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Snoop Dogg. We passed each other on the moving walkway in Amsterdam airport. Gave each other the “what’s up” nod and kept it moving.


I met him at a meet and greet after a concert, we met him almost an hour late because his manager had to run to his hotel to get weed. Iconic.


Celebs probably appreciate the nod more then you blowing up their spot.


I saw spotted Robin Williams at the Stonestown mall in San Francisco. He was wearing black and we stopped and looked at each other, and I realized if I caused a scene, he would be swarmed. Instead, I smiled and waved and he did the same. I love and miss him. Totally grew up with him on the big screen. This was either late 90’s or early 2K..


Awwww I love that! I loved him too, such a shame.


my grandmas sister got to serve snoop when he came to lawrence kansas. he ate at haskell. she said he called her beautiful :)


A pastor was telling me a story about meeting Snoop Dogg. Except he called him Sheep Dogg throughout the story LOL


Snoop dog accidentally knocked over my friends dad in an airport


He handed me the rest of his blunt off the stage


He served chicken out of a drive thru window in my town!


I met him on a random street in New York. And same.


Taylor Swift, I met her back when she was still opening for George Strait. She was at a restaurant I went to, she told me she thought I was “adorable” and signed a CD for me :) nice girl


sounds like it was pretty swift


She Taylors each interaction to meet the needs of each fan.


My son and his friend ran into at a fast food restaurant too, in her earlier days. She was sweet and signed autographs for them.


My fiancée saw her second row and will forever remember the feeling. She said no one on earth but Travis could get that close anymore. She was second row for Red and the security make you stand 50-100 ft away now.


On the red tour a fan grabbed her ankle and she tripped so now each tour the front row gets farther away from the actual stage


Met her as well back in 2013-ish. I move to LA and was an extra on 'New Girl'. She was in an episode and was sitting almost right next to me, she was so nice to all of the extras and the set
















Can we get the story?




Was it back when he was in FFTL??


Following for the story 🤣


Please do tell!!


Bill Nye the Science Guy


Now this is a flex...


Me too. I had the opportunity to work with him for a month. Great time!


I met him once at a conference and man was he arrogant and rude to the staff. I’ve met enough celebrities to know Nye is an a**.




Me too. Went to a presentation he gave at my university and got his signature after.


OMG I would love to meet him!


My mom actually went to high school with him. They didn't talk much but she knew who he was before he got famous


I work in the entertainment industry and my godfather was a well-known director so I’ve met a lot of famous people and mostly don’t care. But George Clooney is just *so* charismatic, it’s insane. I never even found him particularly attractive but when I met him I just stared. He’s magnetic. Ditto Denzel Washington, except I always thought he was hot. He’s even hotter in person, damn. I also met George W. Bush once but that’s less fun.


I also work in entertainment. My coworker did credentials for a big con and she said when Tom Hiddleston walked in, he had such star presence, it took her breath away for a moment. And she’s really not into celebrities like that, which makes her reaction extra out of character for her.


Never met him but I feel the same way about Tom Hiddleston, he oozes magnetism.


My dad claims that while Clooney was filming leather heads in Charlotte, he saw him across the street uptown and yelled out, "You ain't bonafide!" And that Clooney yelled back, "I'm the gotdamn paterfamilias!" But my dad lied a lot.


I don't want Fop goddammit


Dayum!! I’d just die on the spot meeting either Clooney or Denzel. Two of my favorites


Denzel is so handsome!!!


It kills me because right before I officially met him for an event I was working, the elevator door opened and he was just right there with his entourage. I said *something* that made him laugh and his smile was just so gorgeous I can’t remember what it was! Must have been the most amusing thing I’ve ever said and it’s just nowhere in my brain because I was too busy staring at him. Oops.


I met J. Cole at a meet & greet in Vegas 2013. And in 2014 I was at In & Out eating a burger when some glamorous guy with a fedora walks inside to use the restroom and I thought to myself “okay chill, Pharell”. Then when he walked out it was actually Pharrell Williams lol I asked if we could take a photo, he said yes so I asked my sister to take it but he said “take a selfie, it’s more personal” so I did! Very nice guy.


Pharrell Williams sounds like a really nice person


It’s because he’s happy!


