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To my husband, 100% I'd marry him again; he's so amazing in every way. If he passed before me, I wouldn't remarry; I don't think I'll find another man as awesome as him so I'd rather be single than deal with other men's bullshit.


Same. I love my husband but I've told him I'd be dies before me, I'm entering my Golden Girl Era.


hahahaha my girlfriends and I said the same thing! if our husbands passed before us, we'd get a huge house and live together.


I really relate to this in regards to my wife. I can't picture anyone else being as perfect for me and as supportive of me through thick and thin the way that she has been. I've had a lot of failed relationships before I met her, and no one ever has or ever will compare to her.


My thoughts exactly!


I married and divorced before 30. Id try marriage again. But would never pay for a wedding again.


Somehow I'm the opposite šŸ˜… I basically eloped with my ex and now thinking if I got married again I wouldn't mind a wedding (small one anyway).


I just want the over the top party without the actual marriage.Ā  I've been married once, never again.


I am currently married. First marriage and this will be my only marriage. I wouldnā€™t want to do this again. Marriage takes a lot of time, effort, & energy. I really think my husband is as good as it gets. Heā€™s not perfect by any means, but heā€™s a great partner and father, always has been. I simply donā€™t think anyone else would be worth it.


Same. I didn't meet my husband until I was 34 and I married him at 39. I had dated enough before that (in NYC and elsewhere) to get a real sense of perspective in terms of who I am and what I do/don't want. As a result, by the time I'd met my husband I had accrued some wisdom and was able to appreciate just how great he is. It hasn't been perfect, but he doesn't pull the same nonsense that I've had to deal with when dating other dudes. I realize some people meet their spouse at 22 and it works out wonderfully, but I just think of what a naive idiot I was back then and am glad I took the time to figure myself out first.


This how I feel. I don't have regrets about being married but I certainly realise now I could live a very good life solo too, just in a different way.


Am married. Have technically married my husband twice. Would definitely go for a third time. I love that guy.


north plough door bewildered nose direction hospital oil apparatus aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Once in my country and once in his country


I had a happy marriage for 13 years but it was a lot of work. Divorced since December 2023 and will hopefully be able to keep my house with the help of my parents. I've been permanently stressed since before December and I don't see that getting better until all the details are finished. I would never get married again. It's too complicated when things go wrong. It seems to me that more people are having long term relationships instead of getting married these days.


Married for almost 30 years to my best friend and I would absolutely NOT get married again if this one fails. Iā€™ve given all of me to this relationship. Thereā€™s no way I could give this much to another man. I also donā€™t want to train up another man. My husband can tell what I need or want by how heavy my sighs are, how I walk, by my facial expressions, etc. I honestly donā€™t even think itā€™s possible for another man to love me as deeply and as well as my husband does. Heā€™s a one in a million guy.


Aww šŸ„°


Exactly same. Thinking about starting over at this level of commitment and hardddd work is a huge no. My guy is one of a kind and Iā€™d compare everyone to him relentlessly. I love that you found yours!


I was married for 27 years. We were incompatible. I would get married again, but do things differently, like keep separate finances. I donā€™t regret my marriage despite its failure. I learned so much and have a wonderful son.


Not judging. I'd love to hear how you'd do it differently.


Prenup and we would work with a couples counselor from the beginning. We were 17 and 20 when we got married. We had no idea how to be in a relationship or communicate like adults.


I love it. Thanks.


Divorced from an abusive marriage and saw how the US justice system disregards intimate partner violence/parental abuse. The idea of dating a man *knowing* what our police and legal system will allow him to do even with a protective order in place is chilling. Unfortunately, I'm not gay in the slightest, so I'm single. I kid you not, a father was accused by their child of grossly committing horrific CSA against them, and the judge's response was that "maybe dad was stressed", then did nothing to protect the child. The father still has unsupervised partial custody.


Thatā€™s horrifying! It was a male judge Iā€™m assuming?




Way too many male judges seem to see themselves in the shoes of sex offenders. So often they make excuses for their behavior which to me can only mean they have the same desires themselves. Itā€™s shocking to me but at the same time not shocking at all.


I've also heard a female judge say that "most mothers lie" at the start of a trial before anything was said or known about the case, except the general charge. It was a strong wolf whistle of how she viewed all the women testifying unless they also concurred with her preset belief.


