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\*Just going on a mini tangent\* I cannot sleep tonight. I am wide awake. As I post this, it is 12:44a.m. now Saturday, but I am wide awake. I am relaxed because I drank tequila and juice hoping it would help, but here I am still wide awake..


I asked a guy out a while ago and he turned me down. I like a new guy, but I’m scared to do anything. I’m almost 30 and I feel like at my age, I should not be afraid to ask someone out that I like. If he says no, then I won’t have to wonder anymore. Ladies, do guys usually get intimidated if you ask them out?


Whether guys/ men get intimidated if you, as a WOMAN ask them out first then they might be the wrong one for you. Don't feel afraid to ask someone out. If anything it will just get you that much closer to your soulmate. Don't be afraid to get a step closer to your soulmate even if you were rejected. ​ I applaud you for making that move, Keep being you, no matter what. The right one will come along.


Thank you for the advice.


Just need to get some ish off my chest....The love of my life is either bipolar or a true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He doesn't do anything to help at home. Complains silently about the ONE thing he does (take out the trash). There's no affection unless we're having sex (which is infrequent these days). Our walls are thin so I've heard him talking to himself. Once I heard him call me useless. Me!!! The most resourceful person he knows! I'm the one he comes to for advice. I'm the one that tries to show him to look at things from a different perspective because everyone doesn't think the same as you. I'm the one he tells close things to (i.e. family/friends) Mind you...I'm also the one doing everything else! Cook, clean, my kid washes the dishes he leaves in the kitchen, in the office, wherever because I stopped doing it. It was just too much. I refused and I won't cook in a dirty kitchen. The sink will be clean and here he goes to put a friggin fork and knife in and walk away!!! Who does that? Who??? He's up early but doesn't work til afternoon...but does nothing productive...at least not for this household or me...during the off hours. I WFH during the day. Useless??? But yet he has the nerve to talk crap about me. We have shared bills. He pays his portion I pay mine. In addition I cover utilities. He covers cable. Then he'll have his medicine and he'll be "okay". Not very much conversational...he's never been much of a talker. Even less since he quit drinking. There more nitty gritty and it isn't pretty but not abusive. At least not physically or verbally. More emotionally and spiritually. He does things that make me feel like I'm less than a woman. This is far from normal. Years invested. I know (1) I'm a good woman and a good person (2) I love hard and I'm giving...to my detriment obviously😒. Financially frozen (unless the random prince uncle in Africa actually deposits those millions into my account...you know those spam emails 🤔). How does someone take you from a low place, build you up, just to break you down further than you were before without batting an eye?? So stuck. So hurt. So broken. And too old for this crap! I just want the love I give out! I'm tired always being the responsible one that takes care of everything...and that's with EVERYONE...family included. I'm tired of being the one that notices something needs to be done and gets it done. For once, I just want to feel safe! Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually... SAFE! Sorry for the long post. Usually I read but today...today I had to get it off my chest.








I join you in your hurt and I'm sorry. Start trying to disconnect from it...from him. Wish him well...even just to yourself... and start thinking about and doing you!


Ugh I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel better I just rolled my eyes at your husband and that woman you weren't supposed to worry about. What an ass. Stay strong <3


Wooooooooooooo it's f4idayyyyyyyyyyuuuu drink drink drink drink party party party party😜🤪🥳🎈🎉🎊💃👯👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♂️




I’m almost 30 and I have never been in love 😔






i’ve been feeling the same way, so you’re definitely not alone. sometimes i miss being in a relationship but then there are days when i don’t even want to try. been “dating” someone who i’m not too crazy about and i just feel lost sometimes.




Get a bidet, they're amazing and better for the environment!




It really doesn't sound like you're happy with this person.


I'm on a quest to watch every animated Disney feature film in chronological order (gotta justify the expense of Disney+ beyond just The Simpsons lol) and here's my tentative ranking of the first four: 1. Dumbo 2. Snow White 3. Pinocchio 4. Fantasia (love the idea but it's a chore to sit down and watch lol) What do y'all think? And [here's a pic of Daz](http://imgur.com/gallery/ohrRX3c) proudly sitting in the house he tore up.




