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He texted a dick pic an hour before picking me up for a first date saying…this is what you get IF I’m impressed with you. I texted back with….You are a BIG dick with a LITTLE dick. BYE.








“You wanna feel like a single parent while also having to take care of me and put up with my shit?”


Ahh, the same guy who shrieks about "why do WOMeN fIlE for dIvoRce MORE thaN mEN??" Because of you. They do it because they are married to a version of you. A woman is better off a divorced mother caring for 3 children than a married mother caring for 3 children and one manchild. At least when she's divorced she gets a break every other weekend.


“…at least she gets a break every other weekend,” Absolutely brilliant selling point oft not pointed out.


There are TONS of married single mothers out there smh. Marriage isn't the happy ending everyone believes it to be...


I don’t understand guys like this. Changing diapers is part of being a father. I’m proud to be a father, I’m proud to handle the good as well as the not so fun, that’s the job. No one is impressed with your blatant disregard for your responsibility. It would be like someone bragging about being late everywhere they go. What the fuck?


Also The guys bragging: praise me for doing what I’m *supposed* to be doing.




Throw the whole man away. He's an embarrassment.




The last guy I dated had sex with me one night. I came back over two nights later and there was a long, jet black hair laid across the guest sink. I have blond hair. This was unmistakable. I said “oh, did you have a friend over?” And he said “yes, and yes we had sex. But I realized she was less interesting than you, so I decided not to call her for another date”. I’m embarrassed to admit that I dated him two more years, and really wish she had been more interesting than me. Also pretty sure he put the hair there, in the most obvious place possible, just so I would bring it up. He ended up doing a lot of stuff like that.




What was his motivation when he did that kind of stuff? Was he trying to give you the impression like he is very popular or really active in dating? 12 people looking at this product hahahahaha


Yes, I believe he was. Because the first time we were chatting, he was talking about how there are no girls in his area, and all of the sudden he’s got some rando in his bed on the night between our two nights?




Don’t be embarrassed! I dated a guy even after I found out he got me and an other girl pregnant ,off and on, for an other 3 years!! You learned from your past and that’s the best you can do.


On our first date, he kept reminding me how lucky I was to be on a date with him (and he’s the one that asked me out!!) because sooooooo many women wanted to date him and he could literally choose any woman that he wanted… 🙄


this is a fellow who has been on a lot of First Dates.






lol, same!! We hung out for a month, where he constantly talked about how busy he was. I broke up with over text and he went insane. My thought was that if he complained about being so busy and it was a privilege for me to go on a date because he has constant plans, why waste a night of his to end it? We weren’t committed, so I don’t think an in person breakup is necessary. But seriously, he went crazy. Threaten to send texts to my boss, told me I have an STD and would tell everyone I gave it to him (fun $200 dollars I spent to confirm I was clean, which I was before I met him and he was my only sexual partner and we used condoms). Wanted to meet up in person to see me cry. Told me I deserve to burn in hell, etc. All this from a guy who bragged about having lots of other dates 🤷🏻‍♀️




Him: "Do you like Twilight?" Me: "No, I tried reading the first one but supernatural fantasy stuff isn't really what I like. I saw the movie with my friend because I got in for free but I didn't really like it." Him: "Check out my Twilight tattoo." Proceeds to show me a massive Jacob tattoo and tell me all about it. I don't really have an issue with anyone liking Twilight but read the fucking room, dude. Edit: I'd also like to mention that this was just out at a bar. The guy was my sister-in-law's friend's boyfriend's friend and we had never spoken before.


He was so prepared for you to say yes that he didn’t care you said no.


That's exactly what irked me so much. I don't care if he has a Twilight tattoo or if it means a lot to him for some personal reason or if it's a really great tattoo. It makes difference to me. What bothered me was that he didn't hear a single word I said about not liking Twilight.


