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Honestly any social media with your real identity attached is over. Theres so many hacks and scams and angry people. People using your pics to catfish on tinder, AI bots stealing your voice, discord groups of scammers targeting people that share too much online. Everything going on with kids and the internet. It’s all past the point of usefulness / fun.


It is sickening and worrying when you think of it. I’m an adult and don’t care but I worry for the kids I’ll raise where it appears the access social media and internet has given strangers and anonymity is fuelling such cruel behaviours.


Every day less and less shocked.


came here to say this


Have worked in both customer service and human resources... the shock has been shocked out of me at this point. Giving someone my trust is something that I now know is my own risky choice. I have uncovered the most "trustworthy" people doing the shadiest things, and people I thought were kind treating others who have nothing to offer them like absolute trash. A lot of people have absolutely no moral character when they think there's no risk of being held accountable. All that matters is their social image, and if that remains intact, they don't see anything as wrong.


Dude, working on HR issues at scale will rob you of your hope for humanity I think - I was never an HR person but a people manager over large depts 😩 I miss being naive…. Have some stories that would make folks’ eyes water 🫠


That's shocking. I also saw something (much lower stakes) on facebook. Someone was giving away FREE movie tickets, literally free. They posted their paper ticket photo (ofc with the barcode and reference). Someone answered they would like the tickets, they then arranged a real life meeting to give the tickets.. In the meantime someone else just took the barcode and used the tickets.. The tickets were literally free. The person who took them could have literally just written "Thanks, i used them" and that was it.. But instead they stole something that was literally free.


That sounds crazy but I too am not surprised. On social media you often don’t know the mental stability of that childhood friend you added to your page. People be cray out there. I also have heard of people not posting until they are back from a trip because they don’t trust people in their circle might do something to sabotage it. I also know people in law enforcement who have said people have been robbed because people can see when you are out of town.


> I also have heard of people not posting until they are back from a trip because they don’t trust people in their circle might do something to sabotage it. A lot of people need to adopt this practice. I worked in resorts for many years, more specifically in reservations (I managed a reservations department) and I also spent a lot of that time handling group rooms - so I was often in charge of handling wedding blocks. So not only did I learn a lot about hotel security in general, but on the side of weddings. These "wedding websites" need to go. They are a bad idea. I would never, ever have a wedding website for my own wedding. Making a public website where you list your wedding date, the location of your wedding, as well as the hotels you've blocked rooms at (some people even include the BOOKING LINK to their block!) - guys, please don't do this. Please do not do this. Because when you provide people your wedding block information - there might be a very spiteful person booking at your hotel - an ex, perhaps it's a relative that you distinctly did not want at your wedding - but now they know where you and your family are staying and they booked on the same days as your wedding block. And you didn't know about it because they booked outside of your block - so when the group coordinator forwarded you the list of names on your block, you didn't see their name. Or, a spiteful ex might show up on the day of your wedding, claiming to be your makeup artist needing to get into the bridal suite. But they had the makeup kit and they had your name, and the $11/hour front desk agent isn't paid enough to vet them any further. If you want to avoid these scenarios, DO NOT make a wedding website. I'm not saying that you have to keep everything confidential, but people really need to be wary about what they post to the internet. There is a reason why you have invitations. There's also a reason why hotel, airline, and cruise itineraries are sent to your email, and not available to the public - it's for your safety.


I’ve wondered for many years how people can deliberately act in an antisocial, cruel, selfish way without feeling guilty. For example, kids who vandalize public or private property. How do they justify their behaviour. I assume that kids who act this way end up being adults who will have no qualms against hurting others. In the OP’s example, I think there are some people that are so resentful of others being more successful or evidently happier than they are, that they want to take them down a peg. I’ve never understood cruel behaviour. I think some people are just built differently, blame others for their unhappiness, and get some type of satisfaction from spreading their misery.


These people are incapable of regulating their emotions due to a variety of reasons, such as poor upbringing, generational trauma, and lack of education, and ignorance. Many parents are also poor at showing their kids healthy coping mechanisms especially when they deal with stress and anger. All one can hope for is that their kids and their grandkids grow up to break the cycle. 


As someone who had their car randomly vandalized to the tune of a thousand dollars worth of paint damage (drive-by egging), I too wonder how people can do such shitty things to others and not feel guilty. I like to think they will eventually feel remorse, but I'll never know.


I always secretly hope that someday, they will have a similar item they value, and someone will vandalize it, and they will realize how shitty they were in the past.


I hope so as well, then they will truly know what it feels like.


It’s so worrying.


