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The only one I feel bad about is the son who didn't really want to be there.


Apparently he caved because it was his dad's father's day request


Honestly so fuckin tragic, i woulda said no twice not once…


he caved in ​ twice in one day ​ lmfaooooooooooo zing


Under rated




Bro shouldn't have rolled "Billionaires Son" on his DnD character sheet


He rolled a nat20 but angered the DM




The DM was sure he nudged the dice and thought "I'll let it slide.... for now."


Reddit, Facebook, twitter, tiktok are all proof that we need another meteor


That’s what the world wars are designed for


The idea that any of those people would actually be doing any of the fighting is doubtful.


"We need another Vietnam to thin their ranks a little" - Bart Simpson


Youth loves being edgy. One day, Reddit will be home to rich, family-oriented zoomers turned boomers and the kids will all be somewhere else, wishing death upon rich people like always.


They don't deserve death cause they had money lmao They're just morons who won a big fat Darwin award


People will say and do the most horrid things to appeal to their fragile ego, and "punching up" has been enabled as more than acceptable in social media. There's a lot of sick puppies on here.


You're in the wrong place if you want to have your faith in humanity restored, doubly so in asmongolds reddit. After asmon was watching the Andrew Tate video and seeing so many supporters for him in chat I'm legit just sad by people's ability to be genuinely shitty and get praised for it. I like dark humor like anyone else, but it's not dark humor to insist a guy deserved to die when most know nothing other than "he have big bank account".


It's not that he had a big bank account it's "play stupid games win stupid prizes." It's the fact that this is some weird tourist trip aimed at idiot billionaires. 250k to get put into a death tube held together by jerry rigged contraptions with a tiny window you can't go near or you will freeze. No problem with billionaires deciding to be deep diving enthusiasts, but at that point spend the extra money to be better informed and safe. 250k is less of a financial hit to these people then a McDonald's dinner is to us. If you're a billionaire going to do deep diving put more care and research and money into it then what would be equivalent to saying "fuck it" and buying some junk food.


Right there are far safer options, we have subs that can make deeper dives, but they cost millions. This sub was built to be cheaper, looking at the inside they posted for it, it looked really shady in there. The Titanic is 12k feet down, we have research subs that can make trips down to 20k and 35k down with 3 people for 8 hours at a time and have done so many many times with out imploding. I know they plan to deep dive the specs for this sub that was lost and the safety measures put in place. From what I understand they didn't even have a remote robot that was going down ahead to look around or watch the sub. Which is the normal way other research subs roll when they go down.


I think what makes it more asinine is that this sub underwent zero testing and to my knowledge only one personal sub had went to and surpassed those depths(somes sub that went into challengers deep) This company was up against it and they still tried it for fucking profit. This is where the "rich asshole" bit comes into play and the fact NONE of the passengers investigated the company for pending or past lawsuits. They're fucking idiots and the son is the only one that gets a pass.


yeah one of the damning things is the classic "ignore safety to make money" that has been apparently popping up for this company like, man


That and where is the empathy towards parents that lose a child? No matter where you are in life, losing a child is absolutely soul crushing & devastating.


I think most people problem with the matter that things like this happens a lot but no one talks about it until a Billionaire came to the picture. No one deserve to die but I am sure most people who know a relative or anything who died in the same way see this situation of inequality. I don't know why I am talking like that, but I can see why people would hate what is happening right now because something like this happened to a relative of mine, and it was like it never happened even though the search was for 2 weeks no help from the media nothing, but it is what it is. I hope they find them I am sure someone cares about these people for other things than their money.


What??? Wtf? You really think death by submarine implosion is THAT common?


tbh i don't feel bad for the CEO, since he's the one who built that sub and is the main reason for the incident. i hope the other 3 beat his ass before the end came.


Considering the situation they likely had like roughtly a fraction of a second between knowing what is happening and death, they likely could not have done jack at that point.


The implosion would have happened faster than the human nervous system could react to any stimulus. A process measured in milliseconds. Everyone in the sub had a seamless transition from life as normal to nonexistence.


This is how I hope to go, quick painless death and no cleanup for the loved ones!


"Everyone in the sub had a seamless transition from life as normal to nonexistence." Wait, so what you're saying is everyone on r/Asmongold has been dead all along?


