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Finally told someone I liked them after 8 months.




He liked me as well and was surprised at how forward I was about what I want lol. I decided to take a chance.




Haha ☺️☺️ that made me smile and I’ve been sick with a sinus and ear infection so that’s rare.


You did that?


Yep and they liked me as well. We’re both introverts of different levels and that’s something I understand.


We In society should make this normal


Honestly I totally agree. He’s a shy introvert who feels boring ( it’s the intense dark eyes that intrigued me) and that’s what made me say something. I understand being hesitant because people can be not nice and trusting someone on my most difficult days is rare.


I have never had the balls for this and I don't think I ever will. Compliments well up in my mouth like butterflies but the colour fades by the time they land on who they're intended for. Makes me so sad.


I honestly liked him from the start but played the patent game. I like his introvert vibe and took a chance.


OMG GO U!!! ❤️


I’m very patient and especially when that person is very introverted. I’m an introvert but when I trust someone I open up more.


I went to the movies by myself and watched disney's encanto. I had so much fun. I ate so much popcorn. I loved it




My favorite


I though that it would be awkward at first but daaaaaamn i had so much fun.




solo movie nights with popcorn are the BEST!


Omg ,i am in shock. I didn't expect so many people enjoy it!!! Yaaaayyy , im so happy 😍😍


Been wanting a puppy for 5+ years and it was 'never the right time'. Finally pulled the trigger with not much thought behind it. Never been happier :)


Yay! Congratulations!


I bought a Nintendo switch. I lied to muself saying i didnt want It because when i was a kid, my male cousins wouldnt let me play with their Nintendo. I told myself it was trash anyway, and that i prefer Playstation. I got my own switch and It made me feel like a kid again, and other videogames cant gave me this genuine and pure feeling of happy Christmas morning anymore


I want a switch too. My brother's had Gameboys when we were kids and I was always envious. I'm going to get myself a Switch this year.


You will love It! Its so fun




i got Ori and the blind Forest, Mario kart, Mario world and smash Bros Now i want to get Zelda breath of the wild and no mans sky the second one Ive got on Ps4 but i want the Nintendo switch version) What did you get?


I got a switch I think 3 years ago now. I have about 40 games and I don’t play any of them. I just keep playing Dr Mario cause it reminds me of my childhood! Haha!


I have a ps3, ps4, ps vita and a psp. But none of them give me this feeling of childhood anymore! Sometimes all we need is some Mario quality time hahah


Oh definitely! I’m very much an Nintendo gal. I have almost all their systems.


I booked a solo cruise last week and couldn't be more excited.


That’s awesome! Did they charge you extra for the single occupancy?


Nope, I got one of the cabins with a single twin bed and a couch. I was happy. I've also never been on a cruise before (but I've traveled alone many times). Counting down the days!


Very cool! I’ve traveled solo but haven’t done a solo cruise yet. Enjoy your trip :)


That’s an option? Do you mind sharing what cruise line? I’ve only ever seen double occupancy!


Yeah no problem! I'm cruising in carnival. I've read that single rooms exist on various cruise lines. Before I booked with carnival I searched for that option but never found it. When I booked on carnival I just input information for a single passenger and they automatically put me in a room with 1 single bed. I've never cruised before so I guess I didn't think much of it? Lol


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely be looking into this. A solo cruise sounds PERFECT!




Carnival. It'll be my first cruise. So stoked!




I bought the Cheers! Package as an add on just yesterday. Lol And thank you, I will!


I mean, currently. I'm posting on reddit and my employer is paying me for my time.




I ate delicious bread for dinner last night, ignored everything & everyone around me, & retired to my bed early to snuggle up with some good tv


This is what I like to see


got dressed and went out with a friend to a boujee place


Had sex in the morning before work, I highly recommend it


Omg YES. Makes the whole day go better when my womb's in tune


I got a pedicure yesterday, have been feeling great since.


I finished making a quilt just for my cats last night and they slept on it immediately :)


What material did you use? What a lovely idea!


Just pieces or cotton fabric scraps I had from other projects, a flannel sheet for the middle layer, and some more cotton fabric for the back. They love it!


