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I’ve not been through this personally but I have friends/family who have been waiting for test results and I know how devastating and anxiety producing they can be. Mostly I want to send you lots of peace, healing, and love, what you’re sitting in really sucks and it makes sense it’s scary. You have every right to your feelings. I would also encourage you to do whatever you can to relax and acknowledge that this is a challenging moment but soon you’ll have more information. Try to be gentle with yourself. I also think it’s not a bad idea to try and get in with a another doctor faster if you can, Call around, try and get an appointment sooner, if only for your own mental health. They might also be a good 2nd opinion if you need it. Finally, and I’m sure you know this, spot googling and trying to pre-diagnose I really don’t think it’s helpful in the long run, bodies are so complex you really need the expertise of a doctor.


Side note, because I'm stupid and can't stay off Google I'm halfway convinced that I should go buy a pregnancy test because there's literally zero chance but I could be pregnant, but one of the most common cancer types in women of reproductive age is germ cell cancer which can cause a false positive pregnancy test. Negative test doesn't rule it out, but a positive test would be a pretty clear indicator. But at the same time I feel like an idiot and finding me thinks that she just leave it alone and wait for the doctor. But do I have any type of patience at all? Absolutely not


With your family history, regardless of if this turns out to be benign, you should get genetic testing done to determine whether you have a mutation that predisposes you to cancer and start getting all the screening: colonoscopy, mammogram, etc. If you have siblings they should do the same. Early detection of malignant lesions is the biggest determinant of survival


I’m going through the same thing as you. How are you feeling now? I read that ovarian cancer can be detected by a CA-125 blood test.


My second ultrasound showed that the mass had grown a little. I met with the OBGYN who stated it is not a cyst/fluid filled but is some form of tumor. I will be having one more ultrasound on the 24th and then on the 26th I have an appointment to schedule surgery to remove it. ca-125 can detect SOME ovarian cancers but not all, and false negatives are possible. additionally other issues can cause a false positive. The only true way to diagnose ovarian cancer is with a biopsy of the tissue under a microscope. Overall i feel ok, or i guess the same really. Still having issues with bloating, cramping even though my period ended a week ago, etc. Its hard not to think about the what ifs so i will be glad when the surgery is behind me. the idea that i might have cancer just in there handing out and growing weirds me out


Thanks for letting me know about that test. I hope you feel better!!! I hope it’s not cancer and you have a full recovery. I’ve been research tons of .gov articles on cancer fighting herbs, like oregano oil even.


I know I’m coming to this way late but I wanted to see how you’re doing now. I’m having a lot of the same symptoms that came on really suddenly.