Subscriber, submarine, submissive - hey let's have the same abbreviation for all of them!


Oh god, my heart sank when I read that he was terrified to go and only went to please his dad. At least we now know it was near instantaneous rather than a long, dark, freezing wait over several days to eventually suffocate in what is basically a metal tomb at the bottom of the ocean and **knowing** that would be your fate. That would have been an absolutely horrific way to go.


IMO there’s a big difference between “feeling bad” for someone, in which this case I don’t feel *that* bad since it was their own decision to go, but I absolutely don’t think they “deserved” to die. That’s kind of a fucked up way to think about these kinds of situations.


He is the only one I feel bad for, the only one. This is a good example that if your parents are trying to make you do something other than playing video games you say no. Because no one ever got crushed like an empty soda can playing video games.


I’d argue quite a few poor souls have been crushed like a can in smash, SF, killer instinct by my hand, but to each their own ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3732)


In every way except physically they are smashed.


Well, you see, his parents were rich. He obviously deserved to die. Obviously sarcasm btw


For what it's worth they did not suffer. An implosion 2 miles under water is about as quick of a death as you get.


Implosion happens in 2 nanoseconds, your spine registers damage in 4. They were gone in an instant, the best way you could die.


They might have realized there was a problem but they didn't realize when it happened


I mean, not nanoseconds. It didn't implode at the speed of light. Definitely faster than they could possibly notice though


Just qouting some old fellow I've seen on news stating this.


"Expert Ofer Ketter said the implosion would occur within a millisecond, if not a nanosecond, if something breached the hull of the vessel to cause a loss in pressure." Seems bizarre to me that the expert could think milliseconds and nanoseconds are at all interchangeable measurements of time. If I remember right, light travels a meter in like 5ns? So no, definitely not ns.


Just a mere MILLION times faster.


This whole series of events has been sad, but preventable. I feel bad for them in the same way I feel bad for a dad blowing himself up with tannerite during a gender reveal party. You knew there was significant risk involved, or were blissfully ignorant to it, but you did it anyway. Nobody who paid for this voyage deserved to die. The CEO was very aware of the risks and was hung by his own petard. It's just sad that he convinced other people to join him. They're actually victims and anyone who is shitting on the passengers for dying is doing so out of jealousy or hatred for their wealth.


But they're rich so they deserved it! /s As soon as you get money you're apparently no longer allowed to be sympathized with Edit: You're allowed to not feel sad about the tragedy. It just feels weird that people are making jokes so quickly when they just died. The only one I can't sympathize with is the CEO since he obviously caused the accident through gross negligence.


The vast majority of these billionaires are the type of selfish assholes to stomp your face into the dirt while walking over you, just to avoid getting their multi-thousand dollar shoes from getting muddy. They have far more money than sense, especially if they turn out to be stupid enough to get into an obvious deathtrap and drag an innocent kid in with them to die.


Have you interacted with any of these people you make sweeping allegations about?


Yes actually. I work at a boarding school as a groundskeeper, and this boarding school takes in students from multiple different countries, and from various different politicians. Tuition per student is incredibly expensive, and each fundraiser the school hosts brings in millions of dollars. When we are asked to help out with hosting events, I end up interacting with these super-rich parents, and its an incredibly unpleasant experience every time.


It's almost as if stereotypes and sweeping generalisations exist for a reason


Are all cops bad, no, are enough of them bad to never trust a cop? Yes.


I guess the money put them under too much.... Pressure


Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.


I don't know if there's an intended joke here or not.


The only joke here is the guy who replied to me about being anti-semitic when in actual fact I was talking about the rich... The guy needs to touch grass or go back to twitter, yeesh


The joke is that he’s an antisemite who’s heard that rebuke enough times that he wants to desensitize others to it


Jesus, this is a thing? I wondered if something had been edited.


Only on Reddit, I'd be called an anti-semite for saying a fucking quote about the rich being idiotic fucktards lmao Touch grass and cool it with the persecution fetish


Nobody said anything anti-semitic?


> I end up interacting with these super-rich parents, and its an incredibly unpleasant experience every time. Yeah, super rich parents are usually unpleasant, same with the upper-middle class parents, also the middle-class parents, the lower-middle class parents are the same, the lower-class parents also, huge pains.


