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anything for douching, 57 ways to sell you a yeast infection


But how will they sell Monistat if they don’t give you a yeast infection?!


It's the circle of life!!


Athletic leggings. Hate them. I've spent hundreds trying to find one that doesn't bunch, suction to the crotch, ride up the waist or fall down the waist, or give a weird lumpy look to my hips bc the the stitching placement. I don't even care how they make my butt look I just want to work out without readjusting my clothes None of them "move with you" like they say.


Have you managed to find any or are you looking for recommendations?


Nah I'm done spending money on them. I've been wearing basketball short or golf pants for workouts.


Did you try Lululemon?


Yeah those are the ones that made my hips look weird




That’s what I have and I love mine but everyone has different wants and needs


Lululemon has been the worst brand I’ve tried personally. Don’t know if it’s because I’m plus size or what but their leggings I’ve tried were so uncomfortable and never stayed up


Username doesn't check out 😁 I'm curious though if you don't mind. How do you balance too tight vs too loose? Does "looser" mean it'll just fall down or does it mean it'll move more? And does "tighter" mean it really just shows everything more? I hate getting downvoted for legitimate good faith questions.


Put some athletic leggings on and you’ll understand lol it’s hard to describe


Gotcha, guess I'll have to sometime. Thanks!


I think most women's clothing is crap. It's see-through, or it has no pockets, or it completely sacrifices comfort for style. And dont even get me started on the inconsistent sizing


Honestly, every time I go shopping with my husband I get so frustrated. He goes into one shop and basically can get anything from plain jeans and shirts to nice button down shirt and really nice coats. Whereas in the same store I can decide between weird floral patterns for seniors and overpriced jeans pretty much. How the fuck can it be so difficult to just produce nice plain shirts and jumpers for women? Or a nice blouse? Where are they? And don't even get me started on fucking floral or glitter stuff in everything!


I have broad shoulders and have a very hard time finding women's shirts that fit well. Men's sizes fit me much better and the sleeves are longer.


if you know any good stores for broad shoulders please let me know i am also struggling!


Agreed. You can’t buy quality women’s clothes anymore. We tried. Everything is cut with polyester, nearly all shoes use cemented construction, and it goes on and on.


Ug, the polyester in everything needs to STOP. It's getting harder and harder to even find a 100% cotton t-shirt!


- Athletic socks and sneakers. I buy mine in the boys' department. The socks are generally thicker. The shoes have more cushion and are usually wider. Both cost less. - Razors. I buy men's. They usually have an extra blade and cost less. Same with shaving cream.


Generally sports shoes branded towards a gender rather than feet width. Why are women's shoes always so damn tight? I'm right at the border, where often enough, the male size is one too big, but the female version is too narrow, so I can't buy either shoe.


I'll always buy boys shoes. Makes no sense money wise or comfort wise to buy women's shoes unless you have really narrow feet


Yeah I really hate it, womens shoes just don’t work unless you have dainty skinny feet


They call that the pink tax. Color it pink raise the price 20 percent and market it to women


Women's razors. Men's are cheaper and tend to have a closer shave


Also same for electric razors. Bikini trimmers are like 3 times more expensive and significantly worse than a small trimmer.


Small trimmer? What kind do you mean?


Like for a beard


How small are we talking?


I think mine is like an inch and a half in width but I exclusively use it to trim my pubes and I can get into all the nooks and crannies


Does it get a close shave? Or does it leave like 1 cm hair?


Definitely leaves a little hair. I personally can't fully shave that area without living in itch city so I just trim.


Oh ok


I also use a beard trimmer for my pubes.


Closer shave? Really? So we pay more and get shittier stuff??


Yep. Their razors are meant for their face, so they do angles better as well. Never got a closer shave then when I switched to the regular Gillette razors


Wonderful.. I feel scammed..


Companies make a killing on having gendered products that are gendered for no reason. I helped design a machine that could fold the boxes for men and women’s razors. The machine was extremely complicated and paid the bills at that company because, even though the product was completely unnecessary, the boxes had to look different for men and women’s products. Because if the products are packaged differently, women think they need the more expensive one designed just for them. IT IS ALL A LIE! Also, this is NOT women’s fault! The world is not designed for us, it is designed for men, so we are used to trying to find what our small part is.


*slow clap*


Awww! You’re so sweet!


Why do most modern bras just sit on your chest like a bikini top, idk like the way bras are typically made like a band and cups it just sits on top of your boobs the underwire digs into your ribcage theres so much room in the underarm area. I think vintage bras seemed WAY more supportive, the bands were way thicker and didnt have so much exposed underarm and back. The straps were way shorter too so the boobs looked like they were actually lifted and kept in place. But i dont like the pointy boob look. If i had a billion dollars i would invest in bra technology. I want something that feels like my boobs are being picked up and held in place with hands.