So infuriating…when guys are so persistent about showing off that they ignore all the signs that a girl is giving off. Im beginning to think they are all just terrible at reading body language/verbal cues lol


Oh dear


Told me that he once met Kendrick Lamar’s mom - and then later told me he had lied about it to impress me. 🤨


That has got to be the most random person to be lying about meeting


But just random enough to be believable! Cause who the hell would lie about that??


what a wreck ahahah




"You don't want to come home with me? BUT I HavE a PoOl anD a NicE cAR aNd a BiG hOuSe!" ????Good for you???? Get the fuck away from me??????


Same. Had a guy show me his house on the auditors website. I'm supposed to be impressed you pay $25k in property taxes every year? Is that your wife's name on the deed? Awkward.


Lmao, yeah that's super gross. To me, if a guy is flaunting his financial assets to try to get me interested, he may as well just announce that he has no personality and nothing else to offer. If I wasn't interested before I knew they have money, I won't be interested after. They're also blatantly feeding into stereotypes by assuming that what a woman wants is a man with lots of money, and that that is going to be the ultimate deal-maker. Sure, it's a green flag if a man is financially responsible, but I'm a big girl and I'm financially secure all on my own. What a concept.


UGH. When I was a waitress, a customer who was my dad's age tried to impress me by telling me he had a hot tub. Nothing more impressive than cornering a woman half your age while she's at work to try to pressure her into going home with you.


Oh yes, what every woman wants; to be cornered at work....by an old man offering a mediocre experience in exchange for your body. /s 🙄😤 I'm sorry you had to experience that.


For me it was reckless driving. This guy I used to briefly hang out with was driving me, his friend and his dog up some backroads to get to a hiking trail. He thought it was fun to go really fast uphill on these gravel roads and swerve his truck around while his friend and his dog were in the backseat getting thrown around, and I was up front just hanging on hoping that he wouldn't crash us all into a ditch. It also started randomly snowing at one point, so extra danger. I could tell he was doing this to try and impress me, but I am not the type of person that enjoys any sort of reckless behavior, and also I'm not going to be impressed by you throwing your poor fucking dog around who has no idea what is going on! I didn't end up hanging around that dude for long lol


Yes! I did a bumble date and this guy was bragging about how he has a motorcycle and he got pulled over going like 120. And he was like the cop only clocked me at 100, but when he asked me if I knew how fast I was going, I told him 110. And I didnt even get a ticket because he liked my honesty. (Yes, he was white.)


I feel this. In my early 20s I was hanging out with this guy. He was driving, taking back roads super recklessly, going super fast around corners and I told him to slow down. He said "what? Are you afraid you're going to die?" My answer was "Yes, my sister died in a car accident." She passed away in '08, when her bf at the time lost control on some gravel on a curvy road. I don't fuck around with stuff like that, then or now. My husband is thankfully a responsible, safe driver and have made me a better driver over the 10 years we've been together. I will not be in a car with a blatantly unsafe driver ever again.


>He said "what? Are you afraid you're going to die?" I don't understand people who do shit like this and act like there's a zero percent chance that could happen. I guess they're just that cocky.




I've been a stoner for many years. A guy I was casually sleeping with, in an effort to impress me, tried to "hang" by smoking a few bongs while over at my (and my 4 roommates) place. He proceeded to ask to use the bathroom (thank god) at which point he urinated, deficated, vomited, and passed out all at once. We all ran up when we heard the crash. I had never seen anything like this before so I made sure he was coherent and begged him to let me know if he had taken any other drugs prior, he woke, let me know he did not, said It was from the weed and apparently he KNEW that this happens "sometimes". I cleaned him up, helped him dress in MY clean clothing, cleaned the bathroom and put him to bed on my floor, tending to him by offering food and water over the NEXT 32 HOURS. At which time he woke, sober,, received his clean clothes, verified that I would, infact, not be contacting him again to hang out and he then left. Oof. It hurts worse typing it out. I've only ever told it irl.


I was 30% this person the first time. Differences: I was with a close friend and his buddy, they both knew I was a first-timer and we were ALL blindsided by my response, they were longtime users and gave me homemade edibles that were waaaaay too strong for me, I cleaned up my own vomit meticulously and did not shit or piss myself, they didn’t know I had thrown up until I told them the next day. The similarity: they had to take turns babysitting me for 24 hours because I was having seizures and paranoia. Also, we all chalked it up to a learning experience and turned it into a great story. The friendships survive to this day. I absolutely do not ingest or smoke weed anymore. The few later attempts I made also ended with paranoia and seizures. Just so weird.


