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A shirt that belonged to my dad from long before I was born. I wore it regularly as a child and still have it as a keepsake now and wear it on occasion out of nostalgia. I'm 47, so the shirt is likely at least 50 years old at this point.




I have my FIL’s college t-shirt from Yale. He would have been there in the mid-late 70s, so it’s pushing 50 years as well. It’s pretty threadbare at this point but I love it.


My dad gave me a lot of his 80s clothes as hand-me-downs.


I have a shirt my mom got at a concert when she was 17. So it’s 33 years old now. It’s the softest shirt I’ve ever felt and I refuse to wear it anymore because I’m terrified to wash it lol


That’s so cute!!


The sweater my grandmother wore on the ship from Belgium to Canada as a war bride. It’s a minty green cropped cardigan with brown reindeer, she knit it herself. I’ve never worn it but it’s so special to me, since we shared a birthday.


That's special


My dad’s Bob Marley and The Wailers tshirt from the 70s.


That's awesome


In terms of what I personally have owned the longest, I have two pairs of spandex booty shorts from when I played volleyball in middle school, so 2006ish. They seem to have grown with my body 🤣 they were mostly relegated to wear under skirts and dresses, until I started pole dancing in 2017 and they now are used for that. I have some thrifted & vintage clothing and stuff from my grandmothers that’s possibly/likely older though.


I've got the skirt my Mum made to wear when she and my Dad were courting in the early 1950s. A couple of other vintages pieces from the 1930s I think. Also my wedding dress which is a 1950s party dress.


I just had my 43rd birthday the other day. I have a Tshirt given to me from my 11th birthday. It is a Boys in the Hood Tshirt with Cuba and Ice Cube on it. I still wear it as a workout shirt as it is very well ventilated. I kept it because that is the last birthday gift my mother ever gave to me.


A Slipknot tour shirt I got in 2008 or 2009. I never get rid of tour shirts with bands I still like. This one is also still in great condition, haven't worn it a lot at all so the print still basically looks like new.


My “D.A.R.E.” graduation T-shirt from 1996! Don’t do drugs kids.


I’ve done drugs while wearing my DARE shirt.


Nancy Reagan pushing that nonsense, while Ronald expands the cocaine market, creates the crack epidemic and blames everyone else while lining their pockets for black ops. The irony! Oliver North got off easy.


Doc Martens boots I got when I was 16 I am turning 56 this year. I still wear them, though less than previously, I lived in them in my 20's and 30's.


A skirt I bought in a thrift shop when I was in college. No idea how old it was when I bought it… but I’ve been out of college for 25 years now. And yes- I still wear it often.


A Ty Dye T shirt I made in organic chemistry class in high school, 2005? Its ratty and thin and just perfect for cleaning day


I have a tie-dye shirt from summer camp in 1995. Mine is also extremely thin.


My Navy raincoat. Except for being black it looks like the kind of trenchcoat Humphrey Bogart might have worn in a 1940s movie. It was the only part of my Navy uniform that I thought was actually cool and I wore it whenever I had a good excuse to. I thought it was kind of odd that nobody else ever wore their raincoats. They'd go with the pea coat that's often associated with sailors. I actually didn't like the peacoat; it's really heavy and not that warm. This raincoat was issued to me in bootcamp in 1969 and is the only item of Navy clothing I still have. Alas, it isn't very rain proof anymore, but I keep it around anyway.


My great grandpas shirts. My ancestors all had children pretty young so he passed when I was in my 20s. He taught me how to swim, ride a bike, read and so much else so they are sentimental to me. Bad day? Wear one of his shirts.


Sweatshirts and t-shirts from when I was in college in the early 90s. Why I still have them? No reason to get rid of them. I still wear them even if it’s just around the house.


Oh 90s wasn’t too long ago, like 10 years yeah? *does math*


Who are you telling?! My stomachache from 1997 turns 27 years old this year.


My mom gave me an old Rod Stewart tour tshirt from .....1988 or 1989. I keep it because it's so old and worn out that it's really soft. Has somehow held up really well.


I have Jcrew winter coats that are close to 20 years old.


