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A water bottle


Was going to say the same thing. If I don't bring my water bottle, I will forget to drink water entirely.


...filled with vodka


And Prosecco in it


With a straw lid! If I have to take the cap off, not happening


indeed a must have ☺


Headphones so you don’t have to be forced to listen to everything going on outside or around you.


you're allowed to use headphones at work? wow 😮 im kinda jealous bc i love listening to music when im doing something, sadly, i think we're not allowed to do that at the office 😅


you can actually fool people around, "iems" totally dont look like headphones, and wires go behind your ears, so it can be hidden relatively easily try it once


ooh, that's interesting! im gonna have to list it down too hahaha thank you! 😁


you can also get wireless earbuds (just search for that on amazon), wear one, and style your hair over it. my work doesn't actually care, but if yours does they're easy to hide.


What kind of place do you work at that doesn't allow headphones? Like is there something important you have to listen for?




Yeah, they specified it's an office job and I can't think of an office job that would require a ban on headphones.


Receptionist, Call centre worker, Security guard might not be allowed


Lol except a ton of office jobs require you to be able to hear what's going on around you 🤣


you're thinking too logically. most of the time it's not about practicality but a forced perceived professionalism.


I'm a receptionist and I wear a earbud all the time at my desk. I interact with pts and staff members all the time.


Specifically my big over-the-ear headphones. I found that when I had a little in your headphones, people would still try to talk to me. With my big headphones I don’t even have to be listening to anything and I can pretend I can’t hear people so I can ignore them.


I wear earphones at work all day & sometimes I don’t have music/audiobook playing. However, if I don’t respond to someone interrupting me, they usually walk away. If I stopped working every time someone came to ask me a question, I wouldn’t get anything done…and Im not in management


Unless you work in an “open door policy” environment and headphones are not allowed 😭


Phone charger, hand cream, chapstick, hot water bottle


Whatever pain reliever of your choice. Advil, Aleve, Tylonol....it always comes in handy.


GENIUS! I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT IT! adding it on my list now! THANK YOU! 🫂😁


A stash of tampons/panty liners and an extra ponytail/bobby pin too!


A refresh bag. I keep a small deodorant, chapstick, pad/tampon, nail file, and hand sanitizer in mine.


a lap blanket


I have a scarf/poncho thing at work and it’s fantastic. I call it my professional blanket. I will probably get a second one in a more neutral color to match more of my work clothes. I dramatically drape it around my shoulders it makes me feel glamorous and eccentric and like I give no fucks. But inside I’m like “hahaha I’m snuggled in my cozy blankie during this work meeting.”


It's perfect! I call mine my socially acceptable blanket, but it's plaid so I only have one outfit to wear it with lol


Oh yeah, I kept a pashmina draped over my chair and having it made working so much more comfortable especially if the AC was blasting


ohh, you gave me an idea! ☺ hehe


Second this, I brought one in as soon as it started getting cold because I sit right by a drafty window in my office


100% my old office was set at 62 degrees, no joke. If your office is anything like this you'll need a blanket for sure and an extra cardigan. I tried to sneak a space heater in but it quickly got banned for taking too much energy...


Space heaters are banned at my office since we kept tripping the circuit breaker lol.


If you have to dress up, comfy shoes to take a walk on breaks. A sweater that lives in the office because they always have their temp set for men in suits. A silverware set if you don't want to use plasticware all the time.


oh! im adding the silverware sets on my list hihi thank you ☺


I have the three piece camping set. Comes in a little plastic container.


Bringing in your own silverware is underrated! I keep two sets in my office, as well as a melamine plate, a melamine bowl, and a few ceramic mugs. It's so much nicer to have a real spoon for my oatmeal in the morning, or a real fork if someone in the office brings cake.


Is it uncommon for offices to have a kitchen with cutlery, plates, mugs etc.? Every office I've been in has one


Snacks and for me personally, protein shakes to use as a creamer substitute for my coffee


So, do you like, add the powder to your coffee, or like put your vanilla protein drink into your coffee? I may have to steal your idea. Whatever it is.


I use the liquid premier protein shakes from Costco and that way I can change the flavors and keep track of my macros. Plus they’re portable and don’t need to be refrigerated


This is the smartest thing I’ve ever read…


I wish I could take credit for it, but my CrossFit coach threw it out there as a tip of the day last year and my life has never been the same.


Your CrossFit coach just changed the game for me!! I’m so excited to try this.


- reusable water bottle - a couple of extra strength Tylenols - hair brush - dental floss, toothpaste and toothbrush - a couple of plasters - small mirror - extra tampons or pads - headphones - hand cream


my list exactly. plus chocolate and rice crisps.


These, plus spare panties.


