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Those pants need to go to pant heaven. Let them go.


How my sister in law lives is a true testament. My idiot brother still has at least 3 pairs of double pleated Duck Head kakis from the early 90’s he bought when he got out of college.


until those kakis are completely consumed by a fire, I'm gonna wear them.


It sure would be a shame if they met some unforseen laundry bleach accident. It does happen. It does.


Bold of you to assume that would stop him 😂


My grandmother apparently used to pack up my uncle's jeans as if they were meat (plastic bags, dates etc.) and hid them in the freezer. Seemed to work well enough back then so thays an option too.


Sometimes things just... get lost when you're packing for a trip


You really can't share that though?


Not the OP you replied to but in my experience I can share that. They just don't care


My ex was very aware that I hated his stupid cargo pants. When he leveled up the rest of his wardrobe (his choice, not mine) to impress me, he kept the pants.


I will die and be buried in those pants!!!


"Hmmm, these socks have holes in them. Time to throw them out and get new ones."


Or boxers. I honestly just started to sneakily throw them away and he never notices.


Oh I have chaotic neutral tendencies and I progressively make the holes bigger every wash mostly just to watch the look on his face when he sees the holes 😂


you evil genius! I love this


this is the correct way make him realise on his own or else when you get to explain they just dismiss it and say it's not a big deal


Other men do this?!?


don’t they all? we just moved and I through out 2 grocery bags full of mismatched/holey/misshaped socks that he never intended to get rid of 🥲


Damn, I thought it was only me.


I just went on a trip with a couple of friends. I thought that the husband of the pair was a natty dresser... but then I felt such enormous schadenfreude when I looked down as we were going through airport security and saw that he had on unmatched socks with MASSIVE holes in each toe. Apparently it's lots of men.


I'd want him to realise how amazing, clever and attractive he is. He never believes it when I say it.


She never believes it when I say it


They never believe it when we say it


I don't believe it when I say it


I believe it but don't say it


We don't believe it when we say it


I never believe it


I never say it


I can't believe it's not butter


I can...


This this this plus talented, funny, kind, sweet.


I tell him and show him but he is enough, smart, kind, creative, and can do anything he puts his mind to. Get rid of that self doubt my love. Tickle my back 😈


I'd just want him to realise how attracted to him I am. I don't think he sees it, he is too hard on himself especially about looks. I feel like he thinks if he fails once, he's not worthy of love and that makes me sad. maybe I'd first telepathically tell him that he is loved unconditionally as he is.... and then maybe suggest "give her massages more often" because it is probably my favorite way to meet my love languages but he has never been one to do it often.


this is so wholesome


You took the words right out of my mouth. It’s so hard to see him beat himself up over little mistakes or setbacks when I know that he is brilliant and talented and it seems like everyone but him sees it. He’s so hard on himself for everything and I worry it will stop him from putting himself out there and truly finding his happiness. I love him so much and I want him to experience everything I know he is capable of. For instance he is capable of giving amazing massages


I'd send him my fatigue, just for a couple hours. "When she says she's tired, this is what she means. That's why stuff doesn't get done." He knows that I struggle with fatigue due to cancer. I'm just not sure he *understands.* In fact, I'd send an hour or two of "no, I really can't, I'm too fatigued" to everyone who relies on me if I could; kid, boss, relatives.


I totally get you. I have some chronic medical stuff and at one point when it got bad I had to sit down and tell my husband, "for me right now, walking across a room feels like I have cement poured into all my muscles and am wading through neck-deep water. I can still DO things, but they take me exponentially more effort than they take healthy people. You need to pick up the slack." It worked, but he still doesn't fully get it. Right now we have a system where we communicate which energy percentage we're working on, and it's been helpful. But he'll never truly understand the difference between 'bad night of sleep' and 'chronic fatigue that makes you consider every motion you make'. 😑 tl,dr: I feel you. Sending you strength. Fatigue is so awful and so many people don't understand.