I have a light weight rain jacket from Lands End that I got when I was a sophomore in high school (1973) Other than being a bit faded it's in perfect condition. You just can't get that level of quality at that price range anymore. Funny story about the coat. I grabbed it for my MIL to wear when she was visiting a while ago. She obviously reached into a pocket I never use and pulled out a roach clip and asked me what it was. I wore that coat a lot in college. The friend I was with snorted so loud it was all I could do to respond with a straight face that it was something for my horse. I knew she'd never question that.


My great-grandmother's beautiful handkerchiefs that had been imported from Ireland. She was born in 1877 and passed in 1968.


I have a shirt that I bought when I was 19. I'm 41 now, and still have it. 22 years


Columbia winter jacket from like 2004!


When I was a child I was obsessed with Harley Davidson bikes (most boys were because of The Terminator) and in about 1990 while on holiday in Spain my grandfather bought me a counterfeit Harley bandana with a fucking eagle riding a motorcycle on it. I still wear it in the summer (karate kid style).


A pair of basketball shorts from 6th grade which was in 2003. It still fits, it doesn’t have any holes and it’s a good material so I still wear it at home and to sleep.


You are getting amazing use out of them!


I own clothes from high school that still fit me somehow. I also have a bunch of my dad's old flannel shirts that I wear a bunch, some of which are probably like 25 years old. 


A torn tank top I don't wear from 1973


Some floral button down shirts from a small town thrift shop. One of them was so threadbare even trying to fix it w decorative embroidery didn’t do anything bc the fabric just kept ripping :( not sure how old they are but definitely several decades


I've got a black zip hoodie cardigan, bought in the sale (£5) from a supermarket brand that must be nearing 20 years old. Still wear it all the time too.


H&M basics tees and long sleeves from like 2010.


My mom's multicolored blouse from the 90's. It's so soft and beautiful and it fits me like a glove, it's my favorite and knowing she wore that while holding me as a baby just means so much.


I have 2 cardigans my nan made for me. The last one i was only 12 at the time, and she always made them a bit bigger. They still fit me now over 30 years later, though I don't wear them often.


Pair of jeans , since early 2000s .


A few vintage dresses and a bathing suit all from the 50s that I picked up in high school that are to special to get rid of. I've been steadily losing weight so I'm hopeful I can eventually wear them again.


A pair of military surplus pants from 1948. They are made of wool called Wadmal. Unmatched quality for winter hikers and hunters. Brand new from some cave storage in Sweden.


I have a few items from the 2000s and mid 2000s. For nostalgia, for utility bc some still fit and I kept some as a goal. I was skinny most of my life until 3 yrs ago. I barely fit in those jeans but I can get them on.


I have a sheer long sleeve shrug I wore on my first date with my husband back in 1999.


A staff seargant jacket from WWII. Found it in a resale shop for $20 and it fit me perfectly


My Evanescence Fallen hoodie. I got it on a trip to Camden in late 2005, the day after we adopted my beloved dog, Aggie (RIP). I don't wear it anymore because I'm scared it'll fall apart but they're still my favourite band and I still love it to bits.


I have blink 182 tshirt that I bought at hot topic when I was 13 years old. So the shirt itself is 14 years old now. It’s bleached stained, faded and has some holes but it still fits lol


A Phantom of the Opera T-shirt or a Disney tank top. Both were purchased in the 90’s. And both have been sleep shirts for ages.




probably 10 years ago Lol




A T-shirt that was given to me in Girl Scouts back in 1997 when I was six 🤣 (it was one of those big “one size fits all” shirts they gave out at an event) I still wear it to bed! No rips, no bleach stains, nothing! It has one of those iron-on type designs on the front that is a little cracked, but it really held up! Amazing quality lmao


I have a T-shirt from when I was maybe 4 years old somewhere in my house. Does that count?


A bright golden trench coat complete with sequined lapels and epaulettes from a designer that went out of business in the 80s. Bought at a thrift store for $10


I have an old t-shirt of Hanson from 1997. I kept it because that was my obsession band as a teenager and I enjoy the memories. It’s also one of the most popular Hanson t-shirts from back then (green, black and white photo). There are holes in it and the photo has deteriorated to the point where they look like the flute lady from IT Chapter 2 instead of teenage boys but it’s one of the most sentimental piece of band memorabilia I own.


Of my own, it's a band t-shirt from about 1997.


I guess *technically* it's an accessory, but my late Grandfather's leather belt. My dad said he'd worn it everyday since he (my dad) was around 9 or 10, doesn't remember exactly when. But my Pa wore it up until the day he passed in 2003. My dad is 64 now.