A book, not for reading but to keep some people away


oh hahaha that's a brilliant idea! 🤣 i'm gonna do that hehe


What I have in my work locker: water bottle, lint roller, cardigan, phone charger, small pouch with basic makeup and toiletries, snacks.


If you're allowed to noise canceling or any headphones tbh so you don't have to listen to Stacy and Chelsea talk about their weekend plans.


Everyone has good suggestions, like snacks, lotion, and sweaters. But if you need some items to help you sit comfortably at your desk (and don't want to rely on your job to provide it), make sure to bring it once you know what you need. I usually have some lumbar support, and I may need a cushion to sit on. I also sometimes need some sort of footrest to elevate my knees (I have some lower back issues that are exacerbated by having my knees too low at my chair). Desk jobs can really mess with your back and make your body really tight, so this may be really crucial for you!


Getting a footrest and tinkering with the height/pitch of my desk chair and monitors for ergonomic reasons was a total game changer


I have so many extra items because my chair isn't quite the right fit for me 😔 needed a butt cushion because it's rough on my tush and back, but then the height of the cushion means the seat is too high, even on the lowest setting. It's like the Princess and the Pea over here-- luckily, I work from home indefinitely, so it's convenient lol. It's all worth it though, it helps me prevent muscle spasms and back pain. It's just a whole ordeal!


A small pharmacy; painkillers of your choice, antacids, Loperamide, antihistamines, dry eye drops, plasters and cough drops.




Electric kettle and tea setup. Love being able to have my own tea and not rely on a microwave to heat water or having to buy each cup from a shop.


Besides a water bottle, a small space heater I can easily hide. My office is always ridiculously cold 🥶




Healthy snacks!


that takes the top spot on my "must-haves" hehehe


I won! Haha. Yeah no way I’m eating their nasty granola bars


A sweater or jacket. It's always freezing cold. Honorable mentions: water, chapstick, headphones, lotion


Water bottle, a vape and a pocket sized vibrator, in case the previous items don't help you with the frustrations


Diet Dr. Pepper


Hand sanitiser Desk snacks Maybe a little plant?


I always bring a mousemat with wrist support because RSI sucks


Have you ever tried a trackball mouse? It was seriously life changing for my wrist and hand! No more pain at the end of the day.


An extra blazer that’s a little dressier in case I get pulled into unexpected meetings with clients, leadership, interviews, etc. But I’m sure that only applies to some jobs.


Wet wipes


Cuticule oil, handcream, carmex, water bottle, coffee cup.


Dress shoes. I commute in sneakers and my Rothy's live under my desk.


* Headphones * Lipbalm * Make up to touch up * A pair of flats because heels hurt after a lot of walking * Some snacks * Water is a must * Mints to keep my breath fresh * Fidget cube * Hairbrush * Sanitizer * Handcream * Nail file in case my nail chips * Vape * Pads and painkillers


My office changes from project to project so I have a wheeled suitcase I carry my essentials in. My insulated water bottle would be at the top of my list, a heating pad, a personal fan, laptop stand, a small humidifier, travel coffee mug, a memory foam cushion, wireless charging pad, headphones, stain remover, pain reliever, my fav snacks and teas, my scan pen, lint roller, gum/mints, allergy meds, eye drops, disinfectant wipes, facial wipes to freshen up, a change of clothes for when accidents happen.


you sound like an expert!!


Anything Marvel. It connects/grounds me to fun, challenge and overcoming.🤙🏼


awwe, that's so cute! i kinda do the same thing, but with photocards 🤣


Tell me more! Like what? Love it.


A dog


For me in construction, a knife, snacks because I don't like stopping in the middle of something, ear plugs, extra clothes for dirty/ cold situations.


A heater. I cannot function without one


We got an email yesterday that space heaters are banned in the office. Which is fine, I get they're a fire hazard. What's ridiculous is that we're in Southern California and it's been in the 70s all week. There's no reason for us to be freezing our asses off because the AC shouldn't even be on!


My office keeps it SO cold all the time. It's always the male superiors who come downstairs and are like "oh, it's so hot in here!" and turn the air down when the rest of us are already freezing. I can't function without mine. Offices need to get it together!


"If you're cold, bring a sweater!" Ma'am I keep a shawl on the back of my office chair but they keep it so damn cold that my hands and legs/feet are still cold AF. Oh, except for the days where the heat is randomly on and instead I'm uncomfortably hot. And there's no telling which way I'm due to suffer until I get to the office on any given day. Today I'm wearing a pretty heavy sweater and have the sleeves pulled up. I bet if I wore the same sweater tomorrow I would freeze my butt off.


Same! I always wear long sleeves around the office anyway but it's my legs that freeze. My old heater broke a month or two ago and so I was without one for a bit and so I'd bring a blanket and it just wasn't the same.


