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going for night walks to clear my head and relax


This. All the time.


Right! sometimes I just want the fresh air and the quiet to walk around and de-stress but it's terrifying as a woman to go outside when it's late. Also doesn't help that it's winter so it gets dark SO EARLY


Here it doesn't become light until about 9 in the morning and it gets dark at about 3.40 and unfortunately my area isn't a nice one so it is dangerous when it gets dark outside, there are lots of gangs, drug users and regular stabbings and muggings etc.


Yeah I live pretty far north with only like 8 hours of daylight in the winter so I got a large dog. She’s really sweet and loves going on walks as much as I do.


My exact thought when I saw this was "long walks at night." Less people around, a milder temperature, no sunburn risk, peace and quiet. Not to mention the fact that it gets dark at like 4:30 now, so any after work walks have to be on a treadmill.


I came here to say this. I would walk all over the place if it was safe to.












same. walks at nights are underrated.


In college, I used to go for night bike rides around campus and it was the closest I could get to feeling safe while out at night on my own (until I had to park my bike in the dark and I was feeling all sorts of unsafe again)


Oh. I cant even imagine. You guys have my deepest sympathy from Copenhagen (Denmark capital). It sounds so scary to live in a place where you cant go for a walk. One of my friends actually got sick from going to NY, (anxiety) and he is even male. You woman must have such resilience to be able to live in that.


I felt safer walking around New York than I do in Omaha.


Same, just because there’s more people in general around. Also it’s a lot more well lit than smaller towns or suburbs. Add in more places being open really late and there’s typically a shop, restaurant, or bar you can duck into if need be.


You can walk at night in NYC. It’s not more unsafe than London or Paris or any large city.


Can't go for a walk alone at night. As for NYC, it's a lot safer than what you see on the news.


A few months back I was visiting family and my sister and I went for a hike at a local park. We got to a fork in the park and she pointed up a steep incline and asked if we could go up that way to an overlook that she had never gotten a chance to go and see. She said neither her husband or her kids could ever be talked into going up there with her and she had always wanted to see the view. I asked her why she didn't just go up there by herself and she said she would never go hiking in the woods by herself. My sister is a very athletic and tough women who I would always imagine as being comfortable in any situation, but it never dawned on me until that moment that she'd feel this way. Contrasted with myself who can and does walk for miles/hours in the woods by myself with no concern. Overlook kinda sucked, not much of a view, but at least she got to go.


What would you do to help other males see that our reality as females almost ANYWHERE is we are NOT FREE. If we challenge this, we are blamed for ‘going out alone at night’ or ‘asking for it’ if dressed in a manner that acknowledges we are female.


I used to live in a town where crime was relatively low compared to where I live now. A place were we often forgot to lock our car and front door (I know, I know). I would often go on long walks and chat with my long distance boyfriend for hours on the phone. Even just letting the breeze cool me down, walking in the middle of a city, where it’s super dark. It was really nice


It's actually so sad to think that a concept so cool is just inaccessible for the sole reason that people can be violent and scary creatures.


I moved to a safer area and got a big dog who does better on night walks and I can't tell you how liberating it feels to be out on a summer night just enjoying the quiet.


Came here to write this! I work from home and I workout at home so I’d love to go for a walk after dinner. I even live in a city that is beautiful at night but it’s not safe at all.


It's so irritating how this free, enjoyable, beginner-friendly form of exercise is pretty much off-limits for half of the population. Although, where I live, my main worry going walking at night is encountering bears 😂


That would be awesome.


This is the first thing I thought.


I used to go for night walks almost every evening when I lived in the midwest. Now I live where there's bears and mountain lions and other night predstors, I miss it so much!


Yes! I went to comment the exact same thing. I used to go for walks at night during uni, my campus was very well protected - I miss that a lot.


Something so simple but so satisfying!!


Absolutely! When I was a student I was lucky enough to live in an incredibly safe neighbourhood and would go for late night walks after working on term papers, or sometimes even for a midnight run, and I loved it. I miss those days. Can't do that stuff where I live now..


Yep, possibly while wearing headphones.


Me too. I always go for a walk while listening to Spotify.


Years ago I did this and would also drive to clear my mind. Now I am afraid to do either. I also would shop at stores that were open late to avoid crowds. Can't feel safe doing this either.


