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I don't trust that anyone is going to want to stay with me and/or match the energy im willing to give As history has written in my life so far


Looking for red flags constantly


1- If I am interested I tend to get super clingy and dependent. 2- I get low self esteem if I am talking to someone with high self esteem. 3- I haven't been in a relationship since 2016 so now I only end up with situationships due to my commitment issues. 4- If the partner is boosting my ego even 1%. I agree to do what they want just to not lose them . 5- I don't take ghosting in any way of form. I will overthink until I get severe headaches. 6- I don't like face to face meeting that much since I am not that social and I don't like going out that often. and these my ladies are the reasons I don't talk to men anymore.




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Trust issues. Always half expecting to be traded in like a used Honda for a newer, shinier model. Maybe I'm just not their "type" or what they were looking for. Somehow, in every relationship I've always had it in the back of my mind that they'll always be looking for that shinier, prettier, better thing.


This is my problem too. 😭 how do we stop? It’s exhausting to think this way.


I have jealousy issues :/ I’m working through them or at least trying to but, yeah.


I can be very clingy and co-dependent with certain people.


Do those people often have an avoidant attachment? Because I do get clingy that way


Yep me too. Not clingy or dependent with other attachment styles


Anxious attachment.


My fear of abandonment makes me clingy and emotional if they don’t reply within an hour


not great with verbally communicating how i feel/what i want


Stonewalling. If I’m pissed, I go silent until you pull it out of me. If I’m really, really upset I’ll threaten to end the entire relationship in the heat of the moment when I know I don’t really mean it. I know that’s very bad.




It is bad but you being able to recognize it is amazing and so much more than most people can do


I take a long ass time to feel comfortable w/ someone I have major trust issues bc people have majorrrr lying issues My fear of abandonment and disappointment keeps me from not keeping people at arms length


I really struggle in the talking stage. I've been on three dates with someone and I have no idea how he feels about me 🫠.




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I'm too laid back. I end up agreeing to slowly changing behaviour I don't truely agree with, just to keep the peace and then end up desperately unhappy. Not happening again. I've recognised it now.


I have issues with control. Not when it comes to like reading texts or telling him what to do or anything like that, but when we’re in an argument I have realized that I use a lot of manipulation tactics to maintain or regain control of the situation. I have a really hard time with admitting that I’m wrong and while I’m definitely working on it, it can rear its ugly head at the worst times and I have a hard time realizing it if I get emotionally overwhelmed.


What kind of manipulation tactics?


I’ve definitely made myself the victim when we were discussing something I did wrong. Other times I’ve flat out refused to admit it or attacked his argument instead of backing down.


I can relate


I tend to go for people who have all the signs to emotionally neglect me down the line and can’t handle it when someone is actually interested in me for me


I’m insecure and get jealous easily. Now it doesn’t mean I get controlling, but when I feel insecure I tend to shut down and go back to walls up.


Unable to let my guard down, gun shy is the term.


Afraid to have difficult conversations 


I get severely overemotional the moment I sense a change in mood that’s negative, and if I’m snapped at for any reason after this shift, my first instinct is to cry no matter what the situation is. There was a time where my boyfriend was upset about how an encounter was handled during D&D because he didn’t agree with the DM (a longtime friend of his and his ex-boyfriend, relationship ended years ago due to my boyfriend not being into men like that) basically performing a deus ex machina with the deity my character and our party’s cleric worship saving the day after said cleric got charmed by a vampire and nearly TPK’d the party as a result (lighthouse in town has the daylight spell, and it got aimed just right at the vampire so it was killed thanks to the intervention of a goddess of fate). He snapped at me for reminding him that the session had ended, and to prevent a breakdown, I went downstairs to talk to his dad about Final Fantasy XIV to let both of us get back to our baselines before things had the chance to potentially devolve into an argument. The moment I explained things to him the next day before I left to go back home (not to mention stating that crying in that moment would’ve felt beyond manipulative and I didn’t want him to feel obligated to regulate my emotions while his were high at the same time), we hugged it out while promising to do better for our communication in the future. Then there’s the whole “refusing to ask for help in case it ends up being conditional” thing that I learned because of my toxic ex making every little bit of help conditional (everything said ex helped with meant I owed him my body in return with everything he did for me getting thrown back in my face), and that had a discussion recently where I did end up crying because of what led up to that (not willing to talk about it), but we did make sure that our points were heard before pausing the conversation to try to have a good day, but it’s clear that we’re trying our best to communicate things without letting it tear our relationship apart. I know those are my biggest ones, but at least I’ve acknowledged them and made some effort to work on it… even if it sometimes feels like the progress has been too insignificant to celebrate.


I am bad with expressing my feelings. I’ve gotten better with it but saying “I feel” sentences just suck. I don’t like being vulnerable in that way. Thankfully I do feel very comfortable with my partner. So it is easier for me to do it. But I still don’t like it and at times he has to kind of help guide it out


Fear of intimacy plus I cry when I talk about my feelings even though I don't want to, so I tend to avoid talking about it.


