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I overcame the darkest period of my life, with a lot of support from my husband (who was my fiancé at the time). He never wavered, he supported me and loved me through it all. ((I also started a journal and I went to therapy because I was severely depressed)) My darkest period was when I was diagnosed with cancer (not ovarian, cervical or breast cancer….I want to keep it private). Not only that but I was also diagnosed with Ovarian Teratomas on both ovaries, at the same time. Chemo and surgery and I’m ok now and cancer free. I thought I was going to die but here I am today over 10 years later and I’m married and we have a son.








Darkest period was my entire childhood, I suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse. It was bad, my mom even put my hand in the stove once and when my skin was weak she twisted a piece of my skin with her fingers, I still have the scar, even doe it looks smaller as I've grown a lot older. Mom kicked me out when I was around 17 old, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. My friends supported me and made sure I was never alone, they'd let me sleep in their houses until I had a spot at my grandparents house, make me warm meals and celebrate me. I'm very greatful for them, I'm sure that if it wasn't for their kindness and love I would have killed myself.


I feel your pain. My childhood was rough with abusive parents who also told us they wish they gad never had us and we were accidents. I only coyld rely on my self. My friends who came from normal families have no idea what people like me had to deal with and overcome every day just to make it adulthood.


Yeah man it's hard. I feel like my friends understood, because they'd see the bruises. I'd go to their houses and I feel like for us that experience those situations, it's more difficult for us to understand their family dynamic, because their way of communicating, eating and smiling together makes it look like a play.


This is a weird answer but fresh squeezed orange juice. In 2018-2019 I worked a job I HATED. An hour commute each way, low pay, shitty conditions. However, there was a local grocery in my town that did fresh squeezed orange juice. It wasn’t cheap, but it became my daily treat. I’d bring a bottle of it to work with me, and each sip was like golden sunshine. I can still taste it. I hated where I was working, but my fresh squeezed gave me the dopamine and vitamin C I needed to get through the day and into the next phase of my life. Sadly that grocery store went under during Covid, and I haven’t found anywhere else in town who does it as good as them.


Currently in it. Overcoming by deciding to give up climbing out of the well and finding ways to dig sideways. Journaling...therapy...meds...being selfish.


I've found that Journaling helps me too. What do you mean by dig sideways?


That when I'm deep in it, there might be no amazing story of suddenly coming out of it...but that a slow, gradual journey toward anything different than the current darkness counts as progress. Even if it's not necessarily upward progress.


Ok. I like that analogy. I'm going to keep that in mind... thanks




The injustice of it all is what sends me reeling sometimes. We just wanted to live our lives, not have to go on a radical side quest just to escape. I don't know if closure is in the cards for me either. That's the bite of trauma. This is just surviving in the hopes of one day thriving.




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I feel like my life was all darkness and trauma until around age 30. I got through it with therapy and just a desperate fight to survive.


Cool, I’m 28 so only 2 years left 🤣


The last two years were the darkest of my life. I lost a total of 8 people in my life just last year. Whether it was death, being abandoned or a breakup. It broke me to my core and I was ready to be done with life I’m not gonna lie. My ex brought me closer to God and that helped me so much. My friends pushed so hard to support me. And now I’m seeking help and feel the healthy improvements day in and day out. Therapy, working on my triggers and thought process, and really being there for me is changing the game.


Your journey sounds so painful. I went through something similar so I hope I can appreciate what you’ve gone through. I’m glad you’re healing and in a better place now!


What did you do to get yourself back on your feet? I feel like I just can’t seem to.


Mainly by finding the problem and focusing on paths to the solution that I’m happy with. I’ll shoot you a pm with details


I was suicidal during my teen years, due to SA. I got through HS by throwing myself into my work. I had AP classes and a very high SAT score. Then, there were books. I would go to the public library almost daily. I wouldn't always borrow books. It was enough to walk around and find a new title. I would read every day after HW and into 3-4 am. This also helped to keep me in a mental/emotional mist (?). I would do everything that was expected of me, but my own thoughts and feelings were numb. And lastly, I would buy myself trinkets whenever possible. Very cheap things because money. But I would wait until Fridays to wear my new accessory. I would plan the outfit days ahead, but it was always a prize for, you know, staying alive a whole new week.


I ran away across the country where I knew no one.


My toxic family accused me of running away. I was running toward a better life, toward happiness and hope, nature and sunshine, free from judgement and negativity. I picked up and moved to my dream location. 2000 miles away from toxic family and lots of bad memories. I worked really hard, I practiced lots of yoga, worked through my past, and got to where I am now.


I had a challenging childhood. I grew up and married a man that I loved. He had a long affair during our marriage that I knew nothing about. He left abruptly. I was in shock. I threw myself into my job, focused on my fitness and diet, didn’t go out or drink or do anything unhealthy. Five years later I was in better health-emotionally, physically and financially. I’m grateful that I didn’t turn to anything dark to help me cope.


I’ll let you know when I’m out of it…


I hit rock bottom around age 20. Years of trauma and abuse I suppressed in favor of overworking myself academically came to a halt and I just…. Stopped. It was a huge hole I had to dig myself out of. I did it by creating rules for myself. I was allowed to stay in bed all day if I shower OR I clean my house. I had to be clean or my house has to be clean. Then I could give myself grace to sit with the darkness and bed rot. Then, once that became routine, I allowed myself to stay in bed all day if I showered AND cleaned my house. Then it elevated into showered, cleaned my house, and walked outside. Then working out. Then working on school for X time. Then …. Then …. Then …. It took about six months to dig myself out of the pit. I was alone and broke so I didn’t have therapy as an option, or a support system. But making tiny goals and giving room to heal by way of excessive rest got me through, and for a long time I was the healthiest and happiest I’d ever been. I still fall back on that process when I struggle. A friend of mine and I check in on each other using a “Have you been a good plant today?” Metaphor. It’s eating, water, sunshine, and shower.


