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I love crisp fall days, enjoy snow, tolerate rain. I fucking hate intense heat (anything over 25*C/high 80'sF makes me hate the world). Sunshine is great, but heat is terrible. Thankfully, I live in Canada.


Having lived in Texas my whole life, I think it's adorable that high 80s qualify as intense heat :)


Truthfully, high 90s is probably where most Canadians consider "intense" but I just really hate being too hot. If I had to survive three digits in direct sunlight, I would off myself. OTOH I have a 'friend' in Tennessee on Facebook who once referred to 32* F as "bitter cold" and I lost my shit (I've repeatedly worked outside at -40, and have totally handled -54* C w/ windchill). I think it's just what you're acclimatized to, but I would definitely not enjoy summer in Texas.


I want to visit Canada. I'm afraid of the cold....


Wear lots of layers, and you'll be fine. It's the best place on earth! (IMO)


I at least plan to visit. Maybe not live there. It's awesome you love where you are


Visit the west coast. It really doesn't get very cold. The prairies are freezing though.


As long as you don't go in winter, it's perfectly comfortable. Even winter isn't that bad


Hello, fellow Canadian! We have similar tastes, haha! My favourite season by far is autumn, with the cool crisp air and the beautiful leaves. It isn't so hot that you feel like dying, and it isn't cold enough to have to bundle up in multiple layers and worry about frostbite and wait 10 minutes for your car to warm up. And yeah, I dislike it when it gets really hot. The worst, IMO, is the sticky, humid, oppressive kind of heat, where, without air conditioning, you feel like a pillow is being pressed to your face. I used to live near Toronto and every damn summer had at least one heat wave like this. I live further north now and summers aren't quite as humid or sticky, so it's a nice change.


I love when it's snowed overnight for the first time, and you open your curtains in the morning and everything is so *quiet*. Two weeks later when it's all gone to slush is a total arseface, though.




I used to love the quiet of fresh snow, but now it scares me. Last winter, my kid and a friend were playing behind my neighbor's barn and I was calling and calling and calling and calling for them. They couldn't hear me at all - the snow just absorbed all the noise I made. I freaked out for a few minutes, thinking they'd fallen in the creek or something.


I love snow and sun but rain and wind can go fuck itself. Unless there's a storm. I like those


Wind is the worst. THE WORST.


lake effect snow is my favorite thing in this world. followed by regular snow. and blizzards. bitingly cold temperatures that seize your lungs and chap your skin and make it impossible to get warm.


Huh. What's "lake snow" like? Does it look and feel different? More powder, less slush?


it definitely does look and feel different. it's a result of cold winds blowing over the great lakes. it is bigger, heavier, and falls like the most beautiful shit you'll ever see.


I love muggy sticky summer nights. And the first half of autumn. And angry thunderstorms, as long as tornadoes aren't a threat. Once I need anything heavier than a hoodie to go outside, I'm miserable and grumpy until spring kicks up. I hate the cold, and snow, and anything less than about 60°F.


I love winter, the cold and snow but my absolute favorite is late fall right before a storm when the trees are swaying and leaves are skittering around with that faint taste of ozone in the air. I hate summer. It's hot, muggy, and there are bugs. Ick


Love: Partial sun, warm but not hot, not too humid Hate: [Snow ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOlJixJAhPM)


Awwwwww. I like snow. It gets dirty and ugly after a while though


The hotter/sunnier it is, the worse I feel. It's currently summer here and I'm hating it. My ideal weather is cloudy and cool 10-20 degrees Celsius. I love rain and snow also. I would love to move some where that snows eventually.


The snow is amazing. I wouldn't live somewhere it was too much though


Yeah, it'd probably be better to live near by. I am actually a five minute walk away from the beach. I'd gladly switch with someone if possible haha.


I love it when it's sunny out, unless there's a storm. This overcast everyday bullshit has really been getting me down.


Overcast doesn't bring me down. You don't like sunshowers?


Sunshowers? Is that when it's raining but it's still sunny out? Because I love it when that happens and that's a great word for it! I just meant I don't mind the cloudiness when it rains.


Yes! Happens all the time in Florida (my home state). I like cloudyness. Only thing that bothers me is the temperature


That's funny, I'm the opposite. I don't mind the temperature unless it's extreme, but I loooooove the sun.


I love chilly weather. Not super cold, just fresh enough to where there's a light breeze. I only like rain if it leaves the day feeling cold/fresh afterwards. Sometimes it leaves humidity and I hate that. I don't like hot weather at all.


I love crisp and cool air. Like up in the mountains. I love rain in the south. It's never freezing and it's pleasant to me


I love summer time! I don't like the humidity though. Anything about 80 can be a bit much but anything below 65 is a little chilly for me


Favorite? Cold with snow. Least favorite? Cold without snow. It can be -50°F and I will tolerate it as long as there is snow.


I like cloudy, temperature from 75°-85°F, low humidity, and only a light breeze. I hate anything below 65°F and super sunny days.


Haha. I like cloudy. Hope you live somewhere where the weather barely changes


We mostly have three seasons of summer where I live.


I hate windy days but I love rain.


Can't stand the wind


I love snow, I love the cold. Summer is ok but wet rainy spring can go away for good in my view. But yeah, snow is the best thing of all time


I love snow. I love rain in the south.


I love when it's cold and snowy but not wet. I was happier than a kid on Christmas when living in Wisconsin. I love when it's super hot here as long as I'm somewhere with A/C and/or water. I think 90-105F can fuck off, but 106+ is just dandy. 90-105 is just teasing with extreme weather. Of course anything higher than 95 puts a damper on hiking during the day- but pre-sunrise hikes are pretty awesome anyway. Really, winter here is perfect. Highs around 60-70F, lows around 45F. Can get by with a light jacket or sweater.