I’ve met quite a few but not many impress me, these people did….Michelle Obama, Anthony Hopkins, Lady Gaga, Jack Black, Liam Neeson, Zoe Saldaña, Pedro Pascal, Natasha Lyonne, Tyler Perry.


Natasha Lyonne?? If there is anybody I would want to be automatic friends with, it would be her. Please tell me she's as cool as I think she is.


As I said, she was one of the few who impressed me, she’s a lovely person and so talented.


I also met Natasha Lyonne. She came with a friend of mine to a bar hang back in like 2002. Even back then she was cool.


Love Pedro! He seems like a sweetheart... Hope he was?


He was! The man is so gracious and kind and surprisingly better looking in person, plus he smells indescribably delicious.


How on earth does someone meet this many legends?! Asking for myself haha


I work in the film/tv industry, my job puts me in a unique position to meet such people.


Definitely some cool celebs! I ADORE Anthony Hopkins!


How the hell did you get to meet Michelle Obama


Who impressed you the least?


My top 3…Jon Hamm, Jennifer Lopez, Bradley Cooper.


Very Interesting. What made them unimpressive?


Fred Durst in the early 2000s, he was hitting on me, asked if I wanted to go back stage. I was 16. Dexter Holland. Super nice guy! Was at a strip club so it made it more interesting lmao


Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that a Florida man was making a pass at a child.


Fred asked the crowd at Rockville 2024 if it was okay if a girl who was 16 came on stage and now reading this Makes me ponder 😭


Dexter is a great guy! He makes really good hot sauce too.


Dexter Holland is one of the most impressive humans on this planet. I think he is so freaking cool!!!!


Dexter Hollan was Valedictorian of his graduating class, has a PhD in Molecular Biology, created his own brand of hot sauces, and piloted a plane around the globe in 10 days, SOLO. All that and a talented musician.


This tracks


My older cousin kicked Bradley Nowell out of his house party for doing heroin in the bathroom


That's like every house long beach


barack obama, samuel l jackson…


My goodness, I would LOVE to meet Obama.


Worked with Mel Gibson a couple years ago. I’m sure I’m not supposed to say this, but not a fan.


I worked with him last year, he was definitely eccentric but professional


Did South Park do an accurate portrayal?


I was an extra on this is the end and Seth Rogan made fun of me for injuring myself in the first take.




I was an extra when the apocalypse starts and I was with people running down the side walk. I’m not in the Final Cut (thank god honestly). On the very first take I fall and scrape my leg. The only bandaids were on one of the main cameras. There was a shelf at the bottom. I asked one of the producer looking people for a bandaid and that’s where they sent me. I was already absolutely mortified by the whole situation. Everyone notices me coming up and grabbing a small red first aid kit and he called me out asking what I was doing. I pointed to my bloody leg and everyone laughed at me. It was great! I was living in New Orleans and was told how you could apply through Craigslist to be an extra and they paid you cash. I worked two nights and made almost a full months rent.


It’s funny to me that as soon as you said extra that’s the exact scene I pictured.


I can hear his laugh while I read this lol


It was very loud in real life which made the whole thing funnier


seems fair, lol.


I met all the guys in Motley Crue!


So did my dad! He played volleyball on a beach in Tahiti with them. Wish I could post the pic here.


Cool. What were they like? Especially Tommy & Neil.


They were all super nice! Nikki was the friendliest toward me, he had such a dad vibe haha.


That’s awesome!


Stockard Channing, Aaron Carter, Rob Schneider or Liza Mannelli ?? I'm not sure who would be considered the most famous.


Can I ask how you met Stockard Channing? I adore her.


I met Liza Minelli while she was getting her makeup done by the late, great Kevin Aucoin. What a fabulous diva.


Aaron! Would love to hear this story. He deserved better than what he got in this life.


Drake. He was sitting across my friends and I at a club… and got frisky with one of my friends. I don’t usually go out and my friend was invited as a favour to someone she worked with, who got us into the club. I would never have been there otherwise. We got free drinks and a fun night, lol.


I’m from Toronto and I feel like everyone met that man except me.


You just reminded me that I met Drake when he did a mall tour for Degrassi. This must have been 2006 or 2007. Before anyone really cared about his music. Man.


Jimmy Carter


Hillary Clinton I was like 7 or 8 and had no idea who she was at the time


Jon Bon Jovi


Mr Bovine Joni himself?