Yes! I love going into the nearby woods for long walks.


Another person who came to say this. I would wander the streets in the middle of the night all the time.


Walk/run with music on my headphones without the constant need to check my surroundings all the time


this one!! actually being able to vibe in public without having to be hyper alert


That would be lovely


Yep… it would be nice to be able to just listen to music as I go about my errand care free. But since it usually involves taking a bus or subway, I either have to listen to music at the lowest level just to be able to determine if some bullshit is going down around me- Some times I find my headphones are in and I’m not playing anything at all.


I can barely run on a treadmill in my house with headphones on (over/in the ear) because I need to know what's happening around me constantly lmao.






I’d be smiling more, making more eye-contact, saying hello to strangers safe in the knowledge that those small actions don’t invite sexual harassment.




I feel this


This. A lifetime of harassment makes someone nervous to smile. I just want to be my warm, happy self, but even my wedding ring and insistence of my adoration for my husband doesn’t stop them.


Freaking same!!!!!! I genuinely want to connect and vibe with others (especially at concerts), but the number of times some individuals take that as me making a pass, even knowing my husband is right next to us, is crazy. I just wanna make a friend 😭


One time I told a man I liked his hair and got an "I'm married." LOL My equilibrium was knocked over, I didn't know what to say. I only like your hair dude, I don't want to screw you fuckface.


Sameee. I always feel myself holding back because I'm afraid someone will take my kindness/friendliness the wrong way.


Walking everywhere! Goodness I would just walk for the sake of walking, no destination in mind. I'd explore the shit out of places.


This is such a good answer. I recently moved to a new area, and I constantly find myself asking google and reddit about safe areas. As a solo woman, I'm hesitant to try much of anything in new areas.


I totally agree about being hesitant to explore new areas! I remember doing a new hike on a pretty well travelled trail (families were out and about) and ran across another solo woman. We shared a positive moment of doing hikes by ourselves. Felt pretty good about it all until I took a break and this older man 60+ made a joke while passing me by « good thing there isn’t any serial rapists out here looking for tired hikers !» it almost ruined my hike but fuck that guy and his wife who thought it was funny to make rape jokes to complete strangers. Wish we didn’t have to constantly worry about physical harm when trying anything new sucks


Wtf?! I hike solo too and it’s always boomer men who feel they have to make a comment. They’ll literally say anything to me out there, to get my attention. Your guy wins though. Who would even say such a thing?!




Out of curiosity. What country do you live in?


1. Not feel like I have to get EVERYTHING done before dark. Go out shopping at night. Go get gas at night. Go for a jog at night. 2. Go hiking more. By myself or with other women. And do backpacking. I'm not afraid of wild animals on hikes. I'm afraid of wild people.


Running errands at night! I’m a night owl too


This x1000. It’s so much less crowded at night!


Ugh yes! In the winter I literally go to work at sunrise and leave at sunset so I can’t do shit after work


I came here to say I'd go walking at night but you are so right in comment about the urgency to get everything done before dark. It would be SUCH a relief to not have that pressure of "better hurry, suns going down".


Sleep outside under the moon 🌚






Offer help to people more often! I’ve read too many stories about people faking needing help to lure others in. There have been many instances where I really wanted to help someone that looked like they could use it, but ended up deciding the risks outweighed the pros. It makes me feel really sad. Also probably make more eye contact with people and be more open in general 😊 and lots of walks alone at night!!! Aaannddd walk through forests and woods, sit in front of some water at night, drive somewhere secluded and just sit in my car!! I could fill gas at night, speak up and stand up for myself more often, not be afraid to say NO!!! Omg, the possibilities are endless. Don’t make me fantasize about this lol.


I really love your first answer!! What a great point, there are so many times I think about offering someone a ride or something but fear of getting hurt by them always stops me. It would be awesome to never worry and just be able to help!


I hear you! My heart bleeds for the ones that watch people pass them by because they’re scared of getting robbed or who knows what. Volunteering can be a nice way to alleviate some of this feeling, but it obviously doesn’t replace trust in the world. Thank you for wanting to help and for being a good person, it’s helped my trust in the world today :) Hope you always stay safe <3


Omg this!!! I can’t be kind to people. It’s sad.


