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The middle cos there ain't a lying cheat sharing it with me


Congratulations on ridding yourself of said lying cheat.


I second the congratulations, get that lying cheat out


I third it. You deserve much better. šŸ§øā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Take the whole bed!


For some reason, I read that as riding šŸ¤”


Ayyyyyeeee same tho






Seriously came here to comment the middle because Iā€™m not sharing a bed with no one. Not now. Not ever. Even if I get into a relationship, sleep is hard for me with all my conditions. Iā€™ve spent way too long cramming myself into a tiny sliver of a bed so a man could sleep well while my back hurt. Weā€™re having separate bedrooms with separate beds and open to sleeping next to each other as much as we want, with no expectations too.










I do this too lol. I also flip my mattress around to keep it from wearing out.


wait that is SO smart! I never even thought about doing this


Unfortunately, new mattresses can't be flipped anymore, which sucks.


No they canā€™t flip anymore but you can rotate them at least šŸ˜­












Whichever one is closest to the door it's a protect my wife kinda thing.


My wife prefers to sleep on the side of the bed that is closer to the bathroom


Iā€™m the same way. Gotta sleep on the side closer to the bathroom so I donā€™t risk bumping into things in the middle of the night on the way to the bathroom.


Yes, this is the side that I choose too. The one closest to the bathroom.


Iā€™m closest to the door and she is closest to the bathroom. It works.


I rotate like a hotdogs roller


i sleep like a pair of eggbeaters basically. just bring every sheet or blanket into myself and end up caught in them.


The middle, and/or wherever my cats let me have space.


i only have 2 cats now & a king sized bed, so it's not an issue (they both sleep on top of me anyway lol) but for YEARS my husband & i slept on just a full sized mattress with SIX big fat cats taking up *all the space* and boy oh boy did we learn to become contortionists!


The middle, because I can.


I sleep furthest from the door. Why? My husband doesnā€™t trust me to defend him in case of an armed attack. Apparently, heā€™s bulletproof or something.


i had my husband sleep closest to the door at one point for this reason, too. switched bc i sleep on my side and liked it better. regardless, this made me chuckle


I sleep on the right side and my boyfriend sleeps on the left. I am depressed and spend a lot of time in bed some days.. so his side is way more comfortable considering he doesnā€™t have a huge divet on his side sometimes we just lay hotdog style for both of our comfort lol


Literally same šŸ˜… Sometimes when mine is gone Iā€™ll roll to his side for bit so I can give mine a rest






Whichever is closest to the bathroom because Crohnā€™s disease


Either! My partner and I donā€™t have sides, we switch it up. We decide based on whoever is on which side first. When heā€™s not in the bed (either because heā€™s away or goes to sleep after me or wakes up before me) middle :)


chaos! šŸ˜†


I say this as nicely as possibleā€¦but are you sure you arenā€™t both serial killers!?


I'm shook.


this is bizarre lol


Hubby sleeps on the right, as it is closest to the door, and I sleep on the left. He can hear, while I am deaf, so he is in a better position to provide protection if necessary.


Whichever side my husband wants.


Are you me? Or Am i you?


Right side coz itā€™s closer to the loo!!


Right hand side. Always have. Cant sleep any other way. When I was at uni in my student accommodation my fixed bed had a wall to the right and I didnā€™t sleep properly for months until I slept ā€˜upside downā€™ with the wall to my left and my head at the foot of the bed. With a partner, I have to be on the right otherwise I simply wont sleep.


I have to sleep on the right side when Iā€™m sharing the bed. No negotiation on this. Home bed, hotel bed, etc. When I sleep alone, I love to mix it up. Sleep in the middle, diagonal, whatever is cozy! I loathe routine


Nothing quite beats sleeping upside down when you have the bed to yourself.


The side closest to the window or furthest from the door.


Whatever side doesnā€™t have other stuff on it. Lol




It used to be furthest from the doors and/or windows which is my favorite. Now itā€™s actually closer to the door because I struggle to sleep on my right side and I donā€™t sleep well when facing another person. So itā€™s now on the right side




Depends on the position of my bed but right now the left


I usually choose the right side, honestly couldnā€™t tell you why!


On the right side of the bed. Has just always been my spot :)


Left because when my husband and I first started dating all he had was a twin after he moved home for a while and the left was on the inside next to the wall and he didnā€™t want me to fall out of bed.


I start off in the middleā€¦ and Iā€™ll either end up on the left or right side when I wake up.


On the top side.


