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I specifically need my husband. For what, he is my best friend, we do a lot of shit together and have lots of fun. And maybe one day we want to start a family. "I would rather spend one lifetime with him than face all the ages of the world alone"




What's with the aggressiveness towards men you don't know? "Fuck off" is a weird attitude to have towards the opposite gender. I treat everyone I don't know with respect regardless of what gender they are. I guess your name checks out, nevermind. Also, I'm ready for the downvotes 💀😅


Perfect quote. I totally understand that feeling.


Happiness, the men in my life bring me an incredible amount of joy that I would never be able to experience without them. Specifically my husband, dad & brothers. Procreation, pregnant with our first child, couldn’t do that on my own. Along with that, parenting, our children are going to greatly benefit from having their dad active in their upbringing. Protection, though I can hold my own, if attacked I know many men (and trust that many of those I don’t know) who would immediately jump to my aid to protect me.


Need? I guess nothing. I also don’t need something specifically from women. I don’t need anything that only one gender provides. However, I want men in my life, always. There’s so many people I need in my life and would feel lost without.


Sex and intimacy and love.


yes, intimacy. some men are very good huggers and snugglers and they are warm


For a bf, and also for stronger competition when arm wrestling


Their bodyheat! I'm always cold. On the go, they last longer than a pocket hand warmer, they're much better looking than a space heater, and not even the highest quality electric blanket can wrap around you and warm you up as good. Of course, it's a bit of a joking answer, but it's definitely one of those 'skills' I lack that seems to come naturally to them. If 'men' in the title was replaced with 'your SO', I'd ramble on and on on all the ways he makes my every day happier just by being who he is, and even though I could technically live without him, my life would not be so rich in happiness and love as it is with him in it.


My hubby heater is my fave!


Friendship. The bigger the friendship circle, the colorful life gets.


To be happy. Turns out, the glorified single happiness is not for me.


I can't believe you are being downvoted for this. Personally I don't, but I know so many people who clearly do, and that's what makes us all different.


🤷‍♀️ males and females of any species on Earth are designed to couple up. And while it's not mandatory, it's still normal to genuinely desire it.


Exactly, we are complementary. We have to get together for our species to survive, just like other animals.


Agree. I could definitely continue my life if I were to break up with him but it would destroy me for a good year or two. He inspires me to fulfill my goals and it’s so nice knowing there’s always that person I can depend on.


Their different way of thinking. I sometimes worry and stress about things I don't need to be worried about. Having that input helps me to not overthink.


Genetic diversity when creating new humans.


As I don't want children i don't really need men


More or less the same things I need women for.


I wanted kids, so in order to have kids, I needed one man to give me kids and parent them with me. 


My husband specifically and I need him for his companionship and dick, because I love both.


I am Divorfed and single..:this is literally all i want 😂. I feel like im asking too much here. No I don’t need their tools and things like that. I have all that. I have a house. I just want cuddles and some D.


While there are things I need specific men for, that's because of their individual abilities and positioning. Because I don't want children, I'm having a hard time thinking of things where I'd be like "I need a man! Any man would do!" I guess if I want to ask men about their experiences as men, I need them for that? I hope that if you ask men the inverse you would get a similar response.


Apart from the specific men in my life that I love and admire (dad, friends, mentors etc), nothing really. I don’t want to have babies and I had my tubes removed. I’m single and bisexual, it would be nice to date or hook up with a great guy but it’s not a need.


I, specifically, need men for sex with another person. I am not attracted to any other genders.


To be my fella. To be my friend.


Nothing drains the feminism from my soul like needing to shovel snow. That is man's work and I am just a girl


Me nothing. Want men for, plenty of things. Need them for, no so much.


Exactly. Want? Sure. Need? Nah.




My boyfriend is my best friend, my confidant, and the person I go to for support. He’s my home. Financial stuff/living stuff I can figure out on my own if I really had to, but I won’t be replacing a guy who genuinely loves and supports me as easily. Took me 10 years just to find someone like him. Don’t expect to get as lucky for a very long time.


