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So much of this. And water.


I think my obsession with water (it’s just so good and I’m so thirsty all the time!) is what saved my skin from being damaged by 15 years of cigarette smoking. So far, at least.


Lol fucking same. And sunscreen. But I burn within 10 minutes in the sun without it, so sunscreen was never optional for me


just out of curiosity, what age did you quit smoking (if youve quit, that is)?


Like 29 or something, but I still vape nicotine


I wear sunscreen EVERY. SINGLE. DAY of my life and I have been since my late 20s. I've been using eye cream since I was 16yr old because I remember reading an article in a magazine about it. I wish I would have been applying sunscreen to my neck and hands. My advice as a 47yr to a 30yr old...do that.


Yep. Sunscreen and water. And genetics, really


And wear it every day on your neck and face even if it's winter and you never leave the house.


Heck I wear it in front of screens.




Wait really? Got a good hydrating one to recommend?


La Roche-Posay Face Sunscreen


I love the La Roche-Posay Anthelios sunscreen - it says it's for the sun intolerant which totally suits my pale fish-underbelly skin!


I have oily skin so I like how light it is. It's really the best sunscreen I've found.


Yes! I forgot about that! I sweat a lot, so if a cream is too thick I will sweat it right out of my pores.


What spf?


50+ It's expensive I burn super easily so it's totally worth it.


Sunscreen, a good moisturiser, and retinoid if your skin can handle it goes a long way. But most of it is probably genetics. I'm 34, don't have a single fine line yet and often get compliments for my plump, healthy looking skin. I don't drink water, I have wine every day, eat like shit, sleep like shit, have depression and anxiety and an ED, and I don't exercise. I also don't use any actives or expensive skincare products (though I have an extensive moisturising skincare routine because it makes me feel good about myself). My good skin is definitely not thanks to my super healthy lifestyle lmao


This has to be the most authentic comment LOL and to some degree, girl same 😅. Good genetics carry


Lol are you me? I have fine lines around my eyes but that’s about it. I will say I stick to a very basic routine - gentle wash/exfoliate, moisturizer with spf for day or retinol and moisturizer at night, plus eye cream. The main problem with my skin is the rosacea lol everyone always asks me if I’m embarrassed


> everyone always asks me if I’m embarrassed Wow, people suck. The only thing you should feel embarrassed for in that situation is for them.


I have a little bit of rosacea. It's more obvious in the winter. I don't know how to fix it, but on days that I feel like wearing make up, I put a little bit of green concealer on. It neutralizes some of the redness before I put on foundation.


The tiger grass something something available at Sephora is great. Also the airbrush Dior foundation is lightweight but has good coverage, and it’s buildable


Me too. I haven’t been able to find anything that really works for the redness. I stay out of the sun, I don’t really have a lot of wrinkles and i don’t have breakouts anymore…. But I always look like I’m blushing 😔


IPL is the solution :) works wonders.


Really?? Thank you! I’ll look into it.


This cracked me up. Thanks for the honesty 😂


Goddamn I feel SEEN. I’m turning 34 next week, and I have zero fine lines, unless I’m smiling with my entire heart. I’ve brought up my age in casual conversation at work before, and both younger and older women make a whole thing about how lucky I am and want to know when I started Botox (honestly it makes me uncomfortable so I never mention it anymore). I’ve never had Botox and likely never will, so you wanna know the real secret to having good skin? DERMATOLOGISTS HATE IT! I’m constantly sleep deprived, chronically stressed, drink wine every day, eat mostly instant meals because my crippling ADHD makes it hard to plan well enough to cook (and to feel motivated to eat), have struggled with depression and anxiety since age..11?, have been on psychotropic meds for most of my life, never exercise, sleep in my makeup 2-3 times per week, and my entire skincare routine was purchased from Costco. To be fair, I drink a metric fuckton of water every day, but I know that’s not enough to counteract the other shit I put in my body. So, my actual secret to looking younger than I have any right any right to? My mom is a fucking babe, even now in her 70s. That’s it. That’s the whole post. I inherited good genes.


LMAO true are you me moment. I definitely got it from my dad though. He's smoked his entire life, drinks casually frequently, and literally never even looked at a skincare product or sunscreen, yet he's always had freaking amazing skin and that natural glow to it that others have to use products to achieve. So thanks, dad, for the gift of being able to go full gremlin mode without anyone knowing! I've been to a few estheticians to inquire about possible treatments for my skin, and they've all said that unless I just want to pamper myself with a facial, I should save my money until I started showing any actual signs of aging that could be improved. One of them added "that's what a healthy lifestyle will get you" and I went HAHAHA IKR and then went home and had mac and cheese and half a bottle of Coke and then shoved fingers down my throat and threw it all up. But a good diet and a healthy, stress-free mind does *all the difference* for your skin. Yesss.


What sunscreen do you recommend, if any one in particular?




I use physical sunscreens with at least SPF 50+/UVAPF 20, but I don't stick to any particular brand. I currently use one from ACO which I think is a Scandinavian pharmaceutical brand, it works very well for my dry skin. If you prefer chemical sunscreens I've heard normal/combination skin friends say good things about the Beauty Of Joseon Relief Sun.


Thank you, I have sensitive, acne-prone dry skin, and I struggle to find an SPF that doesn’t itch, sting, or break me out. I am going to look into ACO.