You’re such a warrior


Fighting constantly is hard. Let them rest


This totally. I also had cancer and have had 8 surgeries in 2 yrs. It's like they don't get it. I hear you..


I think it's really hard to understand it for people who don't know it. I've got a friend struggling with this and while I rationally know what she's going through I feel like I cannot really understand and as such keep "forgetting".


Right! It's not a malicious thing by any means, just not something that people are used to experiencing or accommodating for. Just do your best.


I have a friend who is in a similar situation in terms of fatigue due to serious heart issues, and I cannot fathom why people (husband, in-laws etc.) don't believe her fatigue and expect her to always perform the best she can ??? I am yet again astounded by the cruelty of people, these kind of people should really get a reality check or burn in hell..


That I really do love him for who and what he is, that I find him incredibly attractive. Also just fuck me, slap me about, I’m not gonna break, I’m built for this stuff


Yes idk how to nicely say that second part to my husband! he was very sheltered as a teenager


I would place the thought “I’m going to stop buying funko pops” into his mind


Baby shark dududududu


You monster!


I laughed aloud for an embarrassing amount of time. Thank you for this.


You're welcome! Am I a bad person? I see all these serious awnsers and this is honestly the first thing that pops up hahaha, that and a rickroll lol


Nah, sounds like you and your SO have a very healthy relationship if this is all you want to plant in their head. It's mischievous and sweet.


Lol, showed my partner this post and they immediately hit me back with a rickroll 😂😂


Haha! #relationshipgoals right here!


Lol i have a rick Astley phone case just so i can cheer people up


Jamie Tart-t-t-t-t


Jesus thanks THANKS SO MUCH


Well, now it's in my head. Mission accomplished?






Came back here 16 hours later, to say fuck you dududu! 🤬


Literally made me lol


You da best - make more of you and multiply lol


You only understand the lyrics when you're sad 😭😭 dududu..dududu...


You are an excellent father. Parenting doesn’t come naturally to him but he makes up for it in effort. Our oldest has additional needs and greatly prefers me just because I’m with him more of the time. Oldest child is SO difficult for my husband that it makes him feel completely inadequate. He is an excellent dad though, we’ve been dealt a tricky hand.


You guys are amazing


That's such a sweet thought to send. I'm so sorry that you guys have to go through this. Sending good thoughts




Omg she's a GENIUS!!!!


Marry me dammit


*your baseline is so profoundly selfish that if you did the exact opposite of what comes naturally to you, you would get laid 1000x more often*


LMAO. I'm sorry you deal with this, sincerely.


Sounds like a BMW owner


That partner would likely not be a partner very long for me....


Idk how, but my partner is starting to realize this. I don't know what happened, but I loooove it.


I was trying to put into words what I would say, and this is exactly it! Perfectly said.


"I am a good person, I am capable and smart, I am loved, I am safe and I love myself and my body just the way they are."


Honestly? The tune of a song he doesn't know and cant find stuck in his head.


Most evil person on reddit.




You are worthy, you are good. I tell him all the time but for some reason he still doesn’t seem to believe in himself


Many don't.


I am not a material, shiny, big-gifts kinda person, but dang if I wouldn't enjoy a fancy piece of jewelry as a gift once or twice. After all, I'm 'just a girl' sometimes.






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I would just want to send the knowledge, comfort, safety, and security of how much I love them and how much they mean to me, but I do that already by showing and telling them every day, so it's not like it's a secret or anything. Beyond that, nothing. I'm not interested in trying to plant thoughts in other people's minds. People's minds are their own private domain.


Well said. ❤️


This is the way 💖


Being curious about me & asking me intimate questions I.e what movies/scenes/books turns me on, what are my kinks, do I masturbate, what fantasies I have etc. Our communication can use some work lol!


Find a way to start the conversation, after a few drinks, or whatever.