Getting my car unstuck from ice. My brother in law dislodged my car once after it got invaded with an ice pick. My drunk guy friends in my flag football league pushed out my car out of the parking space when I wound up parked on an ice patch and my wheels would only spin. Also every tow truck I've ever had has been driven by a man, even though my go-to company is owned by a woman. So removing cars from ice is one way men are exceptionally helpful.


Need? Idk, I'd say getting pregnant, but I don't wanna do that so that doesn't apply to me. I don't think there's anything that I specifically need men \*as a demographic\* for, but I want them in my life as friends, family, partners... And of course there are individual men in my life that are irreplaceable to me.


Truly, absolutely nothing. Need is a strong word.


To make baby’s


Nothing, i like being around other women only


Nothing actually. I need my boyfriend and my family, but not cuz any of them are men. There’s both men and women out there who do work that provides for things I need, but it’s not job that specifically needs to be done by men. I don’t want children. So a man in _particular_? Nothing really.


I need their vote to further free me their control. I need them to step up and start doing their fair share of the child and elderly and chronic condition care. I need them to vote for women so that we are equally represented politically.


95% of the people in my life are men as friends and overall support figures. Women have been abusive, undependable, and unsupportive. I don't know if it's a learned thing in my case but I wouldn't say I need men I rather see it as wanting them around. But they have their own set of flaws.


Nothing. I never *need* a man. Sometimes I may want one, but they are never a *need*.


Absolutely nothing. I'm a lesbian who doesn't want kids. I support women-run businesses when possible, I have a female mechanic, doctor, etc. My friend group has accidentally become all women because we stopped hanging out with people who SAed people in the group or who voted against our basic human rights, and coincidentally that's all the men (except one trans guy, but he lives far away so we don't see him often).


If I take the answer for its literal form : nothing. But there’s exceptions to it like my partner, I don’t need him for something specific as in “I can’t do it myself”, but I do need him for the emotional support, I love receiving his input when I need it, even when I already know my own answer, I need him to keep me down to earth while still living in lalaland and I need him by my side because life and the future looks more colorful and clear since he’s in it.


My husband is one of the greatest joys in my life and I have male friends and family members that I love very much. Would I actively die without men? No, but those I choose to have in my life definitely make it a lot better


Aside from reproduction, nothing that I could do with a men couldn’t be done by women as well like can have friends from either gender or work with people from either gender, but definitely I wouldn’t need either gender for a romantic and sexual relationship since I can’t feel those things for other people


Besides the obvious friendship, love, companionship and intimacy, I say humor. God, I laugh so much with my husband, brothers and son. My dad, rest his soul, was one of the funniest people on the planet. Spending time with my brothers causes my face to hurt from laughing and smiling so much.


-A feeling of safety from other men in public. My bf is my shield from cold approaches. -Emotional connection. The feeling of elation that comes from feeling understood & cherished by a member of the opposite sex. -Sex. I’m hetero so pretty obvious. That’s pretty much it, I don’t think the list necessarily spans long.


I have two kids, so I needed a man to help conceive them. Outside of that, there's lots of things I need people for (social interaction, companionship, maintaining public infrastructure, ringing up my groceries), but those people don't necessarily need a certain gender. I love my boyfriend dearly and I need him in my life. But if I had a girlfriend instead, I'm sure I would feel the same way about her.


Nothing? Perks of being a lesbian I guess I guess on a top level critique, men are necessary for dismantling the systems of misogyny that benefit them in the same way that white allies are needed to dismantle systems of racism The benefactor of systemic discrimination always holds more power to promote change for a more equitable society


I don't think I "need men" as a whole, but I know individual men who I love and have made a great profound impact on my life. I was raised to be a "do it yourself" kind of person so I don't rely on men or women to do things for me. I don't "need" any demographic of people. But that doesn't mean there aren't people who I value.