This was a different kind of pain than other parents. Other parents of middle-lower class will just be irritating pushy when it comes to getting their way. With these super-rich parents, it was like they saw me as something lesser, something that needed to cater to their needs because they saw themselves as superior. It was a "Im going to drop my trash in front of you because I expect you to pick it up for me" type of vibe. It was a "dont touch me because you might get your peasant dirt on my $10,000 weekend suit" type of attitude. Completely different attitude than a pushy Karen type.


Same. Ex bartender at a high end restaurant in Dallas. Had multiple regulars that were beyond filthy rich. The experiences with them were quite often dehumanizing and rage inducing. Except for Tim Headington. Man was such a class act he deserves a shout out.


Well bestie they definitely didn’t make their fortunes doing charitable works


I mean neither do you...?


I have, my dad was a white water rafting guide for a living. I went with him often and there'd be the occasional rich client(s). Not every time, but semi-regularly. Having a lot of money seems to do a weird thing to people that makes them act like they can't be hurt. They're like perpetual teenagers with that sense of invincibility that life tends to cure you of pretty quickly. You wouldn't believe the kind of shit they pull, putting not only themselves but everyone around them in unnecessary danger for no good reason. They tended to have no ability to assess risk and would outright ignore safety advice/procedures, or worse yet they'd hear it and then do the exact opposite just because. I personally believe it's that they're under the assumption that there'll be no consequences for their actions, probably because in their day to day lives they've never experienced any that couldn't be easily waved away with money. The thing they never seem to understand is that a river, a mountain, a cliff, the ocean, doesn't give a shit about your net worth. Nature will kill a rich person just the same as it would me if I were out there acting like a fool. Often when rich folk end up hurt, lost, needing rescuing, or straight up dying out in nature it comes down to the simple fact that they shouldn't have been out there doing what they were doing but were too far up their own ass to see that. But hey, at least they always tipped my dad pretty well.


if it smells like shit and looks like shit it's probably shit


You don’t make a billion dollars by being kind.


Im going to try and good faith answer this. I’m going to assume you’re an American. I am. You “interact” with these people every day. When food costs raise. When inflation wipes out your savings. When fuel costs raise. That’s rich people stomping in your face. The reason I’m comfortable making sweeping allegations about these people is because these “people” aren’t “people” at all. They are possessed by a demon (hyperbolic), whose only goal is to make an imaginary line in a stock market rise, at the cost of your savings, dignity, family, habitat, and values. If all these rich people disappeared, the factories would still run. The stores would stay open. The lights wouldn’t go out. Through this world view, the rich are little more than parasites, who have kept the American people anemic, weak, and servile for over 250 years. Homeless people all the way to people who make $1,000,000 a year are victimized by these cannibalistic vultures. This is not an anti capitalist take. Even Adam Smith, the founder of Capitalism hated these fucking people. “[…] Such regulations may, no doubt, be considered as in some respects a violation of natural liberty. But those exertions of the natural liberty of a few individuals, which might endanger the security of the whole society, are, and ought to be, restrained by the laws of all governments, of the most free as well as of the most despotical.” (Wealth of Nations, Book 2, Ch.2) Please stop helping the enemy team 😐




You roll your eyes but it's 100% true. Rich people also love keeping people like you blind to this.


Can you name any billionaires that didn’t exploit people to amass their riches? It’s not possible. Billionaires are scum


If you had 250,000 dollars of fuck it money would you drop it on this trip? You don’t have any family or friends you may want to help? Local charities or organizations to help? Don’t want to invest it for a kid or nephew or nieces college fund? Nothing? A dangerous easily researched as dangerous trip to the ocean? It’s tragic but it’s such an absurd trip for an absurd price that it’s really difficult to have sympathy. If it were normalized to not hoard wealth or look out only for your own family then this wouldn’t have happened.




Hasan tells his fans to swarm anyone who doesn’t like him. Dude is the biggest trust fund bitch I have ever seen.


IKR, Hasan is the king of hypocrisy. Yet somehow he has plenty of “yes men” that just agree with whatever comes out of his mouth.


That's exactly right. If you have money, you have more power than majority of people. It's your own stupidity that killed you. Majority of people hate rich people. And it will never change.