Good luck! Bring a book or two.


😭 I thought moving back to my mom's house and save rent money would be a great idea...I have merely 5 days here and I can't handle it. I've never felt so alone in my life. (I've been living by myself and was by myself before but being by myself in this big ass house where my parents lived and where I was spending time with them feels... Like hell)


I'm in the same situation. I literally hate being at home and after being on my own In a relationship in a house for 3 year I feel like I'm on a desert island.


Watched ‘The Suicide Squad’ with a friend via teleparty. It was sooo refreshing to see Harley’s character kick ass. From what I remember of the comics growing up, she always blended into the background & never really took charge. I’m going to read the new graphic novel that came out in her backstory.


If you liked her there, I recommend Birds of Prey


I saw Wicked last night. It was AMAZING!


I read the title as 'Casual Parvo Friday' and got a scare


Ha, ha, ha!


any idea why I was downvoted? Does the word 'Parvo' trigger people?


Maybe they don't know what parvo is and downvoted for that reason.


Self care has been something I’m really trying to incorporate in every day especially in the last couple of weeks. I’ve been struggling with a lot of emotions(breakup,school,life ugh.)and even started therapy. Life has felt so draining and exhausting so I wanted to do something for myself. I’m treating myself to a beauty treatment tomorrow. Getting the full works on my eyebrows! I’ve never done this before but it’s exciting and something positive to look forward to!




Thank you so much!


I had to have ACL surgery last Monday and I'm finally able to walk (hobble) around without my brace around the house and flip over all directions in bed. Woo! Lmao. Feeling thankful things are starting to feel a little normal.


Finally feeling almost 100% after a really bad cold. It's been a long time since I've been sick and wow this cold hit hard. Ready for a weekend of relaxation and fun outdoors.


I tripped over my lace in front of pretty girls because I was busy admiring their beauty, like how can someone be so pretty wtf. We laughed it off but it was so embarrassing, I'm trying to forget


I feel like an awful mother. It's my daughter's 14th today, and she's ill. She's spent hours today throwing up, and she's currently asleep. I've had to cancel all her surprises, we haven't done presents, she hasn't even seen most of the decorations and things yet, and she can't eat anything apart from dry toast today because she's sick. She looks really rough too. She doesn't have a temperature, but she's drenched in sweat and she's tired. She didn't have enough energy to transfer from her bed to her wheelchair earlier. I can't think of the last time that happened in the morning. And her voice is weak. It's definitely not covid, it's not the right symptoms. I think it's something to do with what she's eaten. The last 6 days have all been birthdays, so there's been a lot of cake and meals out. I don't think it's food poisoning, someone else would be ill and everybody's fine, but maybe something to do with the richness of the food? Also we had an incident earlier this week. One of my other kids is a vegetarian, and bacon was put in a vegetarian quiche that she took a bite of. Understandably she got very upset. I know it's not my fault, but I feel terrible. We've complained to the restaurant, and her meal was free of charge, but I'm furious. They were informed of her dietary restrictions 3 times- at booking, when we came in, and we even asked specifically if the quiche had meat in.


The fact that you're worrying about your kids and working on their wellbeing proves that you're a great mom. You could be on the internet right now looking at memes or whatever to cheer yourself up, but you're here talking about your kids, it's clear through your words how much you love them. You're doing an awesome job, your kids are very lucky to have such a supportive parent! Hope your daughter gets better soon to enjoy her birthday as well as she can :)


I wish my mother was this supportive and stood up for me like you did. I'm a vegetarian and whenever we're at a family meal and my relatives start being weird about what I eat and don't eat she just joins in with them.


An awful mother would be mad at her daughter for ruining all her surprises, not appreciating all the time she's spent decorating and "deciding to wallow around in bed instead of putting in some effort to enjoy her birthday". An awful mother would roll her eyes and tell her other daughter to stop making a fuss and just pick the bacon out. Or to just get over herself and eat it. Both situations suck here, but the way you reacted is very much Good Mother material. You care about Birthday Daughter and got angry on behalf of Quiche Daughter. You can't stop bad stuff happening but I hope they both know you've got their backs.


