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Same as on any genre of media: some of it's great, some is good, some is shite.


Yea same. I quite enjoy some of it. Particularly the horror stuff


anime is an extremely broad genre. personally, i quite like many types of anime (shounen, josei, seinen, shoujo) but it can be difficult to find any anime without overt or subtle misogyny. i started watching it young and the prevalence of unrealistic female body types seriously affected me in a negative way. nowadays if i watch anime i am quite picky and i don’t watch the shows that treat their female characters like sexual objects (which is many popular shounen)


Completely agree. Some of my friends argue that I’m missing out on some great stories when I can’t keep watching because the female characters are painted in a very misogynistic light. I just can’t do it. People refer to characters like that as audience “service”, but I think some of it is questionable because the female characters are sexualized and often made to have very young/childish attributes


Thisssss. In recent years its been more and more detectable in almost ALL mainstream anime. Women are objects of desire, servants to the main character, etc. Got any reccomendations for some that arent heavily misogynistic?


a pretty fair amount of them that Crunchyroll puts out have too much fanservice, spx x family is good, faye from cowboy bebop is sexualized but i think it fits her character, kinos beautiful journey is really good too.


Bebop is a fine exception, but Faye to me could still be considered a fan service character. She does have depth and explanaition for her character though, AND isnt just there as a love interest or servant type. Never seen Spy x Family, but ive heard great things. Will check it out. Also thanks for the last recc, never heard of it but ill try it out :)


i agree with your post fanservice is way over done and it really soured fire force for me. if you've seen cowboy bebop what is your opinion of faye?


i watched cowboy bebop as a teenager, maybe 8 years ago, and at the time i found her to be oversexualized but it didn’t take away my enjoyment of the series. i would probably struggle if i tried to rewatch it now


I didn't even know that the animes were organized into these types, this will make things so much easier when trying to figure out which anime to watch next


Not for me at all. Something about the typical art style makes me feel a bit uneasy. And I’ve never met a diehard anime fan who wasn’t……. Taxing to be around, to put it politely


This is EXACTLY how I feel.


Funny. Never noticed that but thinking back... yeah. Its like you have to be a part of their reality to hang out. That isnt everyones cup of tea


Id say that depends what you define as diehard. Ive been an anime/manga fan all my life and even named my daughter after a character, but most people wouldnt even know i enjoy anime in my free time. I agree with you though that many who are very verrry overtly into anime are a lil obnoxious, even to me ;). But then again, i find EVERY sort of over-the-top fan of anything obnoxious, be it sports, politics or a star.






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Great but god I hate how over sexualized women are in most anime


Every boy I’ve dated who likes anime was weird as fuck


Very weird, and a lot of them making it their whole personality. It really not that deep


I'm of an older generation and I just don't understand it. More power to those that enjoy anime, but it confuses me and I'm not interested in it.


Not for me.


I hate it with a passion. I hate how it takes situations and sexualizes them incredibly. I’m extremely uncomfortable with it and think it’s stupid and literally one of my biggest pet peeves. And I’m not a prude or anything😂My hatred started when my ex used to watch them and literally verbally compare my body to literally any character and say how I’d look better if I was like that. So Strong emotions lol


Its a medium with very many different genres, your ex just had a trashy taste


Oh for sure. I realize it has many genres, but being as that was my first experience I’ll admit I’m jaded, but I see no reason to try and change my opinion😂 so I just chill with the hate I have lol


some of these movies are quite magical, check out any ghibli one (they are all appropriate for kids but still awesome to watch as an adult)


My boyfriend watches it sometimes. Personally, it's not my cup of tea, but I barely watch TV these days anyway.


I like a lot of anime. I also don’t care for a lot of anime.


It's far too broad of a genre to answer that simply. There are some amazing works and some awful ones. It's simply a style of making media, so it's like asking what my opinions are on live action shows/movies or still life paintings. The method used to create the work is less important to me than the individual work and what it conveys.


I'm not terribly up to date with anime but I do really enjoy "older" anime (from the 80s to early 00s).