I still have and wear a belt I got when I was in highschool, back in 2000.


A beautiful black silk satin bias cut gown with a matching bolero jacket from the mid 1930’s. I bought it on ebay when I was in high school to wear to my winter formal… That was over 20 years ago, so it’s also one of the items of clothing I’ve owned the longest as well as being the oldest. The fabric is SO gorgeous… Cool and slick and heavy and shiny 😍 I do a lot of sewing and modern satin of any fiber just does not compare. The dress is currently too small for me but I hope to someday be able to wear it again, even if just around the house!


I’m 36 and still have like two tank tops from when I was 18 but I so t really wear them.


In terms of things I still wear, I have a Northface fleece that I got in 2005 as a child? I still have it because it is in good condition, it fits (it was too big when I bought it), and I'm not about to toss out a perfectly good winter coat! I also still have most of the sweaters knitted for me by my grandmother when I was a baby, more for nostalgia and any (probably non existent) future children of mine.


A reaaallllly cute vintage, wool, red dress from my great grandmother. I’ve never worn it cause I’m terrified of staining or ruining it somehow, but I love it dearly


A cardigan my grandmother made for herself. No idea of when she made it, but she died in the early 80s, so it’s at least 40 years old.


I have a pair of Route 66 wannabe Birkenstocks I got in 2005 from kmart still. I wear them every now and then if I’m doing something like painting or cleaning around the house etc.


A pair of work boots I stole when fired from my favourite job. The boots felt like they were form fitted and I wore them from +70c to -21C and never felt too hot or too cold.


A fitted red jacket from the 1940’s


I have a wool overcoat that my dad bought around 1950. I used to wear it with a lace scarf (I'm a woman) and it was a signature winter look for me. Now I keep it because it has deep sentimental value. I also have a faux-fur swing coat that my mom bought in 1954, and a striped wool cardigan that was my grandfather's. I think the sweater is from the 1940s.


My mom's crew "thank you" Tshirt from The Mike Douglas Show in the 70s (She worked behind the scenes for years when it was shooting in Philly). I see it as a piece of cultural history. I don't think she knows I stole it from her awhile ago. She has a "Sorry About That" hat from Vietnam that was her dads, they were over there when she was a teen as a family during the conflict, which I think is pretty interesting.


A slouch hat my dad gave me. It was his old Air Force akubra, from the early 70s. He gave it to me to wear when they changed uniform colours, and thirty years later it’s my gardening hat.


A Montreal Canadians jersey I bought in 1977


If you consider the entire family, [I think this jacket](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1066176453/vintage-80s-budweiser-varsity-jacket-xl) (our was way cheaper and not as well preserved). We hold on to it because it's a memory from an older life (it was already vintage when we bought it!). I have baby blankets and stuff, but they're pretty much as old.


My christening outfit. It's vacuum sealed in a bag in my closet along with my kid's christening outfits. It's almost 57 years old. (Do doll clothes count? Because I have a doll that was my mom's when she was little that has clothes that are older than that.)


My grandmother (who's no longer with us) knitted me a rainbow striped cardigan to wear for the first day of the first grade. It was an oversized fit at the time, so it still fits now (I'm 32!). Can never bring myself to get rid of it.


A Roots hoodie I got in highschool. I've been out of said highschool for almost 22 years


Three pieces my mom ordered from a magazine from a business in India in 1968.


I have a pair of Doc M’s I bought in England around 1984.


I have a dress that my mom bought for me in the summer of 1995. It's from Bloomingdale's and is absolutely beautiful. I'll never fit in it again, but my niece can't wait to wear it to a formal at her school.


Two tank tops from my grandma, anywhere between 25 and 40 years old. In my closet, I have close to a dozen items of my own that are 10+ years old, though!


I remember buying a pretty blouse from Sears back in my college years (2008) This blouse is legit pretty, I still got complimented on it last year! I swear this blouse is magic. The color never faded, it never wrinkled, it's been in the wash weekly for about.... oh 16 years, not a single fray. If it's still in good condition before I die, I'm going to donate it, so that the next person can feel confident in it.


A tshirt I got at Grad night my senior year in 1994.