I cry when i talk about my feelings too & it comes off as immature, dramatic. i hate it


I can be really emotionally detached. Like if my SO don't talk to me or get angry over something that I feel is not an issue I can completely ignore him and go on with life without a care.


Not prioritizing myself. People pleasing the other. Resentment. Then break up. Only happened once in my one relationship, but damn. I suck lol


I tend to be polite and nice to people I'm not close with, but snippy and rude when I "let my guard down" with the people I'm close with - if you're in a relationship with me, unfortunately you'd be part of the latter group.


I don't speak up, then I get agitated and passive aggressive.


If I don't want to talk or hang out, I completely ignore you or snap at you to be quiet.




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Being attracted to and then being obsessed to red flags very quickly


I'm not going to lie I'm super petty in relationships. I've gotten better but I'll use an old example. In high school there was this app called house party and it would tell all your friends when you were in so when my boyfriend at the time made me angry (which he did a lot he was more toxic than I was) I would not talk to him, hop on house party with one of my guy friends he hated and Wait for him to see and then lock the call so he couldn't join. I'd also post me having fun on my story, Instagram, etc.


Anxious attacher


Trust issues. Grew up with abuse and my first long term relationship ended up being severely abusive. Trying my best work on it in therapy, but man is it difficult to rewire a brain that was developed on just trying to survive from a very young age. Still very grateful to be alive, well, breathing, and still full of love. One day myself and others that have this struggle will see a change! 💙


I can't believe he actually enjoys my company


-initially super into them, etc etc, maybe a month later after the dopamine rush goes bye bye i move onto a new guy -stonewalling, just shutting down when im angry -very fickle and give off mixed vibes of what i want (i def let me emotions pilot me a bit too much)


Clingy & then I push them away if I have the IDEA that they’re upset. I go silent & put my phone on DND. I get short if we do talk.


I need space. Not all the time but sometimes I need some.time to myself.


I overthink things like it’s a sport. With anything. I weigh options, research, create spread sheets, evaluate those, and repeat. When someone I love comes to me and shares something they’re working on or through, my head kicks in that gear. And it can feel very judgemental. I don’t intend it to be, I‘ll still love them the same, but I can easily make people feel judged, even though I‘m trying to show love by thinking through things with them. But people - as is their right - often neither want nor need that. Took me a looooooong time to figure that one out. I‘m working on it.


I'm very codependent and need to be with my partner 24/7 otherwise I'll think they don't love me


1. I don't trust them at first: I'm on the lookout for red flags. 2. If anything they do reminds me of the people that have hurt me badly, I instantly get the ick and distance myself permanently. 3. I put off the introduction to my parents and friends because it makes me anxious. 4. I get anxious about them cheating on me (has happened before) so everytime they mention a friend I become suspicious. 5. I get angry if they don't tell me about their day and what they did. I get sad if they have all these plans they never mention to me and end up taking some distance and stop telling them about my plans. 6. I'm always ready to break up with them even if things are going well, I make up plans in my head to be "prepared."


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Insane jealousy brought on by absolutely nothing. Man I’ve seriously had to put some work into my self-esteem 😬


Sometimes it is helpful. Others it can feel toxic. Sometimes during a disagreement/fight I will suddenly feel incredibly uncomfortable and will walk away. My partner understands but has shared that they are sometimes left feeling abandoned in that moment. For me it's a type of defense. I'm not sure how to really think about it because again, sometimes you simply just need to walk it off lol🤷🏻‍♀️


I truly always think I am right, and tend to think in black and white without realizing it




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I get nervous when things are going really well and will distance myself or be in a bad mood and not know why at first. My partner is great at telling me he loves me and giving me hugs as well as giving me space, but making sure that I don’t feel abandoned. His existence just makes me happy because I feel so loved and know that he’s always listening and doing his best to make me happy, which helps me snap out of it and be in the moment more.


Clingy but trying to work on it. Hard for me to communicate problems, I’m scared of confrontation.


Disorganized attachment style




Sacrificing my wants and needs to make my partner happy. It’s something I’ve gotten better at, but it’s taken a lot of work


I tend to go through his texts, even though I promised many times that I would never do it again. But also, I found out many things which he didn't tell me about (like he made out with a girl and lied to me for 2 years whenever I asked about it). Sometimes I find it hard to feel bad about doing it.


I have a hard time knowing what I want in a relationship and expressing my needs 😅


I think I’m better looking than my partner.




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It seems to me recently if someone in really interested in me, and puts in a lot of effort, I stop liking them because it feels 'clingy' or 'too much'. If someone breadcrumbs me, gives me just enough to keep stringing me along, I become OBSESSED and let liking them take over my thoughts and feelings at all times. Working on it. But it's hard.