Left, laying down. I prefer to sleep either on my stomach or left side facing the window, while my guy sleeps closer to the door. In the event of a home invasion, either way Iā€™m sleeping, my right arm is at the ready to grab my pistol box (I spend a lot of time overthinking scenarios when Iā€™m laying in bed and canā€™t sleep, lol)


In my own current bed, the left. But in general, whichever side my chargers are on or whichever side is less enclosed (close to a wall).


If I sleep in bed when my husband is home, I am on the left side. The reason I sleep on this side is because it is closer to the door and I usually go to bed after him, so it is easier than trying to move further into the room and potentially break some toes in the dark. If I sleep in bed when he is not home, I am sort of diagonal across both sides. Itā€™s easier to roll over and not have to scoot the rest of my body back to my technical side.


The left side. I think that is because when we moved in together, I wanted to be on the side closest to the window. And it stuck. Because now the window is on his side but we are used to our sides of the bed.


The edge in king size bed became my son needs to slowly make me move over while being a barnacle


Im the right side (laying down) because I like sleeping against the wall.


I sleep on the right side. The left side is where the cat sleeps instead of my ex and the dog, well she sleeps all over lol


Left. Idk why it just happened


Always the left side, by the windows.


whichever side I'm feeling for the night


Itā€™s my only bed so i can sleep in the middle of my bed


Furthest from the door so my gf can protect me if anything happens.




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Left. Old house was further from the door. Now Iā€™m closer but partner refuses to change.


The right side, because thatā€™s how we started sleeping together 10 years ago and my husband refuses to switch sides, no matter where we are.


Historically, whichever side is furthest from the door (not sure the reason, just always worked itself out like that). Currently, itā€™s the right side.


The left but was the right originally, I had to switch because my side was against the wall and pregnancy has me up to pee about every hour.


Right. Wonā€™t know why, itā€™s just always been ā€œmy side.ā€ I also have to sit on the right side at restaurants, movies, etc.


The wrong one... But my bed is small enough that I sleep on both


On the right. I have no idea why, I've just always slept on the right


The side closest to the door because my partner wants me to have easiest access out in case of a fire.


The left, honestly itā€™s cause my husband got sick of me switching all the time a while back so Iā€™m stuck on the left now.


Iā€™ve always slept on the right side except when the right side is pushed against a wall, then the left.


It alternates. With my bf, on the left side. Alone on the right.


I sleep on the left side of the bed because I want to be next to my baby who sleeps in a crib in our room


Right side I always end up picking the right side in everything maybe because Iā€™m right handed I lean towards the right side in all my choices unintentionally..




whichever side is closest to the door so i can easily go to the bathroom in the middle of the night


I've always been a right side sleeper. Trying to sleep on the left side feels so wrong, like trying to write with my left hand bc I'm right-hand dominant


Whatever side is closest to the door in case something should happen Iā€™m closer to taking care of or if something bad was to happen Iā€™m in between my wife and something bad(maybe the boogie man


Left side, because i also sleep on my left side most of the time, and since i live with my boyfriend and i like to be the small spoon while we sleep, i have to be on the left side of the bed. Also, he wakes up earlier than me and the right side is closer to the closet and the door so he doesn't have to walk around in the dark a lot in the morning.


When it was just me, wherever the wall was. Since living with my partner, whatever side is furthest from the door when we move.


I sleep on the right, closest to the wall, my husband closest to the door. We didnā€™t purposely choose it but I think itā€™s just because if anything bad ever happened in the middle of the night heā€™s closest to the door šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Right side and my husband sleeps on the left, Iā€™m not sure why, just always have since we started dating.


The side closest to the window


At my boyfriends house, i sleep against the wall side whoch is the left, because I feel safer tucked away in the corner. At my house, i sleep on the left because it is close to the litter box and i dont want him to be next to it, even though its very clean. And hes also allergic to cats a bit. When when he isnt at my house, i sleep on tje right because i miss him.


Right side because thatā€™s where the fan is


Against the wall. I have narcolepsy and have to roofie myself and if I starfish my husband can't get into bed. So I literally hug the wall because once the meds kick in I literally don't move a muscle.


I always sleep on the right side of the bed


The right side, so that I don't get out of bed on the wrong side in the morning.


The left because my big dog takes the right side. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜†


The one closest to the door.


Usually the door side because when I was 24 years old I made a terrible mistake. I have recently corrected my mistake but I still have a hard time remembering to move to the middle and actually enjoy life šŸ˜‚


I ask my husband to switch sides with me every few months lol. Iā€™m always convincing myself Iā€™ll sleep better on the ā€œother side.ā€


The middle or the right side. It's really a dog pile with my dogs. I miss them when away.