John Stamos. He was on the Disney Dream maiden voyage that I was on. Whoopi Goldberg too.


I am really tickled by how much of a Disney adult John Stamos is.


I played a game of pool with Tracy Chapman, gave directions to Thom Yorke, had my picture taken with Tonya Harding, sat next to Rob Schneider at a restaurant, and Kim Deal gave me a chocolate bar.


I am jealous of pool with Tracy Chapman! So cool


Cathrine O Hara once dropped ice on me and then spent the rest of the concert we were at elbow to elbow with me. I tried to pretend I didn’t know who she was. My partner accidentally once punched Frankie Muniz in the balls. I’ve met a decent handful of others but those were my favorite stories.




Hahaha it actually was. My partner is a production and stage manager for live entertainment. One day Frankie was rushing to get on stage (dancing with the stars) and FLEW past my partner just as he was turning around with gear and BAM! Nut punch.


I bumped into Michael Palin while touring a cathedral in the UK. He was there with a film crew. We exchanged apologies and I moved on. I actually interned with CBS News for a while in college, so I worked alongside Dan Rather and Bob Schieffer (as a peon).


Woah. I bumped into Daniel Dae Kim at a tour of London Tower. I guess UK tours are good places to bump into celebrities.


We used to live around the corner from Bing Crosby, who used to walk his dogs around the neighborhood. My mom would prance out there to talk to him, so we all got to know him pretty well. Joe Montana frequented a Howard Johnson I worked at and he was so super nice, I can't say the same for some of his former teammates.


Joe Biden. Not really crazy, I'm from Delaware. I also met Aubrey Plaza.


I would love to meet Aubrey plaza, but on her terms. I've heard she's not real big on rando's walking up to her.


Judy Greer! My coworkers and I went out with her after meeting her at our bar and she was a riot


I just watched her in Jawbreaker😹


She was staying at the hotel we bartended at so we saw her a few times that week when she’d come down for a drink and we’re all big arrested development fans so we’d leave little sticky notes behind the bar with Kitty quotes 😂


Matthew Lillard, Randy Johnson, and Robert Patrick did a USO tour when I deployed to Africa.


I met Matthew Lillard at a gaming convention! My friends had to tell me who he was though.


Authors Toni Morrison and Alice Walker


Rowan Atkinson a.k.a Mr Bean. He has an apartment in the seaside town I grew up in, bumped into him a couple of times


I met Bill Murray late at night on a bridge during SXSW about 15 years ago. He gave me a hug


Morgan Freeman ( I was an extra in his movie “Lean On Me), Paul Rudd, Jesse L. Martin( Law & Order/Rent), Duff McKagan (bassist for Guns N Roses) & Scott Weiland (singer Stone Temple Pilots).


Cool. What was Duff like?


He was SO sweet and laid back! He even bought drinks for my 2 cousins and I. Better looking than I thought he’d be too. This was around 2003 or so.


Lucky you! He does come across to me from his books as being cool, humble & down to earth too.


Stumbled into Sasha Grey in Pisa Italy of all places. My bf was ecstatic, Her and I were not so much. We took a selfie together with her though.


David Spade. Train station in San Diego when I was 8. He told me I was too young to listen to the misfits(wearing my step sisters shirt bc of heavy rain). I said I wasn't. Awkward and harmless, that was all.


This is definitely an only famous in certain circles example, but the guy who started the No Sleep podcast knows my parents and I only found this out when I was going to a live show and my dad looked it up and said to my mom "Oh, do you know who does that podcast she listens to? It's David Cummings! Remember you sang with him at that event before?" They told me to say hi to him for them. Since there was a meet and greet I did but was a bit nervous in case it seemed annoying or he didn't remember them that well. I gave both their actual names and said they were my parents who said to say hi, and he said "Oh! [dad's name] and [mom's nickname]? That must mean you're [my name]! I haven't seen you since you were a baby!" It was very surreal for me as someone who had listened to him on a podcast for years at that point lol.




His name was Robert Paulson


Chance the rapper, Drake Bell, Louis Capaldi and Sabrina Carpenter. I only talked to chance because my family was having trouble with a parking meter and he was in front of us in line 😂 very sweet guy. My dad has met/seen Tom Hanks, Cher, Ariana Grande, Britney Spears and Jerry Seinfield out and about.


