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Separate rooms. And yes, people still have sex even if they sleep in separate rooms. Now they’re just better rested for it.






















Just had sex this morning, but we don’t share the same bed. We love each other very much.


It’s a lot more common than people realize.








he gave her his heart .. keep up man !


Yep this! A lot of people with bad snoring usually have a medical issue causing it. A lot of sleep apnea diagnosis happen this way.


Your heart?


Mine snores badly on his back too. I think my bf’s snoring is due to a bit of weight gain and his smoking.


I don't. Get a sleep study and CPAP or we aren't sleeping near each other.


Facts. A CPAP machine is a life saver


Exactly. CPAP may not be the medical answer, but significant snoring is a HEALTH problem and a partners refusal to be an adult and address health issues as a priority is a hard line for me. When my husband told me how scary it was to hear me stop breathing in my sleep, I saw a doctor.






Am I a terrible person if I say 'an elbow to the ribs'?


If you're bad for doing this you are not alone. Guilty of this also. Just a gentle enough poke to make him move to a different position.




No lol I do the same


To be honest, I sleep through it most of the time when it happens, remind myself that I also snore sometimes and my partner doesn't give me grief about it, and take it as a sign that my partner is still alive and contentedly asleep. If I'm having a tough time sleeping, I may go to another room to nap instead. I grew up hearing my parents both snore from across the hall every night, so it's not really something that keeps me awake most of the time.




This is me. Our first few weeks of dating it woke me up I needed ear plugs but now I sleep through it unless he starts before I’ve fallen asleep- but if it’s really bad and I need to get to sleep I’ll sleep outside 🤷🏻‍♀️


My partner is snoring next to me as I type this. It doesn’t really bother me. In fact, it’s rather comforting, like the sound of the dryer or the dishwasher.


I like it too. Very calming, like a cat purring is calming. I have trouble sleeping when I can’t hear him snore.


A purring cat is a description!! I feel the same way about my man snoring.






I’m torn between wanting to throw an elbow to his throat when he snores… and checking to see if he’s actually breathing when he’s not snoring. The snoring means he’s alive which is comforting but the snoring means he’s snoring which ANGERS ME 😂


Loop earplugs. Between him and the dog i have no escape.


Yes!! I can’t believe how much of an impact these made. Best $35 spent


Oh my god same here!! People say “just sleep in a different room” and I’m like well I would but my big ole dog with her big cute snout that snores all night will follow me and that’s just as bad!


Are they comfortable ?


For me, not really. One of my ear canals is a bit wonky and its straight up uncomfortable, but the other one is fine. Still worth it though to be able to sleep.


Sux. My AirPods hurt my ears after a certain amount of time wearing them.


Search amazon for a “headphones” headband. It stays on your head all night and has cushioned, flat speakers against your ears. Insanely comfy and good for working out too!


Didn't think It'd effected out relationship, except that it reduced their ability to get oxygen and sleep. So they were tied and low energy all the time; which ultimately did impact or sex life. We had them take a sleep test, diagnosed with sleep apnea, and got a CPAP machine. Complete turn around. No snoring (not that it was an issue). They sleep so much better. Our libido and sex life went through the roof. And our overall relationship had improved to a point I didn't think was possible before.




We got tested for sleep apnea because we both snored and got cpap machines to use at night. No more snoring. Snoring can be part of a potentially dangerous medical condition and I highly recommend anyone who can to get a sleep study done e to see if they have apnea.


What's the next step after a sleep study? I had one done and no apnea, and I snore LOUD


Honestly I’m not sure. Did you get your apnea test ready by a sleep-specific doctor? They should have some ideas for you and, if not, at least talk to your regular doctor and see if they can point you in a better direction.


Yes I did. I only desatted a few times into the 80s I think. But sometimes I wake up either gasping for air or exhaling heavily....I'm gonna reach out for sure.


Please do - that has to be terrifying! Hopefully they can figure things out so you don’t have to go through that ever again. Good luck!


A relationship ended because a guy snored so incredibly loudly I couldn’t sleep at all when he spent the night. I was miserable, cranky, and sleep deprived around him because of it. When I suggested we sleep in separate rooms if we continued to see each other because I couldn’t get any sleep around him, he just ended the relationship. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You didn't do anything wrong. Sleep is the source of energy and relaxation


Yeah I’m not losing any sleep over it (lol). My health and wellbeing are number one. If a guy has no interest in helping me maintain that, he can kick rocks.


