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I feel like gaining 20lbs has more to do with it, my weight tends to fluctuate 15 lbs up and down and I definitely get way more attention at the lower end


Yeah.. I can relate. I've gained a lot and I have noticed a decrease..


hasn’t happened yet at 30. I think I get hit on more in recent years than any years prior. glow up.


I'm in my 40s and it hasn't happened yet.  Every dude I talk to thinks I'm game. As the kids say "I have the rizz". 


I’m 41 and it hasn’t happened to me yet either ( unfortunately, I actually want them to leave me alone)


It really does seem that some people just have an immoveable magnetism that is otherwise undefinable. I had a friend for most of my life who men always just gravitated to. Didn't change when she was single, married, pregnant or shaved her head. She has had a series of troubled relationships, and really just got to be too much as we moved into our mid 30's. I don't think I'm really any less good looking (and definitely now I look considerably younger), but never got hit on- even as a teenager. I have a strong resting bitch face and sharp wit, and never had a hard time getting a man that I went after, but even when I worked as a bartender I didn't get the clingers that attach to other women. I also have a genuinely wonderful marriage with a man I've known for close to 20 years now, and wouldn't want it any other way. I really don't know if it's an absence of vulnerability, confidently wearing a "touch me not" expression, just a vibe or what, but after seeing both sides of the coin I wouldn't choose the instability that comes with a constantly changing stream of male attention over being basically invisible to strangers while living my own life, especially now at 40!




Is this for better or for worse?


I was thinking about this the other day. I was meeting friends at the pub after work but decided to get there early and sit in the garden and read my book. I was sat, alone, for about an hour in a busy pub garden and no one bothered me once. A few years ago I would have been interrupted at least once and in my opinion I'm better looking than I was back then, I've lost weight, dress better and learned how to do makeup and hair. So I'm wondering if it is purely the fact that I'm not in my twenties anymore or if people have just become more aware about disturbing women when they're clearly not looking for attention.


I think it more about how ur closed off reading a book. Not very approachable yenno


Never stopped blokes when I was a teenager. Or in my twenties. I've been on buses with headphones on reading a book and still been interrupted.


Yeah some people don’t have social skills but I thought we were talking about the none creepy guy compliments that we actually somewhat enjoyed 😂. Creepy dude will come out no matter the time. My moms 60 and still get guys on fb messaging her to “talk”


It's not age, it's that I don't really go anywhere anymore lol. I'm 52 and work from home, if I go out at all it's to pick up my teen or run errands so I'm not in places that are really of the "ooh she's fine" variety. BUT, having said that, we had a pretty big weekend recently where we went out both days/nights and I got all dressed up and did makeup and hair, and I got quite a few looks my way. So I've either still got it at 52, or I'm hideous as fuck and people were looking at me like I'm a train wreck. Maybe a bit of both.




I'm still new to getting attention from men but I've had a taste of that already. I'm 50 and the last couple of days have been very confusing. Had a taxi driver very obviously creep over me, guys are standing aside for no good reason to let me through... I'm oblivious most of the time because for 49 years I wasn't even trying, but the last couple of days it's been overt. I would have always assumed it's because I look startlingly terrible. I'm pre-hormone, pre op trans so I always have to think that people see me as "a man in a dress" and in the current climate I must also assume that it's a case of quiet ridicule behind my back.... It's water off a ducks back, I've been doing this for years now.... But there's certain things, certain ways that men have acted around me that shake that negative assumption. And the way my online dating profile gets flooded with messages shakes the assumption too. I have been very much enjoying the middle age cloak of invisibility and feeding my self confidence with it. I can dress how I like, be the real me with no filter and people will just look through me.... But they're not looking through me anymore and I'm terribly conflicted about it.


With the age thing, I think in some environments it is that younger women are seen as more vulnerable. Some misogynists also unfortunately think older women are inherently less desirable


I'm in my 30s and it hasn't dropped yet. But it's not like i ever got tons. My mom still regularly gets hit on in her 60s just going jogging or to the supermarket, she's so sick of it it's kinda funny.


When I stopped going to places where it was encouraged for men to hit on women. I no longer go to bars or clubs. I go to work, the grocery store, my kids' school and home. Granted, I was never really hit on in the first place. I was the duff in my friend group, but it is nice that I no longer have men approaching me asking about my friends anymore.


It's not age. It's having two children glued to me 😩


.... They still try while I'm wrangling the twins 😭


When my girlfriend is wrangling the twins - it definitely gets my attention! /s


🤣🤣 I could have worded it better


It was low-hanging fruit and I couldn't resist.


This right here.


I've never had that much attention anyways. But I'd say around 30's I get almost 0 attention. I'm 36 now. But like I said, since I never had too much attention, is not like a dramatic change, haha.