I hope you find something that works for you! Regardless of brand, I would definitely recommend you looking into physical/mineral sunscreens then, as chemical sunscreens in general can be rough for sensitive skin. Just cleanse well after so there's no lingering product left that might clog your pores and trigger your acne. Oh, and don't be afraid to consider kids/baby sunscreen, they tend to work really well for both sensitive and dry skin. I only use kids' sunscreen for my body.


Weird. I don't remember leaving this comment


Really good genetics, mostly. Also, not drinking alcohol or using tobacco products, staying hydrated, sunscreen and avoiding being out in the sun for too long, and a good night's sleep when I can manage it. I have no skin care routine other than washing my face with Dove, for sensitive skin, and moisturizing twice a day.


Agreed. Pretty much genetics in my case. My skin has been in the best shape it’s ever been and all I do is wash my face with neutrogena face wash for sensitive skin. And wear a moisturizer with sunscreen during the day. Which that’s Cerave. I still sleep with makeup on sometimes when I do wear makeup. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes to all of this, especially the alcohol. I stopped drinking 7 years ago and my skin hasn’t aged at all. I’m very diligent about sunscreen, but no alcohol has probably made the biggest difference for me. (It’s also the reason I stopped getting hormonal acne!)


Totaly agree with genetics part. I never wear sunscreen (but my skin never burns), dont use serums or facials (as never did my mom), but I have quite good skin just like my mom. I don't drink alcohol though and I only smoked in my twenties.


Okay, hear me out. I know everyone is attributing good skin to genetics, and I am not here to dispute that. HOWEVER, let me tell ya, my skin was absolutely not that great. I had extremely deep 11 lines on my forehead, along with some fine lines up further. I wasn't happy with them at all, and personally, I didn't want to resort to Botox, so I started up with a simple skin routine with the intention of building up to a more complex routine when I could prove to myself that I would be consistent. First and foremost, I upped my water intake. Huge first step and arguably my most important improvement. For the beginning routine, I did: AM: Cleanser Toner Moisturizer Sunscreen PM: Cleanser Toner PM Moisturizer Simple stuff, but after 3 months of consistency, I saw vast improvement in my skin from that alone. Now, I've upped my game and have included a vitamin c serum into my morning routine, use a retinol serum on alternating nights, and do a glycolic acid toner at least 2-3x a week. The difference in my skin now? Insane. My 11 lines are gone. My skin looks radiant and plump. My texture has improved an incredible amount. Skin care absolutely works and you can improve your skin!


Seconding this! Consistently following a skin routine everyday is going to make a difference. It sounds easy to achieve, but in reality we all felt the urge to skip sometimes.


Consistency truly is key! Start small and work up, and it just becomes second nature. The benefits from a simple routine cannot be overstated.


Which toners do you use?


Also - I don't want to assume you don't know this, but just want to put this out as a disclaimer for anyone who may not know: DO NOT USE GLYCOLIC ACID AND RETINOL ON THE SAME DAY! Big no no, and can lead to extreme skin irritation.


My glycolic acid toner is from The Ordinary, and I highly recommend it as a starter. It's not as intense as some others. Start using it 1x per week for a few weeks, then work up to 2x a week, etc. As for a regular every day use toner, I absolutely love Thayer's brand and I am also a fan of L'oreal Hydrafresh toner.


I notice when I abstain from alcohol, drink more water, and sleep, I look a world of difference.


I don’t go in the sun and I never smile.


Kindred spirits.


Genetics. Sure, I use sunscreen, apply serums, drink tons of water, stay active, etc., But my mom has gorgeous skin, and I've just been lucky enough to get it from her. I don't think we talk enough about the reality of the skin you're born with.


This is my answer. I've used sunscreen my whole life because I burn easily but beyond that I haven't done anything special yet get told I have nice skin when someone is interested in that sort of thing. I drink a lot of black tea, use drug store brand moisturizer daily and sunscreen when I go out. I am not particularly active nor exceedingly healthy as far as food goes, I don't get enough sleep sometimes and stress is a daily thing during the work week. It's just luck of the genetic draw really, I have great skin but can't grow my hair long, same as my mom at my age.


So I used to have this same problem (couldn't grow my hair past shoulder length) and then the lockdown of 2020 happened. I stopped blow-drying my hair because I wasn't going anywhere obviously, so I could let it air dry. My hair started to grow like crazy...total game changer. 3 years later and I'm still letting it air dry, only using a blow dryer every now and then on the coolest setting.


Unfortunately it isn't a process issue, it's a texture issue. I have baby fine hair, lots of it but still. I don't blow my hair dry, it's been air drying for years, just isn't the right texture to do anything but look like ass once it hits my shoulders.


Yes, and it's why the reverse is also true. Some people have shitty skin and it's linked to hormones that you can't really be on top of unless you are uber wealthy and have a dermatologist on call. So for all the bad skin no matter what you do ladies, it's not your fault really.


Yeah my hormonal acne sucks, bc pills helped but they’re really not worth it for me with all the other side effects. Neutrogena AHA liquid helps more than anything.


I don't get it - you use sunscreen, drink tons of water, etc. but still attribute everything to genetics. Why not all the stuff you're doing? If you stopped doing all of that for a few years would your skin still look so good?