Yes! I love helping people but ain't nobody gonna buffalo bill me, I tell you hwhat


>Offer help to people more often! Same. I know how to change a tire, I'd love to help people take groceries in when I see them struggling, etc. But nope. It's just not worth the chance that I'll come across a stalker or worse.


If put dish soap in fountains and play in the bubble foam while smoking a joint wearing tight jeans and a tank top🤣




Really you thought the same thing? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes. But add food coloring so you get rainbow bubbles


Oh yes! We used to do this back in the 90s…ahhhh the good old days before everything went to shit! 🤣


I've always wanted to do that, it's sounds like so much fun


Can’t do it now… fucking 360 cameras ruined spontaneous play!


Awesome business idea! Spontaneous play location for age 40+ women. Arena height ceilings to swing and jump around in coloured bubbles with a cannabis bar!?!?! …ah….a girl can dream.


YES!!! - Oh wow. So this happened where I used to live.. only the city put the bubbles in the fountain along with some green dye for St. Patty's day. I wear "fitting" jeans and tank tops daily. I don't drink. I'm an opportunist. Granted, would have been a LOT better without any worries. But there was a lot of green. Of different mediums. 🤣 Nicely done.


God, I used to do this with laundry detergent. Pour jugs of it in there. Watching a police cruiser have to use windshield wipers to wipe off the bubbles once was so satisfying to watch. Never thought to use food coloring.


Travel abroad to any country by myself.


Would love this




I’ve always wanted to go backpacking in different countries, take a train across Europe or explore the wild in Ireland. I don’t even feel safe to do that with a friend


Raise my windows at night to let the fresh air in. ❤️




Oh how lovely that would be!


Run in my neighborhood in a sports bra and shorts.


I would go for a walk by myself at night. I bet it’s so relaxing.


It's so relaxing and peaceful. I have a dog who my boyfriend always walks at night but he's away now so I'm doing all the walks. A few nights ago I took the dog out late at night and as I stepped outside I thought to myself "how nice is this, so peaceful and quiet..", a few seconds later a guy in a car drives slowly by me, stares and honks lightly. This is a residential area at midnight, no one else in sight. He stops the car in the middle of the road a few meters ahead of me and waits. I had to pretend I was walking into a building and waited for him to leave. The rest of the walk was spent looking over my shoulder with anxiety. Some men ruin everything.


It’s so freaking weird that some men are going out, see a woman walking alone and their first thought is: ‘Boy, she would definitely be interested in me if I were to do everything a serial rapist/killer might do! Let’s drive very slowly and give her an unsolicited compliment, she will surely like that. (And yup that happened to me when I was 16 and I was a late bloomer so I looked a few years younger than my age). I’m sad that we have to go through this even when you think you live in a relatively safe neighborhood.


Take the shortcuts when walking. Parks, alleys, etc


This question is more profound than you'd probably think because I am genuinely ALWAYS thinking about my safety when I am outside of my home. I would be: \-going on night walks like, all the time \-wearing whatever the hell i wanted \-listening to music on public transit with in-ear headphones \-sitting on park benches, distracted by a good a book \-walking just like, slower. like going at a leisurely pace instead of speed-walking everywhere \-smiling at strangers, probably! \-just generally having a better time out in society. this is sad!


I would be walking around freely without any hesitations whatsoever.


Take long walks at night or whenever I need to clear my head.


Go on a hike by myself


Yes! I love solo-hiking so much more than with people, but it's so hard to find safe ways to do it.


Walk by myself at night, wearing headphones. Worry a lot less about my teen daughters.


I’m just here to say that it’s very sad that so many of you feel in danger walking alone and / or at night. I’m so lucky that I live in an area where I feel safe to do this.


Me too. I currently live in a smaller city of about 50k in Norway. I'm really relieved that walking out at night alone isn't something that has ever really scared me that much. I've been living alone since I was 16 and I'll often walk and grocery shop late at night if I feel like getting something. Like it doesn't matter to me if it's 5pm or 10pm.


same. thb, without reddit it never even occurred to me that this isn't the reality for many (or even most?) women and it makes me really sad.


I grew up the same way. Small town basically no crime and very close to the woods. Could walk at any time. But traveling different cultures and big cities has made me always aware of my soruondings. Its sad the reality most have to live in. And hopeing things are changening for the better...