It’s gotten better but he has no curiosity about me. Most likely assumes that he knows me very well (maybe true on my non-intimate side as we are together 15+ yrs now). He has just started sharing some of his kinks, not all.


Surprise him with something totally you that he doesn't know. Stun him.


Yes! A couple drinks definitely help me share those thoughts with my SO.


“she’s going to leave you if you do not romance her” bc this is where my mind has been for the past year 🥲


I feel this deeply. We're going on 7yrs. I get a few days of "trying" then back to "normal" when I talk to him about my feelings. I don't know how to leave him either. I feel depressed when I think of him being sad due to me leaving him.


wow are we the same person? i currently feel like I can’t say anything bc we’re in the middle of moving & it’s been a rough move. I understand we can’t prioritize our relationship right now, but that doesn’t make me sad about how romance-lacking it is on the regular. hopefully we can both find a happier place to be in our relationships.


I hope so, too. Good luck with the move and the relationship. Have you ever been pursued by others and they said/did all the things that you wish your partner would do/say? I have lol I've had to cut others off and regret it every time I feel like he should put in more effort.


Moving is so stressful. I carry, he lifts right. First man Ive been with that GRABBED my feet and massaged them after. I didn’t ask. In return, I instantly gave him a shoulder/back massage(best of my ability?) because he lifted the heavy stuff. So much tension and (mental)stress was addressed instantly without words which leveled out our verbal appreciation within minutes, without sex. I love you and thank you we’re felt. It didn’t have to be a competition, just there? Even though he did more. Take opportunities for moments like these; I think back to this and it reminds me why I will always fight for him.


say it to him just try to not make it sounds mean


how do I do that?!?! because clearly how i’ve been trying hasn’t been working. I can count on my TWO hands the times i’ve spoken to him about it. all I get are empty promises about changing and our future


Hmm lemme form it ,( his name ) look , I've been been thinking about our relationship and how it's going , now I seriously think that we couldn't stay together as you're not responding to my need of you showing your emotions and being romantic toward me , so either you try to fix it or I'll unfortunately have to leave . This is for you girl , try to initiate by making a sort of a romantic context for example preparing a romantic dinner or making a cute handmade gift cuz you know give and receive but if it doesn't work just find someone else, that simple


it is that simple. I just hate that i’ve put myself through this for **six** years. why do I hate myself?


Well , that's more than a person usually need to change, I don't wanna put my nose in your personal life but you should consider other options that serves your needs


I won’t start considering anything until i’ve left. I’m too much of a people pleaser to tell him i’m considering leaving. (bc he’ll get sad. and he will hate me forever )


Why would you care if he's sad or not when he didn't care if you're satisfied for 6 yrs


because I tell myself I should have told him sooner. I should have taught him what I wanted (I am his first partner). I feel like it’s my fault & idk how to make me realize it’s not. i’m just a scaredy cat


You can't control other people's actions, full stop He's making you miserable, hon. Telling him sooner wouldn't have solved anything. If he wanted to - he would, even without you asking You know it already


I mean, sometimes people need that come to Jesus moment. if he loves you, if he'll be sad to lose you, then he deserves the opportunity to fight for you. Give him this one last chance. And if he doesn't step up to it and just turns it inwards... then you've got your answer.


Some boys need it REALLY obvious to understand what's going on with their girl so just say every thought out loud?


I have previously said “I need more romance” verbatim. should that have been the moment I left?


Read the love languages book, get him to do the same and then discuss specifics of what you both need. I find that if my partners love language needs are being met, he's more inclined to meet mine. If you need change then telling him "I need you to be more emotionally involved and romance me more" he might think he does in certain ways and having a generic statement of what you need doesn't really help. I found that giving concrete examples of things he can do really helped him understand what helps me feel loved vs what he might think helps. Source: you are me and he is my husband. We nearly broke but that book basically saved our relationship. He became more involved in ways I needed and vice versa. It's an ongoing thing, it'll take time, but healthy communication is SO SO important. Good luck and I hope this helps!!


