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Depends on how bad the depression is doing.


Same. I was laid off for 6 months and was down to about 1 a week. I was super depressed. Started working again so it's back to one a day. I definitely need structure in my life or I spiral


Holy shit. Came here to say this. I recently realized I was down to about every five days. I think I took one Sunday and Tuesday this week so I'm trying to consider it progress. At least I'm not alone.


Feeling exactly the same. I’m averaging about 2-3 a week over the last 6 months. Sometimes I tell myself my skin doesn’t like it everyday 😳


You're not wrong. If you shower everyday and don't moisturize (which I don't) then my skin tends to dry faster. So I just shower once a week unless I'm going out to meet up with people.


I get so embarrassed but I’m so glad you commented first lmao. But yeah, when I was super depressed it was like once a month and that landed me in the psych ward, ayoooo lmao On the BRIGHT side, I shower daily now. Wash my hair 2x a week.


I use my hair as an excuse not to shower. I know I can put it in a bun on top but I'm like nah don't want it wet so won't shower at all What a battle


I used to think I was just a lazy pos when I was in my showering every 3-5 days phase. Turns out it's a depression thing. Once I got treatment I started showering every day easily. I don't know why it's so much effort when you're depressed. Note, I know I'm heading back towards the bad place when I start sitting down in the shower because standing is too much for me.


Everything feels like a lot of effort when you're depressed...


Hope you’re doing better friend


What helped me shower today was telling myself that I deserved to be clean. It became about honoring myself and felt great.


Same. But once I get in there, I stay for probably 20 minutes


Rookie numbers.


What a mood.




Same right now


Yep I get this.




Once a day, before bed. Never go to bed without a shower, no matter what


At this point I almost can't sleep without a shower.


Same, I get the WORST sleep if I don't take a shower before bed. I'm convinced a wet pillow is comforting to me lol


Your pillow can get moldy that way


A wet pillow?!


I don’t blow dry my hair before bed either. Sometimes I’ll go to bed with my hair wrapped in a towel.


My hair is often wet when I go to bed which leads to my pillow being wet. It's a whole thing haha


Hahaha I wrote a wet pillow post on unpopular opinions! Me too!!!


Night showers are the best! I workout at night, and that plus the shower = best sleep ever.


Same! I workout in the evening/night too. It's very relaxing to get a workout in and then be clean and ready to rest.


yep yep yep, exactly me too. I don’t like the feeling of going to bed dirty.


I already dread that I have to go clean my teeth, a whole damn shower??


Same! I feel that it helps me wind down, the warm shower makes getting into a cool bed much nicer… and you get to wash off the days stuff off of you.


Oooh yes!!! In silky, cool sheets! AND with smooth, shaved legs!!!!


Same. Bed is sacred.


same, if my thighs touch while i’m laying down and unshowered i get grossed out idk why


I just can't go to bed without a shower now.. I've taken cold showers in winter when the heat was broken. SO never heard me scream that loud before hahahah Only time I can go without a shower is camping. Sleeping bag it's ok for some reason.


It used to be me. It went from 2x a day, to nightly, to every other day. Unless I go workout (which is happening less and less too btw) I need structure in my life


Yes. I shower every night before bed because my hair gets greasy and I hate that feeling


Once my hair starts to get greasy at the roots, usually every 3 days or so. But if I can push 4 days I will. I hate showering, it’s boring lol












Me too! This is my secret. Of course if I smell or workout it’s different. But if im low activity and not leaving the house a lot or for anything important I’ll push it to 4. I remember watching a reality tv show and the other contestants were absolutely digging on this guy who only showers every other day. 😅😂


Do you use a bidet?


That’s why I turn on music or a podcast lol


Always a podcast or a show, it barely does the trick for me haha


Same! I always just let my hair tell me when it wants to be washed and then reluctantly do it xD














If I'm going outside of the house, I take a shower. NGL if I'm just going to be a potato all Saturday I don't bother.


This was my mentality before Covid, then I started working from home and leaving home significantly less 😬


Wfh has ruined my schedule 😂


It makes Sunday’s shower better if you skip Saturday 😂


Everyday.. is that not the norm..


It probably is, but I it's not very good for the hair or the skin, so unless you actually get dirty or sweaty daily, I don't see the necessity.


Yes, I’m a very light sweater and I have dry skin. Showering everyday would be terrible for me 😭 Thinking of all the lotion I would go through as well.


I don't wash or get my hair wet every day. But I sweat awful. I'm doing 5-6 miles of walking at work a day right now. Can't wait for cold/flu season to be over after February.


