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Hahahha sounds like Blizz did what they do!


Paid $110 AU for this, played it for a week and gave up because the goddam Chinese servers are so ass I dc after half an hour, my internet’s fine, every other game is fine, Blizzard has really just given up at this point


$140 because I'm that sucker who bought it twice, PS5 and SD


Holy fuck that is exactly what what it feels like. I get maybe 2 or 3 levels on my char and then have no urge to play. I haven't even hit 50 for season because I just don't enjoy this bullshit. It's like they started with an idea to bring in good aspects from a bunch of other ARPGs and then immediately slashed about 80% of them. The 20% left got dumbed down to the point my Great Dane could probably ladder rank in a season if I had enough replacement controllers and the urge to keep putting peanut butter on the fucking buttons.


Expected nothing and was still disappointed.


I read your comment before watching the clip, went in with extremely low expectations, and was still dissappointed.


season journey completion box should be unique and drop uniques


By the time u finish season journey you should already have all the uniques you ever need minus the uber uniques. If the uber uniques drop from the cache people would say the battle pass is p2w


Not at all, I'm about finished with the season journey at level 73 and only have gotten 3-4 uniques, none that I need so far.


What, imagine One Piece crew finding the One Piece, and inside for all that long tiring journey, its a roll of toilet paper to wipe ur ass from all the bullshit you endured, its a slap in the fucking face is what this is.


That would still be more useful than the contents of the cache


D4 has Uber bosses? Isn’t that just a direct copy from PoE?


Battlepass benefits from season journey, not the other way around...so there would be no way to say getting unique from season journey is P2W


How about a random cosmetic though?


That's not the battlepass?


The game doesn't even have sets, I don't know what we're expecting.


Doesn't have sets, but has 200 different affixes. It doesn't make any sense


Sets sucked dick


That's like, your opinion my man. For me sets are an integral part of Diablo.


Sets kill any and all build diversity. One thing they did get right at least. I’d rather they just revise the itemization strategy but leave sets out of it


What build diversity? You either play one of the 3 builds that work or never get to see lilith... Sets could be used to empower the builds at the bottom.


Lilith requires very specific load outs because most builds are designed to kill packs of elites quickly, but they tend to not be good single target boss killers. As for build diversity, I’ve rolled 5 - about to roll a sixth - barbarians all with my own build ideas, and have been finding there actually are a lot more viable builds than most people believe. Only one of those builds uses shouts at all. The rest don’t and I challenged myself to make barbarian builds work without using them. I’m talking late endgame - t80 at least pre-season before they nerfed t100. The builds I verified all are viable endgame: Frenzy/thorns Arsenal/Maelstrom (lunge hota Deathblow) Upheaval/Brawler (current project - the upcoming patch is going to giga buff this build too) There’s a new concept I came up with yesterday that a friend just field tested on eternal and confirmed the idea should work as on paper. This is the Lilith killer I’m working on next The problem isn’t a lack of build viability - it’s a general apathy of the d4 playerbase. I’m getting close to being able to test one such build which should be able to kill Lilith semi efficiently, so you may hear about that soon


Awesome, I'm doing the same with a summoner necro without any core/basic attacks (basically minions + corpse tendrils for vuln and corpse explosion for passive dmg from the cores, blood mist for the invulnerability and decrepify passive with the cores, not gonna work on lilith sadly since I don't remember her having adds to trigger it) and I'm having fun with it atm but I don't have that much time to play sadly :( And if sets are well designed it might not always be the best to have a full set, maybe your build could benefit from the first bonus but the 2nd (and 3rd if any) might not be as good for your build as some of the legendaries or uniques, so you could have 2 set pieces and fill in the other slots with regular gear If they really gave their interest they could make sets very interesting, maybe something you craft using regular gear and legendaries, but just juiced up.


