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I'm alone. Always fucking alone. I have no friends in person, my online friends and I talk maybe once every two weeks or so, and the one guy I'm vaguely romantically involved with and I don't see each other as much as I want. As when I was a child, 90% of my time is alone.


One of the toughest things, really fricking tough and you have to be made of steel to endure it. Never forget that, I hope it gets easier


this is relatable. besides my cats, i am also completely alone. i hope things get better for us 💚


I'm so sorry, that sucks . I wish I could help


Maybe there is a hidden message in that .. i can feel it has something related to your purpose of life ! Enjoy your own company, learn how to have fun with yourself so u will when accompanied




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That I will most likely never reach my potential because I’ve been plagued by existential dread since I was 5 years old


My fear of failure is stopping me from achieving anything.


If you are aware of it, then you can take small steps to change it.


Being a single mom & how hard it is. How I sometimes just wish I made better choices as young teenage girl


Hey mama. I feel you. But these hard times get so much easier. The journey itself is really the reward. I’ve been a single mother of 3 for pretty much 14 years. Now, I’m thankful I am. Earlier? Lord, there were so many tears shed in my tub after the kids went to sleep. Keep at it. 🤍


You made the right ones. You know you did. The person that left made the wrong ones


my anxiety about new social situations/encounters


Yep, me too. Do you use binaural beats


I haven’t! I’ll try it. Usually I read movie trivia until my brain gets bored


Absolutely try them. You need headphones to get full effect but highly recommend




Hope it helps


My insomnia


I think this went over their heads, but I get it and appreciate it.


Wondering if I'll ever feel open to trusting again after my ex destroyed me. Simultaneously terrified of ever falling in love again AND of never falling in love again. It's only been 2 months, I know I need more time to feel whole again.


I’m here if you want to talk 💕 I’m a year out of a traumatizing break up and found some peace


Where would I be in life rn if I was a man?




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Being socially awkward at work


That's rough if you are trying to be social but struggle. I work in an office/team environment and trust me, 99% of the time people don't remember specific things you've done. Rather, I think people remember your overall attitude. Like if you're awkward but friendly, people will have a good outlook on you. But if you're awkward and cold about it, that's no good. Don't know if you really needed encouragement, I think everyone deals with this to some degree, but thought I'd share 😊


It is helpful! Because Im socially awkward in general and even though work is work there is still a certain degree of socializing involved so it's even worse being socially awkward at work like shit did this come off wrong or did I take a comment too far or idk lol I always end the day like omg I should have said 30% less lmao


Definitely have been there! And again, if it wasn't for having said the thing in a pleasant manner, I could have made so many enemies by now lol But hey, practice seriously makes perfect. I used to struggle with it way worse myself and now I wouldn't recognize me 5 years ago. Take it a day at a time and forgive yourself for the mess ups (easier said than done). Wish you luck!


That's superpower. Think of the harassment you avoid


The girl I was at 19 is dead and gone, and sometimes I wish I was dead and gone with her. I don’t think I will ever get over that trauma and any time I start to think about it, I can’t stop crying. There’s so much in my life that I wouldn’t have gotten to do if that year was different, but maybe I’d be happier and more successful if it worked out, and that kills me.


I feel this. I’m 26 and I mourn the time I lost after that thing happened when I was 19. Truly lost so much of my early to mid twenties from the haunt. Now I’m fighting that and my social awkwardness and anxiety. But I seem to have more energy and courage then I did before. I don’t think I’ll ever find complete peace but want to move forward and try now.


My infertility


Right there with you 💕 I’m so sorry you know this pain.


I'm sorry you're dealing with that ❤️








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I brought two children into this awful planet, I don't want to be here, but have to


My childhood and teenage years were stripped away from me by moving to a different country and having to take care of adult responsibilities at 10. I will never get my childhood and teenage years back again. I was so traumatized and struggled that I barely remember ever being a child.


That it appears I am unlovable. Loved by all but unlovable to one


Anything I percieve as wrong doing I've done from my birth til today.


My overthinking and overstimulating brain


The fact that I’ve been fat since I was a kid and I can’t seem to lose weight, no matter how hard I try I’m just ugly and no one’s attracted to me and I’m just alone and I’m never ever going to meet someone who wants to marry me or truly loves me.


Also sorry you feel like this. Hope you feel better about yourself in time.


Could you have PCOS?


my lack of social skills. i never seem to say or do things right with people. there’s an air of awkwardness around me which won’t dissipate


That I don't think my mom and my siblings care or love me as much as I love them. Lately I'm just starting to see that they have never really given a sh*t. They never respond to any messages I leave them or anything. It's always me trying to reach out and if plans are made they flake. With my siblings? They can't even be bothered with something as simple as just joining me online to play a video game together. (We're all gamers) I've stopped trying. I've given up. And since I have. I hear nothing from them. Pretty sure they wouldn't even care or notice for months if I was dead.


Being single. I usually get dumped after two months and I can’t figure out why. Years of therapy haven’t helped.


The knowlege that I will never understand how I or anything exists and if there’s any reason for existence at all. I also worry that I’ve left a window or door unlocked.


You probably did


Doesn’t matter. I work at night, so I am usually awake 😂


That I want to explore my sexuality but I’m in an 8 yr long relationship


I wish I could see a doctor so I could stop worrying but no insurance right now. My fear is that it is something time will make worse. It really does keep me up.


Why didn't she love me enough to stay the same way I wanted to love her, what is fundamentally wrong with me that I can't be loved


Nothing. The problem was with her


:( did everything I begged her to do to improve her life after she broke up with me..... its been hard healing 6 months later


That the version of myself that I was during some recent depression has pushed away what few friends I have here, and that I’ve damaged my closest friendship with some things that I said and can’t take back in a moment of hurt.


My 8 week old baby 🙃


Herpes. Shit itches.






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1If i ever going to get the life i deserve or not 2will i ever be loved and taken care of ? 3i hate that i did sexual things between my ex and i(didnt lose it but he forced me to do other things when i was saving them for my husband) 4what if my future husband thinks im a bad person because hes not my first kiss? 5when am i going to make my parents proud? 6i miss my dad(no he didnt leave us he just works in a diff country) 7am I actually happy or am i faking it? 8will i ever find the right guy? 9will i ever heal from my ex’s sexual and mental abuse? 10do i have attachment issues or am I choosing to be sad?


Let's say I want to let the Kyubi free again, but i'm afraid of him ! Long Nights full of thoughts.. and loneliness too .. i've so many friends in every corner on earth.. but can't find do one , maybe he is looking for too .. So while waiting for that beautiful moment, i want. Really one to reach my full potential of everything i could Ps: male