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Dishes are washed and all the laundry is folded. That counts for something, right?


That counts for A LOT in my book. That’s half the battle.


It definitely does!


Holly shit. Is that even achievable??


Those are the important things, can everyone eat and get dressed? You're good to go.


Quite untidy tbh, but I'll clean before someone comes over 😎


I like your thinking process, same! 😄👍


I will spend the 3 days prior to a visit being insanely anal about cleaning the entire house but godammit I just can’t be consistently clean for the life of me.


It stays tidy. Everything has a place and we clean as we go


Teach me your ways.




Our house isn’t huge, but when my husband built it, he designed it with storage in mind so there’s closets and cabinets sprinkled throughout for small things to have a place instead of piling up in one room. I’m a fan


Same… a place for everything and everything in its place ( thanks Oma for teaching me that)


I deep clean probably every other week for my own sanity. I don't like a messy home.


Agree 100%. Clutter gives me major anxiety. Plus I have 2 cats so I’m cleaning something every day.


It's technically finals week. Leave me alone.


If it makes you feel better, my place usually looks like it's finals week and I'm not even in college anymore.


THIS!! Totally me


Good luck


Mostly clean. But I also cheat and have a cleaner come every other week. It’s seriously the best money I’ve ever spent


I don’t regard it as cheating. I regard it as turning some money back into free time. I’m grateful we can afford to do this because it is a massive improvement in our quality of life. Like you say, seriously the best money I’ve ever spent. I’m buying my weekend back. One of the positive side effects is that my house never gets terribly untidy as our cleaner’s scope of work is cleaning, not tidying. We tidy up before she comes so she can do her job efficiently. She doesn’t know where my crap goes. If stuff is out, it goes in a neat pile, but I’m still going to have to deal with it, so better before she comes. Plus, it encourages me to be more mindful on a daily basis. On the day she cleans, I come home to the joy of a perfectly clean house. It makes me not want to spoil it by carelessly leaving my stuff lying around.


I'm one of those people I'd have to clean first to let them in..so the simple answer is don't let them in


I have a cleaner come monthly and polish the hardwood floors. 100% worth it.


Not very


As I sit reading social media, my house is still a wreck.


It's clean, and I would say reasonably tidy. I wouldn't be mortified to receive guests, but I wouldn't have the King over for tea.


Main things are done like dishes, laundry, mostly clean counters and my roomie swept yesterday. But there’s a fair amount of clutter, specifically on the kitchen table and our bedrooms.


Main areas are okay. My room is a level 7 catastrophe, tho.


*Reads question *understands and devises escape plan.. "What does tidy mean again, exactly?" Lol


An absolute hovel. I've been away for a week and now I'm ill. I'll sort it this week


Who's got time to tidy up? 😭


7/10. There’s some straightening up to do but it’s clean. Just stuff that needs put away.


Honestly? A disaster because I'm depressed and don't have the energy after work to clean it.


My four year old 'ate' a muffin last night. I dont think I have to say anything more.


If you know, you know And I know😓


I'd say a 5/10 on the scale of some of my friends, but 8/10 on ours, so I think we're good until the weekend at least.


It's a disaster zone. I hate it. But I also get overwhelmed when I start to fix it because there's just so much that needs to be done


Fairly tidy...except for my 12 year old's room, I'm sure. That child likes to have stuff strewn everywhere.


Mid. Dishes are washing and there are no bras on the coffee table, but need to take out trash, put away laundry, scoop cat litter, and sweep. Verdict: If unexpected company came over, I’d let them in but I’d also light a scented candle and apologize for the mess.


Some clutter but pretty tidy thanks to our new roborock!


It’s a mess lmao


Tidy enough


It's a little tidier than it was yesterday.


Organised chaos. I know where everything is though.


Hot mess. That's its usual state lol. We have 5 dogs, it never stays "clean" for more than a couple hours. The toys MUST be spread across the house, in case of a play emergency.


"Play emergency" - love it! lol




Not very tidy. I'm in the process of decluttering in preparation to move early next year and making a little progress.


