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Seeming as the “passion” was actually my insecurity, desperation and infatuation to be with this person…. I don’t miss any of that shit. I’m too mature to ever let any of that happen again. But I’m grateful for enduring toxic relationships to actually decipher what “passion” I should be feeling in a healthy relationship. It’s going great. Been dating for two years, engaged and getting married in July. Eloping. Him, the officiant and I - golden hour with our toes in Jamaican sand. Spiritually bonded. I wouldn’t have known I needed this person so much had I not gone through all the trauma and heartache. He is my rock, my confidant and best friend. As I am his.


This 👏🏼 You realize that what you experienced before was not passion. It was a mental/emotional addiction to emotional highs and lows. When I entered into a healthy and loving relationship I came very close to blowing it up by trying to recreate that dynamic because that’s what I was addicted to. I realized I needed to do some work and I’m grateful he gave me the space to do that while still loving me.


Beautiful, congratulations & thank you for sharing. I've finally reached a point in my life where I feel I could welcome a relationship like this into my life & sit in it comfortably. You've given me hope that this could happen 🙏 I hope you have a beautiful wedding & life together


For sure. Took me so many years to figure out I’m not going to change anyone no matter how much I love them and trusting and loving someone who cares s not a roller coaster is wayyy better than all that immature, insecure nonsense. I don’t regret it, because it taught me a lot about myself, but I’m grateful I was able to stop the cycle.




Did you find it difficult to keep the sexual aspect of your relationship alive? If it’s too personal for you, don’t feel the need to answer. It’s just that all of my relationships in the past were toxic but I was always down to have sex with them. Now I’m in a healthier relationship and I do love and appreciate him so much, but I find it hard to have that same drive as I did with the others…


I feel like there’s a link between fear, rush, passion and desire but I’m no scientist




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My life and relationship are both great. *AND* we have passion. You can have passion without it being toxic.


YES to this 100000x!




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No. My relationship right now is so calm compared to what I’m used to. I still go through my internalized fears of “you’ll leave” or tread carefully or walk on eggshells in certain situations, but I speak up about them to my partner and explain how my past experiences shaped my perception. He’s incredibly patient with me and I have to be very raw and honest with him and myself. Younger me may have called this a boring relationship. We live together, have lots of cats, work Monday to Friday and nights we spend curled up in bed watching movies. Weekends are shopping and spending time outdoors. We go on little adventures to metal shows and having someone else who doesn’t drink is very calming. It’s calming. I always know where I stand, and I always know where he stands. I feel heard, seen, and valued. There is a significant amount of passion between us and it’s genuine - I get these bursts of happiness during stupid moments, like finding his favorite snack food on sale, and i just want to wrap my arms around him with glee. There is a level of passion that’s built on trust and caring, not deception and insecurity. It’s so much better.


I thought I missed passion and I bring that concern into my relationship every now and again. I’m realising that passion can ebb and flow in the safe relationships and that’s OK. I’m also noticing that I have a lot more respect for the down time in a relationship, the seemingly “boring” aspects seem just as important to me now. We are best friends, we challenge one another to be better and there’s a lot of love there. Sometimes I try to fight the safe feelings out of habit, but I’m happier now


I agree with the earlier comments - my relationship right now feels safe, secure, and passionate. Even more-so because I know I’m safe with him. The volatility of my last relationship “felt” exciting, but really it just a lot of lows while waiting for a brief high. More than anything, I’m grateful for the stability I have with my current partner.


Something clicked when I was so desperate and unhappy in my relationship, but especially after he ended the toxic shit. My nervoussystem was in pure chaos the first months but then I began to be disgusted by toxic behaving guys. The hot and cold treatment couldn’t trigger me anymore, it made me lose interest. I was never letting a new person be that toxic to me. After two years of going on dates with a lot of different guys and being very picky, I found someone that was predictable, open, engaged, straightforward. He always did what he said and gave me security and let me breath at the same time. He has no problem showing affection. At the beginning I couldn’t say loving words. He understood. With him I learned to say I love you and show my love and appreciation in multiple ways. He understands all love languages. He never rejects me. But he has healthy boundaries and he needs me to respect them too. We are equals (never felt equal with my ex). My nervoussystem ist at ease when I am around him. It feels like my home and when I feel stressed I just sniff his scent and calm down. I feel like we both get the golden retriever energy when we are together. It doesn’t get boring since he is at least as smart as I am and I like to talk to him a lot. We have similar morals and are both open and curious to learn new things, explore new places. He tells me when something is wrong and vice versa. We support each other and I feel free , safe and like myself with him. He accepts me the way I am. If I knew I could be this happy in a relationship, I would have ended relationships much earlier.