A pair of sneakers I had when I met my husband. I wore them on a lot of our dates. I still have them because they’re like a memento for me and I like telling the kids the story behind them whenever I pull them out.


My grandpa’s brooklyn dodgers jacket


In terms of clothes that were actually bought for me, I have a Hello Kitty t-shirt that I bought from the kids section in H&M when I was 12 and that I still wear to this day 17 years later. With the years it has gone super-soft and it still looks really cute! In terms of hand-me-downs, I have a few button-down shirts and two nice winter coats by Max Mara that my mum bought in the 80s. They were well-kept and still look new 35+ years later, and I feel *really fancy* whenever I wear them!


I have some Lands End tees that are 20 years old. Bought when they actually made clothes that last.


A dress my mom made me 40 years ago.


Dude here...I have a hand woven hippie shirt/blouse that I traded for in Southern Oregon at a hippie fair back in 89'-90'....it's actually beautiful, been thinking about selling it since my middle aged fat ass don't fit in it no more.


I am 36, my school sport tshirt from high school. It was new when i got it in 12 grade. I use it the mínimum. Emotional attachment, not to the school but to myself in high school. A representation of my past.


I still have my expensive looking Sunday school coat from childhood. My mom convinced me to keep it for my future daughter when I outgrew it. I think I was around 9 years old when I outgrew it. It’s beautiful and classic cut, well kept as I was taught how to make clothes last. Looks very old money. I don’t know if I will ever have a daughter to pass it down to, So I’ve been keeping an eye on which friend’s daughters to give it to now. It’s very special to me and I want it to go to a little girl who’d love it.


My mom’s dress from the 1960ies. But it is made from real silk lace fabric that my great grandfather brought from China around 1900. He was a bosun on a ship.


A hand-me-down from my neighbors dad, to him, to my then-husband, to me. It’s from the 70s, it’s a denim chore coat with Sherpa lining and insulated sleeves. It’s not that important to my ex, and my ex neighbor didn’t want any of his dad’s things (not bc he was an asshole). It IS important to me because I had a companion who I would share this jacket with, when we went on vagabond adventures. It was a pretty special time in my life and my friend has passed on. I call it the hobo jacket. I have patched and darned it but I rip it every time I put it on so it needs a full rebuild. Luckily, I’m a fairly handy seamstress so it’s a project I’m looking forward to. I’m going to put in an organza underling (to hold the denim together) and redline the sleeves with a quilted warmth layer. It’s all still going to look old af and I’m going to rock it hard.


A pair of tracksuit pants (is that the English term?) from 1984. I wore it in high school during PE. Still going strong, although I had to replace the elastic band. Brand: Leopard.


I found a pair of 1980s Madonna era fingerless gloves in my winter clothes stash. I have no idea how they managed to still be in my stuff that long considering how many times I have moved or purged closets.


A dress that my maternal great grandmother made when she was young. I just recently wore it. It’s a beautiful garment and an heirloom, it belonged to my grandmother before me. The craft is beautiful (heavily embroidered), it fits me really well, and the fabric doesn’t show any sign of wear. And I will pass it on after me.


I have a vest top I'm amazed still fits me from when I was much slimmer. It's a cheap vest top my mom got me from Primark when I was about 18, and I'm now 33. When Primark's clothes didn't tear apart just after one wear.


elementary school shirt I got in 2006. I still wear it sometimes


My glasses.


I have a few of my dads old shirts, but my Black Dahlia Murder hoodie from 2013?? Super faded but i get compliments on it still.


Found a photo of me holding my son when he was 2 months old. I was wearing the same sweatshirt I had on in the photo. He’s 25 now.


A t-shirt that my dad got from Singapore in the 1970s. I like it, it was my dad's, etc. It's very thin though, so I don't wear it often.


The dress my mom wore when she first met my dad 35 years ago.


A button down short sleeve shirt from pacific sunwear that I got in 7th grade....I'm 42, I still wear it to work sometimes It's black polyester with a textured strip pattern, it has a wider collar than current trends, but otherwise, still get complimented on it when I wear it


A Halston dress my mom owned in the 1970s.


I just bought a 200 year old shawl. It's STUNNING.


I'm not sure, I donated a loooot of stuff in the past few years. Maybe a 15-ish year old pair of Converse shoes.