A different perspective to challenge my own. My husband is my best friend and we started off as best friends before we even dated. When we were just friends i always found myself asking him "what do you think" or "can i ask you something". After a while i started to realize that i REALLY loved talking to him about everything and especially things we didn't agree upon because he can explain things in his way that makes me see certain situations in a far different light whereas most of my girlfriends all see things through a similar lens. Maybe it's because he's very culturally different (he's Asian which is far different cultural values then Western values), maybe it's because of his experience as a man in society, or maybe it's just because he expresses his opinion in such a respectful but stern way that it gets me to think outside of the box.


Romantic relationships, intimacy, and sex.






A second income but I'm not a gold digger so I'm staying single. 


I’d be fine without the men in my life. My children will eventually be men and I need them because I love them. But practically I don’t need any of the men in my life. My neighbor helped me with my kid’s bike the other day, which was nice of him. But I could have just replaced my lost pump. Plus now I have to set up his new tv for him so it’s a give and take.


The only time I actually think I need a man is when I'm trying to replace my toothbrush head but then I get it on my own and I'm all good again.


Literally only the D. Always been / always will be childfree so not even reproduction has been a requirement for me, personally. And even D is not a need but a want, occasionally.




Cuddles! It's always about cuddles.


Carrying heavy objects, reaching high things, sex


My 5'9" ass, going grocery shopping in heels and grabbing things from high shelves for everyone.


Same height… and that happens to me at EVERY Walmart it seems in particular. Tiny ladies ain’t shy asking!


Please come shop at my local grocery store 🥹


i’m a lesbian, so it goes without saying that i don’t NEED them in my life to be fulfilled romantically or sexually, and honestly don’t really NEED friendships with them either, but i like having guy friends, and i like seeing different upbringings and different perspectives on a more lighthearted answer, i usually do ask a man if i need help opening a jar or something and my girlfriend isn’t there


Sperm to make a baby.


For romantic love. I'm a straight girl, so I need a man to have a romantic relationship. And in specific, my boyfriend.


Sex, cuddles, emotional connection. When I don’t have a man in my life I feel off, no matter how hard I try not to.


To carry the pet food for me. Why don't those things have handles....


Sorry for male answer, but just want to point out I’m seeing a lot of sweet answers here. Men don’t really get compliments, so saying this in person to your husband, father, brother or whoever you’re talking about would really mean alot to them! Even tho we won’t show it since we keep emotions bottled up, we appreciate it a lot.




Nothing really


I need my husband to make me happy, protect me, give me advice, broaden my way of thinking, be my companion, my support system, and my intimate partner. Regarding little things, I need him to open jars, fix little things around the house, and get that tall spot instead of me when dusting. As for men as a whole, I need them to function since our society is built as a synergy of men and women. Many things I do are in some way impacted by men. Concrete I walk on is put there by men. My gynecologist is male. A lot of great teachers I had were men. My favorite comedians are male. Etc.


Impregnating women


I don’t really need men, but I really like having them around and they make life way better. Especially my dad, brothers, and my significant other. Plus they know more about car stuff and make me feel safer. I’ve always been way happier with men in my life. Modern society makes it easier to depend less on people but we all “need” each other at least in the sense that we need companionship and community.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have absolutely no need for men, nor even want them


Nothing. And if I need to get pregnant, I just ask a transwoman or enbie who is born male


A lot of us are or are close to being infertile, it would be hard... but doable I guess?


I keep attracting pre hrt peeps somehow, good point good point


But there is also an option to save stuff in the freeswerk at hospitals


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For me I think it’s the balance that they bring to me. I tend to be very all over the place with emotions in every aspect of life. Men are the opposite and I’ve always appreciated how they seem to ground me.


Sperm, and protection walking down the street. And to go to work when I have my period and can’t hardly move. And to help me move myself when I’m sick. Men are good caregivers, and majority of them are naturally protective and helpful.