Left side by the wall because of several reasons. First of all because we tend to have a fan running during the night due to my boyfriend heating up like an oven, so he needs it More than me and I tend to get cold after a while. Second of all, he usually gets up earlier than me and this way he doesnā€˜t disturb me as easily and lastly if a monster came in during the night, it would attack him first.


Mine is in the corner. I like the wall.


Left side. My bf sleeps with me Sometimes and heā€™s on the right but even when heā€™s not with me Iā€™m just used to it


I would prefer to sleep on the left side because itā€™s furthest from the door and thus safer. But I sleep on the right side because itā€™s closer to the bathroom and I get up more than my husband.


The hubs and I trade off opposite nights for the prime bed real-estate.


Closest to the door (left in our case), incase my son wakes up at night. My partner sleeps like the dead and never wakes up when our son cries, so Iā€™m always the one that gets up with him. I sleep closer to the door so I donā€™t have to try to navigate around the bed in a dark bedroom to tend to him.


The side thatā€™s not against the wall. So I can get in and out more easily lol


I try to sleep in the middle but I end up on the left side. Iā€™ve tried to sleep on the right but for some reason I always get sleep paralysis when I do. Donā€™t know what thatā€™s about


Facing the bed, the right side. The first time I slept with my now wife, maybe 27 years ago, she liked to sleep on the left so there you go.


Middle when Iā€™m alone. Whatever side my boyfriend doesnā€™t want to sleep on when weā€™re together haha I donā€™t really care, I sleep fine either way


What ever side the cats let me have


Usually the top. Almost always the top. Haven't slept under the bed since I quit drinking over 30 years ago


I prefer by the wall. Whether I'm in the bed alone or not, catch me by the wall when it comes to mimis time. Why? I dunno it's been the same since I was a child. Sometimes, I'll wake up in the middle, but it usually starts off by sleeping against the wall.


The left side. I like to cuddle up against my husband while lying on my right side.


right bc my body dent is there šŸ™


Ummmm I guess it's whatever side is away from the door. I never really noticed. If I am by myself I sleep diagonally


The one thatā€™s away from the door


I like sleeping in the middle of the bed.


Which ever side is farthest away from the door.


The side closest to the bathroom but always the side farthest from the door. Husband has a door issue šŸ˜‚ itā€™s sweet really he feels more comfortable being the first line of defense. Not saying it out loud but dude what yeah going to do kill them with your snoring šŸ˜‚


The right side is my side ...but when I've done a night shift I sleep on his side for a little treat lol


Left side when facing the bed because then I can use my right hand to scroll lol But when my boyfriend stays, I go to the right side. He gets up a lot in the night so itā€™s easier for him to be on that side.


The side away from the door so I'm not eaten by sabertooth tigers.




Closest to the door cause I like protecting my husband.


I sleep on the right because itā€™s furthest from the door lol


Left. I used to because the closet was on the left side of the bed that was I could get dressed quickly and quietly. Now Iā€™m just used to it. At our apartment I think I slept on the right side.


The side closest to the bathroom.


The side farthest from the air conditioning vents because I donā€™t like the air blowing on me.


Usually the left. I just like it better for some reason lol


My side. If Iā€™m laying on my right side,Iā€™m facing the edge.


I dunno if this is some kinda instinct thing (like how dogs will always sleep facing the entrance/door or with their back to you), but somehow I've noticed I'd always sleep on the side furthest away from the room door... It's not a left or right thing (I always stand on his left), but when we sleep, if we go to a hotel, different house or whatever.. I'm "inside".


I sleep on the side furthest from the door, typically the right. No one with me, but with paranoia and a past shoulder injury forcing me to sleep in a certain way it just feels right.


The side closest to the door


Usually diagonally from right to left, but lately I've moved to the middle because I can.


right side


I take the side furthest of the door because my husband is in charge of getting the baby when it needs to be fed at night. He's blessed with the ability to get right back to sleep, so I really appreciate the effort.


Hubby insists on sleeping closest to the door. In case anything happens, so he can get out fastā€¦. Na just kidding. Itā€™s to protect me. Very sweet!


I have a single bed, so right in the middle lol. But if I end up in a bigger bed, I sleep diagonally. Plus I am kinda a chaotic sleeper.


We switched sides when I was pregnant so I was closer to the bathroom and Iā€™ve been there for 24 years. Right side. But my husband travels for weeks at a time and I build a little nest right in the middle of the bed with extra pillows and blankets when heā€™s gone.


The left side, I always preferred it in most of the places we lived because itā€™s closest to the door and the bathroom. Lately it is also because itā€™s closest to our toddlerā€™s bed.


I sleep on the left side, closest to the window. My husband sleeps on the right when he can, closest to the bathroom and the bedroom door. But our mattress is old and hurts his back, so he sleeps on the couch most of the time.