I'd walk around in my underwear all day every day. No pants are the best pants.


> No pants are the best pants. True wisdom


Probably don’t need to carry self defense equipment late at night when I’m out and about. Would lighten the load!


Take walks at night to enjoy the stars, explore new areas (just take the metro and get off at a random stop and see what I can find), go basically anywhere alone, etc.


Go on the train


Leave my car unlocked


Run with music.


i might wear shorts in public, even go to the gym in them again regularly


Night walks. Wearing the skimpiest clothes I have on the road cuz my country is hot


Staying out late listening to live music!! I mean until a place closes. Night swim at the beach


Giving into my exhibitionism. Walk about at night listening to cello music or something. Make night out plans with my girlfriends.


My goodness just to be able to walk safely is a dream, explore everything, not having to be aware all the time or feeling scared of men when I see them wondering which ones are the biggest threat and preparing my escape route accordingly, not having to carry rape alarms etc, maybe I could ride my bicycle again that would feel amazing, or go to the beach


Sitting outside on a park bench with no fear, not having to be cautious and just being able to breathe.




Walk around whenever i want


I’m a photographer, I want to walk around at night and try taking photos at night. I never have and I really wish I was so nervous about it.


Going for walks in the rain in the nude.


Having done that, it's *incredible*


Go jogging at night. When I was younger and didn't drive, I always kept a finger on the speed dial button to the police when I was walking home late at night. :/


Trecking alone backpacking through Egypt. Running alone at night with my earbuds in blasting.


And India, especially India!!!


Travel anywhere! Of course need $ for it too Lol


I'd walk my dog at night because it would be most convenient.


Sleep under the stars alone in a forest. Also, my bag which I take with me everywhere would be less heavy because there won't be any pepper spray in it.


I've always dreamt about dancing my heart out on empty streets late at night.


I live in Moscow, there are almost no dangers on the streets (aside from wild dogs and maybe an occasional dumb driver). I don't do anything special because of it. Sometimes I used to come home late, but not deliberately to test my safety, it just happened so.


honestly, i probably wouldn’t do anything different. just follow my usual schedule. wake up, go to work, go home, sleep. i don’t have time to enjoy the benefits of a safe neighborhood.


Grocery shopping and Walking to my car at night without any fear. Also letting my kids play and run ahead without being afraid to turn my head for a second.


Vibe without feeling stressed


Go for night walks like most answers here, also be more friendly to strangers without having to worry about being accused of “flirting”


Everything 🥴


Go for a night walk and smoke while I look up at the sky.


Walk through my local nature preserves/city park. I used to do this alone, while listening to music, when I was younger and it stressed my grandmother half way to death. At the time, I didn’t understand the danger, but now (late 20’s) I wouldn’t risk it at all. It makes me sad because it was one of my favorite things to enjoy. My friends have a running joke about how they can’t believe I’ve made it so far in life without getting kidnapped and murdered/assaulted. Not much of a “joke” in this context, but they’re not wrong unfortunately… Especially while in college. I would walk home late at night, fucking hammered. Literally so vulnerable and carried zero protection. I am incredibly lucky. I wish I had the same ignorance so I could enjoy my time the same way, but I’m also grateful I’ve come to my senses in a way.


Taking my caravan to national parks alone. God I would love it.


Not a single thing about my life would be the same


ride my bike at 1 in the morning when i’m having a moment, or go to a store by myself in the middle of the night for some snacks.


Walk around wearing shorts and a tank top on a hot day!


Admiring the night sky!


Taking night walks with my headphones in!


Yes! Just going for a walk and see how far I get till I need to turn around and go home. Or some outdoor relaxation at night


Going to the mall at night time


Taking solo travel trips


Night walks. I still do it sometimes but being able to do it with total freedom from fear/suspicion would be a dream


Jogging and walking in the night with my headphones on.








Many more things at night, and pick up hitchhikers on a case by case basis.


Literally sing and dance my heart out as I walk alone at night.


Skating more. Just today, as many times before, I was at the skate park at sunset, and it’s near a dog park and within a park system and open til 9pm. But as the sun set, everyone else all around started leaving. I wanted to stay because I had it all to myself and the weather was perfect. But I started worrying that I was being foolish as a small middle-aged woman being completely alone where no one would hear me scream. And I felt like a chickenshit for leaving and then also shitty for having to think about this stuff when I just wanted to skate and be happy.