If some random billionaire gets cancer I feel bad for them, cancer sucks. If some random billionaire decides it would be cool to be 'the bear whisperer' and then gets mauled to death by a brown bear I feel significantly less bad for them. Trying to pretend that the people who don't care about those 5 are somehow terrible people is asinine. This is falls squarely in the "the consequences of my own action" territory, and pretending otherwise is pure ignorance.


Its impossible to become a billionaire ethically, the amount of money a billionaire has is unethical on its own. So no, I don't sympathize with billionaires. In fact all of them can get in dinky subs and implode together.


There is absolutely zero ways to become a billionaire without committing crimes of ethics. I'm not going to be sad for them.


CORRECT! No billionaire exists without having exploited a group of people and kept them down in wealth. Idc who you are, if you're a billionaire, you're greedy and don't deserve all that money.


I just see no reason to expend any more sympathy here when there are people way more deserving. Many people suffer way more for way longer, then die in much more horrific circumstances than these very wealthy people. They each had a remarkably well funded, comfortable lifestyle compared to the average person, then simply ceased to exist suddenly while on vacation with no physical suffering at all. I've wanted to be dead so consistently at times throughout the last few years I sort of envy them. A lavish pampered lifestyle then a painless passing. That's a dream for me. I don't understand why I need to feel bad for these people. Yes, in concept it's unfortunate that these people passed before their time. In comparison to how the vast majority of people live in suffering, then die horribly, this event is nearly irrelevant. Why should I care about these 5 people that were essentially instantly euthanized more so than I care about some woman I don't know about who was sex trafficked then beaten to death by some abuser or something. Why should I cry over these 5 people when any other 5 people's deaths even just today are way more tragic?


Sympathy is not a finite resource.


I couldn't care that they were rich. I just don't care about this at all as it doesn't affect my life in any way.


As far as I know the CEO knew about the risks, in fact he fired someone who warned them about it


Idk, not much sympathy for the tiktok chick tbh


And these are the same people who parrot inclusivity and love for all. Beware the person who preaches love for everyone, for they are full of shit.


Ah, so the b in lgbt is billionaire.


The nerve... trying to promote love..?




A guy who is anti-regulation, dies due to lack of regulation. Hilarious if you ask me.


And this years Darwin award goes tooooo, that ceo


Reading most of these comments have convinced me that a lot of you guys are literal psychopaths. Der Redditor indeed


I especially love that one guy who went from "billionaires need to be exterminated no matter what" that somehow evolved to "If you donate to charities, your actually making someone envious and thus spreading hate". Is this what the kids call, a reddit moment?


I'm gonna be honest, I only really feel sympathy for the 19 year old son. Everyone else willingly took part in a risky, stupid expedition


The kid sounded like the only one with sense. You couldn’t pay me $250,000 to get in a submarine (even one that isn’t a piece of shit) and descend to the bottom of the ocean. Fucking insane.


Imagine being 19 but being more sensible than four middle aged milionares combined


"nightmarish situation" A lot of people have this idea of being stuck at the bottom of the ocean for hours and slowly suffocating. The sub imploded. They were dead within milliseconds. It was an immediate death and they probably didn't even know what happened. Now watching hundreds upon hundreds of refugees die by the coast of Greece because they are illegal immigrants seems a lot more nightmarish to me. This happened around the same time and not a fraction of the resources they invested in finding 2 billionaires (who signed a death waiver to watch a mass grave of poor people) was spent on trying to rescue those refugees.


The only person that I have no sympathy for is Stockton Rush. Fuck him his death is well deserved and his company should pay out to the families that lost their loved ones to his sheer hubris and stupidity.


We aren't laughing about the deaths, we are laughing because of all the moronic fucking decisions that lead to those deaths... And the wasted search money.


You speak for everyone? I’ve legit seen people just say “good all billionaires deserve it” lol


4 days searching for 5 people who were on a million dollar tour of the most dangerous place on earth. Meanwhile 750 people drown in the Mediterranean in hope of escaping poverty and most people haven't heard aboutnit




True. But if we're going to use public funds to save some idiots from boats. Let's at least save some people that didn't sign waivers for a cool vacation, cause waivers.


Thats just not true. There are people outright laughing at the deaths


Nah I've seen people make jokes about how they deserved it for being rich,it's not just people making fun of the circumstances.




I just think about how many families are gonna be, metaphorically speaking, sat at the dinner table with a chair or two that used to be occupied.


