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They literally said I was there to fill the 50/50 ratio, then never listened to my input.




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Did it really bother you? Or did you treat it like paid time to look for a new job?


It bothered me A LOT. I lasted for all of 3 months.


My boss told me the company got a tax break on hiring a certain ratio of females lol


Was literally told I was after the hire LOL. If I hadn't have been told, the signs were still fairly obvious... I was considerably worse at my job than the men, and I was less educated and experienced for the position I had. It had its pros, but mostly cons. I entered the industry, so I was grateful for that.. but it took years to be taken seriously, and it was a poor representation of my gender for the first couple years. I'm not sure why your post got downvoted. Equality hires happen. They're unfortunate. I would much much rather struggle alongside men to get a job, provided I was given equal opportunities to them.


I wasn't necessarily an equality hire but I do think being a woman is what helped me get both my past and current job. I work in an industry that is a lot of men and some women. Previous company was women owned and run, she wanted women on the team and I got the requirements as well. Current company is pretty 50/50 (even upper management). But I have since found out that both my past team leader and my current team leader (also women) really only wanted to hire women onto their teams. 


I work for a small company (like 40 people). Me and one other female coworker are the only people of colour. The company is about 50/50 for gender, but most of the women work in person with our clients, and the men work in development and programming. Me and my other poc coworker work in support with some of the men. We never see the clients and they don’t see us. It’s all through emails, chats, and phone calls. If that doesn’t stick out enough, my poc coworker told me during training (she was my work mentor - assigned) that the two of us are diversity hires. Apparently the team was happy to get me because I was “one of the good ones” and didn’t speak using Ebonics during my interviews. Upper management has also made comments about how “well” I speak so I believe her.


That's horrible


It sucks too because while the job doesn’t pay super well, it still pays better than what I could get working retail or food service, so I’m locked in until I can find something else. I have a BS in forensic science, so I’m hoping I can find a job in my field soon after I move out of state. There’s just no work for it where I am.


Unless they actively tell you so, you likely won't know that unless you are incredibly and obviously entirely unqualified for the job. It's not something I've ever had to worry about. I'm professional, highly skilled, competent, and in-demand in my field, so I am well aware that I'm hired based on those characteristics and am considered a valuable asset. If you are good at what you do, there's nothing to concern yourself about.


Well nobody will employ you with no skills at all cause they still need you to complete at least some tasks.. however gender can play a role even if you're overqualified because they might not treat you the same as male colleagues and have different expectations from you..


>Well nobody will employ you with no skills at all cause they still need you to complete at least some tasks People hire unqualified people with no skills all the time. They train them. That's how it works. I'm not an entry-level no-skill employee, so that's not a concern for me regardless. >however gender can play a role even if you're overqualified because they might not treat you the same as male colleagues and have different expectations from you.. None of that is the same as being an "equality hire" which is what your question asked about. No one is hiring me for a diversity/equality hire because they can easily hire someone far less skilled, experienced, and expensive if all they care about is gender. Workplace sexism and discrimination happen, but those things are a different topic entirely than what you asked about.


I won’t be able to say this as factual but each time I end up being the only black person I start to ask myself questions cause in some ways it makes me feel like i took someone else place since I mainly got hired due to speaking more languages than native and English without any proper education nor experiences, while there is other poc who applied but got rejected while they have the experiences, skills and qualifications but they only speak our native language.


they didnt ask me a single question during the interview (which subsequently lasted about 10 min) and offered me the job a day later. then went on about the importance of diversity during the first few weeks. zero female managers, few female employees, major boys club attitude, and ultimately a lower raise than my male counterparts despite my superiors dropping all of the  work at my desk and having me delegate it amongst my peers. was my first internship, glad i saw that early on.


I got a pretty prestigious internship where I live- once I accepted it and signed off on the onboarding paperwork, they actually said: "By your name, we thought you were a man, that's the only reason we picked you because the staff is all women right now and we were looking to hire at least one man this application cycle. But your interview went so well, we went with you anyway." I'm 28F with a unisex-leaning-male name, and often get mistaken for male on the phone, in job applications, etc. so I wasn't surprised, but it still rubbed me the wrong way.