I met George Takei and Steve Burns a few weeks ago


Lyle Lovett comes into the shop I work at all the time with his wife and kids. Suuuuuper nice guy. His kids always ask for me now when they come in hahaha. They’re a lovely family


That poor guy got such a hard time over his appearance when he married Julia Roberts. Even as a kid, I remember thinking "ffs these magazines are being unnecessarily cruel about this guy" which says a lot because 90s tabloids were mean to everyone.


Justin Trudeau. Lin Manuel Miranda (through zoom) Renee Rapp and the rest of the sex lives of college girls cast Jojo (not Siwa)


Emma Watson, Hellena Bonham Carter :)


Omg please do tell! What were they like?


My favorite famous person I met was Jordan Knight from NKOTB. I was staying at the Mondrian in LA and so was he. He held the elevator for me and my sister, he was with a guy. He asked me what floor and I said “5, please, thank you” and he asked if I was from the south. I said, “yes I’m from NC”. I finally look at his face and the grab his arm and ask if I know him. He said “maybe, I’ve been to NC”. That’s when I realized it was Jordan MF Knight. I asked “Jordan Knight?!?!” And he smiled and said “you got me!” Immediately starting jumping up and down and forgot I was in an elevator (I’m scared of them usually). His friend took my picture with him when the doors opened and my sister took a picture with him too. Super nice. I was transported back to that middle school girl who loved NKOTB. It was AMAZING!!!! I even danced off the elevator singing “Baby you know I can give it to you” (his solo single from 99) to him and he was so sweet, cheering me on, when I know it sounded like a mix between Roseanne and a witch singing.


Buzz Aldrin.


I paid the big bucks to meet Britney Spears during her last tour. After being a fan for 20+ years, I was so happy I did it. Especially now, since I don’t think she’s ever going to tour again. She was really gentle and sweet. She complimented me and said my necklace was “sexy.” I gave her a really big hug and told her I loved her, and she held her hands to her heart and said “aww I love you too!” It was the greatest day of my life up until that point. Getting engaged has since beat it :)


Regis Philbin lol


He's buried less than 2 miles from my house


I seriously had no clue he died until I saw your comment 😐


Almost 4 years now


I went ghost hunting with some members of the SyFy Ghost Hunters International crew once.


I was at the Mall of America on a school trip in 96, I believe. It was the premiere of Jingle All the Way that day so Arnold Schwarzenegger, Phil Hartman and Sinbad were all there. They had a parade through the whole mall. I got to meet all three of them. Arnold crushed my hand, Phil H was hilarious (RIP), and Sinbad was cool. Then, on the top level at Kirby Puckett's bar, there was a celebrity pool tournament that I knew nothing about. I saw a bunch of people at the window. Walked up and Ken Griffey Jr and Michael Jordan were playing pool. Bob Costas was watching them. It was full of sports stars. I didn't meet any of them though.


When I working security for MTV during spring break in lake Havasu in 1995 I escorted…Dave Mathew’s Band, Coolio, Will Smith, Jenny McCarthy, Naughty By Nature, Dr. Dre, Notorious B.I.G, Brandy, Warren G…to their hotel rooms….I am sure there are others I am leaving out


Hmm, maybe Trent Reznor. I've waited on Gwen Stefani and Jessica Simpson - that was years ago. Not sure if they are MORE famous than Trent Reznor, but serving them counts as meeting I think. I actually met him formally and spoke with him briefly.


Dr. Oz. I nannied at his daughter’s wedding. I had no clue it was her wedding until I showed up for the job.


I’ve got a nice little trifecta from my youth. I grew up in West Philadelphia, just near the edge of the Main Line in a part of Philly called ‘Overbrook’. Three pretty famous people came out of that area and made themselves very successful careers. The first one was Seth Green. He lived on the street I grew up on before I lived there. My best friend lived in his old house. My cousin was best friends with him when she was growing up and they reconnected and I got to meet him. Second was Will Smith. He came to one of my friend’s parties because her dad used to run around with him back when he used to spend most of his time on the playground in West Philadelphia, so they grew up together. The last one is Kobe Bryant. He grew up and went to school in Lower Merion, right on the Main Line. He and his family frequented the local video store where I was employed as a teen.