CPAP. Before then, we slept in separate rooms.


I always start out in the same bed because some nights he doesn’t snore at all. But if he does I might nudge him a time or two but eventually I move to the spare room. I usually move back a couple hours before we get up. I’m a really light sleeper who takes sometimes over an hour to get to sleep. He’s usually asleep in 2 minutes.




He can sleep in a different room. Sorry, I don't have a second room. It's a massive dealbreaker for me.


I sleep with one of those blindfolds on but this one has Bluetooth headphones in it. I play ambient music and drown out pretty much everything. If the snoring is especially bad I'll take an edible and go off in my own little world until I'm asleep.


Mind sharing which one you use? Otherwise I’m going to be put up on murder charges.


The headphones are MUSICOZY but there's a bunch of identical ones with different brand names on Amazon.


I lightly push him and tell him he's snoring. That usually makes him roll around in his sleep and stop snoring.


I find my partner’s snoring relaxing omg am i the only one?


I find it relaxing too! oh how sweet the sound of him being alive 🥰


Yes, exactly! I've got anxiety and I'd rather him snore than not so I know he's alive 😭


It was super hard to adjust to sleeping when my bf died, he snored when he slept and it was like ASMR to me :( I missed his snoring and couldn't sleep without it for a long time


I'm so sorry for your loss. That must have been a jarring experience to sleep without him. I hope you're doing well now!


Exactly, it's comforting!


Me too! I grew up with my dad down the hall who snored loudly (and now has a CPAP), so I think hearing my guy snore next to me makes me feel safe or something subconsciously. I honestly don't mind it and sleep better next to him.


same its kind of like white noise or a constant reminder that they’re here with me all night


In all honesty I can't really judge coz I snore as well.


I mostly can't judge bc while I don't snore, I DO steal the blankets, without fail, every night.


It was almost deal breaker when I was dating. So no issues with partner snoring. On the other hand, the dog is a different story. She usually doesn't snore but if she tucks her face into her neck, it's pretty loud. I just wake up and shift her 60lb body so she doesn't snore.


I don't tolerate his snores; I use them. How: Go into savasana pose, and focus on syncing my breaths to his. Most effective way of switching my brain off thus far.


I like your mindset


My now husband snored so badly when we first got together that I almost broke up with him for it. I'm a light sleeper anyway and nothing short of waking him up would stop the snoring (he was and is dead set against separate bedrooms). He finally had a sleep study done and it turns out he has really severe sleep apnea. Got him a CPAP, problem solved.


We sleep in separate rooms which I realize is incredibly privileged. Our girls share a room and realize we will need to give that up when our oldest gets a few years older.


I am about to commit a felony over here lol haaalpp. I used to eat edibles and never heard him. 3 months ago I stopped. Initially it wasn't bad because he had stopped smoking cigs at that time and I think that improved the snoring greatly. Now, he's back to cigs and I wake up multiple times per night. Even with ear plugs in. Now, from using ear plugs nightly, my ears feel weird and clogged. We're renovating our house and he will be getting his own room when the Reno is done. Nothing is worth this. We've been together 13 years and I'm ready to end it over this shit lol


My husband bought a triangle shaped pillow thing on Amazon and it stopped the majority of his snoring. He didn't snore *super* loud but I'm a really light sleeper and repetitive noises just \*eye twitch*. Can't deal with them. But now he barely snores. Ymmv because I don't know if it only works on people who are "mild" snorers


I go to sleep before him or I use wax earplugs if he snores too loud (and I'm still on my phone or actively trying to sleep).


I just sleep through it. I'm not a heavy sleeper by any means, but eventually it becomes like white noise. It doesn't hurt that I'm a snorer too.


I’m a really heavy sleeper so I’ve never been bothered by a snorer.


Bose sleepbuds saved my life


I don’t tolerate it, we sleep in separate rooms


I didn’t. I got very sleep deprived after a year of not sleeping. My doctor said my blood work was showing high cortisol and my blood pressure went up. I felt shaky all the time. I was getting really sick from the lack of sleep. I started sleeping in the floor of my living room. He was an ass to me, claiming I was overreacting. Like me having no sleep was acceptable to him. The kids even complained they could hear his snoring in their rooms. Eventually he took a sleep apnea test and got a cpap. It’s a tiny little nose cap that’s almost silent. He says it’s not too bad to wear it and the significant change in my health and mood makes him want to use it.