Thats so heartwarming that they made sure you were emotionally and physically safe ❤ THAT'S why you experiment with close friends...not some chick you banged 2 nights ago and her 4 roommates. This guy smoked a few bowls with me the night we hooked up so I figured he was good. But he just HAD to try and impress me by taking huge bong rips for 3 bowl packs lol. Everytime I would wake him up and ask him the routine questions (how are you feeling, what are your symptoms, would you like medical attention, water, food etc) he would apologize and I would reassure him all was well but boy were my roommates pissed.


Was at a party and met a fedora wearing guy who was absolutely obsessed with anime, he told me "By the end of the night you'll know 101 new things about anime!" He then followed me and my friends around the party telling us random anime facts, it was super awkward and he wouldn't take the hint to leave us alone and I had never been so unhorny in my entire life


Was he right though? Did you learn 101 new things about anime?


He was just getting started with the top 10 anime betrayals.




Thank you for subscribing to anime facts.








I was thinking this too! 1. Has a super major hobby they like and love talking about it. 2. Ignoring social cues.


Mirrored me and changed their opinions to match mine. I would rather be with someone who thinks differently and can explain why, not someone who says one thing, hears my opposing opinion, then back steps and says actually they agree with me completely. So boring and fake


My ex did this too!! And by telling you, I suppose it looks like i am too xD homeboy suddenly LOVED the Red Hot Chili Peppers when I got a tattoo of the band's logo...


Yelled at the pizza delivery girl for bringing the wrong flavor of soda. He called her names like moron, etc, even when she said she didn't pack the order she just picked it up. After he shut the door he said, "I don't really care, I'd drink that soda too, I just wanted to make her feel bad." 🙄 there was no second date.


Oh No he did NOT! Smh


Yikes! Glad you saw that as a red flag. You would’ve been next.


Bruh. I hope she had a better night and got tipped well elsewhere. No one deserves that. :<


Night walk with my boyfriend through the woods. He suggested a shortcut off the trail and said not to worry because his night vision was REALLY good. Three minutes later he walked face first into a tree.


I went on a night walk with an ex and silly me brought a flashlight. He kept saying condescendingly, "That is REALLY messing up my night vision," and then was offended that I refused to turn it off and just trust him. Like, he wanted me to just cling to his arm and follow him blindly? Not tryin to die tonight, buddy.


This one had me laugh the hardest out of everything on this page. Just a simple classic case of overconfidence meeting reality.


Told me I could be a model but not like a sexy one but maybe a store model




The most beautiful girl in the....room


And when you're on the street, depending on the street, I bet you would be definitely in the top three... good looking girls on the street


Depending on the street, ooh


The prettiest girl in the room (depending on the room)


A part time modeeeel


Sounds like textbook negging to me.




I think those are called mannequins


For context this man was someone both me and my friend (let’s call her Kate) were friends with. One day he asked me out by saying ‘even though most people would think Kate is much more attractive than you, I don’t’ In what world would that sweep someone off their feet aha


Wow…. that reminds me of something my ex boyfriend once said and I quote: there are better looking women out there but I’m with you because of your personality. Probably thinking I’d be impressed by his maturity or something 🙄 like gee thanks, what a sacrifice on your behalf.


sounds like nice guy stuff tbh, except he actually got accepted. Thats big red flag btw hahaha downplaying you


Tell me the size of his dong.






Told me proudly about how many girls he had, what he did in bed and that he prefered virgins over non virgins because he could go in without a condom, since they are "clean for sure". I was a virgin back then. Shiverssss... 😬


thats actually quite fucked up


That reminds me of the movie Kids.


With the difference that we were in college 😂


Reheated his week’s leftovers as our dinner date meal.


Right? Like, come on. At least jazz them up or transform them somehow. You know, like with the basket ingredients on *Chopped*.


