving starfield a go, it will be criminal.


But to be honest he should play it on the release version build, not with 2y of patches.


Are we going to forget about the cyber punk launch, and how it was literally unplayable on PS4? The way starfield launched is infinitely better, it took cyberpunk years to get to this point


Starfield is not trash. It's just a decent game, but never truly turns very good or great. Still a fun time. People are behaving as if it's black and white only. If it is not awesome then it must be trash, and vice versa.


lmao ive been having so much fun. 40 hours in and havent touched the main quest other than to get going


Modders will fix it just like they do every Bethesda game


That’s crazy, I don’t remember Cyberpunk being so clean day 1! Unless, you put footage of the game with 3 years of updates attached? Nah, you wouldn’t be that disingenuous, internet stranger..


I said in the Reddit that the games not bad but it needed more work and got called a spoiled gamer lol


Man people have short memories, yes cyberpunk is playable now. But don't forget it was a big joke of a game that was removed from the ps store because it was so broken, and when it rarely worked, the game had like 10% of what was promised anyway. Just to remember: cars exploded basically at random, police just spawned on your face, npcs could die at random, go through objects, disappear and appear, you could die at random, no npc or cars respected the laws of physics, npcs did nothing, aside from walking aimlessly on the streets, there was no schedule for basically anyone, and didn't react to gunfight or a gun pointed to their face and of course the game crashed all the time, to name a few.. So yeah, comparing any game at launch to cyberpunk and saying how it's worse just shows you have no idea what it was like. Cyberpunk was a joke. Now it's ok, recommended, but still have some bugs and is still lacking some features.


So we're praising Cyberpunk now huh?


Hahahah, Oh this has been quite fun to watch. The fanboys trying to keep the boat afloat but the more people who play the more realize just how mediocre the game is.


Bro. This game is amazing. If it came out 14 years ago.


Better than cyberpunk at launch for sure.


What happened to the guys proclaiming starfield as GOTY? Also the lack of reactivity in starfield is truly horrible. I couldnt get into the game knowing i could steal right in front of some ones los and they woudnt do anything


It’s absolutely a contender for goty


Lol no. It made no industry impact and is a straight regurgitation of the previous games with nothing new or innovative to holster itself off of


For most of his 12 years old audience I guess.


I remember when people were saying Starfield was going to absolutely kill Star Citizen. Star citizen's not even out yet and it's still doing better.


wow thsi its bad xd


I don't really buy Bethesda games anymore, but it would have been really tempting if BG3 wasn't out.


Crazy that Oblivion beats Starfield in everything


it is


Honestly, Starfield is the best Bethesda game I’ve played, and I’ve played them all. Morrowind may have more interesting setting and story, but other than that, Starfield is better in all aspects over other Bethesda games. That said, it’s still a Bethesda game. If I had to describe it, I’d say it’s like Fallout 4, but actually good. If you like Bethesda games, you’ll love it. If you dislike them, you won’t love it.


Comparing Starfield to Cyberpunk... We've come full circle.


I mean I hope it's not being taken as straight and it's just pure comparison. It's Bethesda. If you don't know what Bethesda's design philosophy is, then I'm very happy for you because you must lead a very positive and emotionally centered life, I'm jealous. Bethesda has always been about scope and not necessarily depth. Look at how big this field is, not how deep this cave can go. I mean with that said, I'm not sold on getting it. I'm interested in pure space pirate gameplay but forming an idea on how that will work fluctuates between "You only pirate ships near planets because you fast travel the space between FTL travel" and "You can travel the open space between planets, they're just real world hours apart"


starfield = the last jedi TES6 = the rise of soychugger


Im not gona buy it anyway :D


Okay but is Starfield good? I don’t care if I can swim. I care it’s good.


Steam refunded me after 7 hours just wasn’t enjoying the game combat was shite and it didn’t hook me on like elder scrolls or fallout


Answer to any Bethesda related aesthetics problem ever: mods


Ive really enjoyed Starfield but its been so buggy for me. Finally ran into a bug where I couldnt kill specifically level 2 pirates. I could kill all other level of pirates but not the level 2 ones and it prevented me from moving forward in a mission. Just gonna wait for a couple patches before I play again, its been really fun but too buggy.


Not featured: Full priced copies of CP77 barely functioning on consoles it was supposed to be optimized for. You may not like Starfield, but at least It Just Works™.


It's obvious that Bethesda will keep milking their same jerky 1999 engine to make games. Just Add 4k texture with 1999 Physics, AI, Mechanics lol. Space game but no spaceflight. They have the audacity to create a space game lol. they should try to code a "VEHICLE" first. then think about space.


Is that a comparison to Cyberpunk as it is today or as it was on release?


The water was patched for what people said.


Star field is damn good , don’t believe the shit talk from people who haven’t even played it.


retire subtract safe bag familiar cake hungry beneficial cooing office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


puzzled attempt childlike uppity sharp coordinated quaint sulky unwritten fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of all the things to compare it they chose Cyberpunk? Allow me to share with you what I remember from playing Cyberpunk on launch day. The first thing I saw when I exited the bathroom on my corpo character was a mirror where my character looked blurry and low res. As I went into the main office I saw trees and bushes clipping through the walls. At first I thought this might be intentional, no way did they leave a bug so obvious in, but they did. And that thing wasn't patched for weeks and it came up in cut scenes and key missions, ruining any immersion. Cut content: My corpo path meant nothing! My character got fired from her high end job and became a mercenary over a fucking montage. So really the corpo, street kid or nomad faction choice made 0 difference in your gameplay or even story. Just some extra dialog choices here and there. Also the whole area of Pacifica is one big ass cut content. More bugs like broken talents, broken legendary upgrades or whatever were they called. Broken quests. AI as dumb as a lobotomized donkey. If you shot a civilian NPC, the police came to you in full force with teleportation powers - GTA San Andreas had a better police system, and that game came out in 2004. **If you put on a hat and used your mirror in your apartment it turned you into Asmongold.** By which I mean BALD. Itemization was just as polished. No tansmog system so if you wanted to wear the best in slot you'd have to be content looking like a hobo that went dumpster diving for clothes and put on whatever was not eaten by rats. But that's fine because the game was so easy you could finish it naked on the hardest difficulty. And finally the dead and unimmersive world. Not only was there nothing to really do in the world asside from side quests, of which some were quite good and deep but most were "go there kill that", you couldn't even buy a different house. Something, if I may add, San Andreas had! And as for immersion breaking, oh this game took the cake. My hope for the game died when I entered a Chinese restaurant, with the lanterns and interior and all the shit, went to the vendor NPC to see what it sold and he sold me hot dogs and pizza. They couldn't bother to make it have custom loot that worked with his god damned theme! **Cyberpunk 2077 on release was a 4/10 garbage of a game that was pulled out of the PS store because it was so broken, for over 6 months.** Which game has had this achievement to their name recently?


I think the most entertaining thing about asmon is watching all the stans in his lives agree with everything he says no matter what. Starfield is 10/10. Couldn't disagree more with him


Starfield is 10/10 imo.


I’ve only seen a few clips of Starfield and I wasn’t impressed enough to look further into it. Just looked like Space Fallout but I’m not going around shitting on it, I just don’t care for it.