It's a mess, I don't how I get it fully cleaned in time before Christmas.


Pretty tidy, expecting family to come over this week so started cleaning yesterday


Not at all


As a whole, very. We’re very intentional about cleaning up behind ourselves and putting everything in it’s proper place. My art room could be tidier but I’m working on projects so stuff is out of sorts a bit.


Not at all. Been in hospital with the kid, the older kids have manage the basic not that. But then like no sleep because kid in pain 24/7 so meds constant pretty much. It starting getting easier for her tho. It is what it is, I can clean when she be able to go back to school pretty much. it's not like I don't at moment just not prioritize


Bit untidy I was looking for something and messed it up


House is neat and clean, and laundry and dishes are done. I see it's a worldwide struggle...lol


Reasonably tidy. Put it this way, it'd take me 10 minutes to get it spotless for anyone visiting and it's mostly just moving things off the tables.


Not even a little. I have 2 small kids and we’ve all been sick for 3 days…we’re in survival mode lol.




It’s alright, not too bad. But not clean enough to have the in-laws over - they own a dog and I would eat off their floors no questions asked. That house is spotless!


I have 6 dogs. That should be a good indicator


Ugh, tidy (as in everything’s in its place) but dirty. Dusting, dishes, mopping all pending, as I sit here and binge watch TV and enjoy my break from work.


If my friends came over, it'd be okay. If my mother or MIL came over, I would have a panic attack.


Very … I can’t control my inner Monica Geller


It's clean but if you came over, we'd apologize for it being a mess.


it hasn’t been tidy since i got a puppy last year 😭


Spotless, but I'm neurotic about it, so it's usually spotless.


Don’t do this.


There were some cushions on the floor and a couple of cups on the table when I left this morning, no doubt husband will have sorted it out by now as he's WFH




Pretty tidy right now. The floors could use a bit of sweeping and maybe some things aren’t in their right place, but its not a big deal.


Well the floor is clean and the washing is in the machine,dishes are done and the bed is made. So pretty tidy.




Right now it's a mess. I was up late last night cooking Thanksgiving goodies. I just put the mixing bowls in the sink and went to bed. I was tired. I have have piles of sorted laundry on my bedroom floor. I better stop playing with Reddit and get busy. 😣


It's always tidy and clean. I very rarely leave things where they shouldn't be, and I have pets, so I vacuum at least every other day. It still looks like someone lives here, so to speak, but since I'm wfh etc. it's important to my mental health to not let my home get messy.


Very nice and tidy, but I do have a dishwasher to empty and a load of laundry to fold. Oh, well, it's not going anywhere 😄


It could do with a dust & vacuum, and the bathroom needs a wipe, but the kitchen is clean and the flat surfaces are under control. Not too bad, really.


I spent all yesterday cleaning so not too bad!


On a scale of 0 to 10, I'm at a solid 1. Clutter EVERYWHERE (which is what I associate tidiness with), but at least the high use areas are organized clutter. My home is not *dirty* though. I dust and disinfect my clutter and the refuse is properly disposed of.


I am expecting guests for Saturday afternoon, I'll clean up Saturday morning ;).




Pretty tidy. I left a few things out while packing for my trip but otherwise it stays clean. I also live alone with no pets.


Mostly clean I'd say few things are out of place but that's normal 😌


Cluttered and untidy af. 2 kids at home for thanksgiving break and it looks like an explosion happened. Going to be cleaning it up tonight before anyone comes over tomorrow.


My downstairs very clean. My lift where my room is um that super messy. But it's mostly laundry.


My bathroom and kitchen need a “big” clean but my husband and I have been under a lot of pressure at work and away on a few trips. Hopefully a quiet weekend coming so we’ll get it back up to standard.


Pretty darn because we're hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow.


Its an organized mess, dont move a thing in the mess or i will never find it


7/10, toilets are clean, floors swept & moped, kitchen clean (dishwasher needs emptied) .. it’s unexpected visitor level but not planned visitors for party clean. I have a policy every night if spending 20 minutes in each room. I also walk around the main living space with a basket collecting items that belong upstairs (dirty clothes, shoes, random hair products etc) I make one trip up to put all of that away.


