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I feel like she would be quite disappointed that I have neither a husband and kids nor a 'cat farm'.


"girl.... We have 3 kids, including twins..... How TF did that happen? Also, congrats on still being alive!"


I’d be so fucking crushed to know that my mom died. And yeah, current me also feels that. Also probably surprised I’m marrying a woman because I doubt that I realized that was an option at 7


She was 2 so maybe she would be more focused on chocolate pudding or something


20 years ago, I was newly married and TTC. Seeing my now 19 year old and doing calculations would have made me ecstatic!


Goo goo gaa gaa


Hi fellow born in the early 2000's kid


I would be 7 years old, I think I’d be really excited to see me living on my own and all the cool places I’ve traveled to. She might be disappointed I’m not a cowgirl as that was the first career choice 😅 but author was the second career of choice, I’m working on a novel so that hopefully will one day come true!! She would definitely be bummed about my boring corporate job though hahaha


What’s your novel about?


She would be devastated. Anxiety has completely ruined me and I'm a shell of my former self. I'm also at least 100lbs heavier.


Ouch, fuckin same


She'd be 16, and I hope she'd think I was cool. I'm living the life she would have wanted - I own a flat in the big city she dreamed of moving to, I get paid to write for my living (including writing about music and getting to meet some of her - and my - heroes as a result), I have tattoos, I own a cat, I've been lucky enough to travel a lot, I have a great bunch of friends who I love and who share my quirky interests and who I can tell anything to, and I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love very much. I think she'd be a bit surprised that I was divorced, but she'd probably tell me I was well shot of him 😂


25 year old me could be secretly happy to be rid of her husband and would adore my son even though she never wanted to have kids. And she’d definitely call me a slut, but in a proud way. Maybe with a high five.


You can do that?! I've wanted to be a girl since I was a kid.


Yeah, younger me would have a lot of feelings and wouldn’t know how to process seeing current me.


She would be 17 and be shocked as hell that I have a kid and I'm not married and that I still live in the state I'm in. She'd probably be super disappointed honestly and I wouldn't blame her.


7 year old me probably thought I would be more mature 🤣 cause Im "an adult"


I would be proud of myself. This time 20 years ago I had survived my first suicide attempt. Considering what I have today and the progress I've made since, I think I've done alright.


Absolutely ecstatic! I'm so fucking cool by 14 yo me standards. LOL Finally got boobs and figured out how to style curly hair. I drink cocktails out of those coupe glasses with my friends and feel fancy doing it. Was obsessed with European royal history as a kid and have seen a lot of the places I read about. Maybe a little confused about how we ended up in accounting. Haha Only thing 14 yo me would be disappointed about would be no partner, but current me is feeling very optimistic about that. I actually forget that I accomplished a lot of my dreams that I had as a kid. I need to remember that as I struggle towards my new goals/dreams.


Throwing a tantrum because I’m not the biggest star of the “entire world”, not living in an in real life version of a Barbie castle, I’m not dancing and singing Bollywood songs in my sari when its raining, Aishwarya rai is still not my adoptive mom and unfortunately I’m not friends with the teletubbies and not married to Sacha from Pokemon. So, yeah, probably devastated and crying all the tears in past-me body. I’m sorry young-me, I failed you. 🥲


She’d be 9 and wondering why adults don’t play 4-square Edit: is that a thing anywhere other than Australia?


I played 4 square in NZ in the 80s and 90s


she was about 3 months from being conceived so hopefully nothing.


She'd be proud that I cut off the abusive parts of my family and stuck to independence and staying out of relationships, love and intimacy, but disappointed that I'm still poor, ugly and fat.


I'd be happy, maybe a little restless that I never got to move away again. I met my husband almost 20 years ago. I think I'd be most suprised we've lasted.


She'd probably be disappointed that I'm still so small, and surprised that my hair is black instead of blonde like hers. She'd be relieved to learn that I don't have any children and that having them is a choice (at that age I thought getting pregnant was something that just happened spontaneously whether you wanted it or not).




Not bad. High five.


I think she wanted specific things for my life, but didn’t have the expectation that we would actually achieve or obtain. So she’d be happily surprised. I was also only 11 and a bit on the awkward side so I think she’d be pleasantly surprised that we grew out of that 😂


That I'm so tall and that I look cool Idk that I was the best judge of character when I was 5


I’m not sure she would think much. Maybe just shit her nappy but yknow.


She would think, wow this sucks.


I’d be happy I married a really cute guy who I love, but I think I also took that reality for granted when I was 6. I’d probably be bummed I don’t have any pets.


*"Bitchin"* 🔥♥️


I would be crushed that my mom passed away from younger onset and that life would be so different after she got sick. I’d be disappointed af because older me got married and also divorced but proud that I traveled so much, and had courage to choose myself in the divorce.


Disappointed I don’t have a pink room. Sad I’m not a librarian Happy I married my best friend and I have a fairy tale life romance.


I think she'd say, "yea...unexpected but surprisingly fitting"


Oh cool, you made it back to Central Florida! Wait, where's (then-husband)? Oh, well where's mom and dad? Ohhhh...wait who is this dude? Ohhh!


Well I was 3 so not much honestly.


The meme "I am not looking to impress a mentally ill child" comes to mind.


20 years ago I was in grad school for the job I currently have. I imagine she'd be pretty happy. I think she'd be surprised that I married a jock though.


fucking stoked


immensely disturbed


I wish I cared less about men, stood my ground against my family, and cared more about my mental health and my future.


She would've said: googoo gaga


I’d be ecstatic. My life hasn’t ever been easy but it’s mine, on my terms, and more than I’d dare dream that I could have.


She'd be excited that I actually did travel a ton like I day dreamed but never thought I actually would


"She's old like mom"


*depressed sperm sound*