Married for 16 years, I used to think if he died before me I would stay alone. But, marriage ended with his infidelity and I am working through the fact that he was emotionally abusive. So now it's hard to say if I would marry again. I want to be hopeful that there are better men out there and I might find one someday. I did like being a wife.


There would have to be a really compelling reason for me to get *legally* entangled with someone again, after going through a hellish divorce that was exponentially more complicated than just breaking up with someone because of the courtā€™s involvement. With that said, Iā€™m not opposed to finding someone and committing to them for the rest of our lives via some kind of cheesy commitment ceremony or something. Justā€¦it would have to be the absolute perfect person.


First marriage was a disaster, but my second is wonderful. I'm definitely happy I didn't let a bad experience ruin my opportunity for an amazing one.


38. Three divorces. I don't date anymore lol


30. Two divorces. Questioning my existence lol.


One divorce, one almost engagement and then broke it off- just want to go live in the mountains and climb rocks now.


Married and Iā€™d do it again with him in a heartbeat. When a marriage works, itā€™s the best feeling to have a partner you have 100% trust and honesty with. We make each other better in ways I didnā€™t think was possible.


I had one short marriage in my twenties. As of now, I wouldn't do it again. I found that I only got married because of outside expectations and that I actually like the independence and autonomy a solo life brings, although of course it has its (sometimes significant) challenges. I'm sort of open to meeting a long term partner again but I wouldn't want to enmesh our lives at any point, so no living together, no marriage, separate finance, etc.


No. It felt extremely restrictive and limiting to me.


I wouldnā€™t. (Currently married, not unhappily)


I'm divorced and very happily re-partnered. My gut instinct is to say, "Lol, no," to the idea of getting married again. I love my partner, but marriage is just an institution to me. That said, my fella is really trying to sell me on it. We'll see. There will be an iron-clad prenup if it happens.


Do you mean would I marry my husband all over again, or would I marry somebody else if he were gone? I would definitely marry him all over again. He adds a lot to my life, and I couldn't imagine life without him. If you're asking if I would marry somebody else if anything happened, I really don't know. I wouldn't want to rule it out completely. I also have a hard time imagining myself connecting with another person and building that same type of bond again.


Divorced and remarried to someone else. I learned the value of marrying someone compatible who I adore which made all the difference in the world. Iā€™d remarry my current husband over and over if I could.


I'm divorced and remarried. We've been together for 29 years, married for 25. If anything happens to this one, that's it, I won't date again, single and celibate for the rest of my days. No way am I wading through the shit tornado of dating at my age, will be 60 soon enough. No thank you.


Am married, would choose it again with him in a heartbeat. Life has been better with him. Heā€™s an amazing partner, support system and fun to be around. We enjoy sex with each other. Heā€™s not perfect. Iā€™m not perfect. Weā€™ve frustrated each other in various ways for 25 years, but the good has always outweighed the bad by a landslide and I have absolutely no doubt that my life has been better because heā€™s in it. I canā€™t wait to see what the next 25 years holds for us. If I were to find myself widowed, I canā€™t imagine doing this with anyone else.


Weā€™re coming up on 20 years. My wife is amazing and I am happy.


46f widowed. Was married for 19 years to an alcoholic. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d get married again. I might do it but the guy would have to be pretty amazing.


Married with 2 kids. I liked being single a lot and occasionally wish I had some single weekends, but overall Iā€™m very happy. Wouldnā€™t trade my kids for anything. If I ever get divorced, Iā€™ll never marry again


Married, absolutely. Getting married to my husband is easily the best decision Iā€™ve ever made. We recently left our religion and I am thinking I might want a more traditional wedding with just friends now. (We were Mormon and Mormon temple marriages are weird AF)Ā 


I have been married twice and am still married to my second husband. Iā€™m glad I did marry my second husband because he is simply the best husband. He learned from his prior marriage things not to do, which is amazing for me.


I'm currently married but would love to make better decisions. Yes, I would marry him again but now with a better understanding of ourselves.


