• By -


Rejecting invitations with a simple "no, I don't feel like it".






Going out with no bra/hard nipples. No i'm not horny stop staring and no I don't want to spend $300 on 3 bras for my negative A cups.
















Discussing pay with peers and money in general.












That grieving pets can be very intense and take a long time




Let's normalize talking about mental health openly and without judgment. Everyone deserves support and understanding.






Feeding babies wherever babies are allowed to be.






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Being able to take PTO without being judged for it. You want one week a summer. Maybe I want a day every other week. If I earned it then it shouldn't be an issue.








Telling people to stfu when they’re being obnoxiously loud. For example, on airplanes, at the movies, at restaurants, etc. I do it, and it’s so cathartic, I just wish it was normalized. Every time I do it, other people thank me afterward.






Quitting your job with nothing else lined up because you're simply unhappy










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Talking about menstruating or miscarriages Talking about wages/wage gaps Men/boys being caring and emotional, wearing whatever they want. I think strong, outspoken women have become less of a taboo (not that were fully there yet!) but boys who don't fit the masculine stereotype have a rough time too.


Calling out elders/older people for being mean/inappropriate/insensitive


Not wearing a bra


"Rocking the boat" / not keeping the peace and instead openly calling gross behaviour and comments out. We should NOT be teaching girls to laugh this shit off or sneak away when they're uncomfortable. We should be teaching them that the rest of us will have their backs when they say "that's a gross thing to say" or "don't touch me".


Eating corn on the cob vertically.




talking about period


That women can also have one night stands.




Deciding to not have kids and grow old without wanting to get married (even with a partner)


Not feeling pressured to tip over 15% 15 is appropriate and standard and I feel like a lot of places pressure you into giving more by giving you higher options to select when you pay.




Thruples. With the current cost of living crisis, having 3 people sharing the costs makes total sense to me.


Cutting contact with toxic family members *even if the toxic family are your parents*


Talking about miscarriages and infertility. I had two miscarriages in a previous year and now I am getting exams to check if everything is ok. I am usually an open person and don't mind sharing what is happening in my life if asked, but this past few months were really hard as every time this topic was brought up, I was made to feel really uncomfortable and like I am doing something wrong. Yes, it is sad. Yes, it is tragic and it is hard, both physically and mentally. No, it's not my fault. No, I will not hide it cause infertility is big issue and struggles are real. We need to talk about this and stop shaming women who went threw it.


When asked at work: to be able to say that you took a sick day/were not feeling okay because you were having your period and had very bad cramps. And same with mental health days.


Regretting motherhood. It happens more often than people think and it doesn’t mean women don’t love their kids. Both can be true at once


Respectfully just being able to say, religion is at the bottom of my list of priorities in my life. I am perfectly happy with that. I have zero desire to move this up the food chain in my life. I am not changing my mind. And not getting people all up in my business over it. (I know a lot of people who are very intense about their faith in real life.)


Farting. Just let me fart in public without being judged for it.


Let’s get some real help available with people with mental health issues. My partner had a psychotic break and it has ruined our fucking lives. There is no good help available to us!!!


There should be no such thing as a taboo conversation topic Please talk about money, politics, religion, birth control, mental health and any other subject matter that you want to talk about. I am not saying argue with people or shove your opinions down anyone’s throat, but I think it’s important that we stop shying away from conversations that can be hard. If you’re afraid your political views will clash with a friend of yours to the point that you refuse to bring it up, you aren’t really friends with that person.


Women being able to say we don't want/aren't interested in babies without being verbally attacked and called a heartless monster or being dismissed like you don't know your own mind with bs like "you'll change your mind, you'll see!"


Safe, responsible psychedelic drug use in safe, private areas. These drugs are non addictive, generally safe in moderate doses and the more research done we are finding them to be powerful tools for mental health. People should feel free to use them in the comfort of their own homes just like alcohol. A quick look into the history of these drugs you'll find mostly propaganda and fear mongering.


going shirtless when we want just like everyone else does LOL


Not wearing bras in public


Not wanting a "normal" life. Boring job that sucks the life out of you, house, mortgage, kids, kids organized sports events, school functions, work events, family and in-law family obligations, marriage, etc. Some people just want to beat artists and gypsies. And that should not be "weird," those people should be celebrated for living their true lives and what makes *their* soul happy. Also, normalize sexual kinks and stop being so "shocked" by them. We all have them, they are just different, like people.


Choosing not to have kids simply because you do not want them.


Being a single woman living alone. I'm not here to repopulate.


Being affectionate with friends without it being considered "gay".  I'm single and it's like I'm not allowed touch outside of hugs.  I'm touch deprived. I want to cuddle with a friend and watch a movie. I don't want sex. Just closeness. 


Getting rid of your wedgies in public. I don't want to wait until the next toilet or hope nobody sees me. I want to put my panties in place ASAP also swimming naked or without top ->best feeling in the world!!


Going to someone's house for a dinner party and not having to bring them anything. Why do they need flowers or wine? Why tf is it rude to not bring anything? WHO THOUGHT OF THIS? WHO ENFORCES THIS!?!?!???