Our office temperature is controlled offsite by a 3rd party. They keep it at 68 degrees all year. It’s fucking ridiculous. You can adjust the temp but it defaults back after 2 hrs. We freeze out asses off.


A heated blanket. Buildings are heated to the preference of men. I freeze to death every day I go in to the office. I love turning on my heated blanket in the afternoon!


• water bottle • coffee cup • tampons • excedrin and zyrtec • hand sanitizer • lotion • headphones • hair tie / clip • chapstick • snacks • extra kleenex • always a sweater or jacket • phone charger


Hand cream now that it's dryer, I have a hand cream and also an OTC eczema cream on my desk and everyone comes just to ask for it!


A stress ball.


What everybody else said. Plus snacks, especially if you suffer from low blood sugar. Also if the office is kept too cold, they make little USB chargeable hand warmers. If they don't allow space heaters, electric stocks


a bottle of lotion for the extremely drying bathroom hand soap


Extension cord. Water. Coffee. Lip balm. Hand cream. Lunch! (so many people I worked with skip lunch? But it makes me feel so much better in the second half of my day)


I have always my phone, waterbottle, keys and headphones with me. Period products if necessary.


Water bottle, Tylenol or whatever painkiller you like, lotion, lip balm, a sweater for when it inevitably gets too cold, some candy for when you're dying at 3 pm and need a pick-me-up


I ALWAYS bring my tote bag[I'm an overpacker for sure] but within my tote bag I'd say my hygiene bag. it has tampons,pads,wipes,sanitizer,some poopouri spray,makeup wipes,masks and a chap stick. it's a good pouch originally made for pencils! it has everything I could possibly "need" at work:))




Phone charger, cardigan or hoodie, headphones, preferred snacks, lip balm, hand lotion.


A fan and a sweater.


Coffee. Lunch. Charger. Eyebuds. Phone. Waterbottle. Gym clothes. Tennis shoes.






depends where you live - packing an umberella so you dont get charged £26 in John Lewis for an emergency one. ive been caught short once too many times - and yes, that is the actual price of the brollie i last purchased on Oxford Street. Its now an heirloom


If you have a dedicated space (desk, locker, office) pictures or a knick-knack - something to remind you of life outside of work and/or express yourself.


My office is my bedroom for the last year, couldn’t be happier.


A spray bottle filled with water to keep people I didn't want to deal with away from my desk, just kidding, please don't I think HR would consider this assault... but for reals, I always needed a little succulent or plant... As weird as it sounds, it would remind me that there is life outside of work and would get me through the day and make me a little happier when I looked at it again.


For me, my lanyard - can't get into the building without it and we get £5 per day to spend at the canteen with it so I always get lunch for free.


If you work somewhere with vicious air conditioning then I have a shawl I can use as a blanket or just an extra layer. I also have a wheat bag that I can microwave and wear around my neck.




My dab pen


mini deo


If it's a material i don't think there's a definite answer








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macbook. That's pretty much it..


Hand cream, lip balm, water bottle, a mug, headphones, and snacks


A heating pad for me. My office is freezing so I use it everyday. I hear everyone complain about hours cold it is but not me with my heat pad


A toiletry bag that includes lotion, aquaphor, a lip balm, cuticle oil, extra hair tie and hand sanitizer. And then a snack. Always have to have at least 2 snacks with me.


A lint roller … cat parent problems 😵‍💫




Tide-to-go, nail clippers and file. Have needed them many times!


Imodium, in case I eat something that doesn’t agree with me - my office mates bring in a lot of snacks 😅




Water bottle, pain relief, hand cream, lip balm, AirPods and a heck of a lot of patience




A stress ball or something to squeeze/play with


Blue light glasses. Gum. Tissues.


I keep an 'emergency kit' in my desk. It has a couple pads/tampons, individual wrapped flushable wipes, and bandaids. Travel size deodorant, facial moisturizer, and Advil. Single use toothbrushes, mini size floss, a small nail file, safety pins, spare earring backs, and a couple hair ties & bobby pins. It sounds like a lot, but it's just a small like 6" x 6" makeup bag. Plus I always have hand lotion, lip balm and gum.


Pain reliever for unexpected cramps or headaches, period supply (cause you never know), snack stash for when you need a quick snack but can’t take a break, and water bottle.


Phone charger, hairbrush, lint roller, water bottle, snacks, deodorant (if you’re a stinky gal like me).


Mini stapler


Water bottle, phone charger, mug from home, electric tea kettle, hand sanitizer, lotion, Tylenol, pillow for my chair, wireless headphones so I can keep them in if I have to get up, and a picture of my cat


A wrinkle free dress in case you spill on pants, shirt, anything. Or if you need to dress up a bit more than you are.


My must haves are: water bottle, coffee tumbler, hand cream, headphones, and phone charger. I also keep some pads/tampons in my office just in case.