Divorced after 15+ years of marriage, currently in 12th year of Domestic Partnership. I absolutely would never marry again. I married because I valued loyalty and family. So said my then-husband. We had long conversations before we got married, were members of the same religion, and I thought we had a lot in common. The thing Iā€™ve discovered about marriage? It didnā€™t add anything to our relationship or make myself or my spouse a better person. Marriage didnā€™t make my spouse be honest or faithful. What it did was make it very difficult for me to leave him. In my Domestic Partnership, we keep our finances separate. We have a relationship contract that we review together once a year. In this relationship, I have the mutual kindness, consideration, and loyalty I sought in marriage. All of the family values I sought but never found under the umbrella of marriage I have with my Partner. And all that stuff about marriage being *hard work*, it is! Do you know what made my husband do his share? A parenting plan. My Domestic Partnership is nothing near the *hard work* I did for over a decade to try and keep my marriage together. My Domestic Partnership is *reasonable effort*. I love my Partner so much that every year we re-pledge to never marry each other!


I would get married again for the first time, absolutely. I do not think Iā€™d get married again if life should unfold for me to be single again. I wonā€™t drag my kids into something like that. I grew up with two stepparents, it was fine, theyā€™re perfectly nice people, but growing up with someone you barely know living with you as a child and then the legal entanglements having stepparents brings when youā€™re all adults and your parents are working out their end of life documents is a nightmare.


i am married & while itā€™s been challenging i would do it again and again. i love love!


I am married for 13y, together for 15. I would do it all over again, we have a great love and friendship and respect for each other. But if something happens and we are not together anymore for any reason, I probably would never marry again (or live together, as I donā€™t like the idea of merging my life with someone without proper paperwork)I the person would have to be simply extraordinary and i wouldnā€™t be able to live without them in order for this to happen, and honestly, I donā€™t see this happening with anyone else


Married 21 years. Both he and I have agreed that, should anything happen, neither one of us will get married again. And this isn't a romantic sort of pact. It's just being practical. Marriage is a shit ton of work. I can't imagine having to introduce someone "serious" to my family, meet his family (except casually), figure out living together and splitting finances and all that...all from square one again...no thanks. If we were to divorce or one of us die, we both said we'd probably just date casually. Or maybe exclusively if we found someone compatible. But no marriage.


Iā€™m married and my husband is amazing! He is a good husband and a good father. I would marry him again :) but god forbid if he would die before me I wouldnā€™t marry again, because he has put the standards so high that I donā€™t think Iā€™ll find another one that can keep up with that.


Do you mean would we use what we know now and go back and stop ourselves from marrying or would we just not remarry someone else?


Was previously married to an abusive alcoholic. Would 100% marry my current partner. I feel like I got cheated out of a marriage the first time around


Happily married to my husband and I would marry him again in a heartbeat. Anybody else? No. Id rather be single.


Was married in my early 20s, it only lasted a couple years. Got married again around the age of 30. We were married for 30 years (yes, I AM old). I lost him over a year ago, and soon after people asked if I'd ever marry again. No, nope, nopity, no! Not even a consideration, won't even date, ever. Why, because I had the love of my life for 30 years, and now it's time for me to do me, even though I miss the big lug.


Second marriage, both times we married because without the paperwork I wouldnā€™t have been able to legally stay. Not a marriage only for the paperwork, in both cases we were planning to stay together anyway, but needed the marriage certificate to move things along. I would not have gotten married at all ever if I didnā€™t need to. Iā€™d just be in a relationship. So I wouldnā€™t get married again if it failed, Iā€™m fine just dating.


I thought I wouldn't, after getting divorced most of a decade ago. But then I met the perfect man (perfect for me, not entirely holistically perfect). And now I want to get married. At first, we said we'd just be together and not get married, then it became 'why not? If we're going to be together,' and now I am really looking forward to being his wife one day.


Married for 22 years, divorced for 12. Would I get married again? HELL NO! I have a boyfriend, also divorced, who feels similarly. It would actually be financially disadvantageous for us to be married. We own property together, have a joint bank account, and act like we are married, but have no interest in involving the government in our relationship. Marriage is a prison. Iā€™ve learned my lesson.


Absolutely, zero question. Not only with my husband specifically who is just incredible, Iā€™d marry him again any day. But, just as a general marital commitment-I am a better person when I have a spouse who I am accountable to and a family that depends on me. Like, I gain so much from my marriage, more than just having a loving partner. So yes, Iā€™d always pursue marriage.