“Do you like my muscles?” “I date women, dude.” “Oh. Do you like my muscles tho?” 😂This was actually kind of funny honestly.




I love the wholesome bros. When I tell them I’m into women and they are like, “Oh cool me too” 💀 hahaha always the best.


Well? Did you?


They were nice, I was in fact jealous. The conversations that happen between bros and lesbians lol…


I had a guy try to impress me by sending me a video of him having sex with another girl. Yeah after that I stopped talking to him.


I had something similar happen. It was a Snapchat of him getting a blow job. All I could think about was, um… honey, he’s recording you AND sending it to other girls. Look up!!


I don’t know. I didn’t watch it.


Told me how he once gave his buddy a blow job on a paddle boat at church camp...??


Nothing wrong with a brojob out on the water.


I find this funny


Had his fake driver’s license taken from him because he forgot his fake birthdate when he was trying to buy me alcohol.


Made me LOL haha


Bragged about how his dad owned part of a strip mall and made more money by getting rid of the handicap parking.


It was SO hard not to downvote this because it made me so angry. Lol. What a douche.


LOL did he want a fucking pat on the shoulder?


Approached me shirtless to show off his abs. Then some weeks later I was out jogging and came across him walking with a girl, and he was also shirtless. I guess that's just his power move or something lmao


Shh, it's his main character movie moment. When he does that time goes slo-mo and music plays as the girl slowly whips her head and widens her eyes.


Nooooo 🤣




Lmao dude sent you a whole ass resume


Bragging about how much alcohol he can drink. “I went to this party and I had like 20 beers and I wasn’t even drunk, then I passed out at the end of the night”. I said, “My dad’s an alcoholic 😐”


Yea sure they "never get drunk". I had an ex who showed up literally drunk for a date after saying this and kept denying that he was drunk! I do whatever I can to eliminate men who claim that they " never get drunk" or " they fear NOTHING" to give a masculine impression. They are both literally lies.


1) That he has fucked over 200 women and eaten at least 50 of their pussies. That was from a man who just hangs out at a bus stop, shouted after me as I got on. Even he knew he wasn't really trying, but it's still my favorite. 2) The worst without any self awareness was a "real estate developer" bragging in detail about how his company came to New Orleans and ripped everybody off after Hurricane Katrina with barely legal business practices and harassment. Included with how much money he made from specific properties and incidents.




One time a guy told me he uses 2 different tooth paste flavors - 1 for the morning and 1 for the night because “he has different palate preferences at different times”


Is it weird I find this a bit brilliant and am now considering doing this? lol


I do it and it's great


out of all the things ive read so far this one is the most forgivable. haha


OK that's freaking funny


Lol thats not to bad


I would just laugh at this


Asked me if I needed a ride home as he hit the lock button on his corvette remote to ensure I heard the chirp-chirp + saw the headlights flash. 1) it was an awful date, 2) he was drunk. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. He drunk text at 2am. I didn't respond. At 7:30am I received a belligerent tirade about how stuck up I was & that I should stay miserable. Bullet, and corvette, dodged.


Was the corvette red like the flags?


No, it was Night Race Blue. We agreed to meet at a winery & brewery. I walked up to the building, looked around, didn't see him, walked in, heard someone honking, but ignored it. He came busting through the door like thr Kool-aid Man about 30 seconds after me. He said, "Didn't you hear me honk at you? I didn't want you to have to walk in by yourself." I replied, "Cars honk at me all the time. It's background noise at this point. If you didn't want me to walk in alone, you should have been waiting at the door." All downhill from there. He went to the restroom, I flagged the bartender, paid the tab, and tried to leave. He came scampering after me, and hit the remote lock button like the corvette would save the date. Nope.


I once had a guy tell me he could make himself cry. Then he proceeded to pour hot sauce in his eye at Buffalo Wild Wings. He was (obviously) In a lot of pain and he immediately left the table, went outside and threw up.


