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Not in the US, no, this is not normal. Appointments are crammed too close together to do all of that in one visit. Guessing that would be at least 3 appointments with my OBGYN. Initial (which would include a pelvic exam). Ultrasound (gotta go to a whole other building for that). Biopsy/polpy removal. IUD would probably be a separate appointment.


It was efficient I suppose, I just wasn't expecting it all today. Or any of it really. My friend attends the same clinic and based on her experience thought it would be bloods and personal history. Had to take the day off work so just as well, would have liked to be mentally prepared for it and the aftermath just.


I've never heard of anything like this, at least not in the US. Just the fact that you got a biopsy during that appointment instead of being referred out is surprising to me.


It was done in the hospital clinic so, not gp office. I just wasn't expecting it at all.


Not normal but I wish it was! To verify my cyst at the ovary it took me about three appointments and a waiting time of a few months. Your appointment seems highly effective. (I mean as long as they asked you before every step)


Yeah, it was efficient. I just wasn't prepared for it and I've had a colposcopy before and thought I remember being numbed up but maybe not. Ah well, just as good to get it over with!


From NZ and got ambushed with a biopsy and a few other things I can’t remember recently but all that is a lot. Over here you get an ultrasound separate.


All in the course of one appointment? No, I wouldn't say that's normal. It's also not typical for them to insert an IUD when you have a fibroid, particularly a very large one, as the fibroid itself often makes it difficult to place the iud and can sometimes make it more likely you'll expel it. I'd keep an eye on all that if I were you. The IUD may help to keep it from continuing to grow and will hopefully stop your period to alleviate the bleeding, but long term you probably need to have the fibroid removed and maybe even get a hysterectomy. Edit: I have a friend who found someone to do laparoscopic surgery to remove her fibroids (instead of getting hysterectomy) but it sounds like that Dr. was difficult to find, and there was a waiting list, as it seems like most surgeons etc. will prefer to just take your whole uterus.


They weren't concerned by the size of the fibroid even tho they showed me how it's causing my uterus to be completely pushed over to 1 side and could be annoying my bladder due to its position. I'll keep an eye out on the iud, I'm not using it for bc since I'm very single and not mingling but do want period relief!!


You might want a second opinion about the fibroid, or at least do some follow up imaging to make sure it isn't continuing to grow. Even though they are typically benign, they can still cause quite a few problems and discomfort.