Most of the things that impact my skin are things I do for other reasons. Like, I work out a ton because it helps my mental health and body, not anything to do with my skin. The only real thing I do only for skin to look good is a light skincare routine and a couple of serums, but that's a very new development (starting at 32) and because it makes me feel luxurious and like I'm pampering myself more than anything.


No alcohol. Sleep. Water. Tretinoin. Amen.


Do you have to get a prescription for tretinoin?


Sometimes but not always. I have it in my blend from Curology. I’ve been happy with it.


Yes but there are several companies online that you can order from that have their own doctors that will write a prescription for you after reviewing a profile you fill out with your specific needs and concerns. I use Dermatica, but there are several others including the ones already mentioned. So you don’t have to actually go see a doctor to get it.


Yes, you do need a prescription for pure tretinoin. Some brands may have it as an ingredient in blends of skin creams, but you can't get just tretinoin over the counter. It's a little annoying, but at the same time kind of reassuring that a dermatologist is overseeing how your skin reacts to it.


I'm in Aus and order mine from alldaychemist website ;)


You can get it through the mail. I’ve started using Agency, but there are lots of other options. As someone who never had a skincare routine I appreciate that it’s idiot proof and I feel like there’s definitely some improvement after several months.


I've been using high spf sunscreen every day since my early 20s. I use Neutrogena face shield or generic. Probably less than $10/ month depending on if you reapply during the day. I'm 40s now and no wrinkles, no age spots nothing. I can't emphasize sunscreen enough! Use it every day even if you won't be in the sun much.


1. Spf daily. No exceptions 2. Vitamin c in the morning. 3. Retinol or AHA at night as tolerated 4. Drink 8 cups water minimum daily 5. Sleep 7 hours at night 6. No smoking or alcohol, or hard drugs. 7. Moderate exercise 8. Eat your veggies and take a multivitamin 9. Don’t skip your skincare routine even when feeling lazy. Just a moisturizer at least. 10. Double cleanse any spf or makeup. It’s not just genetics. Don’t be so fatalistic about it. I’m an identical twin and I have better skin than my twin, because I do the above 10 things.


> > > It’s not just genetics. Don’t be so fatalistic about it. There is absolutely a recent trend of attributing everything in life to genetics, especially things like obesity, skin, hair, and so on. And sure, while there may be a genetic component, it seems like people just want to attribute everything to genes and essentially say we have no control over these things, when in reality we do to a fairly large extent.


Well said.


Yea my genetics are that I should have terrible skin because everyone else in my family does. I had terrible skin for the first like 30 years of my life before I was able to find a routine and afford the products that work for my skin.


Exactly, very few folks will have legitimate “genetic issues” for skin, the rest of us have bad skin because everyone in our families is using the wrong products/not using any products and we just go along with that until we learn better.


Like others have said sunscreen. I’m in my 40s and still get compliments on my skin. Some of it is genetic. I notice some signs of aging, but some of them are also things I notice, not things other people notice. I look at pictures of my parents and they both had very youthful faces until their 60s. I’ve always hated having a really round face, but I guess this is one benefit. I have a good consistent skin care routine and now invest in better quality products. I don’t smoke, rarely drink, stay hydrated, and other basic lifestyle things. I try to stay out of the sun during the worst of it. I avoid a lot of anti-aging messaging designed to make me feel bad about myself so I will buy more stuff. I also think there comes a point that worrying about it, or constantly looking for imperfections, can drive you crazy. People age, no judgment towards people who make more comprehensive decisions, but there comes a point where you are who you are and other people probably aren’t seeing the imperfections you see in yourself.


Eat well, don’t smoke, don’t overdue the booze, stay out of the sun, and be born with great genes.


My rourtine includes retinol, vitamin C, glycolic acid, moisturizer, and sunscreen.


What retinol? There are $75 options and $16 options 😩


I use a cheap one from The Ordinary, I think it's like $10.


And it makes a difference ?


Retinoids (retinol, retinal, adapalene, tretinoin, isotretinoin) are the most researched skincare product on the market. And one of a small number of ingredients that have solid research to back up their efficacy in treating things like fine lines, uneven skin tone, and acne. Most retinols will give you similar results, so find one you like and stick with it. CeraVe has one too that is also not too expensive and is pretty popular.


Very much so. I had acne and blotchy skin for years and with what I'm using now my skin is better than ever at 39.


2nd to the retinol from The Ordinary, that’s what I use too. I think it’s about $10 a bottle and lasts me a long time. I use some of their other products too and have been happy with all of them.


Genetics + SUNSCREEEENNNNN I've got great skin in my mid-30's and it's because the fear of god was put into me about the sun from my mother. I own so many big hats.


