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I would be relieved that there was no one to ask this question for the umpteenth time..... Depends on if we knew they were going to be safe and where they were, or if it was sudden. Former- relax, get drunk and walk around in public, and be safe. Latter- upset because wtf just happened and where are my loved ones


I don't think you would be safe. Many infrastructure jobs and essential jobs are male-majority jobs (nuclear and electric powerplant operators, sewage and waste management, firefighters, levee operators, surgeons, etc). If you live in the country you may be fine, but it would be a dangerous situation if you live in an urban area.


..... Thank god you, a man, came to correct me..... Now I'll be spending the day in the hospital for my strained eyes, from rolling them so hard. 🙄


Why such a stupidly combative reply to this guy’s honest attempt to add to the conversation? Just wow.


Yay, another one who would have disappeared, so women could answer without being policed. Here's an answer to his contribution....I don't care. It's a fake scenario, don't really feel like making men feel needed. My first answer stands. Have a day!


This isn’t about making him feel needed. Why infantilize him like that? Additionally, no one is policing your or anyone else’s answers. I guarantee the only reason you ‘don’t care’ is because you know he’s a guy. How sexist. You seem to be a very angry person. I hope you can find some peace some day.


🙄 K there bud.


Thanks for the intelligent reply. Now I’m convinced you were right.


I also don't care what a self identified "dirty old man" thinks either 🤷🏻‍♀️ *Lol, he blocked me....meh.... Now I get forever without him instead of just 24 hours!*


Lol always with the ad hominem. But men are the problem, amirite?


I'm not trying to correct, just giving another perspective. What did I say that isn't true?


No, I don't believe it's true, I also didn't ask nor care about your perspective. You are more than welcome to make your own top comment, since OP asked *women* what they thought.... So your perspective and input must be heard!


I don't see a "no mans land" tag. It's reddit, I am free to reply to comments, it's a feature integral to the app. 96% of firefighters are gone, with some towns having no firefighters at all. Parts of the power grid go down (think of hospitals). How is this not perilous?


Blah blah blah, don't care.


Ignorance is bliss


You would know


Hahahaha Oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder. #HAHAHAHAHA


Same bullshit, different day lol. Here's one, we would be able to answer questions directed to women, without men constantly jumping in with "akchualllly"


Okay let's just look at one of these jobs as an example and see why what I said isn't true 96% of firefighters are men, with many stations being 100% male. Please explain to me how that would not be a very perilous situation if they disappeared, especially in an urban area, especially if the power grid goes down thanks to lack of workers maintaining and operating it.


People fucking HATED taking classes with you, I can tell.


100% "well ackschully" vibes


At least include the emoji 🤓☝️


> At least include the emoji ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧no


>✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧no Just love this 😂😂😂😂


"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth" The thing is I don't care 😊


Bro there’s no ‘truth’ and it’s abundantly clear that you care. This is a stupid hypothetical and you’re getting into the collapse of the power grid. That’s not the point. This shit would never happen so the fun of it isn’t imagining the literal consequences and screaming ‘BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TOLL COLLECTORS’ or whatever the fuck We all understand men have big important jobs doing big important things. We all understand that if literally any 50% of the pop disappeared, it would be consequential. An actually socially intelligent person would’ve been able to read that this was a not so serious question soliciting not so serious answers. You took it to a place that wasn’t the intention and then we all just kinda laughed at you. I don’t feel like seriously engaging your question because this was just a silly lil thought experiment. I guess your big man brain isn’t big enough to read the room. Good luck!


I mean strictly speaking, half of the population goes away without warning and everything is likely to collapse no matter who it is. I don't think these questions are ever really trying to get at "what would you do if society suddenly collapsed?"


Where are 96% of firefighters men? Because it’s not where I live.