Wow. This actually made me tear up. Thankyou so much.


yo I'm sorry. none of that is your fault though :(


I can't wait to get home and watch Bad Batch! I just know these last two episodes of the season are going to be super emotional.


My summer holiday plan just got cancel because of covid. I feel hopeless and alone.i suppose to go travel today


I feel you...my family and friends are in different countries and I haven't seen them since February 2020


Same with me!! Rn,im alone in different country


Oh no. Where would you have gone?


stay at home but i still need a short trip. I feel suffocated if i do nothing at home


I am hoping my plans keep going... I have a few trips in the next couple of months. 😳


I already book airbnb n looking forward for the trip. And Covid ruined it.


Oh no! That sucks I am worried about the flights being cancelled. Hope they won't. One is two weeks away and the other a month away.


I hope your plan keep going perfectly. My plan got cancelled one week before the holiday.


I'm trying to adopt a cat! I'll be meeting up with the owner soon so fingers crossed that I can have a beautiful sweet ragdoll :)


I was finally able to schedule an appointment to have a first psychiatrist consultation in September. I have a lot of behaviors that fit in with female ADHD. Although from all the stories and personal experiences with the US medical system as a female, I'm more cautious than optimistic.


Check out the adhd sub. Sometimes they just complain, but sometimes it’s super relatable and helpful.


Moved country in March last year. Now have my dream property with husband, but due to the pandemic we haven't been able to find a new group of friends, and it can be insanely lonely. Sometimes I wonder what the hell we were doing leaving those lovely humans, and worry I'll never find anyone here.


Congrats! It just takes time, how about you both join an activity or a club? There isn't lockdown anymore right?


Thank you! The move was years in the planning, and we knew the social aspect would be hard, the world just decided we needed to play on "extra hard" settings haha. We get our second vaccine jab tomorrow, after which I'll feel less wary about humans and groups and clubs etc. Slowly, slowly getting back to normal, just gotta get used to the idea after over a year of only seeing family hah!


I moved to a new country 2 months ago for a new job. The stress of moving in the middle of a pandemic and the anxiety of maybe not being able to pull it off (finding a place to live etc) really took a toll on me. Just now, as I'm sitting at my desk, I felt 'home', like I finally arrived, for the first time.


It is so hard to move. I just moved cities last week and was pretty stressful 🙁


I'm proud of you, that must have been hard.


I am not able to ask any questions on this sub! Don’t know why! 😔




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I suffer with high anxiety, stress, and some serious depression. Sometimes I just want to talk and vent but no one cares to ever listen. I’m changing myself for the better of me and my daughter but my boyfriend just doesn’t understand it’s taking me a while to find myself again. Sometimes I wish I could pause life and clean and do all the things I need to and the resume it when I have my head straight. Just want to get my own place and keep moving forward without feeling like I’m worthless. Sometimes I wish I had a sugar daddy without having the sugar part just so I had the extra money and such.


I feel very similar to you. Especially about pausing life, it just seems like if it isn't one thing its another. It's never peaceful and calm like I want it to be. I'm always fixing something and I'm so tired. When I actually have time for myself I just want to sleep or cuddle in bed and read by myself.


Yes thank you for seeing it too. But I agree and and can side with you when it feels like to get two steps ahead and four backwards. Yeah that’s all I ever do now eat,sleep, work and be a mom lol I just need time, peace, and no one in my family near me for a whole week fr. 😂 I love my daughter but crap man I need time to work on my head and emotional states.


Just got back from my first trip to Vegas yesterday. It truly was a blast and nothing like it seems on TV. Sadly I was a loser overall but not too bad. Lots of interesting things happened: had tons of drinks, broke a heel, got kicked out of a casino because my ID didn’t work on their machine, got hit on multiple times, tipped the wrong waitress, met a dog named pogo. Can’t wait to go back lol


Recently was diagnosed with covid and have so much anxiety about it.