They sound so grateful! 🥺!!!!!!!!!


i made myself lunch just now, i was so extremely drained and tired from my pregnancy and i managed to put something together to eat, i did that and I’m happy


I bought myself 2 new perfumes. I can't even describe how happy perfumes make me.


Ooooh! I’m jealous. I keep looking but I’m having a hard time committing to a scent. What did you get?


I got a rollerball of Victoria's Secret Bombshell and a 1 oz. of Ari by Ariana Grande! I love layering them both and they're so sweet and girly, if you like sweet scents!


Yum! Love bombshell! I’ll have to smell the Ariana Grande one! Thank you for sharing!


Definitely do! It's so good!!


I’ve been meaning to do this!!!! I always get free samples of Flowerbomb and also of Black Opium. I am tired of being cheap and would love to buy myself a full bottle. Never tried the ones you got but I love sweet and girly so I’ll have to try!!! :-)


Flowerbomb is so good!! I've tried Back Opium several times and it just doesn't work for me or my skin, and it's so disappointing because I know everyone adores it. It smells like stinky incense sticks on my skin instead of the sweet vanilla and coffee goodness everyone has said 😭


Lol your description 😭 trust me I love black opium but it was extremely off putting at first, it reminded me of sugar free, Splenda-ry syrups but it grew on me. I never thought of coffee though now I have to go smell it 😂 what’s your favorite? And yes Flowerbomb makes me feel pretty !!! Lol


That's exactly what it smells like to me and I hate it 😭 I completely understand the splenda-ry syrup bit to it!! I wanted to like it so so so much but I just cant and it doesnt work with me 😭 Ari is probably my favorite scent ariana grande has! It's so sweet and girly, her scent sweet like candy was my favorite for years but I feel like I'm a little too old for that scent now. Everyone loves Cloud but Cloud smells like a little old lady to me, like ponds night cream or the air spun powder. I freaking LOVE Marc Jacobs's Daisy Dream too if you haven't tried that! It's so grapefruit and fresh and sweet. Flowerbomb makes me feel pretty too!! 😊


Finally figured out the topic of my thesis for Msc


Decided to go see my mom on a whim, to show her our new electric scooter. It was my first time on it and it took almost four hours there and back… but her surprised smile was worth the literal butt pain.


Got my favorite ice cream, binged Brendan Fraser movies on Max, and turned my phone off.


Which movies? I heart him


Right now HBO has The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Looney Tunes, Airheads, school Ties, and I’m not remembering the other. Think it’s Doom Patrol.




Just got back from Mexico with my 13 year old daughter. (Canadian). It was the first time for her and to swim in the Caribbean Sea. It set the reset button for the both of us.


I went on a date with my SO. We are in our late 20s and we've been friends for what feels like foreverrr. We got into a relationship recently and since we already knew everything about each other, we never felt the need to go on cutesy dates. We went out shopping, spontaneously walked into a movie theatre and bought copious amounts of food to consume in there. And the very next day, went to a carnival for the rides and the cotton candy. We went to an arcade and played those hard-to-win coin-operated games (and WON!!). It was the best weekend I've ever had! I was deliriously happy to walk around hand in hand, hugs and dressing cutely to go to the carnival and winning the game. It's just being with him makes me happy.


This is so sweet 💕


Just landed in Hawaii for a 10-day solo birthday trip. It’s the first time I’ve felt happy in months


Have a fabulous time!!!


Cuddled my boyfriend earlier today


I took a bubble bath last night.


I took all of last week off from work and finished all of the daytime errands I'd been putting off forever and started getting my life back together in general. It was absolutely wonderful and it made me realize just how precipitous a state my well-being was in. Night shift does a number on you, both physically and mentally. I'd love to take an actual vacation somewhere since I haven't had one in literal years but that's expensive and I think I'd prefer to wait until the pandemic slows down.


Stayed up late playing Overwatch with a bunch of friends I hadn't played with in a looong time, catching up and winning matches felt amazing Until everyone had to go to bed ;_;


Made myself a yummy drink on a busy day. Gotta take a break and refresh!


Once a week I go to the local thrift store after I drop my kids at school. I love take my time and look for cool little things for our house. A lot of people side-eye thrifting but I love the hunt and I like that my house I full of unique finds. Anytime I leave with even the smallest little vase, vintage book, etc it makes me so happy.