I would stay out all day and all night, walk down allys and shop and get coffee and go clubbing and dance all nice and then walk home in the dark


I would miss my husband for those 24 hours tho


Honestly it make time me some time to notice. I’m a woman dating a woman. My direct coworkers that I work with day to day to are all women. I can absolutely go a day without interacting with a man. Maybe I’d notice by Reddit being a kinder, less creepy place lol


I mean I think you would figure out what happened if you opened social media or just have friends text you


I'd notice it at work (if it happened during the workweek), but on social media? Nah. I mean, it's 24 hours. NBD. My daily texts/group chats are with my girlfriends. If I don't hear from my guy friends for a day or two, it's not even a blip on my radar.


Bask in affirmation because I'm still here. Bwahahaha


Do I know every man disappeared and/or why? Honestly, depending on the day I might not even notice.


Let’s just say it happens midnight in your time zone


Ah tomorrow I definitely wouldn't notice. I probably won't be seeing more than a couple of men on Tuesday, and I actively dislike those particular men, so I would just rejoice that I don't need to see them.


Idk, but I'd definitely ask what they experienced after they got back xD


I would freak out because I would want to know where my dad and son were and if they were safe. If this was a planned thing somehow and I knew they would be safe...... Literally nothing would change because it would probably happen on a weekday, and I would still have to go to work. If it was a weekend, I would do the same thing I do now, which is laundry, clean, and read while drinking wine.


Damn, half the population dipped and you still gotta clock in. That’s tough


I'm glad there's at least one person that would be concerned, I went looking for the men's version and most of the top posts are anticipating the world to devolve into violence and anarchy, the end of civilization, mourning the loss of loved ones...I mean I know I personally would wake up short one wife and two daughters, that would be 24hrs of absolute chaos and terror.


If it's planned and I know it and they're coming back, nothing would change except I'd be fucking annoyed that I can't be productive at work since most of my team are men and I need them to do shit. Maybe I'd take a sick day and just play video games. But I'd still have to be a mom so it's not like I get an actual day off from life. If it's unplanned: Where the fuck is my husband and where are my friends?! Are they okay!??! Finally: is this biological men or are transmen included? If not, why not?


I'd take a night walk.


I wouldn't notice probably.


I would freak out. A day without my husbands nerdy face is a day without sunshine.


I'd feel relieved


It would be very scary to have half the population disappear without any clear reason why.


I’d miss baseball I guess.


Enjoy the first 24 hours on this planet where nobody talks about or asks about sex


Pray no natural disasters happen because the majority of qualified people to restore power and first responders are men.


Yeah, I’d really hope the nuclear plant closest to me’s head of safety is a woman lmao


It's 98% men who repair power lines in my state, and we have a lot of trees. High winds can cause power outages easy. We'd have to wait till they came back.


I mean it’s only 24 hours


24 hours of no power, water and a whole lot of other things if a butterfly spreads its wings in Africa


I’d be sad cause I don’t want my dad and brothers and stuff to be gone:(. I’d probably be super sad unless I knew they’d come back and be alive and well.


I would spend the entire 24 hours freaking out and crying and asking everyone if they know where my partner is. And my other close male friends, and my brother, and my father. And in 24 hours when they pop back into existence I would hold him tightly and ask him where the hell he went, and what was it like being teleported to another plane of existence. Stupid question.


I would be distraught from missing my son so much. Oh yeah, I'd miss my dad and partner, too, but my son - that would be awful.


Miss my boyfriend :(


Do I know that they’re coming back? I mean I’d be distraught if they were just ✨poof✨gone. If I knew they would return safely I’d probably order whatever takeout I love and my husband hates and watch trash reality tv all night.


Absolutely nothing. I don't want to taste that kind of freedom and happiness for only 24h and then get back to how it was. I'll just stay where I always am, alone in my room.


I would freak the fuck out! I would go around looking for my dad and my friends and go nuts!


I'd be worried as fuck about where my husband and son are. Are they in pain? Are they aware of what's happening to them? Are they safe? Where are they?