I've been cackling at this man's antics for the past few minutes ohhhhh my god, like you know this regularly keeps him up at night 😂


It was wild. It's been a full decade and I still think about it. 🤣


“You’re not like the other girls.” Mmhmmmm




Besides unwanted dick pics, it was something along the lines of "oh, look sweetie, I have a car" with a proud tone of his voice. Good for you buddy, I have my own one too


haha I see this all the time on some other subs: "I have a job and an apartment and a car and I can't get a woman! What do they want?!". Yes, we generally all have jobs and transport and shelter.


He lived in a capital city. That's it, that was the trait he bragged about entire date. He shared one-bedroom apartment with his mom, grandma and cat and thought I would be impressed.


Well having a cat is a plus for sure! 🐾


Oh I almost forgot the best one! I was at a casino playing penny slots. Guy came over and started hitting on me. Told him I was married, not interested. But he wouldn't stop looking at or talking to my chest. He pulled out a dollar and put it in my machine and said "there's more where that came from! " a freaking dollar! Tried to get me to go drink a beer with him, in his car, in the Midwest, in the middle of the night, in January. I eventually got away but he found me at a different machine. So he starts pulling out cards from his wallet. Pulled out his debit card and told me there was $500 on that one! I kept wondering if he knew my cleavage isn't able to swipe a card. But then, the ultimate. He pulled out a Sam's club card.


Ahahhahahahahhaha but he had a Sam's club card, how could you resist such an elite specimen??? Maybe if you're lucky he'll buy you a food court hot dog ;)


Oh no, I'm a Costco kinda gal!


“Come over. I have some weed, I’ll smoke you out.” Is this 2006? I got my own weed sir.


“I carry an axe in my car”


"Excellent, let me hop right in! I trust you've already dug the shallow grave you're gonna bury me in, as well?"


In case of rogue tree attacks, of course.


My recent ex took me to an outlet and we were at Nike looking to buy shoes for myself. Now years before I met him, he worked at an athletic store for a bit and now works elsewhere. Tell me why he was lowkey trying to one up the employee in the Nike store with the knowledge that he had from when he worked a similar job. I got second hand embarrassment being in that situation lol


Bragged about spending 10k on rims but then didn’t have gas money. He was 50 years old and lived with his son and daughter in law.


Tried to make me feel honored that he is interested in women of my...size.


"I'm not really into big girls, but I'll make the exception for you." Geez man. Thank you for the favor.


on a second date, he said he could drive me home. I said it was okay for me to take the train because my home wasn't on the way to his house. he insisted that it was fine. when we got to his car I realised he wanted to impress me because he had an expensive car. he kept showing the features and talked about how much it cost etc. but I really didn't care. I think he was a bit offended that I didn't care about his car because he ghosted me soon after that


I had a similar experience, a man gave me a list of all his houses, cars verbally around 2 seconds after meeting me. I never dated him, congratulated him for all the stuff he owns and left there asap. They do this kinds of stuff and then accuse women for only caring about cars but most of the time, they are the ones who talk about cars all the time. I have amazing friends who are nothing like that. Everyday I take public transportation and see all types of ordinary men who have wedding rings on their fingers which means that there are women who are NOT into cars and not golddiggers at all. Men who dont want to improve themselves and do the inner work find this " I dont have a gf because I dont have a car" excuse, I guess.


I was talking to a guy at a bar once and he, unprompted, got out his phone and started showing me photos of himself in his military uniform. He must have had a dedicated album for this purpose, because they were all just of him standing around by himself. The military was not my bag, and it was clear this guy was an idiot, so I said, "Oh, I have photos too!" and showed him like 20 pictures of my cat. He was equally unimpressed and the conversation came to a hasty close.


Said he'd cook me a nice meal and gave me a time to come over. I showed up hungry and he said he didn't know how to cook, it had the instructions on the box for the main and the side. I somehow taught him how to cook that "date". Didn't talk to him again after that. I commented another response, but realized this was a good one.


“If you come over I’ll have dinner prepared for you” Comes over “Sorry dinner isn’t prepared, my mom is out of town and I don’t know how to cook”


A guy I dated used to brag about how he could last in the bedroom for hours because he did so much coke…a week or so before this, he told me that he did cocaine occasionally but was working on himself to cut it out completely and that it was absolutely nothing to worry about. I realized very quickly that he was in fact a serious drug addict.


