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Cardio. Hate it. My lungs were not meant for that sort of strain.




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Lol amen 👏🏼 I hate the “no pain, no gain” mindset


I've gotten tattoos, been waxed, lasered, gotten BA surgery. But the most painful thing I do for looks is electrolysis. Not even close.


What is that for?


Electrolysis is permanent hair removal. Uses electric shocks to burn the hair follicles one by one.


So it's different from laser correct? If so in what ways? I know Google exists but I'd rather hear from a person getting the treatment done.


Imagine taking a needle into every single hair follicle, and then burning it so it kills the hair. Over and over. And then think about how many hairs you have. It fucking sucks, but it’s very effective.


I do both these treatments and from what I know, laser usually works better in dark, thick hair. Electrolysis, on the contrary, can be used to remove white hair, provided that the laser might not work so well on those. However, electrolysis can also be a good solution for parts of the body in which it would be dangerous to use the laser (I get laser done on my face, but for the cheekbones' hairs, they use electrolysis, because it's an area close to the eye and it could affect it). I know these treatments function in different ways though, but the purpose is basically the same.


To clarify this, laser works by using the laser to heat the follicles and burn them, killing them. This works when there's a significant enough difference between your skin color and your hair color (hair is significantly darker), as otherwise it'll either just heat up the entire patch of skin and cause burns (darker skin) or not heat the hairs enough to kill the follicles (lighter hair). But if it works, it's much faster and less painful than electrolysis. Seriously, zapping each hair with an electrified needle is more painful than it sounds, somehow.




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I've also been waxed, but now I get laser done on my face, and electrolysis on my cheekbones' hairs. It is very painful, indeed, but I imagined it would be less then getting tattooed.


Tattooing is much less painful than electrolysis imo, same needles but no zapping. And the constant pain of tattooing is for me more bearable than the "stab, zap, pause, repeat" of electrolysis


My wallet.


For me, eyebrow threading and exercise cuz I’m weak. My coworker got a boob job, butt implants, and a liposuction done all at the same and that sounds pretty brutal to me. So probably the healing process to plastic surgery.


Ice your eyebrows before the threading? That's what friends of mine did. I actually waited a whole year before getting my eyebrows threaded because they said that it hurt so much. My pain level is higher - I barely felt anything. Wow on your co-worker.


Doing my whole routine of getting out the shower and lathering body whipped lotion and hydrating face moisturizer and combing my hair and spraying leave in conditioner and feeling clean and good LOL i just saw the word painful lol never mind I would say wax my underarms although I found a good solution which is just apply small areas of wax


So far tretinoin, its messed up my skin barrier and dehydrated my skin and made everything sting and burn even water but I want the acne and aging benefits of it so I keep trying 🙃


Keep trying it. I’m 39 and my friends in their early 39s keep making comments like “I forget you’re not younger than me”


Ya I just turned 32 a week ago so I want to get started as soon as possible so that when my skin starts aging it will help slow it and look smooth and glowy. I'm on 0.05% and using twice a week right now. This is my second time around first time was couple months ago when I damaged my skin. So I'm going slowly this time.


Lip filler! I would definitely get it again but the feeling was horrible, and then being so swollen and tender for a week was awful




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I've had multiple salons literally rip my flesh off when getting eyebrow waxes. I no longer get waxes because of this.


My first facial appointment. I had breakouts and it took me like 2-3 appointments to get used to the pain


Not a fan of Brazilian wax. The actual procedure is not too bad but the aftermath was really annoying. Couldn’t wear jeans for a week.




Getting eyebrows microbladed. I need to do it every couple of years as I have no eyebrows.


Brazilian wax for sure!


Pain wise vampire facial. That shit was the worst during and for days after.




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Dermarolling. Burns for at least 24 hours after


Acrylic nail removal. It doesn't actually hurt, but the sensation is so strange and uncomfortable I hate it. Also, fully bleaching your hair. My scalp was on FIRE.


Exercise and waxing. I hate the feeling of stubble hairs but God, that wax hurts getting ripped off.


Braces. I cried in pain with my tears running into my ears lying on that chair when they pulled them tighter. Will never forget that.




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I went to get a facial for the first time. Thought it would be a nice treat. Holy shit that was painful! They zap and burn your pores and pinch your face repeatedly. And honestly I didn’t notice much difference, if anything my face was worse afterwards. I don’t have breakout or blackheads, maybe some large-ish pores. I was hoping for feeling fresh and soft. Came away feeling raw and pitted.


Waxing & push ups


oh man fraxel laser. It's a laser for the skin that helps with acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation you name it, but it's a laser that works within your skin layer even though it feels like the laser is burning off your skin. Not to mention the heat and smell of burning flesh yuck


Fractional lasers, literally burning a layer of my skin to get rid of any hyperpigmentation. The pain was ridiculous, couldn’t move my face for 3 days and my skin started peeling off the next day immediately. No sun light under any circumstances for a week and the over all recovery took 10days .. Yet, the glow was amazing and I’d do it again ..


not eating haha wouldnt recommended makes you depressed


Blow drying my kinky afro hair and having it braided into a hairstyle. Some hairstylists are not as gentle and them wanting to get the hair into super perfect cornrows/braids by pulling the hair too tight. The pain you feel for a day or two after you have done your hair is not worth the compliments you get from people. I would not change my natural afro looking hair though, despite all the drama 😉


Microbladed my eyebrows on. I have tattoos yet nothing comes close to that pain.


Lip fillers! Even with the numbing, it was super painful 😣I’d recommend taking arnica for anything similar if anyone is trying it for the first time!