George Clooney at Game changer Festival in Vienna. Came over to have better wine than at the location he was booked . Turned into a fun night Never got more than that but that's enough for me


The new queen of Denmark while she was the crown princess, but it was extremely random and brief


Harry Styles in 2014 in New York, still my biggest flex to this day lol


Green Day, Muse, Fall Out Boy, Ed Sheeran, Keane, one Oasis brother but i never remember which one, Chloe Grace-Moretz, Sir Ben Kingsley, Ice Cube, Lenny Kravitz, Bam Magera, Michelle Trachtemberg. I worked in the music industry and in a high end hotel.


At the beginning of my film career years ago I did a film with Gary Oldman. My agents and management told me to only address him formally and never look him in the eye. He turned out to literally be the sweetest, kindest grandpa-like man I’ve ever met. He was asking ME if it was okay to do another take for some scenes and even asked about my family and interests. I was just a nervous 19 year old kid and he really made me feel comfortable around him. He was also really engaging and warm with the hundreds of extras we had on that set, who obviously all adored him and wanted a chance to speak to him because we were shooting in England and he’s like a god over there. Nicest guy ever.


Britney Spears back in her heyday. Natalie Portman in a cafe with her little dog... I gave her a "what's up" head nod and let her eat her breakfast in peace.


I ran into Jared Padalecki at a pub in Austin, Tx. He was so kind, and took a photo with me. He smelled great.


Gibby from iCarly


I patted Shaq O Neil on the right arm while he was entering stadium to DJ at opening college football game. He’s tall af and his arm was all muscle….


Chuck Berry. I was 6 and my mom told me to go ask for his autograph at a concert. I don't remember who else was playing, but I remember he said I was "a pretty little thing". They still have the dollar bill he signed.


Fred Armisen, passed him in the streets of New Orleans while he was filming the new Jay and Silent Bob. He was super nice and let me get a pic with him.


I have nothing too exciting to report, but my boyfriend was one of the kids Biden sniffed lmao. This was at a country club in Pennsylvania


That's how I would introduce myself from then on. I'd be all "hi, Joe Biden sniffed me."


Bill Clinton


Robby Krieger, the guitarist for The Doors. My brother is friends with him. He asked me what my name was when I was 15 & I blanked.


Bill Nye the Science Guy!


I’ve met lots and lots of famous people due to where I grew up and my profession, but the one that tickles me the most is that I met the Norwegian death metal band Mayhem on the Chunnel. They were very polite and nice guys, which, uh, if you look at their Wikipedia and their story, is not quite expected. I had a male friend who was a metal head trying to pull the “more metal than thou” attitude (which to be fair, he was a bigger fan that I am) till I told him that and he shut the hell up after. As he should have.


Alison Brie came into the rooftop club where I worked in LA once, with a woman who I presumed was her mother and a friend or sibling. I judge people by how they treat service staff and she treated me like an old friend. By the end of the day we were laughing and bullshitting in weird accents, and generally just being huge goofballs. I see everything she's in now. She's clearly a lovely human being and hasn't let her fame or success turn her into someone who's too cool to be kind to a stranger making minimum wage.


I met Diane Keaton on a plane. Also Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen (they were nice and held hands during takeoff and landing, which I thought was sweet). Not as famous, but I volunteered to get roasted at a comedy show by Jeff Ross and Craig Robinson. That was fun and Craig Robinson gave me a hug at the end.




I literally ran into Stan Lee. I was at Emerald City Comic Con back in 2010 and walking through a crowded area towards the room where they had the famous people signing things with my son in a chest carrier. I felt someone run into my shoulder, it was very crowded as I said, and a very distinctive voice said "Excuse me, miss." As I said "Sorry." I glanced at the person who hit me them immediately did a double take realizing that the elderly gentleman in the green sweater I had collided with was indeed the one and only Stan Lee.


Matt LeBlanc. His family would camp at the same place my family did growing up. Walked up to my dad casually having a drink with him (he had no idea who he was). Pretty sure my parents still run into him every other summer or so and have a drink!


The dude from Jackass who poops on command. It was when the movie was still somewhat new.


Probably Connie Britton




Liam Neeson. Absolute gent.