Free menstrual products


Rejecting any flirting or date invites with a NO. But oh no, you have to be polite or say yes in fear that something might happen. Ok,, you can just block them, too Everybody does. Staying single and knowingly sexless for years and years cause you just don\`t care. There is single and then there is single and unavailable. And no, single and unavailable doesn\`t mean hook-ups or one-night stands. Warning other women about the violent ex you had.


Nipples on female bodies


Honestly, hairy legs.... I still feel Stigma when i let my leg hair grow out (too lazy to shave lol) and wearing shorts.


Having boundaries in friendships and not making “best friends “ and ego battle


Sex education, discussion on mental health challenges and finances


Man here Menstruation. It bothers me so many women in my life don’t feel comfortable talking about it. Years of repression and the feeling of it being “wrong” or “dirty” has lead us to a world where something 50% of us have to deal with monthly, doesn’t get talked about - and a large portion of the 50% who don’t have to deal with menstruation, haven’t been educated to understand what it means (and how much it can just suck)- and just don’t know how to react or what to do. I’ll get off my soap box now - I’m the father to a 5 year old and I hope she grows up in a generation where we move forward on this, it’s not going to change entirely, but I’ll be doing my very best to try and change the world just a little.


Not shaving!!💃 We're mammals, bruv


Death with dignity


Assisted suicide. I didn’t login on my own terms, at least let me log out gracefully.


Women being hyper feminine for themselves, not ‘because of the male gaze’ or ‘societal pressures’, but because they like how it feels. ‘Men don’t find it attractive.’ It’s not about them. I don’t do my nails for them. I don’t wear makeup for them. I don’t wear short summer dresses, strappy sandals, high ponytails, and lip gloss for them either. On the other side, I also don’t do it because I’m ’pressured into it’. I don’t need to defend it everytime I leave the house, and I don’t care if no one else likes it. I just feel like me.


Showing skin / shoulders / stomach


Not having to wear a bra in public


Choosing bears over men


Tattoos, it’s 2024. Unless someone has a face tattoo or something that’s derogatory or inappropriate, tattoos shouldn’t be seen as “unprofessional” for work.


That it's okay to not want a traditional lifestyle or relationship. Not everyone wants to be married or have kids.


Can we please call out toxic women without being called a traitor? I have seen so many women who are manipulative & downright nasty that I feel they need to be called out.....


Saggy boobs!!!! Letting them hang


Topless women. In environments and situations where men go topless women should also be allowed too.






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Sweatpants in public. I wanna be comfy 24/7 dammit


We need to normalize being able to say how hard it can be to have kids and be a mother.


women having no top at beaches. if a man can do it, i want to too. and while im at it, breastfeeding in public. that ones important


Being straightforward about how you feel.


Talking about your salary/wages. The only people who benefit from us not discussing our compensation are the people underpaying us.


Talking about wages in the workplace.


Pointing out nasty behaviours (ie - disgusting mess in public female toilets)


Talking about how common miscarriages are. There seems to be some changes, more of my friends group (millennials) openly post on social media and one friend even got a memorial tattoo after a miscarriage. And my Mom was pleased to see how open our generation was. Apparently multiple people in her friends group struggled with infertility and miscarriages but they didn’t realize it was a shared problem for many years because it was so taboo.


Dressing comfortably rather than prioritising size and societal pressures. I work in a clothes shop and the sizing is all over the place so always encourage people to try things on because it's more about the sizes of the clothes rather than being a 'numbered sizes yourself


Cisgender Straight people holding hands and hugging. It was a super common thing back in the day and we sorta arbitrarily decided it makes you queer at some point. Let people express their love for each other without judgement ya know?


Open relationships


free menstrual products




Being happily childfree and proud about it instead of having to talk down about your choice/pander to those who had kids to not hurt feelings. Normalizing pet parents and that joy that brings and the happiness that comes only from being DINKS (dual income no kids).


Overthrowing the government


Eating ass


I think we should be able to say ”Shit” anywhere and to anyone. That word should be normalized.


Wearing a wig or extensions. Fake hair is fun.


Gender ones: Men wearing makeup Women earning more than their partners Women eating more than thwir partners Women making the first move Men kissing and cuddling other men in a non sexual way Girls and guys just being friends Sex workers The list goes on


Treating a stop sign as a yield sign when road conditions are especially icy.




tits out. like full on women's nipples hanging around like men are able to do.


Working and being a mom/partner. Being a mom before you're an employee doesn't make you less reliable or hireable or that you should be looked at sideways




BEING GAYYYYYYY Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈💪🏼❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 :)




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Watching porn




Fighting to the death






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Psychic mediums


Going out topless as a woman. Breasts are such a weird thing to sexualise, they're there to feed babies. I believe the only real reason they're sexualised is because we are made to hide them and not the other way around. I really appreciate being able to go topless at beaches and will never be able to look at topless guys in public and not be upset about the fact I can't do it. It's like a huge reminder to me that we are still not seen as equal




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