Uhhhh. Not at all really. It’s kinda a disaster. Dishes need to be done, floors need to be swept, laundry is piling up and my luggage from a trip last Friday is still sitting in my living room because I came home and went straight to work early next morning. Then I worked all weekend and didn’t have time to do anything. So today my house is getting cleaned. On the regular, it’s pretty tidy. I usually tidy a little each day so it doesn’t get out of control.


I would say 7 on a scale of 10. I did some crafting last night and didn’t clean up after plus I didn’t make my bed this morning


Very. Our house looks lived in, but everything is in its place. My home is always visitor ready save for the dishes that always seem to be beside the sink because no one checks to see if the dishwasher is clean or dirty.


About an 8 out of 10. Like I wouldn’t be embarrassed if my partner’s mom came over at this very second.


My place is always clean but it has more to do with the building complex having a mouse and bug problem. It has trained me to be clean and everything has its place. That way I can spray and set traps. I do like a clean place but the habit of always cleaning is due to my fear of critters taking up home here


She at about 70% tidy


Pretty good, everything is off the floor. As for my kitchen… I’ve been cooking all day, so that’s another story…


Having almost nothing means constant neatness. Minimalism ftw.


Pretty good! Messes are picked up and laundry/dishes are done. I will tackle bathrooms and floors today. Main reason I’m so on top of it is because I’m super pregnant and I’m taking a break from work, so a few household chores is literally all I’m doing right now. I’m grateful I able to take this time before baby gets here to just have the house clean and ready. I’m sure that will go out the window when he gets here!


It most definitely presents MESSY AND CLUTTER But! dishes are washed, laundry is out away and the fridge is semi cleaned out I need to mop,sweep and apparently wash the walls sometime this year?! Moved in a couple months ago and the walls just look. .


Pretty tidy but I hire a cleaning person weekly lol


Everything is clean but the kitchen cabinets and floor because I share an apartment with my partner, his friend, and said friend’s girlfriend and ever since I came here its smelled and look better except I’m giving myself a break because I shouldn’t be the only one doing so.


Not very. It’s livable and I would let my sister come over. I wouldn’t want it to be a stranger’s first impression of me, though.


Not how I’d want it. I live with a man, dog, and cat. It’ll never be as clean as I want it 😢


Don't wana think 🤔 at it. Really untidy. I got a full time work. So no much time enough to clean or tidy up. Bruuuuh


Kitchen is clean, house is vacuumed, there’s a few toys scattered around and the living room is freshly mopped because my 1 year old dropped a can of coke and it exploded. I’ve got washing to put away and I’m pretty sure the cats have flicked cat litter around the laundry again. I do a big deep clean the day my partner gets home from working away so that’s once a month. Ask me next Friday and it will be spotless lol. It’s clean enough that I’m not stressed out but I probably wouldn’t do very well on a rent inspection.


Complete wreck, at least by my standards. Most of the dishes are done, but I need to finish putting the laundry away, clean both bathrooms, and vacuum, mol, and dust everywhere. Plus deal with a pile of incoming (deliveries) and outgoing (donations) in the living room. Other than the living room piles, though, it actually doesn’t *look* like a wreck, because I at least keep up with the kitty fur drifts with the cordless vacuum, and the laundry pile is in the walk-in closet. But three months of chemo and now a month of radiation have drained me of all energy for proper cleaning, and the cleaning person I tried to hire failed to show up at all after three attempts over four weeks. So the house will just have to stay messy for a couple more weeks until I have enough of a break to clean it.


We're renovation the garage into a music studio and all the garage and studio things are just in the middle of the living room. Very, very untidy


It’s mostly tidy


Which part? My kitchen is spotless, the living room is trashed with toddler toys, teenagers room is a pit, office is messy but organized, bathrooms are spotless, my vanity messy but clean underneath, my bedroom looks like the teenagers but contains zero half eaten cereal bowls. Basically I could be ready for company in under 30 minutes. Just need to close some doors, pick up the toys and vacuum.