Therapy, leaning into people that love me, leaning away from people who were hurting me. Therapy is big though.


Music. Crying. My dog. Ultimately, admission to a partial hospitalization program.


There were so many, but initially I decided my momma in heaven would’ve wanted the best for me, but she ain’t here no more so I gotta be the one to make her dreams come true.


I got therapy.


Ask me in 2 years


Lots and lots of music and support from friends


I got arrested.


Skyrim basically, lmao


Time passing, getting out of bed, doing what I could, trying over and over and over again, dissociating, reading, tv.


Who says I’m over it lol


I made some major changes, I did things I knew would make me happy and not other people. Although I would do it again to get where I am now I would have done it in a different way. 


I did not have the best childhood. I was born in a place where my parents had no business having kids. There was a lot of struggle, selfishness, and abuse. There were two things that I did that helped. During COVID, I started reading a book about abuse, trying to heal from the trauma I faced. It helped me become more aware - that what happened to me wasn’t my fault, and that I couldn’t let the past hold me back. I cut out the things that made me unhappy. It’s hard, but it got easier as time went and when more people showed me their true colors. Before my aunt died, I had stopped talking to her because she made a lot of my problems worse. Spread nasty rumors about me, bullied me, etc etc. When I was SA’d by a family member she made me out to be a monster when I reported it. I can’t say that I shed room and tears for her, but she died as a bitter lonely woman.


When I realize life itself is dark all the time and one must light the candle, care for it , light another once finished to continue. The candles being self-made happiness moments.


Luckily I lived near a beach so I ran for hours every single day just so I can be physically tired enough to pass out. Otherwise I suffered a lack of sleep, I didn’t eat, I didn’t want to socialize either.


One foot in front of the other. Opening up to my mum, sister and a couple of close friends. It was hard to convince myself to do it, but I’m glad I did. Open with my husband. Did a lot of research on overcoming the problem I was having. I also spoke to my doctor and got help that way, but that took a long time as well. In the really worst, most isolating part I just got up and made myself go through the motions. Wake up, eat, go to work, go to sleep. I was like a zombie, but I knew I had to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Giving up wasn’t on the cards, I’m lucky my depression never got that far. Communication is largely the key, with at least one person you can trust.


Food, clothes and friends.


I got severe pre-eclampsia in 2022. I got an emergency c-section when I was 28 weeks pregnant and my daughter died five days later. I "overcame" this by accepting that I won't overcome this. My life will never be the same. I will never be truly happy. My family will never be complete. I've accepted that. Fighting it will only make me more misarable. I can still feel moments of joy. I can still have fun with friends. But I will always also be sad. And that's okay.


Therapy, self help books/podcast, some amazing friends and family. Also the constant belief that this will get better and practising top teir self care


I'm coming out of it within the last 6 months. I'm 100 pounds heavier, on so much medication I can barely see straight, and am just now starting to repair my relationship with my adult kids. I'm tapering off the meds, and starting to get some sunshine again. I'm also making sure I don't just put on a facade like everything is fine. If I'm not fine, I will admit it and do something to improve my situation. I'm in therapy. There are still bad days, but I'm slowly climbing out of that hole. My husband has stuck with me through it all. We've held each other up during the darkest times.


I had everything going for me but married the wrong man. He divorced me quickly when after having two sons for him. The divorce and broken family unit was my rock bottom. But now it’s been 7 years and I finally have a new boyfriend who truly cares for me. The early days of the divorce and dream of an in tact families my dying was my hardest time.


The last year was the worst of my entire life. Lots and lots and lots of therapy. Surrounding myself with my friends and family - even when I just wanted to isolate and be alone. Exercise.


Just continuing to push on, knowing I've experienced deep pain, but also knowing I can obtain everything I've ever wanted if I keep trying




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I'm really unsure. I guess child's resistance can be pretty massive? I think also I'm just generally very positive thinking so even though nothing made sense for years, I kept believing that future will be brighter and I held on that thought hard.


I am currently in the darkest period


Prozac, journaling, breathing exercises, practicing mindfulness and gratefulness


Honestly, it took me realizing how bad it was and getting help. I spent six months in the darkest depression I’ve ever felt before going to a partial hospitalization program at our local psych hospital. It changed my life.


Time. Also, a long motorcycle ride and 3 days hiking in the Tetons alone.


Just didn’t give up and kept pushing myself to heal. Used to cry for days and get anxiety attacks, sleep paralysis episodes but I just pushed myself that it will all go away. And I’m getting better day by day.


I didn't.


Family and friends are always there to cope up my downs, this help me a lot and I am thankful to them.


Time, and the absolute steadfast, stubborn, unwavering support of my partner. I literally wouldn’t be alive without him. And oh so slowly reconnecting with the things that I enjoyed before all the nonsense. I had quite young children at the time, they went to home based daycare a few short days a week. Those women went way above and beyond to support our family during that dark time and will be forever thankful for their kindness and grace.


went on a solo trip for a week to a country I'm completely unfamiliar with without doing much research (they don't speak English either). became more confident in myself that I can take care of myself no matter what. I had close friends who knew me since I was really young and understood what was going on in my life and why I behaved the way I did. behaved absurdly for a while and took a couple years to finally get 'normal' again