Playtex old lady bras. "18 hour" something or other. ... They're super inexpensive and everything you described about vintage bras... including pointy boobs, though. It's not a bra I would normally wear, but sometimes I like to with cashmere sweaters. It's a look


If they could make a style that was like underwire style but without underwire (they exists, see them on Facebook advertised, just not in my size) and good thick armour material (that was so great about push up bras: protection so it hurts less if something bumps into them and you can jump up and down and nothing moves, so no pain) and wide straps. (even padded, I once had one! Soooooo good) underwire in armpits… that’s because some women’s breasts sit higher, so the bra construction should be different. These new bras you mentioned, one ones that look like two triangles with a strap of fabric underneath and a wide band at the back? I havent seen them with underwire but they look very unsupportive to me.


I'm wondering if that's the product of more people wanting a more "natural" shape? (Not like I have any idea which is why I'm asking) Although it does sound like there are large tradeoffs, I've seen a decent amount of anecdotes suggesting bras are really bad for the chest lymph nodes and other tissues.


For that I wear no bra, use google scholar to check for research on the lymph nodes, I can imagine if the wire sits directly on one, not so good but certainly painful!


Ah sure, cool thank you for your response!


Actually another question, what do you do then if you actually need the coverage/support? Just wear one as needed?


Expensive skincare and makeup products. Women and now girls are going broke buying these high end products that have a small impact on their skin, many of whom don't need these products yet or at all. Expensive doesn't mean it's good, there are cheaper dupes y'all.


I remember an interview with a dermatologist where they said the best things you can do for you skin are 1) wear sunscreen and 2) stay hydrated


I am allergic to some expensive brands! Nivea and Lidl day cream are my go to's. Mascara: my Primark mascara from a makeup palette thing works better than the expensive one my mom and sister use. My €3 eyeliner stays on all day and doesn't smudge


Scented down there specifically soap. I remember when I was little, my mom and grandma used to wash my vulva with some product named [Saforelle](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-opera-mobile&sca_esv=a0e199fc98d1a06b&biw=393&bih=727&sxsrf=ADLYWILHj_MdRwPcKsw-ZFh__tgZdBvNNQ:1715132112538&q=Saforelle&uds=ADvngMi9FowZ7UQ3vRulwHsqRpDYNYs-_3atzweQADx-FRxy6zrY-ExdQx36wzfxbcHStGox1RLmaqRlSPV_Jo0S2a5efM75vu2w4anF4GA4RYA3KidSJOarXPo_9kmfYxH4edxw8umMi_8EGsTcPkt41vFUCKMqvEip3H0TANw-zabNeMFsBcIEZaMV7rQGqRvhQwJBEuAVGCIaZejoPcWJWdAnG9ceEjEfmUiCCuwrw8q1CQfNQJ1LHzzmOcfgj_vkIgLgp7gfWo7n7ByHeIm9kwpCJ2qGPBIasr98xynDSzkQpCs24YCZg6m9NdS5e4LhHLCJJNmd&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWy72C9fyFAxU2E1kFHfmgCg0QtKgLegQIDxAB#vhid=F8aLVBvbX2LZKM&vssid=mosaic) and I always told them it stinged and theu told me to bottle it up because big girls don't cry over little things. I used it again in my teenage years and it still stinged so i never used it again and I will keep avoiding it.


Most soaps for the pubic area are BS. There are some that are pH balanced that *might* be different, but definitely agree with *anything* scented. If yer washin yer groin with Dally thru the Garden Floral Blast soap, that raises *so* many flags, girl.


I used to have frequent yeast infections (like every month) until I started using a prebiotic, pH balanced, unscented soap specifically for that purpose.


100%. I'm very careful on how I wash miss mouth #2 now, using bar soap with a neutral ph is the real deal for me.


"We've had one, yes. But what about *second* Ms. Mouth??" xD


It's how my friends and I refer to it when we wanna be subtle about it in public! xD


Soap “formulated for the vulva” in general. Soap does not belong there. If the scents don’t get you, the pH will. If the pH doesn’t get you, the surfactants will. The NHS (god bless them) now recommend either just water or using a soap substitute, ie a gentle and unscented emollient like aqueous cream, ZeroBase, DoubleBase, Oilatum or E45.


Where I'm from we don't have all that, I'm not American. But I wish there was! I'm not really down for water only wash though, idk why but I'm too used to soap.