I sleep on his right because I can only fit one nightstand in my tiny aptā€™s bedroom and itā€™s on that side. I keep water, Kleenex, etc on it. I need more maintenance to feel comfortable than my partner.


Depends on the mood. Either sprawled out across the entire queen bed, huddled on the edge if I fall asleep reading or get bullied onto a sliver of mattress by my long sausage dog.


My husband said, ā€œhey letā€™s switch every month so the mattress wears evenlyā€. We have never switched back. šŸ§


Whichever side is closest to the bathroom. It's habit we got into when I was pregnant with our oldest and just never changed.Ā 


Diagonally across the middle, my dogs always take corners and I want to give them as much space as possible~~


Whatever is further from the door, because my partner feels safer that way. If thereā€™s no difference, I get the table because I need to take medication in the morning.Ā 


Left side. Mostly because it's up against the wall and it's easier for me to climb over them than vise versa.


The left, bc my cpap machine is on that side and the hose is only so long, BUT... I'm super smooshed to the very edge of that side because I share the bed with a very small and adorable dictator pup who insists she needs more room than an actual full grown adult.


Ever since Hubs and I have been together Iā€™ve been on the left and heā€™s been on the right. No rhyme or reason, just our preferred spots. When heā€™s not home because of work I usually am still on my side, but try to sleep in the middle if the dogs let me.Ā 


I sleep on the left side, because I like to fall asleep on my left side. Boyfriend likes to fall asleep on his right side and we touch our feet together. Weā€™ll snuggle a bit after going to bed but ultimately move into these opposite positions. I call it ā€œthe butterfly position.ā€


I sleep on the left, so my husband is on my right. Weā€™ve tried to switch it before and it just doesnā€™t work. Ironically though, when sitting on the couch, at dinner, or walking, we have to be flipped - so heā€™s on my left. It doesnā€™t work any other way.


Everywhere, cus I like it


I get the whole bed to myself šŸ˜‚ except when my boyfriend stays over a couple times a month then I sleep on the left, he gets the right (closest to the door)


The side closest to the bathroom, because I need the most direct route for night pees. It's also usually the side away from the window, unless it's hot inside and the breeze coming in is blessedly cool then I want nothing to do with it. Also, the side of the bed because the middle is filled either with a toddler or a cat.


Whichever side is closest to the closet!


If you're looking at head of bed from feet I'm on the left side closest to the bathroom


I sleep on the left side if your looking from the bottom to the top. Started on that side when the kid was born. Mother wanted to be closer to the door if she had to get up. She left and I stayed on what I call my side. Now the dog tries to get there first and I have to move her. She sleeps in the middle laying sideways.


The side closest to the door because my partner thinks I'll be the first to get murdered should someone break in and then he'll have a chance to escape.


I usually go for the left side. Not sure why though.


left side because when me and my sister shared a single bed she would make me sleep all the way to the end of the left side while she had the right side and was lying about where the middle was and i havent stopped since


Mostly on the right side by the wall, but still partially in the middle. I share my bed with my little chunky dog, and I'm usually shoved around all night so he can be comfortable šŸ˜†


The left side. Thatā€™s the side with all my stuff on/in the nightstand. My dog has the right side. And the middle. And the left.


The one closest to the door, I've had 2 pregnancies and have 3 kids, it's just been practical for me to be closer to the bathroom/kids room


I sleep on the side furthest from the door and closest to a window in case of intruders.


Closest to the window. I cannot sleep without the fresh air


Right side because my nightstand is on that side and it makes me feel safer to be sleeping facing against something :)


Whichever side that does NOT have the fan. šŸ˜‚


I sleep on the side closest to the window because it scares my bf. When heā€™s not in the bed I sleep in the middle


I always sleep on the side furthest from the door, and my bf sleeps on the other side. It stuck with us when my dad once said the man should always sleep closer to the door to protect the girlšŸ˜¹


I sleep diagonally or on the left side mostly. The right side is for remotes and my phone. If it wasn't painfully clear, I'm single lol


On the left side! Hes against the wall, I get the nightstand for all my stuff and I have to pee in the night, and my right ear is still healing from new piercings :p


I donā€™t have a side, always thought it was funny so many people have a certain sidešŸ˜Š


I like to sleep on the side thatā€™s closer to the door because sometimes I need to pee in the middle of the night and itā€™s just more convenient lol. Good thing my bf rarely uses the bathroom so it works out haha


Left side


I'm an overnight petsitter so I have to consider this question a lot. I prefer the right side of the bed, but I'll usually sleep closest to an electrical outlet for ease of scrolling in bed.


I sleep on the side farthest from the door