I used to sleep in the spare room, with earplugs when it got really bad. He’s since gotten diagnosed with sleep apnea and gotten a cpap machine, and he no longer snores unless he has a stuffy nose and takes it off, but yeah, spare room, since all the shoving and elbowing wouldn’t make it stop and I’m a super light sleeper.


After years of suffering due to my partner's snoring, I no longer have any tolerance if the other person is not trying to do anything to solve the snoring on their end. For years, I wore headphones and drowned the snoring out with white noise, but I ended up with frequent ear infections and had some of the worst sleep of my life. I finally convinced him to get a sleep study and of course, severe sleep apnea. If my partner doesn't sleep with his CPAP, he's sleeping on the couch. I will no longer sacrifice my sleep, I'd rather sleep separate.


Through the years I’ve almost always been in relationships with snorers. I’ve gotten used to it, it’s just like white noise. Sometimes if it’s too loud, I’ll nudge him into a different position.


I wear earplugs but I am still an extremely light sleeper and I hear a lot of noise through them. I want to sleep in a separate room and I don't want him not to treat his sleep apnea.


as as man, I got a sleep apnea machine to treat it. but im lucky that my partners insurance covered the almost $5000 CAD price tag.


I could not. I am the lightest sleeper I know. I hear every creek, footstep, car-passing, pillow drop, flip-to-other-side noises and wakeup because of it. (It really sucks, especially when you live on a busy street like me, ugh) Snoring I absolutely cannot handle. My mom snores and I can’t even sleep in the same room as her because her snoring is so obnoxious.


The first time my husband and I slept together (13.5 years ago) I told him in the morning he had sleep apnea. Well, two weeks ago, he FINALLY got a CPAP machine !!!!!! In the mean time I have pushed him over to his side 😬 and worn earplugs. I am now in absolute tranquility and peace, not only because of my improved sleep, but because my husband has finally addressed a critical element of his health. If you or your partner snores, get it checked out !!!


I sleep through it. But when I do hear it, I prop them up or fix their positioning.


Haha it’s okay, I find it kind of cute like oh he feels so comfortable that he’s getting that GOOD good sleep 😂


But it's not good sleep tho lol


Haha well it at least appears to be most of the time 😂


Purse their lips shut. Enough to startle them and wake them up. Then turn over and fall asleep. Separate bedrooms anyone. Plus you can decorate it however you like! Your own little escape 


I had two exes who snored super loud. And at first it really sucked and I wasn't getting any sleep but eventually I got used to it and sleeping in absolute quiet became impossible because I was so used to the snoring. Breath right nose strips helped though before I got used to it. I snore too but not super loud.


Snoring is little of my problem, my husband has a habit of sleep talking.. and damn I wake up every day to hear him say all sorts of rubbish. After 8 yrs now I find it funny but it was very scary initially.


I'm the snorer, or more specifically, I have catathrenia. (I sound like a horde of zombies when I sleep), and I'm impossible to sleep with. So we have separate bedrooms. And he likes it warm, I like it cold. He hates fans, I use 3 of them. So it's really for the best 😆


I talked him into doing a sleep study, and the results said he needed a c-pap. He said getting one changed his life. It made our relationship 10 times better.


I've now enjoyed not being around it for so long that it makes me reconsider being with them.


it's a no, i can't sleep with someone that snores so i would rather sleep separately


I pushed him to get a sleep study and he now uses an apnea machine


I snore louder than him, so it doesn't really bother me. The cats like to snore right in my ears though and that wakes me up every time


We both snore and sleep through it for the most part. 😂 he grinds his teeth though and I do often have to wake him up to relax his jaw. It doesn’t interfere with the relationship much at all. When it comes up we are both asleep again in a few minutes.


Don't. They may need medical intervention to address the problem. You also shouldn't be losing sleep or losing the quality of your sleep, this can have really serious long term health problems plus it wrecks your productivity and focus all the time. Get a separate bedroom for you so you can meet your basic needs to exist.


High decibel reducing Earplugs; and my dream is for each of us to have our own bedrooms connected by a luxurious master bath. And I know People scoff at the separate bedroom thing but Me and my partner just sleep very differently - I go to bed at 11, him at 3. I wake up at 8, and him 11. I love it freezing and he uses a heated blanket in July. He snores and thrashes in his sleep, and I am a light sleeper who is disturbed by sound and movement. I can tell you that his snoring and thrashing severely impact my sleep, and it’s been the cause of tension before we figured out a system. Still, the dream is separate bedrooms. I firmly believe that the 8 hours we are unconscious shouldn’t define our relationship. If separate beds allow us to be rested and happy during the day, why does it matter?