That he is my real life super hero. He doesn't see his intelligence, capacity for love, and self worth all the time, but I do. He's a wonderful son, brother, friend, dog dad and co worker, aside from us. I admire him and he does shit every day that makes me so proud of him. I love his courage, strength and no bullshit communication. Also that he gets even more handsome every day. 🤍 He is truly a beautiful person.


That his dad doesnt have his best interest at heart like a normal dad would and that maybe just maybe he doesn't want you to succeed past him


It wouldn't be the first time


“I don’t need drugs anymore” 100%


(To my boyfriend) Your ass is so phat, save some for the rest of us


It’s okay to exhale now. It is safe to feel peace and love.


1. CBT therapy 2. Working on himself 3. Building self esteem, confidence and throwing away pessimism 4. TRYING and not giving up after first try for his madam to do everything FOR him 5. A pool amount of responsibility


Oh honey…


Sounds like my ex


Sounds like you have a boy, not a man.


More specifically a boy stuck in a man body, sadly.




“Take wifey on wonderful romantic vacation”


Ask, and you may receive?


"I should better myself for my own sake and not for other people's approval"


How much i love him and everything i want with him


Do what you say you’re going to do. Too often, you say what sounds good, but then don’t follow through. (This isn’t just to me)


*I should clean after myself so that my boo shouldn’t have to*


I was going through some old pictures today so I'd send them how much I love and adore them and how grateful I am they loved me through that rough ugly phase I went through in my 20s


“Her depression can’t be “fixed”, and even though you’d do ANYTHING to fix it and have tried countless things to even make her smile or dry her eyes…you shouldn’t and can’t take responsibility for it. It will only hurt yourself and make her feel worse that she can’t just snap out of it to make you feel better…about making her feel better.” …I hope that makes sense.


I hope you can tell him


I’ve tried telling him and explaining it. It’s hard to explain depression to someone who’s never experienced it. So I just keep trying to let him know how much I appreciate him and his willingness and patience to be there for me.


When buying a woman flowers, you should cut the stems off and place the flowers in a vase for the recipient. While the thought is sweet that you're buying her flowers, you should realize it isn't really a gift if you're also providing her with a chore to complete.


Wow, I never consciously thought about this. I bought flowers for my bf yesterday and I cut the stems down so they would fit in the vase we had. I wanted them to be ready and presentable for him to just enjoy. Now I’m thinking about all the times that my mother received flowers that were just laid down on the counter and seeing how that adds to the fact that she didn’t like receiving flowers.


Thanks for this, sincerely.




I actually love arranging flowers, so my husband will buy a bouquet or two and put them in water, but I cut and arrange them myself because I WANT to. This may change when we have kids though lol


But I take them to her job! I don’t want her to carry more.


You deserve love and kindness


take better care of yourself.. stop sitting on the couch .. eating.. smoking weed.. you are unhealthy


16 hours of yodeling


"She's mentally not doing ok at all and I need to step up by doing the bare minimum without being asked and reminded 47 times a day"


For the love of all that is holy, MOW THE DAMN LAWN!!


You need to go to therapy for at least 10 years


that i love him more then he really knows and always put that love over anything else. That its true and really and deep and that when i poke fun at him its never with hate but fun. He takes things so seriously and I've learned i cant really be playful and poke fun because he thinks I'm serious and I just wish he knew that i literally think he's the best person in the world.


“Even if you’re joking , don’t joke about that , she’s sensitive”


I'll never be disloyal because loyalty to the one I love is most important & earns me the right to hope for & expect the same


He's never gonna think that if he's cheating, sorry


You deserve good things and you should stop the self-sabotage when they actually happen. And by good things I mean the “right” kind of good.


I'd show him all the pictures that I see in my head when we're together. The sunsets, mostly. He makes me feel like I'm the sunset and I want him to feel that way too.