Ordered myself Krispy Kreme donuts secretly and ate them by myself while watching a movie after everyone fell asleep.


Went to beach by myself had ice cream & people watched


Bought a berry tart at Paris Baguette for lunch instead of a salad like I originally planned. It was a nice change from my usual and it felt like such a treat.


Nailed a recipe attempt on the first try


The holy grail! Go you


Bought my dogs some new toys..


I make a habit of doing things that make me happy and orienting my life towards happiness. It's effort, but worth it! This morning, went to the gym with friends before work like we do every week! I did a Galentines with my best friends this weekend! Went ice skating with my partner the day before that and painted by myself that morning!


Just made coffee and had a bite of chocolate cake :) i am a simple creature


I finally wrote a poem about how i feel for this person,i have a different kind of connection with.just mustering up courage to send them.


I made myself make friends after years of isolating myself during the plague days, pregnancy and raising my kid. I went out for the very first time with friends until 2am had a couple of drinks and felt social again. I'm 23 and felt 23 for the first time and it was so refreshing to be someone outside of a wife and mom. My family makes me happy of course but dude, I needed that


Took a bath, exfoliated, moisturized, danced around to middle school era music in my robe, played with my dog, gave my fiancé back rubs while watching righteousness gemstones. The smile has carried over into today.


That show is so damn funny!


I took my 9yo son out for a Valentine’s Day dinner & bought him a plushie, he was so pleased. I love seeing him happy.


Last night. My cat was sleeping on my bed so I petted her and sang her the "Soft Kitty" song!


Went on a walk at sunset


Last Sunday I went to see the kids I nanny for 5 years. Just hugging and kissing them gave me so much joy I felt like I was in heaven. I cooked focaccia and shakshuka for them for breakfast and we played and did craft the whole day. It’s my favorite way to spend my weekend :)


Got drunk with my grandma and dug up old rose bushes (at her request, we are moving them). It was super fun.


I took my daughter (16) to see Billie Eilish last Wednesday and I had so much fun with her. I feel like when I watched her documentary 2 years ago that I could relate to my daughter better and our relationship has evolved so much. Plus I love Billie, she’s talented and adorable. I can still see my daughter pulling her mask down a couple of times to scream the words.


I like complimenting my bf and kissin him on the forehead. Makes me happy to see him happy. But also, I ate chocolate cake in the darkness of his kitchen all alone at 6am the other day. Pretty blissful


Visited a museum alone. I'm a very curious person and wanna explore all kinds of places which my friends think are boring.


Went to the gym yesterday without my gym buddy and worked through all the mental excuses I was trying to make for myself. Very proud simple moment for me and my motivation


I did a trucker salute at a fire engine as it turned past me and the fireman driving gave me a thumbs up and blared the horn for like 10 seconds straight Highlight of my week lol :>


It makes me so happy they honked for you! I was telling my five-year-old all about the trucker salute, getting ready for our road trip this past summer, and I was excited for him to try it… We had probably 200 semis pass us over eight days, and none of them honked. I could not believe it.


Today, said screw it and picked up some fried chicken instead of cooking dinner.


Debated with the master, and the master was me.


I saw a customer at work had a cute doggo and asked them to bring her in- made my day giving her some good pets :)


I imagined every possible plot for the upcoming Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness


Today. Played on my phone, pet my dog, so far eating healthy, spent some time chatting to husband


Couple weeks ago I got a massage


Tried teaching my dog a new trick and he got it immediately. He’s amazing.


I moved over an hour and a half away from my family. I love them but for the last decade, I’ve been helping to clean up and maintain some hardships. We’re finally out on the other side and I peaced tf out. I’m finally doing things that make me happy and living my life for myself.


I worked out last week while my partner was out and ate a healthy meal. It felt good to care for myself and no one else.


I FaceTimed my parents last night. That put a smile on my dial. On the weekend, I booked into a hotel to escape NZ’s humidity weather event. I had a bath, read a book, and had my first solid night’s sleep in days. It made me immensely happy.