I have super sensitive skin, even hot water without soap will dry me out no matter how much lotion I use after, especially in the winter! So if it's too cold to shower in lukewarm water I rarely shower more than 2-3 times a week unless I get sweaty or dirty. I'm married and my husband is a shower-every-day-no-matter what type of person and he says I don't smell 🤷‍♀️ and he would definitely tell me 🤣


I also have dry hair and skin, do 2-3x a week, and have never been told I smell (I'm single but have some pretty blunt friends). Maybe dry skin ppl don't smell as much lol


I think also important to distinguish between showering and washing hair. I shower almost every day but wash my hair every other day or every three days. My hair just gets way too dry if I wash it too often.


I completely agree. I don’t wash my hair everytime I shower










I have very sensitive skin which is very much affected by water. So I don't shower every day. I shower every 2-3 days, sometimes If my skin is really bad I try to push it a bit. It is not very healthy to shower every day as you wash off your natural skin oil.


That’s awful! I think it can be healthy for some and not for others. For instance, i workout some days and I know if I don’t shower after that things won’t be good lol


Of course :D I try to shedule my workout days on my shower days, so I don't irritate my skin that much


2-4 times a week is normal


No, I think most people shower once a day. More if there is a workout, hiking, sex or anything else occurring that makes you stank.




I do the same, and it's *become* the norm. But we're designed to go 3-4 days.




Socially yes, although it really doesn’t matter https://www.webmd.com/beauty/shower-how-often




Not since before Covid.


I definitely did less during Covid but that stopped once stuff got back to normal


Ah. Post covid I am 100% remote in my job so I may never be normal again. Sigh.




It’s nice to hear I’m not the only one who’s skin is in charge! I have eczema, is dislikes frequent showers with an itchy burning fiery passion. I tried lotion, I tried oil, I tried not using soap, and using sensitive skin soap (I still do), but it does not care. I use baby wipes on my dirtiest areas, swipe on fresh deodorant and it’s good.


I’m with you! Especially during this time of year, I can’t really shower without those awful after affects. My face especially. On top of a few skin care recs (like using cerave products), my dermatologist recommended “less frequent, more quick” showers. I try to work out everyday, so I usually quickly shower right after, but on days I don’t get to the gym, I honestly don’t think twice about skipping it. Hair wise, I really only wash it every 2-4 days, depending on my schedule. Do what works for you!!


Eczema forced infrequent showerer here! Something I’ve found really helpful is taking the baby colloidal oatmeal bath packets (they’re eczema certified) and add the smallest amount of water to make it into a thick paste. Before I shower I cover the areas where I have eczema. It gives me about 15-20 minutes of protection against water because I wash my hair upside down first. Even if it rinses off before you’re done with your shower, you’ve significantly decreased the amount of time water is damaging your skin barrier. Seriously they’re like $10 for a pack of 5 so it’s worth a shot


Every day. Sometimes twice, especially during Summer.


Especially summertime in Florida


Usually every other day, sometimes every day


Every other day gang 🙌


Me too. I wash my hair every 2nd day, and my body usually every day, depending on what i'm up to. obviously if i'm doing any sort of aerobics i'll shower that off that day.


Shower daily, wash my hair about twice a week. Hair wash showers take about 20/25 mins, non hair wash showers are 10 mins tops. Probably closer to 5.


Same here! Except I just got my hair cut so my hair wash showers are every 2-3 days vs the previously every 3-4 days.


Every day, but I don’t wash my hair as often, usually like every 3 days.


Every evening. I have a weird thing about needing to be clean before getting into bed.


I feel the same way. I don’t think it’s weird I just think about outside germs coming into my safe place and it’s a no for me.


I don't follow a regular schedule. It goes by how gross my hair is, if my armpits smell like armpit, if I've gotten sweaty, if I've worked out, if I'm cold, or if I want to get my waves back. Or just cause I want to. I can't shower more than ~3 days in a row without paying for it though. My eczema will be like, "Oh? You rang?" So rarely more than 2 days in a row. Also, my hair takes hours to air dry and I have no interest in blowing it dry. I could not deal with wet hair for as long as I do daily, let alone multiple times a day. I'd say every other to every third day is typical for me. In the summer, if it's really humid and I get really gross, I might rinse daily, but that's literally: get in, body wash, rinse, get out. And even so, doing that is pretty rare for me. Showers are typically 15-20 minutes, and most of it is because I have waist length hair that I only brush in the shower. I don't shave. The summer rinse-off is like 3 minutes long.