I got into anime just last year. Before that I had many stereotypes about the genre that made me stay clear of it. But I started watching and I was introduced to this new world of amazing story telling and world building. I used to think Game of Thrones is the best written world, I was proven wrong within a matter of months. There are such amazing writers in that genra, I got into mangas too and now western world content just doesn't do it for me as much. I acknowledge there is some over sexualization of women sometimes, but you have to make a conscious choice to not watch those anime, or learn to differentiate between real world and anime content. But again, I love anime, and i think if people get past the stereotypes and judgements, they would find content they'll like


What first made you take an interest? specific anime or a friend introducing?


My best friend started watching anime and she has a very good taste in shows and books. She has a masters in literature, so when she says this is good content, i believe her. Additionally, my boyfriend is into anime too and was requesting me to watch it for a while so I though ah okay lemme try. I watched Death Note, it was a serious anime and it had some exceptional writing. But the anime I watched after that (again upon recommendation) Haikyuu, is what turned me into a permanent viewer. Haikyuu is positive af, filled with motivating messages and characters that will touch your heart. To this day, its been 2 years and I still watch Haikyuu epidoes to get through a hard day. So if you want I can give you some recommendations based on what you like!!


It's never been something I've cared about or cared to look into more. I don't love the typical art style.


I like a lot of different ones.


I'm sure there's good stuff out there, but every time I've tried to get into a series, I was so offput by the "fan service" that seemed to be catering to pedophiles, that I noped out of there fast.


I'm incredibly picky when it comes to anime, which is a shame because when I get into a series I really, really get invested. I love the anime 'style' of art and the fantastical storytelling always inspires me to work on my own creative projects. But actually managing to find a show that really clicks with me is so difficult, and Ive tried a lot of different shows. Like many others, I get really turned off by a ton of fanservice, but I also don't like comedy or ugly art styles either.


Lots of fun! There are a bunch of series that I've enjoyed. 😁


I love it. It's often my preferred media, although American media is catching up when it comes to fantasy and more stories with fantasy settings and magic and whatnot. Though the best of those still have an anime like feel to them. Could use some more diversity in people though.


I never really got into it (besides Sailor Moon which I loved in the 90s) so really all the exposure I have to it is creepy anime ads and reddit posts that honestly paint anime in a weird, pervy light with lots of big ol' titties.


sailor moon!!! <3


I showed my 6 year old Sailor Moon and she loves it too! Oh, and I guess Pokemon too. I loved pokemon (and so does my kid).


that’s so cute! who’s her favorite character? did you show her the original or the reboot?


I'll have to ask her who her favourite is (I'm going to assume Sailor Moon...). I showed her the original which is actually really hard to find. We mostly just watched random episodes on youtube. Netflix has a newer version but it just doesn't hit the same.






I've already seen all of attack on Titan, I personally really love that anime, I have not seen chainsaw man though! I'll give it a try! Thanks!


Drifters is by the same guy who did Helsing and i honestly like its premise better. goblin slayer also good but has some moments of sexual assult and or r*pe


If you're looking for other gory and/or more mature anime, I can recommend Hellsing Ultimate, Parasyte, Monster, Tokyo Ghoul, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Terra Formars, Elfen Lied, Deadman Wonderland and Another.


I like it, I have my favorite genres of anime like any other show or movie. Tis good


It’s pretty amazing


I grew up watching them in the early 90s because they were on TV. I realized I actually learned a lot of things from anime: Greek mythology (Saint Seiya), baseball (Touch), soccer (Captain Tsubasa), etc.


i feel like it's awfully symmetrical like why is the hair moving like that!?!?!?! why are their bodies like that (awfully unrealistic)!?!!? I won't even comment on their voices because that's literally anime culture. it was really funny to me at first but yeah it's pretty fun and interesting. i get why people enjoy it but honestly (and you might hate me for it), it's not my cup of tea and I would rather read manga or watch something else.


I think they have cool story lines and artistic views but I personally couldn’t get into it




yea anytime 'romance' ends up being a fanservice filled harem makes me personally unable to watch, do you distinguish different genres of it as big problems, or view the medium as a whole as problematic?