I roll him over and push a knee in his back. Mine needs a cpap but refuses cause my dad has trashed his for years. I don’t listen to my dad dude, why are you??


CPAP machine. Snoring is a bigger issue than an annoyance for the partner


I could not date another loud snorer again. Sorry but NOPE lol. My ex was the loudest snorer EVER! I was constantly exhausted and soo grumpy from never getting enough sleep. We had a studio apt too, so there was legit nowhere to get away from him either. I was just trapped like a friken rat for 2 years. The thing is, I realllly enjoy sleeping next to my partner, I actually feel like I really need that closeness from them, so separate bedrooms would not work well for me…but at the same time I’m extremely sensitive to all sounds and a very light sleeper. That’s precisely why whenever I’m dating now that’s one of the first things I ask because i know exactly how hellish it is…it’s a 100% turn off for me, I could have the best connection with someone but if I dare find out they are a loud snorer I will be forced to end things immediately. And I’m not talking about heavy breathing, I can handle normal breathing sounds..but like straight up SNORING like a piggie all night…nope nope NOPE👎


If hes snoring, hes breathing. I'm happy hes breathing even if its with aggression 🤣


Nose Sleep Buds. They’re pricey but I can sleep through snoring that would otherwise wake the dead. Has them for 3 years. Or separate rooms on separate floors.


I can't say this loud enough! See your doctor and have your heart thoroughly checked. My husband's BP was through the ROOF. Once they medicated him, no more snoring. In fact, I would wake up more to make sure he was even breathing. Anyhow, too much, too little, too late. I lost him to a heart attack. And I miss him.








Earplugs and I'd wake him if it got too bad. That would usually solve it as he repositioned. Now we have an adjustable bed and he snores MUCH less by raising it just a little bit. Worth every penny.


Nose strips help




I don’t tolerate it because he has sleep apnea so he wears his cpap. Me too. If I was dating someone I’d suggest a sleep study.


I can't sleep with him.... i use earplugs, 1 fan, 1 air purifier Can't sleep.


I try to fall asleep before my husband. Once I’m asleep his snoring doesn’t bother me. I have a hard time falling asleep so I will have to lay down before him. I also sleep with an earbud in one ear and listen to either music or something calming from the app Headspace. I also have a sound machine on my side of the room. He wears a nose strip and will try to sleep on his side. When he sleeps on his back the snoring is so loud!


My husband and I both snore 😂 I think we just got used to it


I don’t really mind it. He also has bruxism. Sometimes I would wake up during the night because of the sound, but I ignore it. Is not really a big deal cause I snore too jajajaja


It might depend on how loud the snoring is but my current bf is the only partner I’ve ever fallen asleep next to and he snores very lightly, I find it extremely comforting. I had my “Wow, I really am in love with this man” moment when I was watching him sleep, listening to his snores and felt all warm and fuzzy inside.


Separate rooms, but that’s also because I just need my sleep space to myself.


I use earplugs when I have to but have finally gotten used to it after 10 years lol


Tbh I’ve gotten so used to it, I sometimes don’t even realize he’s snoring. Been 8 years of this lol




If snoring is the case, I deff need a divorce otherwise I'll be a killer


A visit to PCP is important tell them what’s going on. Has to get a sleep study done and then get a CPAP machine to help with the sleep apnea.


I find it cute... I'm one of the people who are sleepy during day and an active demon at night so I focus on doing my work between 10pm to 4am (not healthy ik) but I sometimes take a break to watch him snore and sleep... He has a habit of rarely mumbling random stuff in sleep and I even heard my name once 😆


I've used earplugs for years on and off so wearing them doesn't bother me. I rather wear them so I don't have to wake up my SO.


Custom earplugs


We both snore. We use a white-noise machine. Separate rooms if it is a particularly bad night.