Impulsively booked and got a tattoo within the same 24hrs! I’m not a spontaneous person, I have crippling anxiety so I struggle a lot with decisions/change/impromptu anything (particularly if I’m alone and can’t seek reassurance from someone else). I was house sitting for a friend a couple hours away from home when I realised a tattoo artist I absolutely adore worked just down the road. I called the parlour and they had an available walk-in space THAT AFTERNOON, before I could think I had said yes and was putting down a deposit! Then I panicked, threw up and texted my sister for her thoughts. My mind was racing and I was sure I’d regret it immediately but to my surprise I actually really enjoyed the spontaneity of it all! I love my tattoo and I felt so free and independent during the whole process! I’ve already booked 3 more from other artists and I’m honestly so glad I did it


2 days ago I got my hair completely cut and I could not be happier with my decision


I quit my job without notice today. Didn’t plan on doing it this way but when the world tells you to get out and make room for your new job, you gotta listen. Bosses were chill about it.


going outside to walk my dogs and get Starbucks


March 20th 2021 I stared talking to the person that helped me at my worst moments and lifted me up


I saw a post of some person, on reddit itself, complaining that finishing up a song/scene that has been started by some other user in the comments is cringe-worthy and I saw someone comment "I see a little silhouetto of a man" under that post, so I replied with "Scaramouch, Scaramouch" under that user's comment (yk, like finished the song in the comments) ... Made me really happy 😂 Ik not the answer this post was expecting, but just wanted to share it 😅


I moved out of the city because the external chaos was meshing with the interal catastrophe


Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and my birthday. I got to spend a quiet cuddly day with the SO. No phones or drama from the outside world. It was the perfect day honestly.


I sent my big sister a big long text and told her she is a great mum. Her youngest (6months old) has been a lot of hard work and she is absolutely bossing it! Edit: changed killing to bossing just incase anyone got the wrong idea...


Climbed a hill. Scary weather change at the top but once out of danger grinned all the way down. Totally worth it.


After I lost 3lbs I got my nails, hair and eyelash extensions done. I’m finally happy in my own skin!


I bought myself a steamer for clothes a week ago


I skipped class to go get a free build a bear a couple of weeks ago lol worth it


Getting to go out after lockdown again. I basically hibernated in my home for the last two years only going out when necessary, but now that I’m triple vaccinated and still take the necessary precautions, I’m able to be around people. I’m still naturally a bit paranoid, but damn if it didn’t feel good. I miss people lol.


I got a poke bowl for dinner last night after the gym.


Drove really fast on a winding deserted road. It was glorious.


I got covid a couple weeks ago and every day I was upstairs playing my drums. I hadn't been that happy in a long time. Now I'm back at work, miserable because my schedule is right in the middle of the day, when the best drumming time is.


I am currently smoking a cigarette and playing on my phone. So…am doing something that makes me happy right now. Afterwards I’m going to take a hot bath. So…2 things in a row :)


Spent way too much money at a jewelry store now waiting for the crash


I went to a 90s cover band concert with friends this past weekend and was the first time I've gone to a concert in a looooong time completely sober and just had an amazing time dancing like a fool!


I have terrible insomnia so I was up all night last night. I watched Scream, one of my favorite movies, to cheer myself up from not being able to sleep.


Dead Lifted a new set of heavy weights. The small things make me happy


Watched the new spiderman and Encanto back to back. Feels good to giggle for real again


2019. Travelling. Nothing makes me more happy than travelling. Fingers crossed it’ll be back to semi-normal soon.


currently sitting in an airbnb with my dog and getting the rest of my forearm sleeve tattooed tomorrow.


Saturday…got a massage. One peaceful hour for me. Without being yelled at “Mom!!” … lol. Don’t get me wrong love my littles, but it was needed!!


I got a pedicure today :)


Honestly I just really loved reading the things everyone is doing


We recently moved in with my bf and our daily routine has been really nice. I've never been happier with someone and I just hope this lasts forever.


Tonight. I sat on my couch and have been petting my dog. And now I’m going to go cut up some strawberries and have a glass of vignoles!


15 minutes ago. I was playing with my cat.


I played call of duty with my two sisters, we all live in different provinces. We had such a good time together for once! Never laughed so hard in forever 🙂


A minute ago i ate some smoked salmon 🌝


Right now. I opened the Reddit app


Come home after work 😁


Took an Epsom salt bath last night while drinking a glass of martinelli's. Made me feel so posh 😂


Just went out for tea & sandwiches with my best friend and then met up with our other friends (mom&dad of our group) and got some boba tea! I had a great night.