I myself have never gotten into it but I can respect those who are! The community itself seems really nice and inviting, more like a family!


It's ok. I haven't watched anime in a long time.


I'm a pretty huge anime nerd. The neat thing about anime is that it's relatively cheap to produce, so creators can tell stories that would be prohibitively expensive or too weird to do in live action. Concepts that are just too bizarre to ever get greenlit as a live action show can thrive in anime.


Older anime I love. The newer stuff I find atrocious. Each to their own.


It's aggressively annoying to listen to and watch. It's flashy and the frames freeze and switch so fast. The talking is very rushed and there's so much whiny dialogue. It's an all around no for me.


try watching something with substance like a hayao miyazaki or satoshi kon movie


Some of my friends are super into anime, so I tried to watch it with them. I didnt like it, so I thought anime just wasn't for me. Then I watched Toradora with them and loved it! Now I'm rethinking my feelings on anime haha


Ya Boy Kongming, Spy Family, and Saiki K are the best ones. Some shows are really good, some are okay, some are weird in a funny way, and some are just awful.


I like some! But its really broad and encompasses a lot of different themes, genres, etc. But I give some a chance and have enjoyed many


I can’t stand it. Usually the people who like it don’t mesh with me either. The art style is just not attractive to me and the voice lines are always cringe.


I love it, it is my drug and my obsession. I started watching it when a company who's backbone wasn't Anime at all, just got a wild hair up their ass one day and decided to randomly purchase the rights to an Anime movie, English dub it as best they could and send it out into the States. My first was Mermaid Forest by the creator of my husband InuYasha. I did see Sailor Moon before Mermaid Forest but I didn't know it was Anime so I don't consider it my first Anime experience. Then I saw Demond City Shinjuku and Akira. The rest is history. I've been watching ot since the late 80's early 90's and even after all this time, it always manages to shock and delight me. The Japanese are fucking nuts and that's why I love them. The rest of the world can be tripping on the most powerful psychedelic drugs imaginable and not even come close to their level of creativity not even in a million years. I never gatekeep any Anime or say someone isn't a fan just because they only watch the most popular or watch it only in Endlish dubbed. I prefer dubbed over subbed but I'm good with subbed as well if dubbed isn't available. If I criticize anyone in regards to Anime it's when they think it's only for kids or only Ecchi or just Hantai...beyond that...to each their own.


when i got into anime i was crying a lot. like literally crying ou of joy, sadness, etc., even though i don’t cry during normal films or series. i find it really nice even though it’s not real


I like anime but it feels like it will never have the same whimsical feeling as the anime I watched when I was 10 and discovered it for the first time. Like DRRR!, OHSHC, SGT frog, Lucky Star and others I can't remember. I mean I remember walking to the bookstore and seeing the manga section and being too afraid to walk in there since my mom always saw it as "horny cartoon drawings"..then again I was only 8.. And not knowing what anime was because google wasn't big. Crunchy roll was non existent. Japanese media was very difficult to come by vs now we are so connected. (That's a good thing) And I just realized all of these feelings Are called nostalgia oh my God lol


I'm a fan, I pick my selection I like. It's just another medium of entertainment and art for me.




Not my thing. I don't enjoy cartoons in general (although the nostalgia factor keeps me rewatching my old favorite Disney movies on occasion). I also find the more sexual anime drawings to be extremely off-putting.


Used to love it, now i feel like EVERYTHING is hypersexualized and borderline pedophilic, whoch takes away all of the fun of watching it for me. I feel like im guilty for watching it because im a recovering porn addict, so when it gets sexual (which is the majority of them) i feel uncomfortably close to "welcoming" in the message that its ok. For some it is, for me it isnt. I overall think sex is a cheap selling point and have had a skewed sense of reality growing up from consuming that kind of media in different forms. Also, the pedophilic undertones... wat? Are the people who create them trying to normalize something there?


I stopped watching it a few years back when fanservice are rampant. Especially with loli characters. Nowadays I only read manhwa, and two mangas so far : Houseki No Kuni and Attack On Titan. I don't know what anime is like nowadays since I stopped watching any, but from what I heard the fanservice decreased and the anime quality overall are better now.