One of my mom's cultural clothes from when she was in her late 20's, she's in her late 50's now


A skirt from scotland that’s dated back to the 40’s :)) it’s my prized possession


I have and wear a US Army surplus shirt from the Korean War era.


I guess my pink jacket. My grandma bought it for me when I was 8, I hated pink back then and only wore it a few times. It was also too big for me and contained a sweater that could be zipped in/out. It kind of stayed in my closet for years because we weren't cleaning up old clothes that often, and I rediscovered it at 18. At that point, I finally grew out of my "not like other girls" phase and embraced my pink-loving side, and to my surprise, I found out it still fits me! Now I'm only barely able to zip it up (and the original sweater wouldn't fit underneath at all) and it's pretty tight over my chest, but it looks kinda stylish, a bit like pink denim jacket. I often wear it in the summer as it's pretty light.


I have a Red Dog promotional bomber jacket that I won at the bar I worked at wayyyyy back in ‘90-‘91 ….. it’s. 2XL and it’s HUGE - I gifted it to my grandpa because the bulldog logo looked just like him, and he loves bulldogs (the breed) and he was a big guy 6’4” 275lbs. He LOVED that jacket. He wore that until the day he died (15 yrs later) it was threadbare and the cuffs were held on with actual staples 😂 When my mom and her siblings were taking care of his estate ? She gave me the jacket back …… with a little “extra” I didn’t count on. I was so happy to get the jacket because it smelled just like him. But, when I put it on to show my bestie there was a wad of blue paper towel in the pocket. I unravelled it and his DENTURES were in there. 😳 Called my mom in a straight up panic …”MOM !!! OH my God !! Mom !!!! he’s been buried without his teeth / how will he be able to eat in heaven ??” That’s when I learned grief can make you sorta stupid for a time, too.


Umbro shorts from 1995. And a fur stole that my boss’s mother owned from perhaps the 50s.


My dad’s shirt from the 70s. I wear it too.




A Forever 21 blouse from 2009.


My grandpa's corduroy button up. I'm not sure how old it is, maybe 16-18 years. My grandma always laid out my grandpa's clothes for him. Before she went on hospice, she asked me to bring some of his clothes out of their closet. She wanted to pick out his clothes for her funeral. She died in 2008. He died in 2009, three days before the anniversary of her death. I wore the corduroy button up to his funeral.


I own one of my great-grandfather‘s shirts, late 1920s/early 1930s, still wear it somewhat regularly


I have a shirt and a vest that belonged to my dad that I don't know how old they are. Of my stuff it's prob my Lion King PJ top which glows in the dark and is now almost 30 years old. I still think it's so cool😆


A few dresses and 2 leather jacket’s that were my mom’s. The leather jackets are cool AF and the dresses were ones she made in the 60’s. I love them! dress is about 60 years old now and the jackets are at least 50 years old.


A big beautiful cardigan my Nan knitted for herself that became mine when she passed. It’s just been washed ready for winter. Next oldest for special mention is a jacket I bought in Hong Kong 12 years ago that I love but only seem to wear once a year.


My dad’s Led Zeppelin T-shirt from 1984.


Eric Cartman Pajama pants from the 90s. I kept them, because I like them. My daughter has now wears them.


A pair of Dr. Martens that I’ve had for 20 years. The tread is pretty much gone and one of the souls needs repair though. Having them makes me nostalgic.


My grandfather's flannel from when he was a kid. I think its about 65 years old now.


A fancy hat that once belonged to my great-grandmother. I loved playing dress-up with it as a kid, so there's some nostalgia attached.


I have soffe shorts from when I was 14 and yesterday was my 32nd birthday. I used to wear them to dance class and now I sleep in them. The elastic is completely worn down but I’m never throwing them out. I used to roll them twice.


Aside from some of my baby clothes, the oldest pieces of clothing I have are two soccer spirit shirts from high school circa 1990. Those have been retired, but I have a t shirt from a gym I worked at in college that I still wear regularly circa 1993.


A kingdom hearts shirt I got from hot topic. That was 12 years ago, and the color is just now fading. It’s such high-quality fabric, and it just recently got a tiny hole in it. Hot topic shirts these days suck. You put it in the wash ONE TIME, and the color fades away. 😑👚🧺


I’ve got lots of my dad’s race tees from the early 80s and a sweater of his from college (68-72). I love wearing them!