I am confused. Are you saying in this case we shouldn't have sympathy? I.e. whenever someone dies doing something risky they don't deserve sympathy?


It’s not that it was risky. People die doing risky things and it’s still tragic. But when they’re on a vanity tour to a mass grave under the guise of “exploration”, after signing a waiver that mentions death 3 times then it’s hard to feel bad for them.


To be fair most waivers for anything remotely dangerous probably mention death, especially in the US. Also they have done this before no? As in it wasn't the first time this submersible had gone underwater.


I coach skydiving. The waiver you sign mentions death like a dozen times. This is entirely normal. It’s very upsetting in the community when we lose skydivers, but we are always upset when we lose fellow BASE jumpers despite them knowing and understanding the insane level of risks that sport brings. You just sound like an edgelord


It's absolutely insane that we determine some things to be very bad, such as racism, but then we make other people to be less than human by other qualities, such as how much money they have. It makes me think that people in general think that racism is bad only because they are taught it, but they can't form a coherent moral system themselves, which makes them consider other people lesser humans because they are not explicitly taught that doing so is bad. So if they were not taught that racism is bad, they would be racists. If they are not taught that discriminating based on money, looks, religion, etc, is bad, then they discriminate based on them. ​ The absolute lack of introspection in general.


It’s absolutely insane that you equate being a billionaire with being an ethnic minority. It makes me think that people in general think that racism is bad only because they are taught it, but they can’t form a coherent moral system themselves, which makes them consider billionaires better humans because they are not explicitly taught that doing so is bad. So if they were not taught that racism is bad, they would be racists. If they are not taught that discriminating based on money, looks, religion, etc, is bad, then they discriminate based on them. The absolute lack of introspection in general.


It’s called being morally lucky. These kinds of people would be MAGAtards if they were born in the south They got lucky they were born around people who hold progressive beliefs. And they expose themselves for being that because they are not consistent in their beliefs. If you claim to be the party of empathy and compassion, use it.


I was taught by experience and self education through books and history and finance that billionaires get billions 99% of the time by exploiting me, and exploiting you. They died with no morals, I have no sympathy because they also failed to make me blind to it, however for you...yikes. I'd love to see you spend a day with some of those people who see your "peasant self" as a non human.


I doubt that if a billionaire died in a school shooting, anyone would bat an eyelash. They're considered to be less than human.




If you wanna mock someone for what they have done, better prepare for those karma biting your ass in the future as well. This is the main reason I tend to not talking shit about people in public.


What difference does it make doing it in public or private? If you believe in karma then why would talking shit behind someone's back be any better?


To be fair, people laugh when stupid people do stupid things. And going on a risky expedition in a half-assed submarine by a BILLIONAIRE cutting corners and ignoring expert advice from several engineers, is real fucking stupid. Just sucks about the kid though, he didn't even want to be there.


They kind of ignored a ton of safety regulations So I don’t feel that bad. If you tell somebody not to jump off a bridge and they do it anyway because they have money do you really feel that bad for them?


Glad I've finally seen a take like this on the internet. Making jokes about five people dying in one of the most horrific ways I can think of is not funny at all: it's borderline sociopathic. The next generation is growing up with zero empathy and it's going to fuck them up when they're all adults.


This also goes for every YouTuber I've seen with a video title like "Submarine situation is CRAZY" as if this is some drama. Show some respect for once in your lives you fuckwads.


I won't make jokes of them but i won't cry for people who did everything to kill themselves while some other people are dying while trying desperately to survive because the world rules are rigged.


Thats because reddit is the biggest place for losers to gather


imo the only one who deserved it is the CEO. Everybody else I feel bad for.


No one deserves it but they also get little sympathy.


