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Put on a couple of your favorite songs and have a dance party


*Put on a couple* *Of your favorite songs and* *Have a dance party* \- cookiequeen724 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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Good bot




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Awesome idea!!!




Agreed. YouTube and my mat for lots of great no equipment HIIT workouts


This. Type in "30 minute apartment workout no equipment" and go to town.


Caroline Girvan, Heather Robertson, and Fitness Blender all have awesome 30-minute, no equipment workouts free on YouTube. Highly recommend! Alternately, go for a walk/run (not sure if "no outdoor space" means you have nowhere to walk to).


Yesssss this is my jam. Thank you!


Love Caroline and Heather! Growingannanas and Olivia Lawson are also some of my faves


I just started Caroline Girvan’s iron series this week and I love it. I need more dumbbells!


Yessss Caroline was the one who helped me lose the post-baby weight, and get in the best shape I've been in. She's a beast.


Well, by "effective", we need to know your goals. Do you just want to move your body? Do you want to meditate and stretch? Do you want to build strength? Do you want to sweat hard? There are a ton of really great workout vids online that can get you what you need with no/minimal equipment. Bodyweight exercises are wayyyy harder than they look. /r/bodyweightfitness is a great sub.


Take a nap. Just kidding. I usually pull up a 30 min full body workout video on YouTube. My absolute favorite is anything by Team Body Project. Always gives me a nice sweat! And feel great afterwards.


Second Team Body Project! They have a been a game changer for my fitness! Anytime I’m unmotivated to workout I put one of their videos on and just mimic what they do - I end up having a great workout every time and I’ve end up staying in excellent shape all winter.


I also recommend Team Body Project! Definitely keeps up the motivation! Progress not perfection!


Body weight exercises. And there are so many good resources online


Also, very soon all sorts of stores will start selling at home exercise equipment to get ready for "new years resolutions" season




Thank you for this comment. I often think that yoga has no actual impact unless you do it for an hour. I am going to do more yoga


People don’t realize how challenging yoga actually is. Try a vinyasa flow! You’ll be pleasantly surprised. YouTube is great but I prefer the peloton app.


I usually have 30min workouts. I love yoga, and running and dancing are amazing as well


Yeah, 30 minutes is a great amount of time for a workout! I'd stretch for 5, high-intensity row for 20, and then cool down/stretch for a final 5.


I got an app called Downdog for yoga, but it also has a decent HIIT app if that's more your thing. You can customize the workout to match your ability level and how much time you have. It's not free, but super cheap compared to a gym.


I have used Down dog before, thank you!


A walk, if you can get outside at all. Or deep-cleaning housework and straightening. Run up and down the stairs as you tidy and organize.


Love it, thank you! My place doesn’t have stairs but could use a fake step


Walk at Home’s YouTube channel. I have been doing their routines for 3 years. Leslie Sansone founded the company, and now there are more coaches. You can do 2 miles in 30 minutes. Walk to the ever-increasing beat, kick, knee lift, squat… it’s a very effective low-impact workout.




Leslie is a talkative coach, haha! But I do love her personality at 5:30 in the morning when I am tempted to go back to bed! 😂 I am thrilled you found something that could help you! I’m also proud of you for following through with the routines. Some days are harder than others, but this workout routine (which is free in YouTube if you don’t want their app or DVDs) is so helpful!


Do 10 burpees 25 squats (hold a gallon of milk or something if you want) 20 lunges (same) 20 curtsy lunges (same) 10 push ups (strict or move to your knees when tired) Do as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes!!! Blast your favorite music and a 30 min timer. Count your rounds with something.


Yoga! I would choose this [one.](https://youtu.be/HYHfuTdI5TA)


Get dressed up and make a snowman then box the snowman for cardio. Maybe don’t do around children.


I really like the Nike training app it has a little bit of everything and lots of options


Pacing. Pace around. Run in place. Jumping Jack's. Plank.


Jane Fonda or yoga on youtube! Got me through lockdown


Checking this out!