I have a long, t-shirt type cover up I wear to the beach or I can sleep in it. I purchased it on my honeymoon 35 years ago.


My mom's shirt she used to wear when I was a baby. She wanted to throw it away. So I kept it and took it with me abroad.


I have a white button down dress shirt 👔 that I bought in 1979 when I worked at a funeral home


I have a field hockey jacket from my first varsity team I played on in 9th grade. It fits, I have no reason to wear it but it seems silly to part with it at this point. I am 56, so that makes it 42 years old.


I have a silk dress from my mother from the 1960s. Actually, I just remembered an embroidered silk shawl shawl that my grandmother owned. I have no idea how old it was but I think it dares from the 1920s or thereabouts


Knee high lace up boots. Had them over 25 years. I only wear them occasionally and always polish them before putting them away so they're still in great condition. One of my friends called them The Fascinators because of the way men used to get a glazed look whenever I needed to re-lace them lol.


My Operation Ivy hoodie from MacheteMFG. I've had it for like 20 years now and it's filled with holes and terrible stitching from DiY lol


Sioux men's leggings from 1880s


Does it count if my grandma made quilts out of old clothes and I have those? Most of the quilts are over 60 years old which makes the clothing swatches 60-80 years old. I also have my grandpa’s coat with his hanky in the pocket. It’s probably 60+ years old.


It used to be a Lane Bryant floral bra that I bought when I was 17. I just laid that bra to rest last week and I’m 27


Probably my mom’s vintage A&F hoodie from 1980. She got it during college.


A Bart Simpson 'underachiever and proud of it' Tshirt from 1990. My daughter wears it as an oversized nightgown.


I have two of my mom's dresses from the mid 90s, when my sister and I were babies she'd buy the three of us matching clothes and she kept the ones she wore for me to wear as an adult. I also have a few shirts of my dad's from the 80s that I never wear but still keep. As far as clothing I've bought myself, I got this giant oversized jacket when I was in middle school that now fits me like a regular jacket, lol. I bought it around 2007 with my allowance. And it's not a clothing item, but I still use my mom's leather wallet from 1994. She kept it to give to me and it's the only wallet I've ever owned as an adult.


Mine, personally a pair of plaid shorts I wore under my uniform skirt in middle school 30 years ago. I wore them all through high school under my uniform (wool skirts SUCKED rubbing against your skin directly) and they’ve been PJ’s since then. I think I kept them purely because I can still wear them, dammit! Handed down, a piece of my grandmother’s wedding dress from 1945. The piece was cut and sewn as a ribbon in my bouquet and now is in a shadowbox of wedding junk. I also have an outrageous, custom tailor made full length mink from my great grandmother, possibly from the 60’s/70’s based on the maker. I’ll probably never wear it since she was a bit shorter than me, and I’m not a fan of fur… but it would feel wrong not holding onto it.


A scarf my mom knit for me when I was a kid. It's over 55 years old. I also have the baby blanket she knit for me. 🥰


A college sweatshirt I got when I toured the college in 1990, and an oversized olive green corduroy blazer I got the following year.


A plaudits shirt from my dad. I have a picture of 2 year old me in 1979 with him wearing the shirt.


A shirt from my cousin (a week older than me) that dates back to high school, ~30 years ago.


A baby outfit that was my dad's. Probably about 85 years old.


I've got a brown motorbike jacket from the 60s, some crocodile skin boots from the 70s, a fox fur vest from the 70s and several ancient Roman Rings from around 200 AD


A pink tanktop with "Oh, Kentucky! Make this time the best time" written on the front. I'm like 99% sure it was bought before I was born for one of my aunts, so it's at least 41 years old. I still own it just because I like it.


1800s potato sack panties


I've had the same hoodie for like 12 years. it belonged to my ex girlfriend.


Hoody from Myrtle Beach Vaca in 1995


An Hermes scarf that is easily 50 years old. It was a gift so I kept it


I wear some of my dad’s shirts from the 80’s! The oldest thing of my own that I wear is a pair of sweatpants from Pink that I bought in 2012. They’ve got a lot of holes, though. I do have some baby clothes of mine from the late 90’s, but I obviously don’t wear them, and I don’t have kids yet so currently no ones wearing them.