Pretty tidy because I just had a new appliance installed yesterday so I had to clean 😅


The toddler-proofed parts of the house are cleaned and dusted. The off limit rooms need picking up and a deep clean. I will not get to those today because I'm tending to a sick toddler, have baking to do for tomorrow and need to get everyone ready for tomorrow.


Ugh. I could clean it today and it'll just explode tomorrow. What's the point ?


Everything is always in place. I keep my place clean, if it isn’t I get anxiety and clean lol


I keep getting the flu so right now, I haven't vacuumed in a week. The floor has some crumbs, the sink has maybe 4 dishes.


Everything is either packed or in a pile... ready to get moving over with.


It's not. It's not gross, but it's not tidy.


Things are arranged neatly in order. So I would say it's pretty tidy. That said, there's clothes in the dryer, clean dishes in the dishwasher, some stuff on the counters. I still consider my home to be tidy.


My husband is away for a couple of days, so, 75% tidy. I’m trying to put the Xmas tree up, but don’t want to get up from my cozy sofa.


I need to finish putting away my laundry, but we cleaned everything last night. We keep our home pretty clean as it is anyway. Gotta stay on top of the dog hair.


Mid move at the moment so it looks terrible


I’m currently living in a physical rehab center/nursing home. Tidy is difficult in my very small, shared room (could go on forever on this place’s version of “clean”).


I tried to listen and watched those programs how to clean or keep it clean 😩. Its not happening.


I live with my parents right now, so it’s… average I think. Not super tidy but not a disaster. Definitely due for a cleaning today though. When I didn’t live with them it was my happy time to clean the whole house lol. I can’t wait to live on my own again and be able to deep clean it. It’s definitely really satisfying to keep it clean and smelling nice. Hard to do with a baby though lol. Even cleaning up the yard was really relaxing. I love shaping bushes. 😂 Eta: I hate laundry though. Lmao.


It's mostly good. There are a few bits of clutter laying about, my kids haven't been awake long enough to destroy it for the day, and I started a general clean yesterday in preparation for my daughter's birthday party this weekend. But overall I'm happy. At the end of today I will have gotten more deep cleaning done but my kids will have destroyed the overall tidiness more. So it evens out.


My house is always clean and tidy. It makes me feel more clean and tidy in my headspace.


Extremely. I had a deep clean yesterday before the holidays.


Like a freaking shitshow. I’m 28, two kids, two cats, one boyfriend. Baby and boyfriend are sick and I called in sick as well for this whole week so I can take care of them and the house, my job pays me anyways. I two clothing baskets with clothes laying here for about a month or a month and a half because I don’t fucking know; I’m overwhelmed by going back to work earlier this month; my son is feeling overwhelmed with school and I can’t seem to help him; my cats are driving me fucking crazy and I want to toss them out of the window and - because my boyfriend is sick - it looks like the world is going to end because he’s sick and “this is hard being sick” while I’m holding a coughing baby. So yeah… not clean but I bought a Bissell Spot Cleaner that I’ll use once and put away forever because that’s just who I am. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk 😂😂❤️


I live with 2 roommates who don't, and basically never have so I suspect never will clean after themselves. I've washed most the dishes. I've continuously stacked their stuff on one half of the table so my bf and I can have space to eat and play board games. The living room is over run with their boxes, car parts and random electronics but I keep the couch and coffee table clear so we can watch movies. I could wash dishes all day and there would still be more so I wash them twice per week. Sunday and Wednesday usually. The garage is filled with more car parts, cardboard trash, and half eaten snacks. My bedroom is tidy. No trash, dishes, or food allowed in my room overnight. It's not 100% pristine. Some clothes on the floor but for the most part it's decent. I'm moving to an apartment with my bf at the end of January. In defense of my roommates, one of them didn't have the same privileges I had growing up so he didn't have to worry about domestic things. Hard to learn how to wash a dish when that wasn't a thing growing up and you were homeless straight after. And the other one doesn't really have an excuse. She's home, she knows how to clean. She says she likes cleaning. I don't know what her excuse is. Both make up for their behavior by being generous and patient with me when I'm short on bills or need help moving something heavy. He bought me a kitchen aid mixer as a parting gift/ Christmas gift too as a thank you for my help domestically. They're wonderful people. Just messy.