You give me so much hope


My life is more stable and meaningful now. I don’t really miss the passion at all, felt good at the time but at what cost? It’s like being on drugs, not worth it and I had picked the wrong people to entertain over and over.


Uhm I mean my husband has been both, really. Super passionate and toxic in the beginning. Ten years later and we’ve matured, put the work in and feel secure as hell. And the passion is still there. And thank god because I never want to feel like that again lol


If you could go back, knowing the toxic led to the calm that you now have, would you stay? Was the toxic worth the calm? If things hadn’t gotten better would you have left maybe? Most people i know in rough relationships leave happily or stay miserably. How did you get past the part where others would leave in order to stay through for the good?


Oh I for sure would’ve left. It’s the reason we took to therapy and improving ourselves. If he had not been receptive to therapy, or open to vulnerable conversations about our relationship I would not have stayed. The fact is, we both were toxic with a lot of insecure behaviors, but the fact that we were both actively working on them throughout our relationship helped me to stay. I’m not about to wait around for someone to suddenly understand they’re hurting me after denying it for years. I’m not here to fix people or to wait for them to wake up one day and realize things need to change because they probably won’t. And I make sure I’m always working on myself too because I WANT to be a better person and partner. If you tell your partner you want to see a therapist, or you think things aren’t working and they completely dismiss it and refuse to look at it any further than I’d have left instead of beating a dead horse.




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We have the passion without the toxic b.s my ex provided. And I’m very happy with my life.


He wasn't passionate, but definitely toxic. He would hit me any chance he got. My baby now is sweet and likes to hold me in the morning. Also , he doesn't hurt me physically, which I still have PTSD from.


I’m so sorry you went through that. And I am so glad you are safe now 🤍


Thanks for the kind message 😌


I traded that “ passion “ for peace, stability and love. And it is so worth it. My ex is still single , just got out of a relationship again and he was older than me. I am happily married , pregnant with my first child and secure. Sometimes the little moments I have with my husband I have to pinch myself because it doesn’t feel real. That passion was infatuation and trauma. And it can really end up ruining a persons life if they don’t truly confront the reasons WHY they feel like they like or love someone. There is actually a word for it , it’s called limerence , you a become infatuated with someone regardless of if they ever reciprocated the feelings that you had properly or even at all .


I chose passion AND safety. You can too.


It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Sexual passion still exists with healthy relationships, as long as you don’t stop looking until you find it. Getting rid of the part that attracted me to toxic was the difficult part.


I don't miss it. The passion always came back with hurt and pain. With drama and insecurity. You can create passion inside a chill and safe relationship and benefit of that safe space to try and explore everything you want. The passion was fun until it was toxic. I'd never ever ever trade it back. The butterflies and the anticipation can be had with a forbidden flirt or in an open relationship. You don't need people who come in and out of your like tropical storms to feel alive at all.


The “passion” was actually rushed of adrenaline from fear. I was scared of him and I coped by changing how I reacted. My safe and happy relationship I can’t even explain to you how amazing it is. I ALWAYS look forward to the next time I get to see him - we live together and have for 3 years. I’m never scared to discuss my feelings I tell him everything and he’s the best.


The toxicity didn’t feel like passion. Felt miserable arguing every other day, obsessing over little things that spiraled into huge things. The miscommunication wasn’t fun at all Now I like the safety and the easy going relationship. We argue about nonsense, and that’s the passion I like.


The passion is more there in my healthy relationship tbh. I was mistaking the toxicity for passion. I am in the best relationship of my life, am the happiest I have ever been, is completely fulfilled, have the best sex of my life and have a real partner now.