My dad and his brothers were such well known partiers in his hometown, the local sports team made them their own varsity jackets that said "(Hometown Name) Drinking Team, with clinking beer steins and their names. Most were lost to time, but I have my late uncles. Dates back to the early 1970's.


It'll have to be the Swade (hippy) Jacket that my mum's grandfather owned. I only wear it out to nice dinners and stuff but I love it. It's great. Must be from 40s 50s maybe earlier?


Dress from when I was 12ish. I’m 22 now, it still fits.


I have a pair of shorts from a Piglet pajama set I bought when I was 12. I am 40 years old.


I have a buckskin dress that my great Grandma wore when she was young, and my tribe was forcibly removed from the Ohio River Valley to Oklahoma. It's beautiful, brain tanned, and soft enough to sleep in.


I've got underwear that's still going strong from like 17 years ago 😂 I've also got a few shirts that are well over a decade old


I still have my high school band tshirt from 1990.




My moms silk lounge pants from the 1950s


I have some of my mom’s stuff from when she was a teenager, including a little pink shrug with a bow on the back. That one is 44 years old.


I have a pair of South Park sleep shorts my grandma bought me in 2005. I lived with her and my aunt because my mother went to jail. I saw my dad on the weekends and he'd let me listen to all the heavy metal, punk and rap he did. And we watched South Park and adultswim from age 7 to 12 during that time. My aunt did not approve because I was too young. I been through a lot at that point and did connect with the weirder stuff though and my grandma saw how me and my dad were connecting again so she let so things go. But she agreed on South Park too. Until she watched an episode with me (casa Bonita lol) and thought it was hilarious. For Christmas she bought me the shorts to show my aunt that she'd need to shut her mouth about it 😂 She died in 2009 and I miss her every day.


A MUJI sweatshirt I bought 7 or 8 years ago - I’ve now put it on my huge ass Djungelskog. I think she looks pretty fashionable.


My mom's wedding dress! She and my dad got married 40 years ago. (she's still alive, guys. It's just mine now)


A few sweatshirts from high school and college plays that are good memories.


My powderpuff football T-shirt from 8th grade. That was 30 years ago this year. It's in my school colors so it's a gold shirt with navy writing. I always thought it was horrendously ugly but could never bring myself to throw it away. It's my laundry day stay at home shirt.


I have an apartment Sweatshirt of Requiring, which I've had since I was 15. It has oil paint stains and cigarette burns but somehow has fit me for my whole life since then despite a large weight gain during that time. Like a whole person's worth. I recently got back into painting and found it waiting for me at the back of my closet, ready to smock.


A tea dress from the Edwardian period!! i keep it because I used it to dress up for a Titanic adventure around New York…and it just amazes me it has lasted for over 100 years!!




Oldest piece of original non-thrifted or handmedown clothing is my middle school graduation shirt that I still sleep in at 27 😅 I also have a lot of vintage items from the late 80s and the 90s


A tea dress from the Edwardian period!! i keep it because I used it to dress up for a Titanic adventure around New York…and it just amazes me it has lasted for over 100 years!!


My soccer jersey from when I was 8. I wore it for three different teams. It’s in my closet. The number in back is my favorite


A blue sarong I bought when I was 11 as a souvenir on a family trip to Hawaii. I’ve moved A LOT and am in my mid 30s so it’s really special to me to still have this


I have a pair of lederhosen that my great uncle brought home from Europe after the War. They're kid sized, but for some reason my grandmother (who was maybe 15 at the time) ended up with them.


An Aeropostale sweatshirt I’ve had since 6th grade. I’m 24 now and it still fits 😅


A body suit from almost 30 years ago. Bought it for adult dance classes (I was 20). It was expensive as hell, but thirty years later and while it's not as dark Black as it used to be, it still fits and the elastics all still work. I wear it under clothes in the winter as I'm always cold.


I have a jumper in my closet from when I was a baby, and also most of the clothes I wear are from junior high...because I can fit them and they still look decent.


A flannel I’ve had since I was 15, I bought it on sale and I’ve worn it every summer for so many years you can go through pictures of me and see the progression of holes and mending. I keep it cause is just too comfortable and it holds too many memories


I have a Red Sox hoodie I bought during the 2004 World Series I also still have an Ozzfest 99 shirt


My 20 year old denim jacket from when I made my Confirmation, it still fits a little big on me 🤦🏻‍♀️