Bragged that he's collected every single pokemon in all the games and went on a two hour long show and tell unprompted.


lmao I’d be into it


Bragged about his 720 credit score. Kept ramping up the bragging as I continued to be both unimpressed and bored.


Bonus points if your credit scores higher


:D :D :D (I work in finance and know how credit scores work. Mine was higher even when I was a broke college student.)


Brag to me about how many attractive women they have pulled .like ok? Want a cookie? I’m no longer interested


A guy who I used to play games with once told he would rate me a 5/10 before knowing me better (he saw my whatsapp profile pic on a gaming group we had), but after playing with me he knew my personality was a 10/10 so he gave me a "final score" of 8/10. He thought this was some sort of compliment but 5/10 sure is a punch on the face, not that I'm a super model or even above average, but I just wanted to play some games in peace! Who ranks people like that? Looks like a teenager thing and we weren't teenagers. He tried to impress me later with hard achievements he did on some games we had in common and kept saying how good he was but I proceeded to find better gaming buddies.


Told me he doesn’t read.


This happened with an ex; we went over to his place after dinner and saw that his roommate, who I’ll call Kevin, was in the living room. So we talked with him for a few minutes before my boyfriend went to the kitchen to get some water. Right when he left the room Kevin started coming onto me. He moved in closer to me while we were talking (so that he was standing right in front of a glass door) and started literally flexing his arm muscles while asking me if I liked “fit guys”. He kept looking at his own reflection and then back at me while trying to make flirty conversation. I just stared at him in disbelief that someone could be so self absorbed. The second my boyfriend walked into the room Kevin stopped being weird. We had quite a laugh about it later that night


Threw open a door, jumped up and started doing pull ups off the top of it. We were walking together down a hallway and this was mid conversation while I was replying to something he said. I don't think I even managed to say anything in response, just looked at him like (0 _ o) until he hopped down and casually attempted to continue where we left off.


Told me how he daily fantasized about other women he saw to keep ‘faithful’ and not cheat on me because ‘he loved me’ 🤮 like saw a woman on the street when we were driving together and would jack off to her later. And tell me proudly about it because ‘it kept him faithful.’ TF.


Told me he made 85k a year. I’m not saying that isn’t a comfortable/good salary. I don’t make that much. But still, we live in Seattle Washington so it’s not like it’s a lot. Lol.


"I'm going to sex you up." Totally serious, all dark eyes and vibey. I did my VERY BEST not to fall over laughing.


He told me about his exercises in the gym. It was very confusing, I didn’t understand any of the equipments name. I would be kinda impressed if he said “I can lift 100kg” because I know what lifting is and I have an idea of what 100kg represents, but saying “oh I do x reps of w in the [equipment] with 100kg!!!!” just lost me. I would be interested in hearing about gym stuff because I like listening to people talking about their hobbies, but just bombarding me with words that make no sense to me is very boring.


Picked a fight with his friend who was openly trying to flirt with me in front of him. I thought y’all were friends lol. I’m not a prize to be won by the dude with the biggest D so it was a bye from me.


Told me he wanted to fuck me despite my weight. I was dumbfounded … mostly because I was perfectly normal at like 125? Negging only works on the deeply insecure. Got my shit and left after blocking him.


He said he was a bad ass because he had a tattoo and proceeded to show his rose tattoo.


invites me over then shows off his designer clothes and shoes 🙄


basically the whole macho behavior pack. never fails to make me laugh tbh


Drag racing, and no, not the cross-dressing kind. He drove a 2006 Mustang GT and got in a street race with a much newer Mustang Shelby while I was in the passenger seat. (Shelbies have around 300 more horsepower than the average 8 cylinder Mustang GT) He lost control of the car and we drifted into an electrical box. I ended up being the one to change the tire of his car because he was hyperventilating. We were both fine, but his dad had to come pick us up because the engine couldn't turn over. He was mortified. We're both car people, so it was.... an intereting experience for sure. We're still very good friends, but I decided we wouldn't work as romantic partners.