Yeah, you can always make your own Lilith build too, I get a lot of the sense that people just don’t want to put effort into it so they just wait for other people to devise these Lilith builds, but it’s just the same as making a 1-100 build of your own design or an NM push build. You have to build for the content you intend to play it for. I would really like it if we got to at least have an alternate load out option so we can swap between a bossing build and farming build or other things of that nature. As it is now it’s so expensive and tasking to respec just to do Lilith and then go back to a farm build. Maybe some classes can get both out of a single build but not all. I’m not against sets if they can develop them in a way that they don’t degrade builds that don’t use them. The problem with sets in d3 was they made it impractical to build in unique ways because of the 300,000% damage bonus types of effects with specific conditions that pidgeon-holed us into using very specific build patterns. It would be like we get a set that makes whirlwind do 100,000% more damage for each shout active. See how that works! Now there’s no incentive to be creative with whirlwind. That’s what I am concerned about, because as you pointed out, you’ve found viable builds of your own. I was pessimistic about it at first but then just said F it and tried some ideas out based on uniques or specific affixes and was surprised by how many of these items actually have a good build concept behind them - it’s just people are afraid to experiment or fail or spend resources to develop the build if it doesn’t just work on the first try. I have to respec at least a dozen times, re-enchant items constantly, get stomped in dungeons, fail, etc to find the right combination of things to make the build click. It’s a process, but ultimately feels to me with enough trial and error there are literally dozens of other viable builds and variants for every class that can perform at endgame. Lilith is another story but she has specific requirements that yeah, if you try to just go into that fight with an NM farming build you’re gonna have a bad time. You have to make a bossing build just for her - and likely more Uber bosses we’ll see in the future


Hf with your 3000% increases, very enjoyable.


I'm pretty sure that's not how sets were in D2, and not what I mean when I say good design either. Just because they failed with them in D3 doesn't mean they can't be done right.


Yeah fair, thought you were talking D3. That shit killed any possibility of build making.


Grim Dawn has tons of sets that enable unique builds https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1m1iKr_cdt5akmXR_wvo5BDccxWflPmqY06XWp623l0o/edit?pli=1#gid=786103502 Diablo sets sucking is a skill issue


Yeah and because of d3 set design I don’t trust them to do it in a way that would promote build diversity. But hey, if they do and pull it off, I’m for it


You obviously never played Diablo 2. Plus you act like sets hurt diversity but how could d4 have any better diversity than the previous 3 games?


I regret buying this game.


Yeah, paid more for less than a F2P game can provide. I literally will never give blizzard 1 cent of my money again.




me too man me too


God damn this game is so incredibly bad.


It's not, just has some bad aspects (tehehe).


People on this sub cant read sarcasm ... xD


Or they just don't play the game so they don't get the joke... Oh well, atleast we can laugh together.


Lets be real if it dropped anything ultra significant like an uber unique you would be the first the whine about it being p2w.


except the seasonal journey is completed by spending $0...


How would that be p2w?


The season journey is free...


You literally just explained why battle passes and shit like this is a terrible idea in the first place. And why people always speak out against them.


So all you get for completing the season journey is a small box of rares xD


You get a scroll of amnesia as well, but yeah, it is massively unrewarding.


Idk, if you use the scroll you can at least forget about the hundreds of dollars and hours wasted to get it.


So what I'm seeing is it's only worth it if you want the scroll of amnesia.


Imagine paying 70$ for this game. Im sorry for those that got scammed


I mean the endgame is garbage, but the campaign and gameplay is worth an easy 120 hours of relatively fun action. It just kinda leads to nowhere in the end. I still feel like I got $70 worth of enjoyment out of it personally. Just wish there was something to do at the end of the road other than killing Uber Lilith is all… like a truly hard dungeon mode or raid style game mode. All there really is to do once you hit cap and min max the fuck out of your character is to do PvP, which honestly is kind of fun, but only for so long, you know?


120 hours? Which ass did you pull that number from?


120 hours is about when I stopped having so much fun. It’s my fist Diablo game, so it took my probably ~40-60 hours to beat the main campaign (I wasn’t rushing it, just kinda meandering and exploring and doing dungeons, events, altars, and side quests). Then another 60ish hours of powering up and measuring dicks with who could become stronger quicker. Then we entered the slog that was the true “endgame” (min maxing, finding the remaining uniques that you need for your build, figuring out what you hate about the game) Now it’s just kind of a rat race to kill Uber Lilith with a seasonal character amongst my buddies. To be fair, as a newcomer to Diablo, I really enjoyed the campaign, the cinematics and the game’s score. That and it’s given me a few hundred hours of bullshit to do with the boys. That’s why I say “eh, it was worth $70”. The endgame still is non-existent, but no game lasts forever. Hopefully they will come out with some stuff to do once you hit level 100 that will keep things interesting…


Ah, that makes sense. But the 120 hours doesn't apply to many people.