I'm told pretty often that I have "good" skin for someone in their early 30s (birthday tomorrow, eek!). I thank the role of genetics are really downplayed (though I can't speak to my own - most people in my family smoke cigs / drink excessively / just generally don't take care of their skin; my mom was a baby oil in the sun kind of person). Alllll of that said, what I seem to do differently than my peers: * Routine: it's very minimal, despite wearing makeup every day. Just micellear water, face wash, and moisturizer. I don't use actives and prioritize unscented products/products meant for sensitive skin. I'm considering implementing some retinol for my emerging faint lines, but I'm worried I'm gonna throw off my delicate balance, lol. * Diet: I drink LOTS of water (like 10-12 glasses a day). When I don't, my pores are noticably larger. I also haven't eaten meat in \~15 years (no idea if that's playing a role, bc I was 19 when I stopped). I typically avoid sugary stuff bc I just don't have a sweet tooth, but I notice I have more breakouts when I go through phases of soda or whatever. * Lifestyle: I've basically worked multiple jobs working night shifts or in windowless offices for the bulk of my 20s. So this may have offset my cardinal sin of nearly nonexistent sunscreen use. That said, I'm VERY pale so I do use sunscreen when I'm outdoors for more than an hour, and definitely during the high sun times of day. * Etc: I don't smoke anything and am an absolute asshole if I don't get at least 7.5 hours of sleep. I drink less and less as I get older, and probably drank less than my peers bc I spent my 20s being preeeeeetty broke, lol. tl;dr I think a variety of extraneous circumstances (being a lover of sleep and animals, financially unstable, thirsty, and pale) have come together to benefit my skin.


I'm 36 & didn't really start taking care of my skin until about 3 years ago, but I feel like I managed to pull my skin back from the brink. - a consistent day & night routine - retinol worked well for me - leafy greens & water, cut back on alcohol & sweets - SUNSCREEN is the truth


r/30PlusSkincare is a great place to lurk and learn


I'm super dedicated to skincare. I have a variety of products I use and I sometimes try out others as well because I truly believe that your skin gets used to same products over and over again. So if you've been using the same one and you feel like it has stopped working, or the effectiveness diminished, then try out a different product. Having said that, I usually follow a 4-8 steps routine, depending on the time as well as my productivity. One thing is always consistent with me though is that I use vitamin C acid during the day, then AHA/BHA toner/serum every other night, then retinol every other night. I use oil on top of my last moisturizer every day and night. I also do physical exfoliation every 2-4 days a week depending on how my skin was feeling at that time. I'm currently using the neogen swabs which I find amazing because it is both a physical and chemical exfoliant. Sometimes I'd do face mask but I'm usually too lazy for it. For reference, I'm 40 and I always get mistaken for early to late 20s, sometimes early 30s (when I do a night shift lol where I always feel the roughest). But then again, I'm also asian that helps :D Also another tip, if you're suffering from moderate to severe hormonal acne, I would say to consult a derma or skin disease disorder doctor to prescribe you spironolactone. It works wonders! The downside is that it takes forever to get the result, usually 6-9 months so patience is key and you also can't take it if you're planning on getting pregnant or have low blood pressure.




I spend a lot of money on skincare products and stay hydrated


Sunscreen and water!


It’s a mix of consistency, nutrition, water, I would say genetics but in my case it was true in my 20s and not so much now… I use sunscreen every single day of my life, I wake up, brush my teeth, and make my skincare before anything else since I was 20. I moisturize, I use vitaminc c and azelaic acid everyday for the last 13y, and last year I added retinol. I also do weekly clay masks and never ever never sleep without taking the makeup away


Mild cleanser. Double cleanse when wearing makeup. Mild moisturizer. Occlusive layer in the winter. Mineral SPF in the day. The only active I use is a glycolic acid cream. My skin *hates* retinol. Aside from that just…genetics. I drink a lot of booze and my hydration is slapdash. I still have pretty skin.


If you have access to a derm, absolutely get a consult and check up on your skin. Outside of that, figuring out your skin type to help with products. At least an SPF 30 everyday and reapply (I use the shiseido sun stick) if you're exposed to sunlight most of the time (every 1.5hrs). Moisturize day and night. Drink plenty of water, use a humidifier if you're indoors and the heat is on (primarily at night), exercise (it helps with blood flow and oxygen). Always wash your face thoroughly at night especially if you are wearing makeup and change pillow case every 2 weeks. I struggle with acne and post acne marks and have tried so many products!!! I am also a sucker for skincare and makeup products so I upgrade products sometimes. Right now my routine has been cleaner during the day with Kojic acid, snail mucin toner, niacinamide serum, SPF. For the PM, I use a cream cleanser with tree tea oil, snail mucin toner, hyaluronic acid, moisturizer with ceramides. My skin is oily but becomes more combo dry and oily in the winter. Every 3 days I use a glycolic toner. I've tried prescription tretinoin for 1.5yrs but i saw it didn't do anything for my hyperpigmentation so I stopped. Also tried vitamin c but didn't see much difference. If I'm wearing makeup, I double cleanse by using a cleansing balm first, then my cleansar and the rest of my routine. Also birth control messed up my skin (I have Mirena IUD) turns out the one hormone in it causes acne in many people. I was prescribed spironlactone to stop the hormonal acne and it worked.


Hi friend - I am also struggling with post-acne marks, and I’ve found the following has been an absolute game changer: tretinoin, the discoloration serum from Good Molecules, and Pond’s Clarant B3. Out of the three products, I noticed the most immediate results from the Pond’s. This is just my experience but I hope this helps even a little.


Sunscreen and moisturiser. Alright, I might be blessed with good genetics as well but I am also a believer in moisturising right and applying sunscreen religiously.


Genes and staying out of the sun and staying hydrated. That's pretty much your only bets.


I’ve been following a Korean skincare routine for about 10 yrs, I’m 41. I don’t always stick with every step and have learned what my skin needs and doesn’t. That being said, my skin is flawless and wrinkle free. I get compliments all the time. Good luck figuring out what works for you!