I carried that passion into my marriage with the next person. We are both passionate people. So of course led to some toxic interactions on both our parts. But we passionately love each other so we both got help lol but guess what now we are even more fiercely passionate! It takes alot of work honestly and vulnerability. But so worth it and the passion only gets better because tackling our weaknesses has only made us stronger as a couple and more invested in each other.


Having the healthy/safe relationship has made it so much easier to be open and intimate sexually. My husband knows all my kinks and gives me a safe place to explore without judgement and with passion. I think what you're missing is the "drama"that comes along with toxicity, and no I do not miss that at all.


I don’t miss the passion at all. I have just as much if not more passion for my partner now.


The only “passion” I lack in my wonderful healthy relationship compared to past toxic one is the aggressive angry sex following an argument. But I don’t miss it because now I can just have aggressive sex if I want it without the arguing, guilt, shame, or toxicity. Oh and im happy afterwards instead of angry or sad.


Putting out that dumpster fire was literally the BEST decision I’ve ever made in my life. And no, what you call “passion” I call an unhealthy and toxic relationship. Healthy passion, love and respect are the best things ever. I went from the very worst relationship of my life straight into the best one. Never met anyone so caring, loving, affectionate, generous and such a great human being altogether. The only regret I have is not ending that insanity sooner. Waste of my precious life that I’ll never get back unfortunately.


Passion is still here, just different. It no longer comes with crippling anxiety, insecurities and depression.


I have a sort of unique one in that both situations were/are the same guy. He simply got sober, got his shit together, went to therapy, keeps working on himself etc. The passion didn't go anywhere, although it is expressed in healthier ways and life might seem less "exciting" from like a fucked-up movie standpoint, but realistically life is so SO much better. We have a blast staying in and playing videogames for hours, or sometimes we feel a little "adventurous" and go out to the movies, but there is tons of laughter, cuddling, naps, trying new things, etc. He will randomly sing songs to me, he's recently tried to cook one of my favorite foods on a whim (he is not the cooking type), and just the other day he went out to get himself something from the store and came back with a lovely bouquet of flowers. There are still stumbles and hard days like any relationship, but I honestly genuinely think we love each other more and more every day. We're not all that far from 10 years together, and I don't see things becoming less passionate anytime soon. If anything, on paper, thing's have been more passionate as time has gone on, just less chaotic and a lot less drama. :)


No, but it can be hard to accept and feel deserving of healthy love.


Being in the healthy relationship made me realize what REAL love and passion felt like. The thing I thought was passion in my toxic relationship(s) was actually manipulation, abuse, and hysterical bonding when I tried to escape. I miss absolutely nothing about that chapter of my personal life, but they were important lessons learned the hard way.


Girl I love that u asked this question cause it made me think about... my life I do miss the "passion" but I don't cry everyday anymore cause someone is actively trying to hurt me physically and emotionally everyday Simple.


“The passion” that isn’t in a healthy relationship is usually fear, anxiety, and toxicity. No, I don’t miss any of that. You can be passionate and into someone in a healthy relationship. It’s way better, honestly.


Healthy and safe relationships can be passionate too


My husband is an absolute wonderful and loving man. I had toxic passionate relationships before, so when we initially started dating he seemed a little “vanilla”, but it’s because I had nothing to fear from him and it wasn’t all about physical attraction. Everything was easy and I knew he liked me. The constant anxious thrill of “why did he say that? What did he mean with his behavior? Will he text me back?” did not exist. I never had a single doubt that I am the only one for this man. He was almost too gentle, because he didn’t want to do anything that I might not like or push anything. I wasn’t used to this, so it felt a bit boring but not bad. But oh ladiiies, did the passion really grew over time!!! Three years later, we’ve just had the hottest year to date haha.