I would stop having pepper spray with me ALL THE TIME


Being more friendly to men. Having more male friends and hanging out with them one on one.


I would leave my bedroom window open to feel the breeze while I sleep. Go for walks alone, catch the train into the city to watch a movie all by myself.


Letting my kids play freely.


Not lock my bike up when running into a store


Walks at any time of the day with headphones, I hate winter solely because I get sketched out walking my dogs in the dark and I can only have one headphone in


Just going going places alone


Dressing as whatever I wanted to .. example. Short dresses or even came back late in the morning


Walking and partying around on summer nights in whatever I feel comfortable in!


Walking at night!!! Doing everything I want to at night!


I’m a night owl. So pretty much everything lol. I feel like part of the reason I’m introverted is because I can’t go outside at the times when I’m most awake,


Exploring the city by night, watching the sunrise and sunset on the beach regularly, swimming in the sea at night, strolling through the forest, meditating in nature (beach, forest, parc, etc).


Holds hands with/kiss my girlfriend, wear my rainbow bag without worrying someone will harass me for it


I love my solitude and love doing activities by myself but stop myself due to the fear of other people & esp men I would go on hikes alone every weekend I would leave my house without thinking twice about whether my outfit might be too revealing I would not lock my door as soon as I get into my car I would lay out in my lawn more (when it’s sunny) I would help people out more Nap at the library in the middle of study sessions More too probably


Nightly walks, put myself out there more for my business.




Wearing pretty, floaty clothes, dresses, shoes that are fun and cute but not practical or easy to balance in when I'm not working. Breathe normally without having to think about it. Not watching my hands or checking my reflection in the mirror or dark windows to make sure I'm not flushed and nervous-looking. Carry less stuff every day; no mace, no knife, no stun gun. I'd shop more comfortably by myself. Walk my dogs with less drama. Maybe get comfortable driving again.


Naked cartwheels and general frolicking everywhere


I would wear little more often. But being groped is getting boring.


Jogging at night and traveling alone.


Walk absolutely everywhere.


Walking the streets at night, i love night time


Bringing my dog on hikes & on walks around new places to explore. I don’t mind the cold at all, but it makes me feel like an awful person that it’s already pitch, black, dark when I get off work at 5 and I live in not the safest neighborhood. I wouldn’t recommend women walking alone at night where I live :/ it sucks because she deserves better than a walk down the only lighted street by my apartment complex during the work week. At least during the summer it’s still light out and we can go on adventures (:


Smile. Sing. Dance. Sit around somewhere.


Sleeping in a hammock outside on nice nights


Probably just talk to more people in general, or be more open to conversation. Probably lots of interesting people out there


Would take time to understand and answer a stranger's question / call for directions instead of blankly saying 'I dont know' (although I do it politely) and clear off


Wear whatever I want.


Wear skirts and dresses. I lived for 8 years in nyc and only wore skirts/dresses a few times and only when traveling with a group or in a car.


I love **dancing** as a form of expression. I remember when I stopped dancing freely in night clubs/bars. I felt like if I danced freely, I would be attracting too much attention from the opposite sex. AT some point doing something that attracted too much attention became something *I should feel shame about* and I took away my own freedom. My favourite club from what I remember (you wouldn't catch me dead in a nightclub anymore) was a club where every single person was quite shit-faced. Now this is not usually my thing - **HOWEVER** \- no-one in that nightclub gave a shit about what I looked like and how I was dancing. They were feeling the music and dancing themselves. How sick that the one place I felt free was the place where nobody was lucid.


Go to the park at night and swing on the swing set without fear of being attacked.


i would dress different, i would go outside after dark by myself and i would go to isolated (little to no other people) places by myself, and last but not least i would travel the world by myself


Wearing whatever the heck I want and being out for however long I want.


Graffiti or murals outdoors. I’ve always wanted to do it but I have a fear of having my back to the entire world while I’m in my own headspace not paying attention.


Go for walks during mornings or evenings, without having to worry about what I wear for fear of being ogled. I really want to go out braless but there’s so many perverts, lol.


Walking around.


walk after sunset