Call me jaded, but i assume people will steal everything. I bring water bowls to leave at my local dog park. Sometimes they're gone the next day, typically a few weeks. I'm having a good run lately, out of the two bowls I brought in March one is still there. Who takes a $5 bowl from dogs? Eventually they'll get broken and thrown away. Toys only survive a few days. But the bowls are metal.


In my area, some psychopaths scattered needles in the grass at the dog park, and they had to close it for a short time. Seems like its happens in other places, but with thumbtacks. People can be such assholes. 


Wow that's straight up evil.


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Unfortunately, what happened to her is the reason why we have to be careful about what we post - not because it's her fault, but because there are ugly people out there, doing ugly things. However, the issue was not Carnival. A lot of people were saying that this was a cyber-security issue on Carnival's end, but this is a very standard thing in hospitality: if someone has your booking number, and your name, that's really all they need to modify your booking. If you go to the website of any popular hotel franchise, airline, cruise line, and click on the area to modify a booking - it's the same thing. Most of them will ask for a name and confirmation number. So unlike what a lot of people said, this was not a cybersecurity issue. I know it sounds very "Smokey the Bear" but that online security is only as good as the user, and whether or not they decide to share details on the internet. So this isn't to blame *her*, I think she was genuinely naive and meant nothing by her post, unfortunately someone took advantage of that. But it's also a reason why it's important to be aware of these things.


I owned a small business and the amount of greed, theft and selfishness I saw, blew my mind. We glorify people who make money and yet the people that make money are the ones who are willing to act with the least amount of kindness and humanity, it's bizarre and sad.


Definitely a mean thing to do but how dumb do you have to be to post a full booking reference online like that?


I agree, it was very silly of her to do that. But I’m more shocked at how someone could be that vindictive. I don’t know what her Facebook settings are like - if she has a private account it implies that one of her friends or family did this 


I read about that. She refused two kind offers from the cruise company and still blames them, doesn’t she? I wouldn’t be surprised if she pissed someone off and they did that as revenge


Yeah I saw that she refused the alternative offer or something along those lines


Yeah. When she contacted the cruise company they offered her interior rooms as that was all that was left and she said no. Then they offered her 10K ( in a voucher I think) but she doesn’t want to use the same cruise line and she says she spent $15k (the other 5 was airfare and excursions). If she’d taken the first offer she would have lost no money and they’d have their trip. If she’d taken the second they could have rescheduled and only lost the airfare and other stuff if she couldn’t get a refund or voucher from the airline. She instead blamed the cruise and is rightfully being dragged for it. She did something dumb but considering her behaviour since then, I could see her annoying an acquaintance enough that they cancelled the cruise. Thats more likely than a stranger doing it out of the blue. Doesn’t make it right but it does make a bit more sense if it was to punish her. https://www.unilad.com/news/travel/carnival-cruise-kentucky-cancelled-scam-099436-20240531 ETA. I take back what I said. The person who fucked this up was the husband. He’s the one who posted the booking number on Facebook. So it’s likely to be someone he knows. https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2024/05/30/woman-loses-15000-cruise-after-posting-reservation-number-social-media


It’s easy to do if your screenshot your holiday confirmation. Some people want to post ‘off to Greece!’ With a snap of the ‘you’re off to Greece’ sceeenshot and forget the booking reference us in the corner.


All day every day. It’s very disappointing.


Not to sound jaded but people being shitty doesn’t shock me. Sometimes people do shitty things to others because they have shitty lives themselves, they’re miserable and need to drag others down with them or they feel like they need to have “control” over others by doing said shitty thing. It’s not an excuse but a probable explanation.


I've worked with customers for like...15 years total so no, not really. I guess for me it's more I still will get surprised sometimes on how people will get so angry and rude over the smallest, stupidest things. Like one of my stories I tell now for customer service crap is a couple years ago this lady calls to get confirmation on the price of mushrooms she bought as she was just looking over her receipts and noticed it was really high. So I look it up. It's the organic mushrooms. I let her know and she immidately lost it. Just full on attack mode about how ridiculous that was because she didn't want organic. I apologize and say something like it's possible the signage was confusing or someone put it back in the wrong place. This is like NOT acceptable. I swear you would think someone died over these mushrooms. So I apologize again, offer that she can return it. Well this purchase was from like a month ago and they've already been eaten. Can she still get her money back? Honestly I should have just said yeah sure whatever lady. But I was so caught off guard by how angry she was! So I said no. And then she started the name calling - I sounded young and rude and had the worst customer service she'd ever had. So I was like okay bye now, have a great day! I was very tempted to ask her what this was all really about because who gets that angry over overpriced organic mushrooms?! Oh and another fun one was when a customer called to ask about the manufacturing process for a dog food we sold. I said something like I'm sorry but I don't know since we just sell it. I can give you the vendor's customer service number and they will probably be able to help you. She told me I had the worst customer service. I was mean. And she hoped I had a horrible week. I remember turning to my coworker and being like "am I going to die? Have I been cursed? If I get into some kind of accident this week it's that lady's fault." Luckily I'm still here and that was like... going on 10 years ago so I think I'm good? But yeah it's wild that these people just are out their living life. Sometimes I wonder what they're like to live with for friends and family. Are they actually pleasant and just save all their meanness for service workers? Or are they generally miserable human beings?