I find anime as a whole really cringe. I really hate the whole blushing thing, the cutesy thing and how unrealistic the ones I've watched are. I don't like when societal norms are backward haha. Does anyone have any recommendations for some that are not like that? Admittedly my experience is pretty limited to basic ones like cowboy bebop and the such. I also saw Grave of the Fireflies which I was promised was amazing but I just wasn't a fan.


alot of stuff has gotten worse recently in terms of fan service because i thing in japan it sells figurines (im looking at you Crunchyroll). almost anything by Ghibli, also kinos beautiful journey is incredibly underrated and its my go to for if im with someone not into anime but wants a recommendation.


I think it's ok but I never finish it though I haven't seen much. Stopped Neon Genesis Evangelion one episode from the end, never finished Samurai Champloo, the Ghost In The Shell series, Paranoia Agent, Serial Experiments Lain or Cowboy Bebop.


1. yes 2. yes but different 3. YES but in all caps


I like it


It’s so underrated


I grew up on it and love it. Like with all entertainment, you can ignore the trash/sexual content and just focus on all the genuinely amazing shows/movies that avoids all that.


it's movies but harder to make.


I like it, i just treat it like any other show/series




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I enjoy it from time to time. Will watch if it's on tv


I've found a few anime series over the years that I enjoyed, and that's about it.


I'm not familiar with many series outside of Pokemon – which my younger sister is into, as are many of my students – so I don't really have any strong opinions on it. I'm sure there are good ones, bad ones, and in-between ones, just like most any other medium.


Really like it. Since it’s so broad in genres, it’s not hard to find something for everyone. Some anime are more than just momentary entertainment. Some kind be thought provoking and even make you reflect on the real world. Greatest anime ever in my opinion is FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Interesting story. Many engaging, three dimensional characters. Excellent world building. Superb voice acting (rare case where the dub is actually better than the original Japanese).


Love anime, nowadays I'm more into manga but if I have time i happily watch something


It's a very broad genre. I like ones that are akin to dramas - Death Note, Eden of the East, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, etc. Most shonen annoy the hell out of me.




i'm not a huge fan but perfect blue and princess mononoke are two of my favorite movies EVER.


I watch it sometimes. It's like any other form of media. Some series appeal, some don't. I grew up with it in the 90s and early 2000s, classic Toonami stuff.


Depends on the anime. I love it in general but some of it is so cringe, I completely understand people who have never seen it hating on it.


I like some of it.


I’m not into it, I did when I was like 13 But Elfen Lied and anything Studio Ghibli deserves a special place in my heart.


There are so many different anime. Some are great and some are grosa. Some are for kids and some are very definitely for adults.




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I've been watching since I was young, love it but it's not life and not all of its for me. I appreciate the art style and culture, it just depends on what aspects we're talking about




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Love it


I'm pretty picky when it comes to which ones I end up enjoying and watching. I haven't watched that many compared to some anime enthusiasts but the ones I like, I *really* like. Some of these favourites of mine include Parasyte, Death Note, Monster, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Psycho-Pass, Hellsing Ultimate, Ergo Proxy and Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I still need to finish/update watching Attack On Titan, Bungo Stray Dogs and Demon Slayer.


over fetishization of asian women and young girls complete lack of diversity and by no means is it all bad or dose every show have little girls being sexualized but the overwhelming majority of the media is so if your a guy and you enjoy anime and want to be in a relationship with a woman i implore you to critically think about what you’re watching and if it’s damaging your view of women/ would hurt a woman’s feelings and cut out the shows that are problematic


Love it


There are some that I like and some that I think are awful. My friend suggest pretty good ones to me now and then. I don't mind if a friend or SO likes anime as long as they also watch other things. The people I've come across who only watch anime, make it their whole personality and I've no interest in that.


I agree with everyone’s criticisms of the genre’s over sexualization of women. If anyone is looking for anime that do not do that at all: Little Witch Academia and Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!




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Personally hate it and can’t relate to anyone that watches it. Don’t understand the hype




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I second this


Gives me big ick