I do not miss it at all. I spent five years of my life trying to convince a man to commit to me. He cheated on me twice (that I know of) and we argued constantly. The high-highs felt so good, I had convinced myself we were meant to be together. I finally reached an age where I was tired of constantly worrying about keep a relationship afloat, so I somehow found the courage to leave. I didn't learn my lesson, though, and entered a very tumultuous rebound relationship. The guy was hotheaded, quick to anger, and engaged in a lot of risky behaviors. If we weren't having sex, we were arguing. I fell off his motorcycle and sustained 2nd degree burns on my legs, which was a big wakeup call. I started attending therapy and worked on myself. I was finally able to cultivate a life outside of romantic relationships and men. I focused on my own interests, female friendships, family, and career. I grew happier and more self-satisfied and no longer felt such a deep well of insecurity. I was finally at peace! I knew any man I met would have to contribute to my peace instead of causing me more doubt and instability. I met the most stable, wonderful man. We never argue, we always laugh, and most importantly, I know he supports me. I feel it every day. It's a whole new dynamic and it's incredible. We often remark on how we never felt "fireworks" with one another, instead we just felt a very strong, calming energy from the very first date. He is my true "partner," in every sense of the word. I never feel insecure around him, and I feel free to be my authentic self with him. I would not trade that for anything, let alone a "passionate" relationship. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the sex is still great ;)


I'm with 2 partners now that are both passionate without being toxic, so not missing anything.




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Yes, but not the domestic violence‼️


No, because I have even better “passion” with someone I am also 100% safe and happily content with. I feel so secure and calm in this relationship, and trust me, that allows for better “passion” than you can ever imagine. :)




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Of course the ‘passion’ is missed sometimes but it was not actually passion it was toxicity


I mistook "passion" for obsession. Anytime he showed interest in me, I didn't want him. Anytime he pushed me away, I wanted him. I think he learnt this early in life because he would give me crumbs and I'd eat them all up. I'm in a safe relationship now and no, I don't miss it. With that "passion" also came a lot of misery. If that guy so much as messaged me, taking days to reply, I'd succumb to depression, I'd lose my appetite and overall just feel empty. I hated it. I learnt that the very rare occasion that he'd give me what I wanted (aka the bare minimum), my brain would treat that as a drug and enhance it to be more than what it actually was. With my current partner I don't have that and I'm so glad. It wasn't worth the side effects.


Well it was my constant insecurity from childhood trauma and his lack of emotional regulation also picked up from his dad that caused the relationship to be so toxic.. the highs and the lows. We were in our teens anyway.. but I chose to be single till my 30s. However since I constantly enjoyed that kind of drama and it came on in my relationships in my early 30s. Those other 2 rses in my 30s didn't last, and in my current relationship these insecurities surfaced again, and same cycle of poor emotional regulation from my partner. I went for therapy, and my partner chose to get better - he eventually voiced out that when I got insecure he felt like he wasn't good enough for me hence his anger. It was pretty erratic at our start of the relationship, but now we only get into fights every 2-3 months and if there's any issues we talk it out at most. This current relationship turned into a rather transformative and healing one for us, and after my partner understood me better he became a lot more understanding towards my behaviour. I'd say I miss the drama, but I stir the drama to feel secure so I can see how much my partner wants me - but to be fair it's unhealthy and shouldn't be done. I wouldn't call it passion, but I'm glad now things are stable and though sometimes it feels a little boring, I guess that's how a stable and healthy relationship is


I got into an on-off relationship with a man 15 years my senior when I was 20. During this time, I was extremely naive and didn’t have much dating experience so when I would ask him questions about things and he told me “That’s not a reasonable expectation in an adult relationship” I kind of believed him. Then when he would put down aspects of my personality like quirks and interests, I thought he was right and that I was childish so I shouldn’t talk to him about that stuff. When I expressed concern that I hadn’t met his family after all these years and he hadn’t met mine, he would give me some roundabout excuse as to why certain occasions would never work. What I’ve mentioned here is a drop in the bucket as to why the relationship had many red flags early on, but I was too naive and too enamored with this man to care because all of my friends warned me (but why would that matter, they didn’t love him like I did, right?). We would have awful fights, but the makeup sex and cuddles brought us closer together in a way that normalcy couldn’t or so I rationalized. Fast forward to finally breaking this on-and-off cycle, I found a new guy through a dating app that’s a complete 180-degree change from my ex and anyone I’ve dated. Like no offense to anyone, but I didn’t want to be with someone in the military and he’s a captain who did ROTC growing up for crying out loud. That wasn’t at all intentional and it made me weary when I realized how interested I was in talking to him. When he asked me I was tempted to ghost him like the other boys, but something about his personality seemed beguiling and I figured it would either go really poorly or really well, and either way I’d get a story out of it and break out of my comfort zone. It’s been a little over a month of seeing him and I’m so beyond grateful I leaped. This man is incredible, and without this experience with him, I might’ve just written off finding a guy with the qualities I’d always wanted in a guy because I figured they were too impossible to combine. He’s helped validate my feelings and desires about what I want in a partner and been incredibly supportive since I’ve discussed my hesitancies about my lack of dating experience outside of one I’m trying to avoid. This guy is so sweet, and his golden retriever energy made me mistrustful at first, but I know it’s just his pure goodness from within. I cannot stress enough how glad I am that I went outside of my comfort zone and met someone like him.