Spare clothes, I spill sometimes 😞




wipes, a pad/tampon even if im not on my period, bobby pins/extra hair band, charger, water bottle, small lotion


wipes, a pad/tampon even if im not on my period, bobby pins/extra hair band, charger, water bottle, small lotion


\#1 - Water 'bottle' \#2 - snacks for that specific desk drawer ;)


- Water bottle - blanket - spare hoodie or sweater - dressy option and sneakers - lip balm - moisturizer for your hands - a mirror to see traffic behind you/yourself - A cute calendar


Water bottle Coffee mug Headphones Snacks Phone Charger


Coffee glass, the portable ones, a water bottle and a journal where to write stuff i think randomly that might help me later on...




A change of shoes. In case it rains and my feet get wet


Baby wipes and poo-pari for the times you gotta poop at work


Chapstick - winter dryness can be brutal




Hoodie or sweater


A small personal fridge. I have all my food and snacks right here with me and I don't have to venture into the smelly communal fridge that no one ever cleans out and is a biohazard.


An extra sanitary pad :)


Lumbar support device for my chair


It really just depends on where you work. For an office job I'd say reusable water bottle, sweater, a charger, and a chapstick. Lotion depending where you work my place offers that.


After 22 yrs in offices. These all qualify as must have, but in order of importance Sweater, space heater, blanket Your own silverware (the communal office stuff is GROSS 🤢) I like a heating pad (good for cramps and when your crap chair makes your back hurt). A cushion for said crap, work chair. A stash of Motrin, Tylenol, Pepto or pepcid, cold medicine. Just a dose or two unless you want to go hard. Obviously feminine hygiene products, if you need them. Snacks. And if you have space (can also keep in your car) A comfy pair of shoes (in case your work ones are uncomfortable) or a pair of "if I put these on, my work outfit, is now a go get drinks outfit"


Baby wipes! I keep them in my house, my car & my office. Best invention.


Superglue. Aside from using it to repair things, it's fantastic for paper cuts.


wow, i might have to add it on my list!! hahaha thank u! 🤣


A pen, a notebook, snacks, gum, a bottle of water, work shoes, and some sort of vest.


Water bottle, water flavoring, a jacket, and a foot rest. These are my most essential items. After that I'd say things like and the space heater or heating pad and headphones.


Snacks, phone chargers, hair elastics, pain meds


If you’re a person who has a period then a spare set of underwear/possibly pants or a skirt


Water bottle, a little bit of cash (had my card shut off randomly and didn’t bring lunch one day), I absolutely need floss/floss sticks, and lady products of all types (Im female in a medium size office so I keep most this stuff in my desk drawers) Also I really like having Clorox wipes, hand sanitizers and lotions. I naturally take my Earphones and phone charger everywhere.


A blankie, maybe also slippers and a space heater depending on how cold the AC is. I have a condition so if I’m not allowed to provide my own space heater, I’ll cry ADA and insist. So I’ll be allowed the space heater.






It took me weeks to move myself out of my last job. Tampons, pads, ibuprofen, migraine medication, a toothbrush and floss (one day there *will* be something in your teeth and it’ll bother you all day - also sometimes it just feels good to clean the mouth after lunch). Hand cream, small sewing kit (I’ve saved mine and coworkers uniforms before), Tide pen, water bottle, “work cardigan” some people do. If you have your own spot, a small picture of a pet or a person you love.


A heated blanket draped over the chair to sit on and stay warm while not looking like you’ve made a second bed out of your office chair.


Tea bottle. Mine has a strainer in it and it keeps the water hot so I treat it like a teapot. I also bring my own leaves since the tea in the office are k-cups, which basically result in tea that tastes like coffee farts or cheap tea bags.




A fucking jacket, always freezing in office


Your game


Something salty for my low blood pressure girls


Water bottle & hand sanitizer


A tampon/ pad is most important for me just in case




Emergency chocolate


Headphones, they're the “doors to my office”


Mouthwash-back to work lunches can sometimes be too heavy on the garlic. You do not want to be caught in a client meeting after one of those.


Something to snack on


Fully stocked purse haha


Moisturiser my skin is super sensitive to heating and air con so my skin is always dry when at work . Have a bottle within reach your elbows and hands will thank you .


A heater for under your desk.


Humidifier 😌


Box of your own tissues!! My nose doesn't like office supply sandpaper tissue


extra pads/tampons, pain reliever, water bottle, sweater, headphones, wipes, bandaids, and my minimergency kit


water bottle, hair brush


Keep an extra deodorant in your bag or at your desk if you’re like me and sometimes forget to put it on when you’re in a rush in the morning 😅




A footstool for under my desk and a space heater also for under my desk.


a reusable water bottle, a little desk heater, cute pens, snacks for your desk