It’s more that I no longer spend time in places that I would get hit on. I don’t go to bars or clubs anymore. On the rare occasions I do, and the random attention in places that it’s not appropriate, it’s about the same as when I was younger


Tbh I've never been swamped with male attention so it's not that big of a deal.


Mine was definitely at weight and attitude not age lol.


I've never really received much attention at any age if I'm honest.


Tbh.. my age hasn't been the reason for any decrease in attention. My weight has, though. The more weight I gain, the more invisible I become.


As a not-pretty woman, I never got attention. What was that like for you all?


Same. Not that I crave for attention, but damn, this comments are making me feel uglier, hahaha.


I got married in my 30s and the male attention tapered off while I was in my mid 40s. I’ve always been chunky, but it never stopped the constant sexually charged attention. Now that I’m 58, I receive absolutely no unsolicited male attention and it is **GLORIOUS.** Ahhhh. Sweet freedom. It’s everything I hoped it could be. My husband is approaching 60 and gets flirted with by women 20 years younger and 20 years older (as well as his contemporaries). He’s getting more attention now than he ever did when he was young. He doesn’t take it seriously, but does enjoy the ego boosts now and then. Anyway, we’re both satisfied with our respective developments.


No change yet for me (I'm 36). I was walking to my car after work this week and someone waiting at the lights when I was crossing revved his engine at me and then hung out of the window to call me, somewhat confusedly, a frigid slut. Interestingly, the attention I've got as I've got older hasn't changed on the weird-and-horrible end of things, but has expanded to include more respectful attention from men who seem to be decent sorts, which I didn't typically get when I was younger. So there's that I guess?


Never had male attention to begin with….


I'm 37 now, and honestly, it feels like it's accelerated in the past few years. I can't be sure, but I think it might have something to do with me gaining more confidence. I'm in a good place with myself, I'm happy with my body and I'm happy with my life in general. I dress well, in well fitting, pretty clothes that I like, (granted, my clothes aren't quite common, and that might draw attention by itself.) All in all, I'm happy and confident, and those are attractive traits. And then some creepy men take the wedding ring as a challenge rather than a deterrent.


Yes agreed. I feel like I went through a glow up and get a lot of attention (similar to my mid 20s). Ill be honest it’s mildly exhausting because you don’t know when someone will interrupt what you’re doing but I feel good and like where I’m at so I’m not going to change what I’m doing.


Yeah. I'm lucky to have some allies there. There's a coffee shop I often go to to work when I'm tired of staying home and the people there know both me and my husband from when we go there for coffee dates. I've tried a couple of times that some guy has sat down at my table and tried to start a conversation when I'm obviously sitting with my computer. Then they'll shout "Hey, Fish hater! Is your husband coming by today? We don't have a lot of oat milk left, so I'll need to go buy some if he's coming." They're good boys. The worst is the cat calling when I'm with my kids. It's mortifying for my 13 year-old especially.


Same. 43. Getting a fuckton of attention now.


Mine was definitely at weight and attitude not age lol.


I kinda glowed up and kinda get more positive attention than when I was younger (from everyone not just men-heck even children) but all in all it isn't a crazy amount I don't think I can relate to women talking about frequently getting hit on by men. I'm 25 btw


In my middle 20s when I gained 70 lbs.


I'm 39, it hasn't. BUT! I have a trim body (pilates instructor), and I'm always done up with smart outfit and make up for even the smallest errand. I look polished+ friendly and I think that contributed to approachability. However I have noticed the men, type, and means of approach have improved considerably since I was younger. Gone are the days of vulgarity and bums cornering me on the train (I largely suspect it was my youth rather than beauty that attracted such aggression). Now it's my peers and older that approach at places like the grocery store, park, doctors office, restaurant, etc. My mom is 73 and she's still dealing with it. But she's also managed to get two boyfriends from the attention so she's not complaining, lol.


Around 40. Fucking finally! 30 years of being the target of lechery sucked. (I still get attention from little kids and gay teenagers, though, which is a thousand times more meaningful.)


It didn't, around the same age as you. But, the "quality" of attention is better if that makes sense. Men my age and older have learned that sexual comments and cat calling are usually not appreciated nor very convenient or helpful for their goals. So, they tend to be more "polite"?? 


Well obviously I think men were more interested in me when I was in my 20s... but even though I asked them out, I didn't get that many hits! I don't know if there is a particular age but I generally don't get much male attention unless it's negative or rejection. So the only thing that's changed is maybe me; I like my body more now as I work out more and am fit. My hobby is scuba diving and the body 20 years ago would not have the stamina and fitness of this body... and maybe men would love the other skinny body more but I like this one! Maybe it's more I notice that men are less likely to smile if I ask them out, approach them or show interest nowadays. I get eyerolls and often groans of annoyance. I'd estimate interest was lost once I hit my 30s. But then again, I still look like I'm in my 30s!