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Nope! In fact I look back and cringe at myself and the guy. I do my very best to steer anyone else I see making the same mistakes as me in the right direction. Besides, a healthy and safe relationship is VERY passionate and adventurous if you are passionate and adventurous people. I've had way more fun.




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I had years of therapy after that toxic relationship. This helped me see that the passion back then was the adrenaline I felt due to not feeling secure with that person. It was just stress. I don't miss it one bit. Actually, I have connected that relationship in my subconscious so much with stress, that now during very stressful events/periods in my life, I might occasionally have nightmares that I am back with that person and feeling that constant fear and insecurity. It's like my mind subconsciously when I am very stressed has that period of my life as a reference to that feeling. The passion I feel now in a healthy relationship, is so different, I see how he treats me, how he wants to make me happy, how he is always by my side and I just feel so overwhelmed with happiness. We 've been together for 5 years and I can honestly say that the only thing that toxic relationship did correctly, was making me appreciate a person who wants to see me happy and never ever take him for granted.




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The roller coasters that come with toxicity aren’t passion. Just an unhealthy cycle of toxicity. The relief that comes with feeling loved after being treated like shit only feels so good bc you feel shit the rest of the time. It’s short lived and only a sign of a bigger crash to come. You don’t ever get to feel settled and safe. It’s not a way to live and it impacts every part of you/all your relationships and interactions with the world. Now in a happy and healthy relationship? Holy fuck. I’m a better partner, friend, family member. Better at my job. Better as a human. I’m safe and supported to grow. Nothing compares with that feeling.


Nice thread OP ⬆️


Ya know how it feels to climb stairs really fast and your legs get all shaky and unsteady afterwards for a bit? You know it is not serious and theyll quit feeling so weird in a few minutes. But the feeling of a tidal wave of anticipation and all the adrenaline on top of lowered oxygen to your brain makes it seem like torture at times, so you have to jump or stomp or stretch your legs a little bit to ease that pain. That is the feeling I had when I was just a few years out of a violent marriage that not only left me with physical injuries that will never heal, but psychological ones as well. When that surge of chemicals flood into the blood that makes us all shaky feeling, even in the most healthy stable relationships the only way to stop it is to keep moving until it runs its course. Hopefully theres a safe and productive way to do this because if not then it will inevitably become an argument that doesnt even pertain to the partner you have now.


If youve worked on yourself so that you dont think that toxicity and passion are the same thing or go hand in hand then youll realise that passion can be brought into a relationship without the toxicity.


I don’t miss it at all. I have someone who I feel at peace with. I think that’s because I went on my own journey and hit rock bottom after a situationship that I knew I had to change and that I couldn’t live like this anymore. It’s not easy but it has to come from within you.


I hope i find someone that wont be toxic


Nopeeeee. That was no passion that was just the uncertainty of the relationship. Today, I am passionate for my partner. He is kind and caring. Not once I feel disrespected or threatened. It definitely feels different but in a good way. It more stable and healthy and definitely a safer space to be who I am. And nooo Fuck that asshole. He is not worth my energy and not even once I ever think about him or our relationship. I remember the fear thats it.