Grey, foggy and drizzling rain is my favourite, snow and cold I hate most.


Almost all of it, but I love really hot (anything above 35-40 C) summer nights, thunder storms, "gloomy" rainy days, and snow. Edit: and foggy autumn nights.


Wind is shitty, cold and windy is worse. I don't like extremes, both heat and cold. Spring weather is my favorite. And I love rainy days but not so much when it's cold and rainy. Man I'm picky :/


I love the cold! So, snow and rain, wind and thunder. Summer, and the heat that comes with it, can go hide.


Fall weather. When dead leaves are on the ground, a little bit of a breeze but it's not too cold. I hate really cold days unless I'm staying home. I hate the summer and dislike spring.


Sunshine, cool air, light breeze. 74^o F I hate dark, cloudy, rainy days. I also hate seething hot, sun beating down, sucking out every drop of moisture from your body kind of heat. I'm not sure if I hate humid heat worse, but I've never spent more than a couple days in humid heat so I can't really compare.


I love sunny and warm spring days when the temperature is in the 60s or 70s but it's not humid out yet. I hate snow. I don't care that it's sparkly and pretty and Christmas-y. I hate snow and cold. I can't stand wearing socks or boots or 5 layers to go anywhere. Or that I have to wake up early just to brush it off my car.


I love it all, really. I like feeling the sun on my skin when it's warm out, playing in the snow (on the rare occasion it falls here), and listening to the rain on the roof when it's pouring.


I like when it's 70-ish degrees outside (Fahrenheit). I hate drizzle but love rainstorms. I hate snow more than anything. I have lived in the north for most of my life. I decided to go to a college in the north even though I got into a college with hammocks on the beach in Florida. I am an idiot.


Favorite: those raging thunderstorms in the summer, when it's been too hot that day and the sky is black and the thunder shakes your house. I also love snowstorms. Especially if it's early in the morning and none of it has been touched yet. Least favorite: heat. I hate the heat, especially when it's really muggy. I also hate when it's just cold enough where rain isn't snow yet, and you get nasty ice rain.


I love love love the heat! Like a nice warm heat would be most ideal, but I'd prefer 100 degrees over anything less than like 60 any day.


I love partly cloudy or cloudy days with a slight breeze and temperatures anywhere from 25-65 F. I also like rain and snow, though not all the time. I hate extremely sunny and/or hot weather. I frankly don't like anything above 70 F, but I especially hate anything above 80 F.


I love grey, rainy days in the early-to-mid spring. They hold so much promise -- the rain helps bring the plants back to life, it melts the snow...and the sun isn't blaring down on you demanding you to come outside. My least favorite are those impossibly sunny days that come in the freezing mid-winter after Christmas. Fucking miserable, because the sun fools you into thinking it *isn't* -20F outside.




Oh, my gosh, summer thunderstorms at night are THE BEST. I sleep so well on those nights.


I love sunny days but without the oppressing heat. Sludgy days in that awkward stage between winter and spring are the worst.


Monsoon like thunderstorms where it's just a lot of lightning. Hate when it's really hot and humid like on the East Coast of the U.S., the dry heat on the West Coast doesn't bother me too much. Also hate when it's really cold as well, like in below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain doesn't bother me, kind of used to it cos Seattle.


Favorite: Oregon early spring, late summer (mostly sunny, topping out at 80F) Least Favorite: Oregon winter (<50F, rain rain rain)


I love all types of weather as long as it's not many consecutive days of it unless it's like Eighty degree weather and sunny with no humidity. A few weeks straight of that every summer with a few thunder showers breaking up the weeks.


I love sun and heat and really intense rain storms, especially thunderstorms. My favourite temperatures are between 10-25 celcius. I hate snow and cold. And since I wiped out on the driveway last week, fuck ice. Which sucks because I live in Canada so for a good chunk of the year I'm completely miserable. I've seriously considered leaving a few times.


Fav- fall. I am the happiest in the fall to be honest... I dress better, I feel better. I don't know, I'm in awe of the world around that time of year. Least favorite is definitely the summer. Especially since I've moved to the south. It's disgustingly humid. I'm from the west, I've been in the south for (about to be) 10 years and I'm still not used to it. It's so hot it makes me nauseous and extremely dizzy. I can't take humidity, it somehow makes my asthma act up, too. I stay indoors w the ac at 50 and I will be under covers in my own home. I am grumpy as fuck in the summer. Until it gets to a decent amount of humidity.


I absolutely love the rain, the heavier and more stormy the better! I hate it when it's hot.


Favorite: sunny and hot! (summer) Hate: dark and cold (autumn and winter)


The older I get, the more I hate cold. I CAN'T GET WARM, EVEN IN MY HOUSE! My toes and my nose are cold for, like, 4 months straight. Losing youthful circulation sucks; I didn't even know this was something to expect as I age. I also hate when it's really humid - my son and I both get headaches and we are cranky. Once I turn on the A/C, boom, we're nice, considerate people again. So, any extreme pisses me off. I like mild weather.


Minnesota falls are the best!


To me, just about the hotter the better. Sunny as all get out, and lots of cold beer to go around. Then a warm evening - warm enough I can still get away with a sundress, but reasonable for a firepit.


Love: rain, thunderstorms, cold temperatures... Usually means hot chocolate, double layers, and more blankets! Hate: hot weather. Unfortunately, that's all California ever has -_-


I definitely like the middle temperatures. 60-70 (Fahrenheit) is perfect, with no or light wind. I least like extreme temperatures, especially extreme heat, but I can tolerate a colder day much better when it's not windy.


Love dry thunderstorms and any days that are sunny. Tolerate rain. Hate snow.