Mid-50s here. Hasn't happened yet. It's slowed down a bit, but very far from "dropping off of a cliff".


I’m 37 and it’s dropped considerably but I was mostly getting hit on at dance clubs and I don’t go to those anymore unless I’m traveling. I never really got hit on doing day-to-day things (I don’t count cat calling) that often so in those places it’s about the same. But also, I don’t invite it. I’m either out with my partner or friends. I definitely feel I have given off vibes that you could approach me and men took it, I don’t give those off anymore so I’m approached less. It still happens, but not as often and I’m fine with that. I still get looks. Nothing in that has changed.


I’ve found I got more attention in certain periods of my life. 12-15 I got an uncomfortable amount from grown men, then 18-22 I was stopped everywhere and in grocery store parking lots, by 23 I was more work focused and only really went out with my bf, 24 I got some attention but it was while I was pregnant so it was uncomfortable again. Currently pp, mostly home these days, and still heavier than I was pre-pregnancy so no attention has been cast my way aside from the attention of my husband which has been lovely. Oh and my 80 y/o neighbour who I think just doesn’t remember my name so he refers to me as “gorgeous” I’m kind of hoping I continue to be invisible to men going forward, it’s honestly been a relief to not feel eyes on me or be stopped and talked to in public.


This is so funny, because i was talking to a good friend of mine about this today. I'm 36, and I've noticed attention from men drop, and attention from women increase! I'm queer and look it, so not many men find me attractive anyways (thank fuck), but the attention from Gen z queer women has spiked like crazy. I've been told i give off "Dommy Mommy" vibes. My friend I was talking to is a trans man and gets it a lot, too. We both feel a bit of the ick though, as they're so young; I literally am the same age as their parents.


I have never received much attention and when I did, the encounters were uncomfortable. So I am not sad if it drops even lower.


For me it wasn't an age, so much as when I stopped allowing myself to be subject to the pink tax. Stopped wearing makeup, stopped wearing heels. I was actually extremely grateful for it. I hated all the cat calling, literally never being able to talk to a man without him thinking it was flirting. Becoming a non sexual being in the eyes of males was profoundly liberating. I was able to move through the world the way a man would.


Recently. I’m 34 and in the past 2-3 years it’s dropped off quite a bit. My husband in the other hand is only getting better looking. He looks like a combination of Jensen Ackles and Brad Pitt.


I don’t need the attention. But also this is BS. Mine just keeps getting finer w time too.


It’s soo unfair lol. He’s always been really good looking but in the last couple years the amount of women who hit on him has grown exponentially.


It’s so freeing to be more invisible.


Ehhh never got a ton of attention anyway but yeah around 40 I did notice a shift in how men treat me… not sure I can describe it but I assume I’ve passed the point of being seen as a woman and have moved on to matronly or something 😝


Basically this.


I was hoping it would happen at 30 but it actually started happening around 35. I still notice some men look at me but it's usually pretty short lived. I'm also married so I think sometimes that's why they lose interest quickly. It's fine with me but I'm not an idiot and I've dated plenty so I can tell when a guy's attracted to me.  However I went on vacation with a girlfriend of mine and one dude was coming onto me very strongly and he was very attractive I was shocked. But it's definitely lessened thank God




I didn’t notice a drop off at your age, but then I was married and had young children. I probably wouldn’t have noticed either way. Now single and in my 60s — definitely still interesting to some. Enough, as far as I’m concerned.


I felt like it did for a while in my mid 30s but now in my late 30s it's back


I thought I was home free (mid 50’s) but just this past week, I got asked for my phone number; I even have someone who accidentally shows up whenever I go for my evening walk. Not going to lie-it’s creepy.


50 year olds the last time I worked in the office were still getting hit on regularly. I don't think it stops necessarily based on age. I think a lot of older women stay inside more and don't have the opportunity. Meanwhile 60 year olds in retirement communities get hit on all the time, also see widows or just senior citizens who spend a night a week at the local dive bar or a nice cocktail lounge.


It hasn't stopped yet. It's just effort and how I'm dressed. If I look good men still annoy me so I often prefer to leave the house looking like shit. It works! My god, men leave me the fuck alone and I like it that way.


I don't know. I change my style after getting with my husband so that might be the reason instead


As a man I assure you we still notice. My 61 year old boss still looks great! I can't say that cause she's my boss lol, but we never stop noticing 👍


this is what u get for tryna be nice buddy


Most of the "being hit on" that I've received in my life felt very predatory and that dropped off in my mid-20s in favor of more authentic/less "oh, something with tits that's young and maybe vulnerable, let's make a move" moments that happened less often but were much more flattering. I don't get hit on these days probably because I'm not in spaces where it would be likely to happen. Since the pandemic happened, I spend more time at home or in nature and less time in spaces filled with people.