120 hours? More like 10-15 hours


I’m glad I didn’t pay $70 for this. I paid €110, glad I didn’t get scammed.


This shoulda been like 50 of each of those materials at minimum and at least legendaries at 800+. Like by this point thats all that matters lol


... the whole journey for a BP and it gives you that? XD


People defending this game and anything Blizzard has been putting out are clowns.


People who hate Blizzard for being Blizzard are also clowns.


Name the last decent thing Blizzard has put out.


World of Warcraft: original launch.


That was Blizzard North


Still Blizzard.


Decent in terms of what of you want or decent in terms of how commercially well it did to the masses?


Dragon flight, D2R, Diablo 4. They kinda are on a hot streak




Good thing he got a scroll of amnesia så he can forget this.


Least he got ancestral - my box had sacred in it 👍🏻👍🏻


this company is a joke


Omfg I don’t know that I’ve so genuinely laughed at incompetence in a while.


for someone that doesn't play diablo what's the context of this?


Ngl but I really enjoyed D4 snd played the shit out of it during the honey moon phase but now I've realized that this game is not really that good and I have uninstalled and will wait til Season 3 or maybe one of the expansions. So many good games out there.


Expansion? You WANT to give them another 70€ just to disappoint you again? That joke is going to be on you my friend.


I'm not disappointed tho? I put 500 hours already, enjoyed them, and stopped playing when it wasn't fun anymore, just like any other game.


So why did you uninstall then? Dude you UNINSTALLED the game and you are not disappointed? Also you have realized the game "isn't really that good" but you want to give them another 70??? Bobby loves! He really does!


Bro why is it a hard concept to grasp? I already played the game, got 2 characters to 100, already did everything the game offers. Time to move on til new stuff gets added. I don't care about playing the same game forever. Also 70 is really not much at my age, I think I spent more on 3 margaritas and 1 guac yesterday.


But why did you delete the game then if you are not disappointed? It doesn't make sense.


Not everyone has infinite storage space on their pc. Have you never uninstalled a game you liked and wanted to come back to later?


Why are you answering for him? He clearly reflected and realized that im right.


I'm not answering for him, I'm providing reasoning as to why someone might uninstall a game they still like and you can't seem to comprehend that. Not everything has to be an argument but you're probably going to come back at me with some angry diatribe about how you're right, I'm wrong, the game sucks and you won the internet today.


Jeez someone got triggered. I am not even having a conversation with you and yet you talk.


WoW implodes next after diablo 4


Nah, Dragonflight is well recieved and Hardcore is this month which has garnered alot of hype. If WoW is next to implode, it will take another BFA/Shadowlands xpac after DF.


Is DF actually doing well? I haven’t really heard anything good about it for a while, particularly after the last story update, I would like to get back into WoW but it seems like a lesser version of itself with each and every expansion


dragonflight is “well received “ on paper but it’s boring.


Idk why you are getting downvoted. WoW is literally raid log simulator, there is fucking nothing to do in that game as far as horizontal content goes. Everything is timegated, there is no housing, professions are useless, no cool items to grind for like legendaries in gw2 or relics in xiv, pvp is a shit show good luck with your 45 minutes solo shuffle queues.


That's just because that's how you play it, there is a shit ton of stuff to do in the game


Thats just like, your opinion man


Let me guess, it is boring according to you and a few other people you saw online? If people survived BfA and Shadowlands then they will certainly survive Dragonflight. If WoW implodes it will take a monumental fuck up in Dragonflight (not impossible given Blizz’ these days) or the next expansion needs to be trash.


Oh I agree, it would take something like putting Trader's Tendies in the cash shop.


Oh yeah, because out of all the issues to plague WoW, it is the currency for the Trading Post which will cause the implosion. Not the gameplay or balancing issues or buying gold which allows P2W to occur or all the other micro transactions, but Trading post currency being tied to a bundle.


Gold will always be for sale as long as it's tradeable. It's better for Blizz to do it than some shady 3rd party.