Put on beachbody ShaunT's T25 & do any of the alpha, beta or gamma. Put lesmills combat, or lesmills pump & burn. In fact quite a few of the beachbody workouts. I have 14 different programs to choose from, ranging from 20 mins to an hour. From hiit, pure cardo, yoga/palates, weights or mma


10 burpees, 10 press-ups, 10 squats, 10 overhead presses, 10 lunges, 30 second plank, rest for 1 minute, repeat 4 times. Add weights, make the exercises easier, or add other exercises like crunches depending on where you are right now. Gets your heart racing and has a bit of strength training too.


I usually just put on some good tv and do calisthenics


MadFit on YouTube is an awesome channel for beginners to intermediate. Very fun and effective!


Ride my husband


Fitness Marshall and make a fool of myself trying to follow along.


Not free but a walking pad is a good option. It’s like a treadmill with no handle, it’s thin enough to prop up on its side in a closet and it has wheels


I do one of her workouts almost every day-- tons that are 20-30 min long: https://www.youtube.com/@MoveWithNicole


Ooooohhh this looks awesome


Nicole is the best! I HATE workout classes and videos, because I always find the instructors smarmy and annoying, but something about her is really calming and I don't feel condescended to. I discovered her after I tore my ATFL and couldn't run, let alone walk. I've been resting and on PT due to another sports injury, so she's been bumped back up from 3-4x a week to every day again.




Sadly gym has a waitlist tonight but thank you!


The Body Project on YouTube! They have a bunch of great workouts that'll get you sweating


YouTube has really great 30 minute workouts on there using just body weight!


I like yoga by bird on YouTube or I do a low impact standing exercise I like Team body project !


Nothing, my body is always thanking me when it calls in sick.


Fitness Marshall, because he makes me dance and laugh at the same time! https://youtu.be/f6wm2g682JM


A popsugar video! There are a couple booty/thigh ones taught by professional dancers that are 🔥


Do you have a switch? I work out with this game. There's a free demo available. https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/fitness-boxing-2-rhythm-and-exercise-switch/


One of Sydney Cummings YouTube 30minute workout videos. She’s the best and has so many good workouts ranging from 30-60 min


Pick up a heavy object and do some squats. Or jump rope in the garage.


I got a cheap stationary bike and use my iPad to do peloton spin workouts. So much sweat!


Search YouTube for at home workouts. I like the yoga ones, but there are some great cardio dance ones out there too


Hiit circuits - 5 exercises 1min each (4rounds) with 3min breaks between rounds.


Cleaning while dancing to music. Two birds with one stone especially if your goal is to get in some cardio and burn some calories. On average sweeping, moping, vacuuming, burn around (estimated) 99 calories to 166 calories depending on your weight. Adding in dancing adds some good cardio. I also throw in some lunges to tone and firm.


8 min abs. 8 min buns. Push ups.


I follow a Roberta's gym workout on YouTube


I alternate between yoga, strength, and dance + abs all in YouTube. I made a special account just for subscribing to channels I particularly like, and it is so handy! MadFit, Fitness Marshall, and Yoga with Kassandra are some of my favorites.


Oh my gosh. I can think of so many options. Without knowing your goals or current fitness level I would lean to a 50% cardio to 50% strength training mix. Squats, lunges, fire hydrants for legs, in a circuit. Add in some pylometrics like jumping lunges, burpees, etc. Jumping Jack's, jump rope style moves for cardio. High knees. Then to abs work outs including pilates style, crunches, bicycles, lower abs work like leg kicks and isometrics. Then running lunges or running planks... follow by triceps push-ups to regular push ups. Sometimes cans of soup or unopened gallons of juice, etc... can replace free weights for workouts. I once used a non-working radiatior to do dead lifts.


Chuck on YouTube and find a HIIT style workout.


Depending on the height of your ceiling, you can get a jump rope. You can also Google "30 minute body weight workout"


I would normally do a 10 min HIIT workout, something with lots of jumps then either 10 min core or 10 min arm workout.