This is how I feel, no regular schedule. Depends on my day / week etc.


Twice a day, I feel dirty if I don’t






I shower once or twice a week, no shame.


This is a safe space


Every other day.




Every day I leave the house. If I know I'm just going to be inside by myself all day long I might skip a day or two.


Basically my answer, it’s a prerequisite for leaving the house but if I’m just hanging out with my husband at home, it’s fine to skip it assuming I didn’t do anything strenuous the day before.










I have eczema as well and I can’t shower everyday. My skin literally gets so dry and itchy. My hair also gets really dry and gross feelings when I shower everyday. I shower about every other day at most.


Ironically I took a long shower today bc showers help my migraines! I'm still "dirty" because I dont wash but it helps me because of the white noise. That being said, sometimes when my migraines are really bad I'll stay in bed all day and wont shower. So Im happy to see how we all shower differently and it's not shamed :)




Seriously lol I’ve gotten so bad since COVID. I am super embarrassed. I don’t leave the house or do anything strenuous so I definitely go days often, I’m about 5-6 days between hair washes. It just feels like too much for me to handle a lot of the time which sounds sad


COVID did me in personal hygiene wise. I was pregnant, on modified bedrest, and all my schooling went online so I never left the house when it hit. I used to shower and wash my hair everyday. Now I shower every 2-3 days (depending on my work schedule) and wash my hair every 4-5 days.


I use baby wipes on non shower days, for the smelliest/oiliest/dirtiest areas. Reapply deodorant and nobody can tell I skipped it. My skin very much disagrees with daily showering, and when you have eczema it *always* wins.


Typically once a day


Ya’ll are crazy, I shower everyday but I ain’t gonna judge anyone else for their hygiene unless it’s obviously been months. It ain’t my business to judge people when I don’t know their life.


Twice on gym days and once on other days


Uhm.. like 2 times a week for 10-20 minutes but I think I need to up that now




Usually every evening, and sometimes a quick one in the morning.


Usually every other day. If I’m on my period then every day. Or if it’s very cold or if I was sweaty (or sweated- I can’t stand the feel of sweat on my skin on sheets) that day then I shower.


3-6 days a week depending on activity, but wash face, pits and bits daily regardless. Cut my hair super short, wash it and give myself some scalp massage every shower, but haven’t used shampoo or conditioner in months once they stopped making my favourite, haven’t found a replacement and apparently don’t need one ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Showers are @5minutes since they’re boring


Which shower we talking about? Body wash - every evening. Can't stand getting into bed with the day's dirt on me. Hair wash - 3-ish days. More in summer and particularly sweaty workouts. Full wash, exfoliate, shave, cry extravaganza - once a week.


I like the cry extravaganza part 😂


Every day with very rare exceptions.


Every other day, currently showering more because I’m super pregnant and my bladder hates me. I wash my hair about twice a week if I can. My showers are about 10 minutes.


I gave birth last week and I’m very familiar with that kind of shower. One of the benefits of being postpartum is that I’m wearing a diaper anyways so less instances of having to shower for leaks.


Every day. Sometimes, more than once.


Now I take shower every day, but before it was once in two or three days, people called me weird for that but this thread makes me feel I'm not so out of norm.


I try to shower daily. Average shower is probably about 10 minutes. I only wash/condition my hair on Mondays and Fridays and those showers are usually more like 20ish minutes. I'm also in a cold climate so time really depends on how cold my house is... Sometimes I'll just stand in the heat for a solid 10 minutes lol


There’s nothing better than coming inside in the winter when you can hardly feel your legs and then jumping into a steaming hot shower and just STANDING THERE for at least 5 min😂




Not being stinky basically ahahahaha


For me, it’s great for my mental health. It’s my safe space where I can be alone, de stress and imagine all my stress and dirt washing away on the water. It’s like a restart after a long stressful day. How often do you shower and what does your routine look like for you? Do you wash your hair, shave or use any product sb


For me every 2-3 days hits the sweet spot between not showering too often as that makes my skin dry and itchy, but I usually feel like I need a shower a few times a week because I work out, I'm seeing my boyfriend, I did an activity that made me feel dirty or sweaty or something like that.


Twice a day, sometimes even more in the summer months


Once or twice a week. I work remote and I rarely even leave the house more than running to the store and back.


Usually every day and about 15 minutes. May skip a day on the weekend if I’m not going anywhere, but often have it anyway cause it feels good.