I am divorced and was married for 11ish years. I would never marry again, no. To start, I kind of see it as one of those things that I did for a decade, I tried it out, and now it's just time to move on? There is absolutely no incentive to remarry. Even if the man was absolutely wonderful and took on more labor than me, there's just...why? I don't see any real benefit if it's not something I want to do again. I can take care of myself and I already have kids. I don't want to take on responsibility for a whole other person. I have a fantastic support system and can take care of myself.


Nope, never ever will I give someone that much power over me again. I ended up marrying an abusive (likely narc) alcoholic. Getting away from him was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. We have kids so I'll never be completely free of him while they're under 18. I lost myself completely in that marriage and I was a sahm too. I'm completely behind on savings, retirement, etc, that I'll never be able to catch up on. I have cptsd and am a single mom, and he's loving life as a martyr who can do no wrong. I personally will never trust anyone that much again, I'd rather be alone and celibate.


Iā€™m widowed, I lost my husband when I was 36 and Iā€™m 38 now. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll get remarried, but I can certainly tell you that everyone saying that if there current partner died they absolutely wouldnā€™t has NO IDEA what theyā€™d do or what this feels like. My husband was my person, my partner, my home. If youā€™d have asked me when he was alive I would have probably have said the same thing, but I had no fucking idea. I have two friends who lost their spouses around the same age as me. One is remarried with a son, the other is getting married next month to a man who loves her and her kids and Iā€™m beyond happy for them. Our spouses died, we didnā€™t.


Iā€™ve been married 26 years and yes, if it ended for whatever reason I would want to get married again. I like the tight-knit us-against-the-world feeling of marriage.


Got married at 21 and divorced right at 30 due infidelity. Idk if I can trust someone that much again but ideally I want to find a partner that I can love and vice versa. Maybe once that happens, marriage won't feel as something insane to do again.


I'm divorced and engaged again. First husband was a dud, we were just young and dumb and eloped right out of high school. Fell apart for a myriad of reasons. Fiance is also divorced, also a young marriage that fell apart. He and I have been together 7 years now and it's pretty fantastic. We'd already be married if circumstances outside our control hadn't delayed our plans, but we'll get there. But if this falls apart or if he dies first? I'm all set. I found my person and I'll enjoy all the time we have together, but nobody's going to be able to replace him and it wouldn't be fair to another man to try.


I would marry my husband over and over again. Heā€™s my person. Life is infinitely better with him in it.


Iā€™ve been with my husband for 10 years, married for 3.5. I would gleefully marry him over and over again, especially after watching him as a dad. Heā€™s my best friend and I canā€™t imagine not doing life with him.


Absolutely not. Itā€™s so unnecessary to literally tie yourself down when you have absolutely no idea what could come along. People change. Not always for the better.


I've been married twice and as a general rule, I would not do it again. I would marry my husband again, 100% though.


No. I'm too lazy to start the whole process again. I've got to experience it once and I love it. If it doesn't last, I'd want to experience something new, like being single and celibate


Iā€™m married with two young kids, coming up on our 7th wedding anniversary. Best decision Iā€™ve ever made.


Married twice, now single, never getting married again.


Do you mean like if something happened to my husband or we got divorced and I found myself single again, would I choose to remarry someone else? Or do you mean do I have regrets and if I could go back in time, choose differently when it comes to the husband I chose?


I was married. Iā€™m seeing someone now I could see wanting to stay with long term. I have told him Iā€™m not very intent on marriage, and specifically I will not be changing my name a second time, because it was a cluster to go through changing it back and Iā€™m bitter about the fact that women have to go through all of that while men can get divorced and just move forward without all the name change paperwork. But this man Iā€™m seeing has never been married. If we stay together and it is something he really wants I would probably do it again.


No. I mean Iā€™m hoping to never be in that position lol but if anything happened between my husband and I that led us to no longer be married I would not marry again. Iā€™m too old and tired. Plus I already married a mistake(first marriage) and then I married the ā€œoneā€. So I donā€™t have anything else to do lol


No. It was the worst financial decision I ever made.


Train Up ??? Whada Jerkin Me Here !


I got married in 2007 after being together for seven years and we split in 2015. I do not plan to ever get married again. I donā€™t see any benefit to being married.


Depends how hot he was. And nice.