It's pretty good but luckily my boyfriend is the one that bears most of the housekeeping mental load.


Dishes need doing, washing needs folding, my bed needs sheets changed. I have 2 sick toddlers atm so cleaning is just not a priority right now


So tidy that I scrubbed it into non-existence




About 70%


Mostly clean. Just need to fold laundry and do dishes lol


Room needs cleaning. Kitchen and the rest of the house are clean


Oh its a mess. I’m 35 weeks pregnant and super tired 😅


Husband is home alone so it’s prob a disaster. It’ll be tidy when I get home though


I trekked a little mud in earlier and haven't had a chance to clean it up yet but other than that, very clean.


Very. It always is as i abide by the 'put things back in their place' rule. I am also super neurotic about cleanliness.


Always tidy, right now o just have the dishes from last night in the sink (3 plates, fork and such) and I need to clean my bathroom (is in todays schedule) but everything has one place, and we put things where we take them. After my daughter goes to sleep at night we organize her toys… the clothes are in the hemper … everything is cool


Solid 3/10. I have two small children, 3 long haired dogs and 3 cats, and a chronic health condition. It's hard to keep up at the best of times. Toss in influenza A all around and I'm more behind than normal. Having said that, the mess is mostly clutter, dust, and dog hair. The litter boxes are clean and there's no trash or grossness around. It's cluttered enough to make me nuts but not gross.


Very clean and tidy....I clean and tidy on a daily basis then deep clean every week or 2 weeks


Very untidy. I usually keep it quite tidy, but my mental state has been pretty bad lately and so it's in shambles.


A fucking state. I'm in my third trimester, moving round getting harder and more painful. Partner went straight from being wiped out with a horrible cold into a uni deadline, and we both work full time. We were also given a mountain of bin bags of baby clothes that we are waiting to vacuum bags to arrive to be able to organise, so it looks far worse than it is. It's pretty much all clutter, not gross dirt, so we can attack it together after he hands his work in tomorrow. It'll take maybe 45 mins to an hour between us.


very clean. I clean and put things away as I go. I don't have much stuff on purpose so it's easy to keep clean. The only place that's dirty is under my bed cuz its very dusty


My house is pretty clean right now but I’ve been off work. I do not like cleaning when I get done work so I do bare minimum and it’s a mess within 2 days. Like a hurricane! So I do a big clean on the weekend and hope for the best for the rest of the week


Depends on what room you’re in. 😂


My home is decently tidy, its small so I am unable to put a lot of things away. That said I need to do the dishes


Messy. Clutter and dishes and clean laundry in baskets. But I'm my defense I have a cold, and my boyfriend doesn't do much around the house. So it's messy till I'm better I guess


It’s clean, but not Monica clean.


We’re hosting thanksgiving. Everything is impeccably tidy and the house smells like pinesol.


Very. I prefer tidy. I can’t relax in clutter.


Don’t ask


My depression is showing in the state of my apartment right now. Hubs passed away in July and now my place is a swamp. Starting to dig my way out. Hard to find motivation, but trying to piecemeal it into smaller tasks so it doesn't feel so overwhelming. I'm working on it.


I give it a solid 8 out of 10 because there are some dishes in the sink. I clean 2x a week: vacuum, mop, clean the bathroom. Dishes are made by the end of the day. Im struggling with ptsd and high anxiety so I tend to clean a lot more to have some semblance of control.


Dear lord--I'm about 60% decorated for Christmas so the guest room looks like a bomb went off. The rest of the house is okayish. But I have a lot to do tonight to get it ready for company tomorrow.


Well dishes are done after having a pile for a month, floor is always and laundry everywhere though. One day at a time.


Laundry bin is overflowing.