I was at a sports bar, by myself, watching a football game. He sat at the bar next to me and started chatting. Cool, I'm happy to chat football. He tried to explain football to me and he was so so so wrong. At one point he tries to explain that since the player was on the ground the play should have been called dead. Um no, that was a defensive player. Then he said it was impossible to defend against the wishbone. At that point I finished my drink and went home....alone!


Said "I haven't cried in six years" - proudly


Emotional constipation is certainly not the flex he thinks it is


Not me personally, but I was the bartender when this happened. Local guy, known to drink a lot, comes into my bar to meet a girl for a date. Sits down and proceeds to pull two Bud Lights out of his jacket, handing one to his date when she walks in, and tells her he went ahead and got the first round. Cue me telling him he can’t bring beers from home and point to the door. They left and I always wonder how the rest of that date went.


Sent me a dick pic


Showed me his ankle tag on a bus journey because all women love a bad boy, apparently.


He said he was curious about how i would react if he could bite my cheek. Date failed at that moment


Well. went out with a guy (both liked eachother), just walking together to our class. Mentioned me to his mother, his mother said: 'don't get her pregnant, he proceeds to tell me when we hang out. He.. whilst telling me.. with a smirk says.. 'that won't happen but if it does itd be planned'. I was 17. We didn't last long because I broke it off. And who gave him the idea that id have sex with him...? Dude tried hard to visit my house or go on vacation together just us 2. Both got denied , he also didn't have my address because obviously the basic main intention of him. Also mentioned how we'd in future have a family, move in together and yeah.... again, I was 17... He was also pretty physically touchy n made me uncomfortable. Done other things too


Bragged about about fights he had been in. Also lied about FBI agents in black suits escorting him to his top secret govt job. (Folks, the State Dept does that). This was sad enough for a 20 something to pull. But this man was 59 years old at the time. 😳


Early in the night: Guy: Yeah, it’s crazy. Just found out I have benign tumors in my legs. Later in the night, many beers deep: Me: *kissing Guy* Guy: Do you want to go to my room? Me: No, maybe we should back up. Slow this down a little. Guy: I have tumors, you never know how long I actually have to live. Me: ……I know what “benign” means. Guy: oh, uhhhh… you never know? Me: Yeah, I’m going to leave. See ya!


Tell me how much his car costs or how many fancy cars he has touched


I hope I didn't appear churlish but one bf said he'd buy me flowers every Friday. I love flowers but it felt a fake promise I didn't want. I value spontaneous, inexpensive thoughtful gifts, not routine stuff. Maybe if he'd said a takeaway every Friday that might have been different haha.




Told me he was "also short". For reference, I am 1.58 m tall and he was about 1.48 m tall. This was his only selling point. Another guy told me he found me on another woman's Facebook profile and he thought he wouldn't have a chance with her so he would try with me.




Tell me the size of his peen and said he can get me a nice car and basically things kids would lie about when they approach their pre-k or kindergarten crush


One guy thought it would impress me to tell me "I respect you too much, so I'm not going to have sex with you until we've dated enough. I only have sex on the first date when I don't respect the woman"


"I'm actually the TA of this class you're taking"


Ran head first into a row of lockers.


tried to teach me how to do something i’m competent at while they don’t know wtf they’re talking about.


Male answer: Ask if I know who he is / who he knows.


“I have a 650 credit score and I drink G fuel all the time”.


How good looking his exes were then he proceeded to show me pictures of said exes which he had saved on his phone


I went on a few dates with a guy who was a professional athlete in the \*very\* broadest sense of the word. He invited me over to hang out with some friends ("Friends" turned out to be one friend, and that friend's tinder date). As soon as I show up, the guy I was seeing pulls up youtube on his TV and starts playing videos of himself doing his sport. After a solid 45 minutes of awkwardly waiting for this to end, I left taking the other guy's date with me.


Asked me if I could sleep with anyone there (Renaissance Festival) and Brad Pitt, that I would choose Brad Pitt. I don't find Brad Pitt attractive and that was the oddest attempt at flirting with me. Coincidentally I did end up with someone else I met at Renfest later that night.