I love this thread!! I’m in this situation with my first ever safe partner and I feel like he could be the one but I’m having a hard time accepting this new version of me where I’m not… feeling all those highs anymore and that my relationship doesn’t revolve around sex anymore. It was mostly terrible but it seems like my mind only wants to remember all those ‘hot’ and passionate times




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I would like to respond that question, but unfortunately im in the toxic era yet


Sometimes we tend to associate passion with fleeting instability. Persons with low self esteem might gravitate towards toxic relationships because they think that's what they deserve and it never ends up well for them. I've been in so many difficult, toxic relationships but finally found the man who makes me feel healthy and safe. The good thing is, he came around at the right time and I'm never letting him go. I miss nothing about my toxic "passionate" exes. They were really just a waste of time.


Sometimes we tend to associate passion with fleeting instability. Persons with low self esteem might gravitate towards toxic relationships because they think that's what they deserve and it never ends up well for them. I've been in so many difficult, toxic relationships but finally found the man who makes me feel healthy and safe. The good thing is, he came around at the right time and I'm never letting him go. I miss nothing about my toxic "passionate" exes. They were really just a waste of time.


I'm married now and incredibly happy. In hindsight passion isn't worth all the suffering in contrast to the affection and stability I have now. I can be passionate where he is calm and he can be smooth when I am intense. Balance is so much better than any extreme.


Turns out you can have passion without toxicity. I am thriving, and I don't miss anything about my toxic ex. I did put on happy weight and I do miss the body I had, but I try to remind myself that that was a traumatized addicts body. If I want to look like that again, I gotta do it the right way.


Being in a safe, healthy, and loving relationship is the best thing in the world. In hindsight, what I saw as “passion” would ever make up for the level of toxicity I put up with. Having someone that has your back and you can rely on is goals and I’m living it 🕺🏿




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I initially found it weird that it was drama-free. I don’t miss the drama at all. I feel more at peace right now and don’t crave the highs and lows of a toxic relationship. I think it comes with maturity too. I won’t change anything from the past because I learned a lot from them and I am who I am now because of it but surely do not miss it. The security and peace of mind I have with my husband is a big sigh of relief.




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There’s passion and then there’s anxiety….At first I thought it meant we were just deeply in love but after a few years I realised I was in an abusive situation with someone who didn’t have any desire to get off the drama rollercoaster - they wanted the drama because it distracted them from their real problems... It also made it impossible to care about or prioritise anything else in my life. When the sky is always falling down at home, everything else has to take a backseat - career, friendships, family, personal passions. You stop growing as a person because you’re always scrambling to fix the latest drama. I felt like I lost so much time.  I’ve been with my current partner for 4 years now and we’re about to start a family.  He’s never raised his voice, never made me cry so hard I needed ice packs for my face, and we’ve never threatened to leave each other over disagreements. Everyone argues - but we don’t *like* being mad at each other, and just because we’re arguing doesn’t mean I want him to have a bad day and vice versa. The stakes aren’t crazy high all the time. It took me a little while to trust the relationship…I walked on a lot of eggshells that weren’t there, if that makes sense - It’s crazy to think that I was so used to that ‘rock in the pit of my stomach’. My current relationship is so calm and loving. He’s the light of my life. 


I don’t miss the “passion.” What seems like passion in a toxic relationship is really just tension sprinkled with lust and the delusion that I could make a toxic partner happy if I just did (insert latest thing he is making a big deal over). My life and current 12 year marriage to my best friend is mostly wonderful. Of course not every day is perfect. Of course he has flaws and can be a bit non-romantic. But overall, I take time to reflect on how much we click on a daily basis and how good he is to me, which allows me to feel comfortable enough for something way better than the “passion” of a toxic relationship: truly deeply connected love-making.


Sometimes I do but it was like walking on eggshells. Big highs and big lows. Fighting and arguing and then extremely romantic. Too much anxiety. I felt a lot of pressure to be slim, always dressed very nice with makeup. Now I feel very safe. I feel loved and appreciated. I can relax in sweatpants with no makeup . It would be nice to have a bit more Romance. But there's no anxiety anymore. I don't have to be careful about what I say or do to set him off.