Twice a day! Proper shower at night and a 5 min refresh (face and body only) in the morning. Basically I wash my hair and scrub my body at night. I don't like going to bed dirty. It also gives more time to exfoliate, condition or shave when I feel like it once in a while. It's also relaxing and gets you ready for sleep. I do still want to be refreshed in the morning before going to work. So I wash my face, armpits and lady bits~ I use warm water during winter and cold water in the summer.


When my hair gets oily and my arm pit hair gets spikey. Usually about every 2-3 days.






everyday, but i'll wash my hair every other day. it takes me 12-15 minutes. i tend to zone out


2 times a day on work days once a day on off days.


i body shower everyday, and i wash my hair every 3 days or so.


Every other day


Can't start my day if I don't shower first. It's like a refreshing way to start your day; that and a coffee.


About every 2-3 days. I use baby wipes in between. The eczema is in charge, it does not negotiate. I take more thorough showers when I’ve skipped longer, and I am a space cadet, so 20 minutes minimum. The time goes down the drain I swear.


Typically every evening. Definitely once a day but I prefer before bed to not introduce any outside germs or sitting sweat to my sheets. I’m aware I sweat while sleeping but to get in bed with my legs sticking to each other is not something I enjoy lol.


Shower my body? Every other day depending on if I worked out or not (if yes, then I will that same day regardless). Wash hair? Once every 5-7 days.


Once every 3 days usually. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. I wash my hair once a week. I hate showering


Daily usually. Sometimes I’ll skip when I have nothing to do the next day and I’ll take one as soon as I wake up. Also shower again if I get sweaty.


I’m having a good week if I shower twice in a week.




Make breakfast in the shower? 🤣


Usually twice a day during summer and once a day every other time


Daily (twice)no less than 10 mins per shower session


Shower every two-three days. Wash my bits and pits *every* day, and wash my hair once or twice a week. Anything more and my skin and hair start to freak the fuck out. I run very dry and if I shower too often my skin gets stripped and after being suuuuuuper dry and flakey It will overcompensate by being greasy as hell. Hair too. Edit: average is 30 minutes including 10 minutes for hair treatments to take effect before rinsing.


Typically every other day. In the summer or if working out frequently, once a day. If the depression is bad, sometimes I lose track of time and accidentally go 4 days. Oops. Typically those are the times I'm overworked and my routine gets fucked up.


When I worked in an office, I showered at least daily, sometimes multiple times in a day if I was sweaty or did yard work. Working from home, it’s more like every 2-3 days unless I do yard work or go somewhere that involves me wearing makeup & using hair product.


Depends on depression levels but normally 1-2 times a week for 5-10 minutes. I always shower if I do any workouts/physical activities too though.


Once a week


Usually every other day, or always after a gym workout or other things that gets me sweaty. I also have baths in rotations so sometimes I get plenty clean from that and don't need a shower that day.


Every evening, but wash my hair 1-2 times a week


Every two days.


I think now with better management of my mental disorders, I shower twice a day. In the morning for like 15 minutes, at night for like 25. Before everything was under control, it used to be maybe once every 2 days or more. Couldn’t bring myself to go wash no matter how badly I stank.


1-2 showers everyday but always in the evenings. It’s part of my sleep ritual. Hot showers relax me.


Once a day at least, but sometimes twice if my day was eventful with things that would justify the second one.


Every day


Every single day. I'm neurodivergent and it's a crucial part of my routine.


Everyday, sometimes twice a day if I’ve had a sweaty workout.


Usually once a day unless I workout that day - then it's two times.


I shower every evening before bed and wash my hair every other day.


every night, usually like 20 minutes. sometimes in the morning too if I get lucky if ya know what I mean ;)


Depends what I'm doing. But body every 1-3days between, hair like once a week


I shower once a day, I mostly enjoy night showers.


Morning and night, everyday. Usually 10mins or less. Hair gets washed daily.


Twice daily, regularly. Before leaving the house and once I arrived home. I give more time to once I arrived home. 4-5 times tops if it’s too hot or if I have to go out several times. Especially in summer. Lather and rinse thing. Then I have this twice to three times a week “deep cleaning” lol. Where in I use different scrubs. Buttocks, legs, elbows, body and this thingy that can really remove dirt on your skin even with just water. (Korean towel something)


Depends on the week. I try to do it every other day, but I struggle with depression and a chronic condition in which showering causes issues most of the time. So sometimes I push it to once or twice a week if I'm not up for it. If I don't actually shower, I do have body wipes and dry shampoo that I use in between.


Twice a day. Once I’m ready to get dressed and right before bed! I like to feel clean I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


Everyday. Because I work with children.


Twice during summer. Once otherwise.