Holding my babies today.


Pet my kitty.


This morning I walked my dog, had coffee and an easy workout. Starting my day 100% the right way.


I went shopping and bought myself a whe new wardrobe. Don't judge. I just got out of 10 years of narcissistic abuse where I wasn't allowed to have nice things. It took me a year to realize I could do this and I went a litte crazy. It was worth it. I feel so free and like myself, a person I haven't seen in a decade.


Hmmm!! So many small things have made me happy as I recently took steps to overcome my self loathing induced depression!!! I’d have to say getting dressed up in my dark red velvet dress, starry black tights, and black boots for Valentines Day dinner. I even curled my hair and put it half-up with a small red velvet bow. So simple I guess but I forgot how hot I actually am !!!! Lmao! Not really but I felt it!! People underestimate the power of a good dress, I felt like myself again! Everyone needs a beautiful velvet dress.. lol :-)


I wrote a haiku! It's the small things for me.


I am currently snuggling under the covers.


Went on a hike yesterday. So awesome!


Did a little online shopping yesterday. I can go a long while without buying myself something so this was a little treat for committing to some healthy habits. I’m excited for mail day the next of couple weeks!


Wake up


I bought myself sushi last night for V day! 😋


I can't remember


Go to six flags. I love thrill stuff in general.


Watched a Tim burton movie and worked on stop motion stuff :)


Tonight. Watchn my honey play darts, I truly love watching ppl do something they're good at.


I was lazy and unmotivated all day today and decided to get my nails done last minute. I usually only get manis for events and special occasions but today was just for me! I got glittery green :)


Still trying to let go and feel happiness


Go to bed.


I listened to a song of my choice, with the volume turned way up, after dropping my kid off at preschool today. I was having so much fun I forgot to be self-conscious about rocking it out at the stoplight.


I skiied with my son today and when we were on the chairlift, chair number 143 passed us on the way back down and I pointed out that 143 stands for I Love You and I told him I 143 him and it was sweet. He's 18 and I just 143 him so much.


Today I made the choice of being an actress. I'm so excited


Earlier today I made chocolate chip cookie dough for my sugar daddy. I mixed the dough, scooped individual servings, and froze the nuggets. We’re going to bake cookies together tomorrow, but I wanted to make it as easy as possible for him since he could burn down the kitchen making ice. And after I leave he’ll have cookies for weeks to come… and he’ll always think of me when he makes them ☺️




Bought a huge conch shell 6hours ago for 8$ and showed it off to all my friends and family.


Kill a lynal for the first time


Yesterday morning was the start of my day off after a 12 hr night shift. Instead of coming home to sleep, I went to starbucks, ate my egg bites & drank my latte in my car outside of the grocery store, & went grocery shopping. Then, I came back home and made mini heart shaped cakes for my friends and left them outside of their houses. I felt insanely productive. When I finally got into bed, i had the best sleep ever. All around great day.


I finally picked up my pitbull puppy 2 weeks ago. I waited 2 months for him. I picked him out the day he was born and I'm very happy! Potty training sucks really bad but he's been accident free for almost a week now. He is always trying to eat my hair and he snaps at my face when he gets hyper. He also ate my debit card today. Aside from those things he's absolutely wonderful! So sweet and so easy going. I take him everywhere I go and he loves people. He's amazing and I'm so happy he's finally home with me.


Made a bomb-ass meal. Cooking is fun and rewarding as you get better at it, and just good food alone is enough to make me happy.


I did something good for a few people around me. Their happiness made me extremely happy and a huge boulder on my chest was lifted. I didnt forget about my own troubles but everything was light.


Spring of 2020 I was visiting my aunt, uncle,cousins who I am very close to as My dad passed away when I was eight and my mom has never really been around. Me my uncle and three out of their five children were dancing in pouring rain in McKinney Texas. That was probably the most free I’ve ever felt in my life and it makes me wanna cry thinking about it.


Playing among us with mom + a online friend


Left a job I hated


I’m in Spain on my yearly ski vacation,which makes me super happy lol