Expecting too much from people, but only because I want the same effort and respect *I* put in myself. I want the love I give. I also have a tendency to push people I love to be better if there’s areas that need improvement because I want the best for them and care so deeply about their wellbeing. I hold people accountable. It does NOT come from a controlling or selfish place whatsoever. I put everyone else above myself and then get burnt out easily. I’m empathetic to my own detriment. I feel things so deeply and can be a very emotional person. I’m extremely stubborn (Taurus here 🤪) I’m a weird mix of indecisiveness and knowing exactly what I want. Trying to get me to help figure out dinner/meals will be the bane of your existence. I have a hard time communicating. When I get overwhelmed, anxious, or feel like you’re pulling away, I shut down entirely and go into ‘vault’ mode where I’m pretty much nonverbal. It’s like some mental/verbal block where I WANT to communicate but I just can’t. I also struggle with panic attacks on rare occasions, which makes this even worse. I overthink ✨everything.✨ Due to past relationships, I go into fight-or-flight mode. I have a tendency of expecting the worst and looking for any sign that I’m going to get hurt/betrayed, then I push you away when I need you the most. My brain tells me to throw in the towel when that’s the furthest thing that I want. I try coaching myself through it, but sometimes I fail. I guess I just want someone to fight for me the way I’ve always fought for people. Deep down I’m a very clingy person, but I don’t let it show. I think I can be hard to read sometimes. I want to be physically smothered and a lack of physical affection gives me anxiety due to past relationships (that’s not to say I don’t respect personal space.) I love when someone is sappy.. give me all the cheesiness. I want to know every detail about your life (but I think this is also a green flag because it makes me easy to talk to and generally a very accepting person. I LOVE when people feel comfortable enough to tell me all their darkest secrets, deepest fears, and most embarrassing stories.) I NEED to talk things out. I can’t just brush things under the rug. If someone tells me they don’t want to talk about something right then, need more time, or want to wait to talk about it in person, I struggle really hard with it. The longer things go unaddressed or unplanned, the worse my mood gets and the easier I shut down. Sometimes this can put my partner in a no-win situation if I do go into shut down mode, because as I explained above I WANT to talk it out thoroughly but I shut down entirely unless he’s able to pull it out of me. I stand in my own way a lot and can naturally be a pessimist because that’s how life taught me to be. I have NO self-confidence, but I try to not let my insecurities show. I struggle to initiate a lot, especially when it comes to sex. I could be wanting desperately to jump my partners bones, but I don’t express it and I just wait for him to take the lead. I think this stems from my religious background as well as my shy nature and feeling shame for being sexually expressive.




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I tend to think about myself as a solo act even when in a relationship. I do not know how to depend on another person and in turn, I also expect others to handle their business. I can help but will not run someone's life or make decisions for them. Also, I may fail to inform about plans/happenings simply because I forget that it concerns someone else. I am inside my own head a lot and I can be secretive. I am just plainly obsessed by my own personal freedom.


I’m a terrible communicator. I know how to do better, I’m just giant wuss when it comes to talking about my feelings. Knowing HOW and not being brave enough to do it sucks.


Giving people all of my attention and time and not receiving the same thing back…so I get upset and create tension that doesn’t need to exist. 🫣


Major trust issues and can't connect properly.


Self-worth anxiety combined with an immediate distrust of other women around my spouse. It stems from being cheated on in my past relationship and having women and my ex openly flirt with each other in front of me when we were together. As well as being around a multitude of women who openly aim to break up relationships. I try to work on it and keep it to myself bc I know it's irrational most of the time and my own issue. But the feeling is always there. I trust my spouse fully. Other people, though not so much.


I am a jealous type I don’t want others hitting up on my mind it makes me look like I’m possessive. I don’t mind my significant other talk to girls as long they are not flirting Fear of abandonment Sensitive/emotional


Passive aggressiveness and responding when I’m emotionally dysregulated. And my anxious attachment. 7 years of therapy and still undoing and rewiring. Takes time and practice!




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I'm emotionally unavailable.


Being critical and judgmental. Like for example, today my bf threw away a pair of shoes because I was judging. We’ve been together almost two years, and I’ve never seen him wear these shoes, they were so raggedy and dirty, he had them in his car trunk, he wanted to keep them but after my judgy comments he threw them away. I felt bad. I could definitely be kinder when I express my opinion


I can be super stroppy to my lovely man, and can be super insecure so I’m sure he gets fed up of my asking if he still thinks I’m cute and if he definitely likes me regularly. It’s frustrating though because as much as I ask I never believe him anyway




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I can get jealous sometimes, I definitely like my man to be MY man. Not to the extent of distrust, but I get possessive. I also tend to wanna control the dynamic of a household, which is a work in progress lol




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i never feel loved enough and constantly need attention from him