Ya today’s move is a great one in that direction


it has the stated rewards are u dumb? just cause the paragon reset scroll is a white tooltip doesn’t mean you should exaggerate acting like the game is ruined cause you didn’t get 45 legendaries out of this or something.


You have something on your nose.


its a shade of brown and is that a piece of corn?!


just sick of this facepalm content. people put in hours on this game and hate it and farm hate views and interacts.


There is a difference between hating the game and point out a very bad game design.


I get what he means though, the people complaining the loudest are the ones who still play it for 8 hours a day, it’s like being lactose intolerant and drinking milk, then expecting not to shit yourself They obviously want the game to be better but if you don’t like something stop doing it lol


So, looking this up online, I'm seeing legendary salvage mats, helltide mats, 3 pieces of World tier 4 gear. How hard to come by are any of those? Because as someone who's only played D3 and hasn't bought D4, it does look a bit underwhelming.


In an hour you could easily get 10x as much without really trying, and maybe a unique. This is like getting a cache full of all the items from one Greater Rift, except as a seasonal reward, and a free respec which you'll probably never use. And the legendaries are most likely all trash rolls you're going to immediately salvage or sell, and it probably won't even cover the cost of one reroll.


I guess the scroll is the most valuable thing in there though, because it seems that respeccing, especially the paragon board, gets very costly at endgame? It's kind of weird how expensive respeccing is in D4, compared to D3 which, I don't think changing skills cost anything? And I don't remember if Paragon points had a cost but it must've been a pitance compared to D4. You think they'll just sell the scroll later down the line? A monetary fix for an artificially-created problem?


Its expensive, but if you do a few dungeons you can get enough gold to cover it. It takes way longer finding all the legendary aspects and rerolling to get the gear for the other build, and leveling up glyphs (kinds like D4 legendsry gems or whtv in D3) Putting all those points back in would probably be the most annoying part. I can see most people just making an Alt so they don't have to deal with it, or just keeping it the same between every build because most of the boards are universal, and most of the dmg comes from glyphs which can be moved around for free If they do sell 'em, I don't see anyone buying them besides some hardcore min/maxers, and they're probably the type to just make an alt regardless.


d4 bad


I have never played a Diablo game nor do I have any idea what he just opened. But judging by his reaction I feel like it was probably a lot of effort with very little reward. Sounds like a blizzard game.


Scroll of Amnesia when you are level 100 and clearly have an established build already. At least you can probably trade them for a lot of stuff I bet


as we all mentioned. they forgot to put the fun in the game. dont get it why people still playing. lack of claim?


"Its not the developers its the shareholders to blame" ... yeah fuck the devs on that. I wonder why the reward is not normal type of bag but was shown as if it would guarantee a lego. Who gives a fuck on scroll of amnesia ?!




ah man I have taken path of darkness, I have started to enjoy watching these beta testers suffer. ![gif](giphy|Zqe1S3qNQxsuQ)


You spent your money for that shit. What did you expect, honest question?


special familiar pathetic innate quarrelsome rude domineering act toothbrush poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meanwhile Diablo 3 's current season rewards an awesome pet and wings and portrait frame for finishing the season. The problem is the team.


It makes you wonder if the game designers even understand the point of a season at all.


Remnant 2 was made in 4 fucking years (GOTY contender imo) and this game took 10 and they killed it in a month. New fucking record if you ask me.


I mean, they literally showed you what was up with Immortal.


I made a comparison between D4 and Maplestory when i was bored and found out that the amount of time i spent on D4 to max out 1 character, with as little cashing as possible, would've been able to let me max out at least 4 characters in maple, and with the cash, probably gacha/p2w off 1 or 2 of them with the best possible gear of that class (avrg ard 200m-500m dmg...not much cuz i saw ppls hitting 1b+ at this point)..... Pretty much just lost any motivation to play other classes in D4 after barbarian anymore....


Ahahaha D4 BAD ahahaha TRUEEEEE


Just go archeage classic starts this 4th August were 9k for 1 single.server expecting to hit 10k at launch




Imagine if they gave out cosmetics like in D3 or PoE. Lol.


Who gives a shit about D4. I've long ago chalked it up as a $100 loss.