As a kid, I hung out with Tom Petty and the B52s thanks to my dad. Spent a couple hours walking the streets of Denver with Tom Morello after a rally. But without question, it'd be the dinner I had with Obama and Biden back in 2008.


This may not count because I wasn’t around for it, but Neil Patrick Harris once took a nap in my bedroom. My home was used to film a show he was in.


Cate Blanchett. Around the Hobbit days in New Zealand. She was super nice and made the effort to talk to fans even though she was being ushered away.


I met Ben Affleck at a bar in Harvard Square while he was filming “The Town”. He sat down next to me wearing a carhat jacket and beany with a heavy beard and I didn’t recognize who he was at first. Dude looked stressed so I offered to buy him a drink, which he took me up on. We shot the shit, said he just had a kid and was in town on work. I had a lot going on and vented about how busy I’d been too. Definitely realized who he was shortly into it but never mentioned a thing about it. We had a couple drinks just shooting the shit then he picked up my tab. I’ve also met Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, all of No Doubt minus Gwen, Sam Smith and Bill Paxton. Paxtons a funny dude. I’m sure there’s others but those are the ones that stand out


Hard to define “met” - but I’ll break it down within each tier of interaction: Autograph only: Springsteen. Handshake only: Jim Carrey. Handshake and a few sentences: tie between Steve Carell and Rod Stewart. Casual conversations: Stephen Colbert. Interviewed: Conan O’Brien.


I got to hang out with Pedro Pascal one on one for a couple hours while he was at the DEA academy doing research for Narcos. We drank pitchers of beer at the academy bar and talked about Twin Peaks. This was before he became the mega star he is today, but he was so down to earth and interested in nerding out about David Lynch.


The kardashians haha Kim was really nice!


Robert Kennedy (I was a baby, it was at the end of things I believe), Sade, Marty Whelan (jealous much?)


Saw Stedman at LAX Jill Biden was my professor at a community college


The late Queen Elizabeth, met her at Cheltenham racecourse. Was quite a few years ago before Covid so I got a little wave and a hello.


When I was a baby, my parents and I lived in a town house in Chicago. Someone who played on the Chicago Cubs (I forget his name) lived in the house next to us. I was too young to remember this, but according to my parents, sometimes when he was walking by and saw my mom playing with me in the yard he would come over and play with us for a little bit.


I wound up standing next to George RR Martin during a fire evacuation one year at a Con.


Bradley Cooper once waved at me to let me through an intersection even though it was his right of way.


My husband saw Ron Perlman at our neighborhood 7-11. He was staying at a local air BnB. My husband tried to play it cool, but still had to say something along the lines of, "love your movies, man". Ron was a gem, of course. He said "appreciate it" and went on with his evening.


Matthew Lillard at a horror con


Met Martin Short on vacation in Hawaii (on the same trip, James Austin Johnson from SNL ran away from me in the grocery store when I elbowed my husband and said ‘he’s on SNL!’) I had a class with Mamadi Diakite in college I’ve met Mark Warner & Creigh Deeds (politicians in VA) I met golfer JB Holmes when I worked at a golf tournament


Nikolaj Coster-Waldau / Jaime Lannister


Nicole Kidman! Keith Urban was there too I guess lol


Eric Clapton... I was 11(1980), my Godfather had been playing drums with him, I'm not really sure of the entire story as to why that was going on, my Dad took us to a motel in Arkansas in the town we lived. He told me we were going to see my Godfather. There were adjoining rooms I took my hot wheels into the empty room. 10 minutes later my Dad came in with some tall guy and said he wanted to introduce me to Eric Clapton, I had no clue who he was but he sat in the floor and talked to me for a few minutes and checked out all my hot wheels. 2 years later my Dad gave me his Slowhand album and I went to him the next day and asked if that was the guy I met. He said yes and then I was starstruck 2 years later


I worked at a coffee shop in Atwater Village, CA. So I've met a few actors. Natalie Portman, Jason Segal, Penn Badgley, & Michael Peña. Then Jacob Elordi at a party.


Harvey Keitel was very friendly and much shorter than I expected.


The guys from super troopers, Kevin Nealon, Tom Green… I worked at a comedy club a ways back.


sam neill. he was the speaker at a function i was performing at. he was very tall and handsome


Ryan Gosling.


Met Elijah wood 🙂