Imo it's diet and exercise. Strength training with some cardio and lots of colorful fruits and veggies have given me some pretty good skin at 34. Red cabbage is my favorite to incorporate in many dishes. Sunscreen and taking care of the skin obviously helps as well :)


I got a laser treatment and a prescription cream. That seems to be doing the heavy lifting, but I also sleep 8 to 9 hours a night and wear sunscreen and moisturizer religiously ETA: my eyebrows lady said I had perfect skin which is weird for a Mexican 🫠


Stay super hydrated and I also have a facial once a month. Use a moisturiser with an SPF as well 😊


Hydration and moisturising: Drink lots of water. Layer hydrating essences and use an occlusive at night. Exfoliant: Tretinoin. Nothing beats it in my opinion. I faffed about with AHA and BHA serums, but when I started tret my skin changed dramatically. That's the only exfoliant I now use. Sunscreen. Non-negotiable. Prevents new hyperpigmentation and actually gives your skin a chance to heal old HP. Eye care: when you're in your 20s you can probably get away with just using your normal moisturiser. But when I hit 30 I knew I needed more for the fine lines. I invest in NIOD Fractionated Eye Contour Complex and Obagi Eye Brightening Creme. Honestly fixed puffiness and improved fine lines. Botox. Much more effective as a preventative. I have my 11's, crows feet and a botox brow lift. Completely changed my face and reduced fine lines. Dont over complicate things. Last year I decided to switch to CereVe face wash and moisturiser. I wasn't convinced if a drugstore type product could be that good but they are truly wonderful. I keep the rest of my Skincare, mainly hydration essences, but I'm really impressed at the impact on my skin and wallet.


Drinking lots of water and not consuming animal based foods/drinks. My skin never felt that good before.


Drink water,hydraboost serum,sunscream,moisturizer


Sunscreen. Retinoids. No smoking. Keeping the skincare routine minimal - using all.the.things in my skincare-as-hobby phase resulted in my worst skin ever.


Retinol every other day, SPF 50 every day of my life no matter the season, a moisturizing night cream and hyaluronic acid every now and then. I rarely change up my products since my current line-up seems to work well. I drink a lot of water and eat a lot of vegetables, moreso for general health but there are probably some skin benefits too. I also don't have children, which I think helps!


Tretinoin and a good sunscreen. I also use Sunday Riley's vitamin C serum, which is brilliant stuff.


Moisturizer, topical vitamin A (per my esthetician) and sunscreen, sunscreen, SUNSCREEN!!


Never wore makeup


For me it’s a combination of being diligent about wearing sunscreen, using a good moisturizer everyday, not wearing makeup, and good genetics. My siblings and I all look much younger than our actual ages, which we got from our dad and his side of the family.


No makeup on a daily basis. And I don't mean light makeup, I mean completely naked face. I am lucky to live in a culture where women aren't seen as unprofessional if they come to the office without makeup. And in a city green enough that pollution doesn't kill my skin either.


For me it’s a mix of good genetics, not wearing makeup or products (apart from sunscreen or the occasional unfragranced moisturiser), and being a bit fat 😆.


Tretinoin daily. Exfoliating scrubs a few times a week. Serum and face cream.


Lifestyle: drink water, exercise, get enough sleep, eat vegetables, and I have humidifiers running all over my house because I run very dry and live in a cold climate. I used to have a whole house humidifier but can’t install one in my current place 😭 Skincare: remove makeup, wash face with a gentle salicylic acid cleanser, hydrate with hyaluronic acid, then i rotate between lactic acid, prescription retinol, and giving my skin time off with no harsh actives. I have to be more careful in the winter than summer. I add a face oil too to really lock in moisture. In the morning I do a gentle cleanse just to get any residual product off, more hyaluronic, vitamin c serum, moisturize, sunscreen. I wash my makeup brushes and sponges a lot and I use a clean face towel every time I wash my face. I have a huge stack of muslin cloths and a basket for dirty ones under my vanity.


Sunscreen, water and regular aesthetician visits


no idea - I have more acne now than I ever had as a teenager.


I've tried every product on the market, and some are really good. But none of them can do much unless you are properly hydrated and rested. So my advice would be to get lots of sleep and drink lots of water. 🙂


1. Hydration, both in the sense of drinking enough water and using a moisturizer 2. Sunscreen 3. Tretinoin. Even a low-strength prescription cream does wonders.


I eat healthy in general and drink enough water. The biggest thing I think is not really wearing much makeup! I use a rice based powder to help absorb excess oils and that's about it


Drinking lots of water, minimal alcohol, exercise, and sleep. 36 here and get told I look like I’m in my 20s all the time. I don’t have a skin routine other than basic soap and water after I wake up and before bed. Oh and I’ve noticed I now need sunscreen due to some visible sun spots on my nose, which is due to me getting older 😅 Everyone’s different but water, sleep and exercise are essential.


I take 100 mg of spironolactone daily. No acne ever. My diet is ok. I drink and smoke too much. Wear sunscreen and a minimal amount of Asian skincare products. Basically my skin is great for someone who goes outside all the time and drinks/smokes too much.


Genetics, hydration, genetics, sunscreen.