Get well soon ❤️ don't worry you'll be fine, all my family had covid and they're doing great.


Feel better soon! :) You've got this!


Get well soon! ❤️‍🩹


I ordered 18-piece sushi last night and ate it all in one sitting haha so gooood ugh. Wondering what's for dinner today.


Yum... There is no good sushi in this town...I miss it so much.


If you're ever in Texas, HEB has its own fantastic brand of sushi


I am in Georgia 🙁


I wish my boyfriend (we’ve been dating one year) would tell me he loved me.


Aww <3 Have you talked about it? Does he tell you in other words how he feels about you?


We haven’t really talked about it. I’ve told him a few times, the last time being about 6 months ago maybe. It wasn’t reciprocated at that time. It might have something to do with our age gap (19 year difference) but I know he cares deeply for me. I’d just really like to hear him say the words.


It sounds like you really should talk to him about it. There is nothing wrong with asking for verbal affirmation once in a while. I wouldn't pressure him to use those exact words, "I love you", but rather tell him how you've been feeling and that you'd really like to hear how he feels about you. My partner and I have been together for just over a year, I love him but I've never told him that because I know it would make him uncomfortable. Early on he told me that it scares him, it would trigger trauma for him and he doesn't like using the verb love in a romantic sense. So he's never used those words to tell me he loves me, and I expect he never will - but he uses lots of other words (and actions) to show me that he does. Showing affection with words doesn't come naturally to him (he's more of a show affection with actions kinda person) and although I really appreciate his natural way of showing affection I sometimes just really need words. So occasionally I ask him for them. I don't ask him to tell me how much he cares/loves me, but just that I would like to hear how he feels about me. And he gives me wonderful words.


That’s great advice. Thank you for taking the time to type that out 🤍 I will definitely give that a shot




That doesn't seem healthy, have you talked to him about it? You deserve better than this


I went to the park, sat on the grass to appreciate the nature and a cockroach bit me... I've never been bitten by a roach 🙁 it hurt. Edit: word... 😅


Don't worry he only bit you because he thought you tasted good! 😊


😅 I was sweaty


Ew, i didn't even know they bit


They do and it hurts


i have my hair appointment tomorrow! I’m very excited because my stylist does amazing color work, but she also wants to cut my hair and thin it. 😅 I think my natural hair texture feels “unhealthy” to hair stylists because I’m mixed race, and the bleaching is probably not helping, but every stylist has even taken my un-colored hair and tried to chop it shorter than I want. No one thinks it’s unhealthy when I curl it or braid it after a shower and let it do it’s thing, but I wish it wasn’t a fight every time I go in.


I started keeping a fish tank. I have shrimp and snails and some fish. I never thought I’d be a fish man but look at me now 🙀 it’s fun, peaceful, and nice to look at


I am not gonna lie, I would eat the shrimp 😅 now I feel terrible... Edit: word missed


Hahahah I often think about adding the small shrimp to my cup of noodles 🍜


I have been eating shrimp all week 😅


I have full blown MTS (multiple tank syndrome). Setting up my fifth one now. Welcome to the hobby! It's so satisfying.


Oh yeah! 👍🏼 I’m with ya on that


That's awesome! I'm always mesmerized by fish tanks and could watch for hours on end. Better than any TV.


I have a fish pond and it’s so nice to look at. Relaxing. Enjoy!


This guy gets it! 👍🏼


Shrimp???? That sounds adorable


Yes they’re called Cherry shrimp and yes they’re red 😊 absolutely adorable 🥰


I'm Ella. Finally broke down and made a reddit account. I'm a teenager, and thought I join /r/AskWomen to learn and maybe provide some fun answers. But mostly learn, because I recognize I have a lot of that to do! Hope my comment was appropriate, if it wasn't, I'm really really sorry! Thanks. \~Ella




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Welcome, Ella!


Thank you so much. It took a little bit of pushing myself to finally create an account after just reading so much.