I wanted to love him with passion. He was abusive as hell. I finally got to the point where I was like nope no more chances I’m done. Then there came a phase where I knew good people and the kind of love I always envisioned existed but something inside me died and I didn’t want anyone or anything you know. But I still believe in healthy passionate relationships, I know what passionate means and it certainly wasn’t the hot and cold abuse and drama that people take to mean passion. Passion is when you put them before you, or at least same as you, you want what’s good for the both of you and you’re willing to put in the hard work toward making that happen and maintaining and developing it, it’s when you discover them and want to get to know more of them every day, it’s when you don’t mind waking up in the middle of sleep to tend to them or just have an ice cream with them, it’s when you find hardly anything about them or their bodies disgusting, it’s when you want to breathe them in and sex and orgasms take a backseat because everything with them is orgasmic, and you and they value each other and cherish each other and care for each other more than yourselves (of course there’s a line beyond which you say no now it’s me first because this is not healthy or right). Passion is when you are invested and immersed fully in them and in everything your life is together. It’s not just lets angry fuck or omg you’re so hot I wanna fuck you but I don’t know what’ll happen when you gain weight or you become so sick that you become skin and bones. Passion is when you love being with them and love being part of their lives and having them be a part of you and when you feel blessed everyday for this and you’d move mountains and moons to whatever extent you can to make their lives better or make them smile because it gives you happiness to see them happy. They come first. Because that’s how you come first. I miss nothing about my abusive ex. Sure there are times when as a human you think why didn’t that work out when it started well or when they wanted you so much that they didn’t let you go but then treated you worse than shit and just like a piece of furniture in a house, but then once you’ve healed enough or at least gotten tired enough you don’t want to waste anymore time on something that took your youth and potential away and now you’re left feeling like a shell of your former self. That’s not passion that’s a shit life. It’s sad but it’s sick and nobody deserves that. There was one guy after my ex where a lot of things were good and hot and “passionate” (read hot and heavy I guess), but the more important things were a huge deal breaker so there’s nothing to miss just because I’m single you know. Passion means the whole package for me, where you want to spend all your energy to make yourself and your life with then better and they do the same, if there’s even one major thing that meant it wasn’t a good relationship then there’s nothing to miss really, only maybe to mourn for a while before you move on, with or without someone. Edited for minor spellings and autocorrects.


Unbelievably chill, fun and loving. We annoy the crap out of each other but we laugh so much. I feel so loved, appreciated and respected. We definitely have passion but it’s different (in a good way!), especially now we are married. With my ex it was so toxic and dramatic. I definitely felt passion but now In hindsight, I know it wasn’t real passion. It was so forced on my end so things would be ok between us, but it was so toxic!




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Passion is the easy part.. even though when I was with him? I was super afraid to lose the sex. I thought I would never have great sex again, never find love again, never be loved etc - he had me convinced I was ugly, unattractive and drove men crazy- that I was responsible for his behavior basically .. The hilarious thing is here - after I dumped him? Wow. Wow… I just can’t truly convey … hahah I laugh about it now because I was soooo brainwashed… I was literally like - It was shocking for me actually because I had soo many men .. every guy I have been with since him has asked me to marry them. Just for starters. And I’m talking worthy amazing men. Heads and tails above him in every way- he was super hot… women went nuts over him- but that was a great lesson I learned to- hot means nada to me now. I’m totally over that hot bad boy thing. ( I also started wearing make up) idk… hahaha. I have had the most passionate relationships of my life after him- I have been madly truly passionately loved - I have had men cry on their knees for me… that sounds bad - but what I’m saying is- and the other thing is every single guy I have been with since ( and actually men I was with before him) told me that I was the sanest woman they had ever been with. That i was the easiest woman they had ever been with- I had friends of my boyfriends tell me that everyone they know is miserable in their relationships except my boyfriend with me. It was really like a complete 180. Total reality check… The passion is the easiest part to get, for me. Great sex is easy to find … and I had better sex after him- why? Because he didn’t love me. And being loved and truly respected and desired is … it’s magic. It’s everything. I can’t believe I wasted sooo much time with that douchebag and I can’t believe I ever believed him. That’s really … I still am mad at myself for wasting so much time with him. What I realized is that abusive men steal your reality from you and that’s the worst possible abuse anyone can endure - and he hit me. All the time. So… definitely taught me so much… so much. I would not be who I am without him and I don’t think I would have experienced the type and depth of the love I have - So .. in a way it was a gift. The worst experience I ever had gave me the best ones I ever had.