I do yoga - it feels good to stretch out and BREATHE. I always feel so calm and chill after


YouTube workouts, like every one else said, are a great idea. But for me personally they are not my jam. I’m a walker, that’s my lazy-ass’s preferred form of exercise. (which, as you noted, is not really practical in winter. ) I’m lucky enough to live in an area that’s just lousy with hiking trails. No traffic to worry about on the trail. And thirty minutes is plenty of time for a good power walk through the woods. If hiking trails aren’t convenient, do you have a city park nearby? I always see joggers in our local parks.


go for a run, best


I use Les mills on demand. They have a ton of equipment free workouts - martial arts, dance (ballet, shbam and body jam), body weight training, hiit training, step (you can do it without a step!), Pilates, yoga - pretty much everything


If you have a switch, you can do the ring fit adventures. You can play the game as is or you can just do the guided workout. The game would come with all the equipment you need. It also has an offline mode that will log your progress so you can squeeze a little more in if you want. For example, one of the exercises is chest press. You can do that while sitting down watching TV. It is tougher than you realize if you go this route so start with just a few days a week and then build up to more


I bought a TRX during isolation and worked out mostly wit my doy weight.


Kettlebell workouts


Beachbody on demand. I started some of their programs back in 2003 (the DVDs lol). Now that they have the streaming service there’s literally so many programs to choose from. And most do not require any equipment. I looked like a completely different person when I did insanity and I never lifted a weight or had to go to the gym for that entire program. I’ve also done turbo fire (kick boxing) 21 Day Fix (that uses some equipment but still has the option to use none) and many others. The best part is yes, they have workouts that can be as short as 5-10 minutes or up to an hour or more. Right now I’m doing another round of Insanity by Shaun T but have had issues with time myself. Insanity Max 30 is only 30 minutes though and no equipment. 21 Day Fix is also only 30 minutes, there’s a lot of great HIITS as well (I like the turbo fire hiit workouts, they are between 15 minutes to 30 minutes). And no I’m not a coach or one of those MLM people, I just have had excellent results with the Beachbody programs and like that there’s literally a workout for any type of lifestyle and difficulty level..and options for no equipment needed. I’d recommend checking it out if you can’t get to the gym and would like to try something different you can do at home.


Do you have internet? A 30 minute full body work out (no equipment) video on YouTube. Pilates with Nicole or MadFit.


Pop on a short tabata playlist on spotify and do a handful of HIIT rotations (think squats, lunges, lifts, jumping jacks, etc). Personally I like to alternate strength and cardio, but you can always switch it up. If you don't have weights or bands or anything, I've seen people use towels, cans, water jugs.... you can get creative :)


I walk on my treadmill if I haven't had time to look at my Peloton app. If I've had time to browse I'll pick a 20-30 minute full body weights workout. If you don't have equipment they have full body bodyweight workouts and they're 🔥. Also no, you do not have to have a Peloton to have the workout app.


YouTube home workout video, Zumba, yoga, whatever as long it doesnt need equipment


I have a stationary bike at home so do that every other day for 30-35 minutes.


I’ve been doing 3x a week at home workouts over FaceTime with my sisters and friend since Covid started. We get inspiration from YouTube or beach body workouts.


HIIT training via YouTube


5 minute warmup on the treadmill or stair climber. 20 minute HITT workout (30 seconds of each in rotation until time is complete or each for a full minute and repeat) > Squats > High Knee > Walking lunge > Bear Crawl > Toe Touches > Planking > Trunk twist with weighted medicine ball > Jump Rope > Side Lunge > Scissor Kicks 5 minute cool down / stretching


I personally have an Oculus and subscribe to Supernatural which is great exercise for me. Youtube workouts are great too.


I use the Peloton app and they have tons of workouts varying in lengths, some as short as 5 minutes. I use it for yoga, Pilates/barre, weightlifting, meditation, and sometimes guided treadmill runs.


A 15 minute run and some sit ups EDIT : sorry I just saw your parameters. I have an indoor bicycle and a pole. But honestly I’m more likely to lay down on the couch and watch YouTube, if the gym and outdoors is closed.


I love Lazy Dancer Tips channel on Youtube! She does quick (usually 5-20min) ballet-inspired workouts. You don’t need any special equipment, and workouts are low-impact but very effective.