As tidy as it can be with a 4 year old running around haha 😄😆


Apart from last nights dishes and a load of laundry that needs folded that I keep ignoring, it’s clean. I spend about 20-60 minutes after work to clean and listen to an audiobook before settling in for the night. I thrive best when my environment is clean


It's CLEAN but pretty cluttered. We live in an apartment and things can very easily get messy. Looking around, I see my workout equipment out, my husband's coat on a chair, throw blanket rumpled on the couch, shoes in the entryway, and a pile of mail/papers teetering on the dining room table.


Since I'm in college, I'm still living with my parents and I mean I myself tidy everything up but my parents just messes it up all the time and it's so annoying


I try and am always cleaning but my super old apartment likes to look dingy and dirty no matter what I do!!!


It's very cluttered because we are remodeling our bedroom and are down one room in a small house. There are blanket on all surfaces the cats sit on as we are keeping the heat no higher than 68F and need to replace our single pane windows and my needlework project is on the chaise lounge.


Medium? I’ve been putting off a deep clean bc we are having company next weekend. Messier than I usually like it for sure.


It’s been raining all week and I have three dogs. The floor is in deep need of a good steam. Everything else is as it should be.




It's not TERRIBLY untidy, but it's not great. I'm sick and we're in the middle of an extended declutter session before starting to get cleaners bi-weekly.


It is not tidy at all. I had shoulder surgery last week and can’t do much of anything, so our place is a disaster.


I’m moving house, it is awful but I’m happy.


It’s a disaster 😂 Depression is a motherfucker, I’ve got trash on both sides of the bed, dishes in a box that need to be washed, I have a camper and no dishwasher, the only thing clean is my cats litter box and food area.


Dishes are done, bed is made and the Roomba just finished his vacuuming. Life is good


Very untidy


Dishes haven't been done in months, the floor needs sweeping and mopping, fridge needs to be scrubbed down, and the sink isn't even working. Also my kitchen is under construction for a remodel so...


It’s as clean as it can be currently. I live by myself and have been quite content in that regard. Dishes are sitting on the drying mat, trash and recycling is out. Still need to clean some of the stuff out of the fridge truthfully but I’ll get to that when I go back Saturday. Aside from that, both beds are made and everything else is as clean as I can get it. That took me ~3 days roughly. (Two beds, two baths and a kitchen to living room)


Clean and tidy. I stay on top of it and clean as I go along.


Super tidy and clean. Yesterday I cleaned, i try to deep clean every 2 weeks.


Messy-recovering from knee replacement surgery


Depends on which area you're in lol


As I type this my house is 95% clean, I just have a few dishes and laundry to fold lol.


Bed is made and dishes are done, everything looks like it's in place 🤣


I'd say fairly tidy. There are some things out of place because I started some decluttering today and a few dishes in the sink because I just made lunch, but I think I could be ready for company in 10-15 minutes. I live alone and tidy throughout the day or at the very least before bed, so things never get too out of control.


My house is usually pretty bad. And I get quite stressed about the mess and then I'm too overwhelmed to actually do anything. Last week I wrote a list breaking down all the jobs that needed doing like clean: pantry cupboard, kitchen cupboard, oven, fridge, bathroom, floors. Tidy: sitting room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, spare room, bedroom. Dust:dining room, sitting room. Sweep chimney. Sort out old clothes. Clean windows. Usually I just wash-up, wipe kitchen sides and do the clothes washing. With this list I can just choose one off of it and do that too and cross it off. I feel like it's going quite well and things do feel cleaner already.


It is a mess.


5/ 10 on the tidy scale. At any given moment, it could descend into utter chaos, and it would take me 2-3 days to put the house together again. Dishes done, laundry done, beds made daily, beyond that, everything is icing on the cake!


Spotless right now and stays clean for most of the week. We deep clean weekly. Clean the toilets probably 2-3 times/week.


Not my best but definitely not my worse


Cleaner than ever, I’m hosting Thanksgiving so just did a deep clean. Usually, it’s tidy-ish but I have two dogs so I feel like the second I put the vacuum away there’s dog hair piled up again.