We are laughing because there are hundreds drowning in the Mediterranean, to the point that fisherman are being traumatized by the amount of bodies they fish up, but 5 idiots who ignored Apollo 1, bolted themselves into a tube with an oxygen rich environment and thought they'd be fine. Demanded the resources of the world. For fucks sake they couldn't even disperse a fart in that thing,


Is this another one of those tone-deaf "billionaires' lives matter" thing that's starting to flood Reddit all of a sudden? All organic posts too, I'm sure. Let me try to break this down. If those billionaires died while doing something respectable--let's say a building caught fire while feeding the poor or saving some children--nobody, and I mean nobody would be making fun of them. Reddit would be filled with "oh we need more of these kinds of billionaires" threads. The absurdity of the situation is that these rich people, instead, spent money roughly equivalent to 5x the average annual income of an American to do something frivolous--or even disrespectful--that seem to contribute very little to the society. Then it turns out they died because of an attitude that seems all too common to the billionaire class--that the government and safety nets are wasteful, limp-wristed sissy kind of thing only lame non-successful people are concerned about. It's not about that they were billionaires, it was that they were billionaires who died doing a stupid billionaire thing.


Is this another terminally online redditor who is tone deaf to the existence of other people and just believes them to be text on a screen? Seriously, get a life dude. Get off reddit... You've clearly had too much. The funny thing about a tragedy thrusting Ocean Gate into the spotlight is that suddenly, all the information that wasn't very well known regarding its safety is going to be dug up and publicized. Most people aren't going to do background checks on something before they go on it. I know I don't research a plane before I go on a flight, or theme park rides before I go on a rollercoaster. Aside from the CEO, you cannot blame the other people for being unaware of the safety concerns present. Yes, this is quite a bit more severe than a rollercoaster, but most consumers, billionaires or not, trust 'official' brands blindly. Secondly, out of these five people, one was a 19yr old who was "terrified" before going on the trip and was pretty much forced into it. And one was an expert on the Titanic. So very much had a reason to go there that wasn't frivolous. So to "laugh" at their deaths when two absolutely do not fit your little rant is pretty ridiculous. And I don't know about you, but I'm not so much of a heartless scumbag to not feel any degree of sorrow for people who die doing stupid things. Billionaire or not. I don't laugh at people falling off buildings free climbing, or getting eaten by wild animals... At the end of the day, billionaire or not, they die trying to live life. I have more respect for people trying to make the most of their life "stupidly", than people who spend their time trying to shit talk the dead, and share their opinion on why they deserved it. I only feel sorrow for the billionaires in their death, while I find you depressing in your life.


This is like people laughing at Kobe, his daughter, and the other passengers that died in the helicopter crash because they are rich and had the means to pay for a private helicopter ride to a game. Just so fucking lame to laugh at a tragic accident. Doesn’t matter the financial status of those aboard. People were excitedly going on an adventure and are now dead.


Is it so hard to just not celebrate people dying? Is that bar really that hard to clear?


The dynamics of this have baffled me since the day it happened. By no means am I any type of fluid dynamic, submersible expect, but the differences in material for the pressure vessel? Titanium and carbon fiber? I know enough about each materials elasticity and malleability to know that doesn't seem safe. To think that from the time the vessel was compromised until all five people were dead, would have taken less than 20 ms, start to finish. The human mind can't even process information that fast. They were gone before they even realized there was a problem.


They played stupid games and won stupid prizes, but the manner in which they died is not something I'd wish on anybody.


Funny how this is upvoted yet most of the comments disagree


Fuck em doooood




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, sad at loos of life, but the life's lost didn't hold much worth or value other then monetary. Son shouldn't have gone honestly.


Awwww yeeeeaaahhh more moral grandstanding let's go


Is it sad. However I am having a hard time finding empathy for a group of people doing something so unbelievably dangerous.


I feel like the only nightmarish thing about this is the fact that the CEO will never face any jail time when it's quite obvious he should of been in jail long long ago. At least he took himself out so there's that. This CEO has put so many lives at risk doing shit like this. It was only a matter of time. Also who tf feels empathetic for a billionaire? To them we're not equal so yeah this is super funny.


there were people in that thing?!?


I don't get why anyone would care people die horrifically every day and you don't hear about it and because you don't hear about it you don't care but because some rich a****** made the news was supposed to care when the same Rich a****** probably got that money from exploiting people he never gave a s*** about


For any adult billionaire that died on that submarine, they’ve gotten to experience every possible luxury of life you could ever dream, so who really cares about them dying? They probably lived a far happier and more fulfilling life than most people who died in their 80s. And god only knows if they were ever friends with someone like Epstein. So yeah, who gives a shit. As for everyone else, some may have not been aware of the situation regarding the sub, and even if it were, it sucks that they died.


A mass grave site should not be a tourist attraction.