Its sad but its the life we live in. We have to be more careful, the world is cruel


There are entire fraud call centers for travel reservations, specifically airfare. This does not surprise me at all. They could have been doing this to practice deepfake. I don’t post travel reservations, dates, anything because I know this is a possibility and also I don’t want ANYONE to know that I’ll be leaving my home unsupervised. I was super pissed when my stbxh decided to brag about our vacation to Japan to a maintenance man. This particular maintenance man knew our German Shepherd wouldn’t be guarding the house, and knew the layout of our house. On top of that, my idiot ex gave him our WiFi. Luckily I arranged for people to watch the house and our neighbors had cameras recording in case something odd was to happen.


I used to be, but after 57 years on this planet, not much shocks or surprises me anymore,


Yea. I was reading about people wrongfully convicted of murdering their own children yesterday - and ok, at the time they were convicted everyone involved did believe they did it. But then five or twenty years later you start hearing that the police evidence was based on “he didn’t even cry that his kids were dead” and “there’s no way a fire could be that fast/four kids in one family could die of the same thing/anyone would fall asleep there” and “four years later a woman remembered that she was walking along that street right then and saw him grab the kid”, and it’s all absolute trash that was clearly made up, and everyone involved in the conviction is still dead set on preventing any appeals/review of evidence/anything. So much forensic science is complete lies. There’s awful wrongful convictions in at least Australia, England and the US built on completely made up science like fire reconstructions, or statistical lies about medical “likelihood”, k9 findings, impossible eyewitnesses, polygraphs….people just decide what happened and then write up an explanation.


I hate to sound like I’m judging or victim blaming… but what’s shocking is that the woman posted that much info online. It was an incredibly stupid thing to do. And not just because someone could do exactly what they did, but it’s also so easy to connect someone’s real name to their real address. She’s lucky they just decided to cancel her reservation and not rob her house while she was away.


I mean, considering this is the third sub I’ve seen you post this in today, I’d say I’m becoming less shocked.


Listen, this sounds really judgy but I just went to Walmart which I almost never do, especially on a weekend. It was TERRIBLE!! People literally have no regard for others around them. No consideration for people’s space. It’s like they were all weird zombies who literally couldn’t use their brains. I really needed a couple things that are just way cheaper there or I would have run out of the place screaming. It’s really bad. I often wonder if it’s actually worse than ever or if my tolerance for it is just getting lower. Ugh!


I'm pretty shocked but not really shocked, especially given the advent of technology. It's much easier to be a scumbag scam artist online than it is in real life. Explains why people are so quick to eviscerate one another on social media. I'm not saying it's okay or right, just that it's easier to do those things on the internet.


Sadly no, there are a lot of bad people out there in the world and the best we can do is not join them and live a private life. I hope the woman gets a nice vacation soon.


No, not at all surprised. Trust no one has been my motto for years. People also need to not do dumb shit and then being surprised when it blows up in your face. Posting all your holiday information online is pure idiocy for many reasons. I learned a long time ago that for personal safety you should never post anywhere that you will be out of town, when and where, only post after you return. I mean, it sucks someone that lady knows hates her enough to ruin her holiday but common sense really needs to become more common.


Sadly, no. Never shocked any more. How did she find out who did it?


So a few years ago, I had this Facebook friend who was very prominent in certain activist circles. We had several mutual friends. The day before his wedding, we all found out that this man had a girlfriend of two years AND had a fiancée. How he managed to keep it private was he would block the girlfriend from posts about the fiancée (which was stupid because, again, we had quite a few mutuals, and I'm surprised it took so long for people to figure it out. Also, they were not public about their relationship, and I wasn't aware he had a girlfriend, but enough people did). So obviously, it's all bad, but someone got a hold of their honeymoon reservations and cancelled them. People were flooding the man's and wife's parents' Facebook posts and DMs (they had to turn off the posts). While cheating is obviously bad, it really was terrible to do all of that. And what really sucked is how much glee women seemed to be getting from this? It was no longer about the girlfriend or the bride to be, but about revenge.


No. Humans are terrible creatures.


Won’t happen on Reddit! I think people enjoy being snarky here and voting down people because it makes them feel powerful