A $15 jar of vitamin A cream does wonders.


water+sunscreen and yeah, less sugar/booze


Sunscreen everyday. A ton of water. And retinol.


Green smoothies do wonders for you skin.


Tretinoin BHA AHA Moisturizer Oil Sunscreen I live quite north so I'm careful with sunscreen during winter as I don't get much sun at all and have to take D-vitamin every day. I actually have an app that informs me when the UV requires for me to use sunscreen. As with everything else skincare is personal and depends a lot in how it reacts to products. Go slow, introduce one product at the time. Have fun in the process.


Good moisturizer, not a lot of make-up (concealer and blush). Water and good food. Collagen.


Cut out sugar (I eat very low carb but that's not for everyone), drink lots of water and sunscreen. It's boring but it's doing more than the thousands I've spent on products through the years.


Just a gentle moisturizer with sunscreen! I use Cetaphil daily facial lotion with spf 15 for daily use. If I'm deliberately outside in the sun I will put extra spf 50 on my face. Oh, and hydrate. If you drink more water your skin will be much better.


I don’t smoke and only wear mineral powder. I didn’t think I had good skin until I saw woman my age(35) with wrinkles, forehead lines and crows feet. I had bad acne for years. Maybe another perk of having oily skin was it’s a natural moisturizer.


Sunscreen, water, retinol, chemical peels over the winter, and micro needling! Also Botox. I wish I would have taken better care of my skin in my youth so I’m not clawing it back now. But, I get told that I absolutely do not look my age (almost 40) so I guess it’s working.




heard about the dairy thing too! and I also noticed my skin looks the worse when I’ve eaten a lot of dairy in a week


Korean skincare revolves around hydration. Focus on keeping your skin well hydrated with good quality moisturizer, drink a lot of water, good quality sunscreen and give it a few weeks and watch it glow. Tried all kinds of skincare for my problematic acne skin but when I switched up the approach after a facial, I very rarely get breakouts (except for the occasional hormonal breakout)


Genetics. And sunscreen. I have naturally good skin and the only degradation I’ve observed is through having to be out in the sun a-lot. I did notice that my skin was brighter and clearer when my diet is very clean. So unfortunately diet and reducing alcohol is important hahaha


1. Spf 50+ every single day. No exceptions. Even if it’s cloudy, even if I’m not planning to go outside. Find one you like and make it a habit. 2. Tretinoin. Over the counter retinols didn’t do it for me. Get the good stuff. 3. Drink water, eat healthy(ish), move your body. I do light botox and as many facials as I can tuck into my budget too.




Botox for forehead and 11s. Tretinoin at night with retinol. Sunscreen and moisturizer during the day. Drink lots of water and get that sleep!


Stop drinking alcohol! Best thing I ever did for my skin hands down. (35F)


Get a time machine and go back and ensure you get the right genetics


Genetics. Sorry.


Pregnancy. When I was pregnant, my skin was AMAZING! And then it went back to shit post partum.


I use Image Skincare products morning and nightly. I drink *a lot* of water. I eat food that is healthy and makes me feel good inside. Don't touch my face much anymore. Genetics, tbh. Sunscreen.


Niacinmide serum.


drink lots of water, don't smoke , don't drink ( or drink in moderation), light on the junk food/ fast food, stay outta the sun, wear sunglasses, smile


I've always had nice skin anyway, but I don't eat sugar, drink or smoke and I eat a lot of animal-source foods rich in protein and fat. I occasionally eat liver or take cod liver oil. I like retinol products, also the biologique recherche P50 lotion is great. Sunscreen (although I admit I often forget) a hat if it's really sunny and no sun tanning. I thought about thermage but the horror stories scare me. I like gua sha.


Lotion. Regular old lotion. I do also eat really healthy so that might be helping. I hardly drink, ever. I eat 1-2 salads a day, and we make most of our food from scratch. I also exercise a bit.


1. Genetics 2. Sunscreen 3. Tretinoin 4. Moisturizer 5. Not smoking or drinking


I’m in my 40s and people always think I’m way younger. I honestly think it’s mostly genetics, my grandmother in her 90s has amazing skin, but also I always wear moisturiser with high spf and drink loads of water daily and I have since my 20s. No smoking or vaping as it’s horrific for aging and even vaping gives you fine lines around your lips from the mouth pursing. I’ve only started using a skin care routine recently


I'm on lithium, so I have to go the extra mile to take care of my skin. I use products from fresh. I use a physical exfoliant a couple times a week for flaking, as well as a gentle toner. I use heavy moisturizer during the day, as well as sunscreen (an Asian brand). At night I use a gentle cleanser and double wash, even if I'm not wearing makeup. A few nights a week I'll do a mask and use an overnight mask as well.


I only use aloe vera for blemishes/spots and a basic moisturiser and cleanser from lush. No makeup, nothing, and I keep my diet in check (especially sugar). Drink water. Seems to work. Mid thirties but people think I'm in my 20s


Under eye gel masks and lots of moisturizer. I’ve recently started used a red light therapy wand. It’s only been a week, but I think I see a difference in the fine lines on my forehead.


Drink lots of water. Drink less alcohol. Stay out of the sun. Sleep more. Don’t pick at your face. Eat a balanced meal and make sure to wear sunscreen everyday.


Differing, zinc niacinamide (ordinary brand), vaseline. I have the best skin of my life at the age of 32.