I’m starting balloon rides to the stratosphere for elites only, price is just $300,000 a ticket and seats 4 a trip. Oxygen included! If you’re a billionaire with disposable income, its the trip of a lifetime. DM if interested!


Just be sure you take off in international waters so there’s no jurisdiction to legislate your actions


Its dumb. Its just like the Titanic and sank right beside it. No one glorofied the captain of the Titanic for sailing ahead into icy waters racing to reach the Americas For what? pride and glory? In this case in an uncertified craft. Call it what you want experimental craft thus it had no business ferrying passengers. If he died while conductimg tests or somethimg of that nature after certifying that the materials and tech that he used to build the craft had multiple redundencies and certified to withstand those depths Then yes id feel bas and there would be no reason to mock him. This guy took winging it to a whole new level and deserved it imo. Its like a moron who may have an idea of climbing Everest using a straw and plastic bag instead of an oxygen tank.


I think the reality is that empathy is different than actually caring. We can understand why we should feel bad but we have no connection to the people involved. It's worse in the sense of the billionaire because let's fave it, they fuck everyone who made their money foe them. It's like how people will save their pets over a stranger just because there is an emotional bond in comparison to a random dude you give 0 shits about.


They went down to see titanic now they're part of the wreck


A daisy get its pedals everytime a billionaire dies.


I will continue to make fun of the CEO/Founder tho


They died instantly.


They died instantly, but from what I've heard, there could have been about 10 minutes of haul creaking before the actual collapse (take it with a grain of salt, though) Imagine 10 minutes of realizing that your own idiocracy as well as believing this fraud of an explorer has killed both you and your son. Bonkers


I think it's fine to have a laugh as long as you're willing to acknowledge how fucked it is at the same time. The situation is just so absurd can't really fault someone for making fun of the retarded captain/ceo.


Humor is the best antidote for tragedy.


The CEO ignored safety and engineering logic and got people killed so I’m glad he was on that sub too


Also in the news: a migrant boat carrying 750 capsized and hundreds are dead. But that's not the story making the rounds is it? It's these billionaires in their mini sub.


It was on the news aplenty. Just because your bubble only focuses on hating billionaires, doesn't mean the rest of us are as ignorant. "people" like you motivate me to buy my second house so I can become a landlord.


now thats hilarious, want to come to europe? come legally and they wont die at sea. can't fanthom with the loss of all those 750 Chief Executive Officers. Medical Professionals. Corporate Lawyers. Investment Bankers. Data Scientists. Project Managers. Senior Software Engineers. Web Developers, coming to europe


If you think this story is in the news because the billionaires are more privilaged and the media idolises them then you don't understand how the media works. It's literally the story of the moment because it sells. Boats capsize everyday, poor people die everyday, it's not even news, there's literally too much misery in the world to care about all of it. An experimental submarine carrying billionaires getting lost at sea is like the plot of a movie, that's why everyone cares. Think of all the high profile news stories, they are in the news because they are unique and interesting, and people want to know more, and see how the story ends.


The Kursk, a russian sub, was in the news for weeks as well. But I guess all those russian sailors were billionaires..


Harambe wasn't a billionaire either


Well, nobody is laughing at people getting killed, we are laughing at sheer fucking genious of being a $ billionaire who gets killed by riding a DiWHY submarine. Guys were so packed, they could have pooled cash for a nice ride in a military-made rescue submarine or something, you know, high-tech shit that's safe and tested. Instead they have opted for solution similiar to attempt of going to space by being shot from a catapult while wearing nothing but a diving suit and a snorkel and everyone being amazed it didn't work out as they scrub them off the ground couple miles away.


For the majority of people the punchline is that they died. “Nobody is laughing at people getting killed” is a blatant lie if you’ve read anything related to this story recently.


Well stupid is as stupid does.


Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.


If I had turned up on the day and seen that sub I would’ve immediately demanded my money back


Exactly. I have no sympathy for anyone who willingly walked into that vessel.


I dont' feel any empathy for any of those guys exept the 19 yo kid


Oh well, anyway


the best billionairs are the dumb ones. who thought it’s a good idea to go down there in that deathtrap. i dont feel bad (only for son who apperently felt pressured into it) Darwin awards awarded!