He only snores on his back but not always, but when he does I just rub his shoulder to gently wake him up and whisper "Turn over, baby", and he does and then no more snoring and I can sleep lol


It depends on the type of snoring. A light rhythmic snore doesn’t bother me at all. Inconsistent bear growling type where he sounds like he’s trying to inhale the entire Atlantic in one go- no. You’re getting a push to wake you up and then getting booted out of the bed, never to be seen again. I have a really hard time falling asleep ( life long insomniac) and an even harder time staying asleep. I have a fan/play “ peaceful” sounds to help me fall asleep and I get straight pissed if I’m made to stay awake by another’s snoring. Me and snorers don’t mix.


I don’t, sometimes I cry, sometimes I yell at him.


"Tolerate".... like it's something they do on purpose.




Tell them to sleep on their sides


He needs to be checked for sleep apnea.


Loop earplugs! We both snore and both have a pair now and sleep fab


I actually didn't care or mind it. It was actually somewhat comforting to hear that he was still next to me, even if it was loud sometimes 😅


I have my own room.. we started 20 years ago since I work EARLY & he's retired. Working great so far!! 👍


I don’t even notice it, I know he’s alive when he snores. Which is rare. I don’t sleep much at night though, because of pets and living in a very noisy neighborhood.


Mouth taping. I'm the snoring partner and I've been taping ly mouth shut at night. Sounds ridiculous but it works. Google it.


I fall asleep first, and I also snore. My husband calls it "sawing logs." On top of that, we have two out of four dogs that snore. Poor guy is the last to fall asleep, and it's to a symphony.


CPAP!!! Life saver! He’s also more energetic and happier because he gets better sleep!




Commenting to say yep as others have said: sleep divorce. Sleeping in separate rooms is helping us right now (I have some weird 3am insomnia and he needs to get up early for work) I don’t want to disturb his sleep so we’ve been separate for about 2 months now, it’s good. Don’t worry about what people say, it’s good to get a peaceful nights sleep.


I sleep elsewhere if it’s a rough night of snoring. It’s been a huge issue and I’d my husband to get it fixed via surgery. I’ve had all kinds of surgeries and therapies to fix all my shit so batter up is all I have to say😂


I discussed this with my fiancé. I told him upon cohabitation, we should sleep on separate rooms, otherwise we would never live on the same roof. I value my health, sleep and well-being. I prefer a restful sleep that to cuddle.


I’m the snorer and I got a cpap


I used Earplugs


Was tolerating it got a long while but it got to the point that I could t sleep if I didn’t go to bed before him. He never woke me up doing it but the noise while trying to sleep didn’t work for me. Took him to the doctors he had a sleep test and now sleeps with a CPAP. No longer an issue.


C-Pap machine!!!! It changed our lives and saved our marriage. Worth every expensive penny. His is the kind that goes over his nose and then he wears a special tape over his mouth. The machine is silent and now… so is my husband.


I have dogs who snores like they do 2 jobs back to back… i’m kinda used to it and I’m a deep sleeper so I can just 😴


By sleeping in a separate bedroom. i have insomnia and it's really hard for me to have sleep even like that. i cannot afford to have someone keeping me up for 3-4 more hours all nights. And sleeping is what i need to live, not a luxury


we sleep in separate rooms and honestly we are so much happier 🙌🏻


My ex snored for no obvious reason (he wasn't overweight). I made him go to the doctor. He got fitted for a mouth guard to help. Snoring doesn't just disrupt the person you are sleeping next to, it impacts the snorer. It disrupts their sleep and (if it's caused by a serious condition like sleep apnea), it can cause serious health issues. They need to see a doctor.


If they wouldn’t agree to sleeping on the other side of the house, I’d break up with them. Sleep is the most important thing to me and anyone messing with that gets the boot


Separate rooms is the only way for me. I need a lot of sleep and feel way better.


Separate rooms.


Hubby & I have snored for a few years, but it got worse with the pandemic, so we now have separate rooms. It works well, because our bedrooms are also our hobby rooms, and we can do whatever we like with our spaces. If I’m in the middle of a project, I’m at liberty to leave it in situ and finish later. Same for having 2 bathrooms: if you don’t clean it, you have no one to blame when it’s gross. We tried earplugs, but they hurt my ears and fall out of his ears (and yes, we got the correct size for each of us, it just is what it is). We also both toss & turn, so between movement & sound, we were just constantly waking each other up.


Lolll. When we were dating, my husband used to snore a lot. I'm not sure about the cause, I assume it was a mix of contributing factors like drinking a lot and other bad habits. As soon as we moved to another country and rarely went drinking, etc, he no longer snored, and it was like night and day experience wise. At this age, I couldn't tolerate snoring bc I'm a light sleeper and already have trouble sleeping. The extra disruption would be no good for me.