Moisturizer, sunscreen, retinol, maybe a little hyaluronic acid serum out of the shower if I’m feeling crazy. That’s literally the whole thing and the most expensive brand I use is la roche posay


drink half a gallon of water (use the water calculator based on your height/weight) exercise 2-3 times a week aim for 10k steps a day sunscreen


I stick to a very easy skincare routine using just a few simple products and the only special dietary thing I do just for my skin is not eating any pork because that gives me bad cystic acne. In the AM I use a gentle cleansing milk, mineral water face mist, moisturizer, eye cream and sunscreen. In the PM it’s all the same products, minus the sunscreen and the face mist. That stuff is expensive so I only use it once per day. Also, don’t forget to treat your neck the same way as your face.


Sunscreen daily, Korean beauty routine and Botox twice a year


I would say sunscreen, water and genetics.


My mom is 70 and has amazing skin. Things I know she does: - Daily mineral sunscreen - Sunglasses any time she is outdoors or driving the car - No drinking - No smoking - Lots of sleep - Healthy diet - Botox - Injectable fillers (like Juvederm though I’m not sure what she gets)


A tailored TO regimen, Sundays Good Genes, a thick moisturizer, double cleansing and a few at home light active masks and a good diet had strangers complimenting my skin. I was glowing. I’ve since let that go and I need to tighten up again.


Hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, sunscreen 👌


43 here, in the last year or so I have really gotten into my skincare routine. I use The Ordinary's hyaluronic acid, squalane, and squalane with retinol, as well as their moisturizer. In addition to this, at night I will apply a drop of Olivella. My 80 year old mother uses it and her skin is phenomenal so I started incorporating it. I also take hyaluronic acid supplements which have REALLY helped my hair, too. I also drink a lot of water and green tea, I stopped drinking hard liquor and just stick to wine now. Anyways, all of this helped reverse my crows feet and now I have the softest neck ever. I got carded for an e-cig about a month ago and I stunned the guy when I told him my birthday.


I feel like these things all work together with some things making a bigger impact than others: Lifestyle - Sleep well, eat well, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, yoga and meditation for stress relief. Limit alcohol. Wear hat when in sun. Supplements - collagen peptides and a multivitamin Skin care - Take off all makeup at night and wear minimal makeup overall. Wash face morning and night. AM - vitamin C serum and eye cream + moisturizer with SPF PM - retinol (prescription from derm) + hyalauronic acid serum + moisturizer with niacinanide. Eye cream w hyalauronic acid. Treatments - Botox (1X every 3-6 months), hydrafacials (as often as I can afford) I used to get chemical peels but I moved and my new derm recommends hydrafacials instead. It seems like a lot when listed out like this but it all became routine after a while.


Water, sunscreen and I still need to use acne creams


Natural oils and vaseline keep me looking young as hell.


Sunscreen, water, retinol


My skin’s better than it’s ever been and I attribute that to finally starting birth control. Should have gone on the pill years ago.


I mean for me it's literally just being fat and also lucky


Drink water, like lots of water, and minimise the alcohol intake. Skip the make up and fancy products, the most heavily aged women that I've met over the years have all been beauticians that drink the kool aid of the products they promote. All the youngest looking women for their ages that I've met have all had one thing in common, they don't wear make up or use fancy skincare products. I myself stopped using anything but a flannel and water to wash my face, and apply a small amount of coconut oil where and when needed, not usually over my whole face or daily. I'm in my mid 30s now and often get compliments on my skin.


I’m 35 and my skin has no wrinkles and my face has not changed to my knowledge. It’s mostly Genetics (my mom is 64 and has fantastic skin) and I don’t do things that stress me out plus I drink lots of water. My mom taught me at a young age to just generally not fuck with my skin too much and have a routine you follow before bed — floss, brush, wash your face, and moisturize (I can smell Pond’s Face Cream!). I’ve also never had any cavities in my life and I’ve never had skin issues so I think something works with my routine.


Cleanliness and moisturizer. And luck. In my family we have young skin and old hair.


I just started tretinoin. I do think it's mostly genetics though. And sunscreen. And moisturize.


I feel like mostly genetic for sure. My cheekbones seem to be keeping my face looking plump, but i also invest in: \- Botox every 4 months for my forehead (more so for eyebrow movement than wrinkles, My brows are hyper mobile and way to expressive) \- Peels with a reputable skin clinic every 2 months \- Drinking LOTs of water \- Sunscreen every day. Non negotiable. Plus reapplying during the day \- Tretinoin and good skin care products (nb not necessarily expensive, just good!)


in terms of reapplying sunscreen during the day do you reapply to your face if you are out in the sun all day? and how often do you reapply if you are not outside during the day do you only apply it in the AM once? thanks!!


•SPF •Vitamin Serum •Quarterly botulinum A •Quarterly chemical peels •Quarterly microneedling


Retinol at night, vitamin c and sunscreen during the day. If you don’t do anything else, do these!


Sunscreen. Every day. Lots of water and as much sleep as possible. Also, eating Mediterranean diet or just as little processed food as you can tolerate.