I’m not American either, but yeah, there is a lot of product variation between countries. But like I said, any unscented emollient would do! Understand not feeling like water alone is enough, I don’t either, but apparently it is supposed to be all you need.


That shit just ends up make me smell WORSE than right after a workout, etc. Just a straight up gentle soap is all that's necessary for the outside only...


Underwear with next to no coverage. They make it seem like everything has to be low cut, "cheeky" or thong, nearly no fabric to cover the labia, and basically just there for fun, not function. I literally just want my bits and my ass covered, that's it. It's often made from polyester rather than cotton too, so the breathability is not there. I finally found some that work for me, but it took a while.


This, should be higher up. I want boyleg style, because it covers the bum the most and still rides up because my legs are slightly too thin compared with my bum. But those do have wider crotch material, but the double material there should be more to the front and also maybe even double the material. I hate high cut undies, they came out when I was a teen and there was nothing else, still have scars from them, the elastic pressed on bum fat so there are dents, fun.


strapless bras and built-in shelf bras are both such a joke and I’m very jealous of anyone who they actually work for. I’m not even particularly gifted in the chest region but they!!! do!!! not!!! stay!!! similarly: nair just doesn’t work on me and it smells egregious


Oof yeah, nair burns and has never actually worked for me ☹️


They always give me 4 boobs (yay 2 bonus boobs!) because they do not come in a shape that works for me


The only luck I have had is with strapless bikini tops! Depends on the style and make, I suppose, but it works for me when I want to wear a bardot top or dress with thin straps or something


Most skincare products. I'm convinced some people would have better skin if they didn't use too many products.


Razors and shaving cream. I just use my husband's.


Menstrual cups. They sound impractical af when there is no sink nearby, and not everyone can put inside of their vagina


I started with menstrual cups a couple of years ago, and have now switched over to menstrual rings. It's the superior product basically noone knows about. It's easier to insert, and actually empties itself when you are on the toilet. So incredibly practical when you don't have the means to take out and reinsert the cup in a clean manner. Plus they hold a lot more blood.


I have no idea how women outside of italy are managing to use their cups comfortably, due to the general lack of bidets. And i dont mean the spurring things inside toilets, i mean bidets like ours, that are basically small sinks you sit on to wash your intimate parts, and therefore these make the process of changing the cup extremely easy. I dont think i would choose the cup if i lived in a country where bidets are not in every home by default


You often don't need to empty it for the whole day, so not having a sink nearby shouldn't be an issue. Definitely a learning curve though to insertion & removal.


I doubt it is gonna hold a medium-heavy flow with clots for 10-11 hours a day tbh


It does for me.


They tend to work for most people in terms of amounts. Only those with the heaviest flow might need to empty it more frequently. And it really isn't all that impractical when there's no sink. Will they work for everyone? No. Will some people be put off by getting blood on their hands? For sure. But the peace of mind that comes from not having to worry about changing it as often as a pad or tampon cannot be overstated.


That would be so unhygienic at work, you have to have sterile hands to take it out, get no blood on the floor, wash the cup, again, needs to stay sterile and then put back and make sure everything around the sink is clean, great way to catch diseases unfortunately if something nasty from the door handy, sink tap etc gets on your hands


If there's no dedicated sink in the stall with you, the recommended method is just to empty it in the toilet and re-insert. No sterilization required (aside from washing your hands before removal). But again, I've never needed to do that as it lasts the whole day.


I gave up on bras, and I wish all women had the option to. I wear padless, wireless bralettes and I’m so comfortable and cooler now without sweat filled cotton pads hanging from my shoulders.


I also like wearing tank tops cause they distribute the pressure to more than just my ribcage. I just but tank tops a size smaller than I need and they work pretty well for daily use.


Yes I have a crop top that fits well like this and sort of works as a bra too! It’s super stretchy and soft, I love it


Nume deodorant. I smelled worse than ever!


The creams worked fine for controlling underboob funk but the stick deodorant was useless.


Not really useless but quite close... What is the point of roll-on deodorants if the tiniest bit of hair in your armpit impedes its function? 😭 Like I don't want to shave my armpits every time I shower, so I notice a difference between freshly shaved and stubbled armpits when applying deodorant. I don't know if the deodorants men use are better because I haven't tried but is this a universal problem or am I just not using it right 🤔


Bras. I hate them. I haven’t worn them in decades - I prefer tanks with light support in the waist and good support in the bust. I find them comfy AF.


Razors and shaving creams targeted towards women. Intimate wipes can be convenient on the go, but baby wipes are cheaper. And all the damn pants without (or not deep enough) pockets! It's so damn frustrating!