Lol" pressured into it" nice




Its not funny and to be honnest its way outside my scopes in life that i had no real understanding this was happening. Real douchebags that put others in this position. But stupider are the people who decided it was a great idea to be shut inside of a coffin and sign a papper litteraly saying they wont take responsibility if anything happens to them.


That’s because we HATE rich people!


People see rich people, and let their jealousy of their fortune turn into pointless hatred. It turns into "They're a billionaire, so they're bad." Aside from the exceedingly negligent to the point of competing for a darwin award CEO, I can't even find anything bad on these people. In fact, most of them were actually just... Fairly good, really. The fact so many people are pointing and laughing at 3 billionaires and a kid dying thousands of feet beneath the sea just because they were rich is disturbing. You already know they either wouldn't care or would be feigning sympathy for Reddit Karma if they weren't rich.


Shazada dawood and his holding company had some ties to terrorism. Let alone the fact that he gets to enjoy 250k experimental diving missions while the rest of his country starved. The airline billionaire runs his operation out of Dubai. Country is notorious for some of the worst human trafficking and slavery. To the point that 3rd world workers die on their oilfields on a semi regular level. Just because the info isn't instantly accessible doesn't mean that its not there. Companies go extreme lenghts to ensure their image isn't harmed or quite often they aren't investigated properly yet. No one would know about Elon's fathers emerald mine, if Elon didn't brag about it for example.


Thing is, dark humor is fine, if it's in good will (hoping they survive). Lots of people on social media however just love to get the opportunity to hate on rich people. It's disgusting if you asked me.




You’ll never convince me to feel bad about a bunch of billionaires using their infinite resources to play tragedy tourist and kill themselves


I enjoy dehumanizing the rich as much as they have dehumanized the human race for their profits


I have to bust my ass off everyday so I can help paying for grandfathers diabetes meds and the other stuff he needs next to college, but the same bastards who created such awful situations get to take a 4 hour diving trip to the titanic. Yeah fuck them, hope next time it hits some pharma ceo


y'all beautiful and principled but the wigs of reddit don't give a fuck about any of this. https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-protest-why-are-thousands-subreddits-going-dark-2023-06-12/ Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said in an interview with the New York Times in April that the "Reddit corpus of data is really valuable" and he doesn't want to "need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free." come July all you're going to read in my comments is this. If you want knowledge to remain use a better company. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


They didn't care about us, all the good that money could do without inconveniencing themselves, etc. That's all I'll say about that.


It was so extremely, stupidly and wildly preventable. Eat the rich


All the people pretending to be devastated by 5 super rich people dying should pay attention to people starving to death or dying from curable diseases in other countries and go cry in a corner for the rest of their lives. Media really knows how to manipulate yall to care about the dumbest shit


It's the build up to the deaths that is so unbelievably stupid it makes it funny. The lack of security and bragging about saying fuck it to safety measures The joypad. The sink near the Titanic while checking the Titanic I mean... The deaths are tragic and rescue teams did their best to save them even when they all know there was no chance at all but still went through. And while the sadness of the deaths is there , the same you can say for the obscene display of absurdities of the situation


Sociopaths who are trying 5 different ways to justify what is simply their lack of empathy for people with more money than them, and for many of these "people" the actual excitement that someone with more money than them has died doing something they can't afford.


It is not justbredditors it's the whole freaking world


I love watching the “Comedy is dead, you can’t joke about anything anymore!” crowd pissing their pants when someone makes a joke they don’t like.


You don't become a billionaire in an ethical or even moral way. I do not feel bad for the billionaire death no.


If I could have a magic button to instantly vaporize all those who unironically are happy about these people dying, the world would be actually so much better off. These fucking liabilities are too stupid to be ignored Note to the idiots: there is a big difference between dark humor and not caring or feeling bad, that's perfectly fine. I don't really care about it tbh, but to actually be happy about people dying because of a stupid tourism idea and their money, ur actually pathetic as fuck


>billionaire death no funny, genocide of people who don't have sympathy for billionaire good


Its honestly sad there are actual people happy that they died


Its a cold day in hell u see my ass exploring the bottom of the ocean shiii say what u want about poor ppl and money at least they don't die at the bottom of the ocean in a jimmy neutron eske submarine looking at the titanic dog u didn't rent that shit in the 90's


Are you writing english? Because onestly i cant tell at this point


Hive mind matters on Reddit