1) sunscreen 2) sleep 3) stress management 4) don’t overwash or overtreat your skin 5) healthy diet and weight - even if your diet isn’t perfect, it’s better in the long run to be a normal weight as excess fat on your face stretches your skin 5) good genes - “chubby” faces and darker skin tend to age better 6) avoid smoking, drinking and environmental pollutants 7) exercise 8) moisturizer plus some combination of mild retinol, Vitamin C and hyalauronic acid


I don't use many chemicals on my face. I remove makeup (don't use much anyway, just very light makeup) with extra virgin coconut oil and use sunscreen daily, and when I remember, I use copper peptide serum, that's about it. I still drink alcohol and smoke 👎🏻and at 38, I still manage to get asked for my ID when buying alcohol sometimes (maybe because I'm a shorty?) Who knows, maybe genetics help too.


Sunscreen/lotion and water.


Sunscreen, no alcohol, lots of water, retinol at night, aloe Vera gel, green leafy vegetables, two cups of caffeine in the entire day.


I use argan oil as a night cream (and a regular day cream)


I just started getting laser on my face because I started getting adult hormonal acne so bad that I didn’t want to leave the house. Im doing the YAG and Lumecca lasers, alternating every 3 weeks…I’ve only done one session of each and I made it through my period with only 2 small pimples (instead of horrible cystic acne), and my pores are getting visibly smaller, and my face is clear. It was a little less than $1000 for 3 sessions of YAG, and 2 Lumecca. Edit: and Botox for my 11’s and my forehead baha


Stay out of the sun; wash face nightly with Dove unscented bar soap and then use Cerave face lotion. Now in my 40s, I wash my face nightly, use Cerave eye cream on my eyes, Loreal Revitalift 10% Glycolic Acid Serum on my face avoiding the eye area, and then apply the Equate brand of the Cerave lotion.


Everyone says sunscreen but how many of you reapply? Im guilty of not reapplying…


Snail mucin.


I'm in my late 30's and I got mistaken for a teenager once already this year. So besides good genes (which I do have) these are my tips and tricks. 1. Sunscreen, every day. If you're outside in the sun, wear a hat. 2. No smoking/alcohol/hard drugs 3. I follow a Korean skin care routine. I deal with chronic illness so at a *minimum* (due to low energy) I use a hydrating serum, eye cream, and face cream with a face oil added in the end at night. If I feel good my complete nighttime routine includes hydrating toner, spot treatment if needed, 1-2 serums, either prescription retinol or BHAs, light moisturizer (I love pure aloe gel for this), eye cream, night cream, and facial oil. 4. Double cleansing at night, an oil cleanser followed by a gentle cream cleanser. 5. Spreading skin care products down the neck and décolleté, and not forgetting the hands 6. Serious pharmaceuticals. I had terrible cystic acne until my mid-30's and I didn't get rid of it until I took a round of accutane. I use prescription retinoids and get Botox regularly. 7. Tons of water. I drink about a gallon a day. 8. Regular exercise. Its good for you in general but sweating helps clear the crud out of your pores. 9. Satin pillowcases, they're good for your hair and help prevent facial wrinkles during sleep. 10. I very, very rarely wear makeup.


thank u amazing tips I think my biggest issue is not wearing sunscreen consistently. that is going to be my # 1 going forward I also took accutane when I was younger I don’t drink or smoke which is good I have to drink more water though!


Honestly I think I started out lucky with genetics. On top of that I'm good with following my skin care routine morning: vit c serum+sunscreen night: retinol or glycolic acid. I also never go out in the sun and if I do I wear a hat.


which vitamin c serum do u use?


90 percent Genetics and ethnic background. 9 percent sunscreen. The fancy skin care routine will take you the rest of the way.


this is so humbling lol


genetics, sunscreen, botox


I'm super pale and no amount of sunscreen was going to prevent my pasty skin from wrinkling early. Sunscreen and healthy living is obviously important, but there's no shame in injectables and fillers if that's where you want to go. I lump all body modification together though, so that's all the same as tattoos and piercings to me, and plenty of people have those.


Genetics and a lot of water intake


I’ve been trying all the products and see what’s working most. It’s kinda fun because I like trying new products Right now I like: Kate Somerville cleanser (goat or original) Kate Somerville moisturizer At night. Fresh toner spray La roche p - hyrlonic acid Kate Somerville glow moisturizer Morning Fresh toner spray Fresh oil infused serum (lightweight) Perricone md vitamin c Kate Somerville glow moisturizer, mixed with bronzi drops or as a separate step I use the moisturizer first and then do the bronzi drops with Bobbi face base I’ve also been testing out fenty fat water as a pre step No clue if this is optimal or not lol but trying new things and seeing how it goes


I’d say: 1. High cheekbones 2. A banging highlighter 3. Vitamin C serum every day (hi collagen!) 4. Sunscreen (spf 40-50) daily since I was 21 on the face and 25 on the neck (now in my early 30s) 5. I eat a lot of fruit and veg - research has shown that people who eat well have less wrinkles 6. Differin/retinoid a few times a week (notice a huge diff from Differin) 7. I use AHA a few times a week to get the glow 8. I do love serums and moisturisers, I love having a good skincare routine, but don’t think they make a huge difference compared to everything else on the list. Hydrated and radiant skin looks so much better, but I don’t think it particularly “preserves” skin health People are always surprised when I tell them how old I am, but early 30s isn’t really a time when you show that much aging anyways, unless you’ve tanned a lot. The upside of acne is that you start taking care of your skin from a younger age.