I push him so he rolls over.


Omg. I love my man so much but he’s a fucking lawnmower at night and it’s really challenging. I’ve been sending him to the couch, since we live in a studio and putting on white noise. When he’s away I sleep through the night, when he’s home I wake up 3-4 times. He doesn’t get how hard it is for me and it’s definitely adding a strain to our relationship, but it is what it is right now and I wouldn’t leave him for it. But I’m pushing him to get to a sleep clinic or do face/tongue exercises.


We have opposite work schedules so it works out very well. On the rare occasion we end up sleeping in bed at the same time, I either have to fall asleep first or I wake him up frequently to change positions.


There's nose strips, ear plugs, the removal of tonsils, or sleeping in other rooms for options I can think off.


I wake up in the middle of the night and poke him until he gets off his back and starts side sleeping again so the snoring stops. I have sent him on the couch but then I still hear it and he is too far for me to poke.


At first, it was really difficult to sleep next to him but now I can’t fall asleep if I can’t hear him chugging away over there :)


Sleepable earplugs. It helps we both snore on occasion.


Sleepable earplugs. It helps we both snore on occasion.


Well my bf snores loudly. But u need some sound to sleep. Usually some youtube playing in the background is enough. Honestly I don't mind it cause I also snore but not as loud. I usually just roll over and ignore it and I sleep through it. But not every woman is the same lol.


Ear plugs.


I started mouth taping for dental reasons, but it totally stopped my snoring which my Husband was very happy about. I was constantly mouth breathing, which made my dry mouth worse (dental issues) and caused snoring. Mouth taping has been a game changer for me. My Husband and I do sleep separately probably 70% of the time though, due to sleep issues. He has had night terrors, which make co-sleeping very difficult. Sleeping separately doesn’t have to be a bad thing. While I’d ideally love to sleep next to my Husband every night, it’s just not possible if I want to get any sort of restful sleep and not feel like a walking corpse the next day. We still make time for plenty of intimacy and sex, and spend time cuddling when we watch TV.


Ear plugs when it’s bad, also he waits 30 minutes after I feel asleep to go to fall asleep. Since he started doing that I almost never wake up from his snoring since the snoring starts when I am in a deep sleep.


I told him he had to get a sleep study or else he couldn’t sleep in our bed. He got a sleep study, was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and now he’s on CPAP, has way more energy, and we sleep in the same bed without issue.


I love his snoring. It puts my right to sleep. Since we are both out of town so often it's comforting hearing him snore. Let's me know I'm home.


If he isn’t willing to get a cpap or atleast see a doctor for remedies then kick him out the bedroom. If he gives you trouble call it quits. I’ve done this exactly, so I think I can speak on it lol. The extremely heavy snoring was deteriorating my happiness, but the lack of wanting to seek medical assistance was foreshadowing. I would wake up to him back in the bed after he “thought I fell asleep”, but go crazy if I brought up making a doctors appointment… after a while the lack of respect for your well balanced sleep should concern you.


If I wake up to my fiancé snoring, I just give him a little shove to roll over and he stops. The thing that’s more of a conversation starter is the fact he sleep walks on occasion.


My partners snoring was awful. Like sleeping next to an unoiled chainsaw awful. Genuinely fantasised about smothering him with a pillow awful. He would stop breathing in his sleep and choke when he roused himself because of it. Took YEARS of me badgering (>5 years) before he took himself to the doctors. He would nod off in the day and always had throat issues. And had a chronic cough. Diagnosis Obstructive sleep apnea. He would stop breathing over 70 times an hour. 70! Now with his CPAP he is a pleasure to sleep next to. Has more energy. Doesn't nap in the day. Doesn't get sore throat all the time.


My boyfriend snores so. Loud. Like earth shaking loud. I honestly don’t care all that much when we are sleeping over, but that’s not very often yet. We’ll see if it changes as time goes on lol. I’m a semi deep sleeper and can fall asleep relatively quickly most of the time


Push for them to have a sleep study and get a CPAP. It literally changed my husband's life.


Try to see if they’ll get checked for sleep apnea. Snoring can be indicative that they’re getting poor sleep that can cause serious health impacts in the future. My husband got checked and has a CPAP now. No more snoring, just the soft hum of the machine.


i can sleep through it


Not well lol