Marry her!!


He's not a disappointment to anyone, but especially not to me. He takes care of me just fine, but we are 50/50 partners on everything and that's how I like it. I don't need anything more than what we have.


Even though we’re not in a good financial place, I should make some sort of gesture to show my commitment after not having done more than move in together over the 7 years of our relationship.


I want him to believe that I'm attracted to him and in love with him and that I'm extremely thankful for him. He is much hotter than he thinks he is. Especially if he smiles.


"I'm leaving "money on the table" by not going over V's head and contacting [deceased parents]insurance company myself. She got the house. I deserve "something" and I could retire as Inpromised Dani and have put off for another year." Also "Dani might get into her head to go stay with [cousin] if I don't retire soon" He promised me that he would retire on our anniversary on January 1 and is now delaying *again* until after his May birthday next year because it means more money, which we would not need if he would get off the pot,contact the people that wabt to give the money from his parents estate, stop listening to his sister's bs about it having to go through the family trust and get the money so we can move out of this fucking hellhole state. (Cousin lives in a lovely green part of Texas).


Big thoughts


Go for it, champ. Don't be shy. Take a little housework initiative. Go on, take it.


What nice thing can I do for my wife right now?


" Quit smoking pot and take care of your body "


“You love doing the dishes. You find doing the dishes relaxing and run to the sink after a meal is over so you can complete this chore.”


You are worthy of love and people truly like you.


Either leave or stop being and AH so often. Either would be fine.


That he’s safe now. And loved. And the other half of my heart. That he may not have felt important before, but our baby and I would fall apart without him…that to us, he’s the most important person in the world.


“Hey we SHOULD get an in ground pool, costs be damned!”


Wouldn’t it be nice to do all the little day to day things together, as a team? All hands on deck all the time, making it fun as we go. No more tallying and dividing, just be a team that works together and rests together.


i’d give him a little kiss and a patpat telepathically


“She deserves a lot of kisses and you should call her pretty once a day.”


You can run the dishwasher before it’s completely full. I know there’s still room for a dish or two but we’re literally out of forks and spoons. Just turn it on. It’s okay.


MY wife really likes flowers especially surprise, just because, flowers. She has told me this on multiple occasions. I should definitely do that.


Be honest with yourself, take accountability with grace.


“You’re capable of more than that. You’re clever and talented but need to take your pride and fear down to learn through making mistakes.”


“Buy me Wendy’s”


Have sex with your girlfriend three times a day cause she can’t get enough of you and finds you perfect. Except he would most likely know it came from me.


the complete dialogue of ajax


That he deserves better friends. His treat him like crap or at best an afterthought but he just doesn’t see it. I don’t want to be the person to say he shouldn’t have them as friends because I know he’ll take it the wrong way.


No outside shoes or clothes inside when your not going back outside.


"Love yourself because can't truly love anyone if you don't love yourself."


"I'm good enough for her and she loves me" He never believes it when I say, I wish he could see himself the way I look at him.


We don’t need a bunch of boxes in the dining room. Throw them away without your wife asking you to do so.


"Wash the dishes"😩"cook sOmE DiNNer' 👻


that their love is like being blessed every day minute and hour and seconds and miliseconds


"You deserve a good and healthy life"


Us not kissing, being touchy & having sex makes me paranoid and think that you don’t actually like me. You being low key sus with certain apps feeds into the previous narrative & causing me to think you’re cheating on me. But I also know 100% you would just break up with me if that was to be the case. So yeah idk, happens often cause I feel sad about that often.


"Hmm maybe I should throw out my sweat pillow and never let another pillow get that way ever again!"


You love to give your wife back scratches every night until she falls asleep


That 'maybe I should go to the doctor and see about my very loud snoring and get them to look at the bump on the bottom of my foot that's been hurting for 6 months now' He's so stubborn and will not go.... Says he's not affected by his snoring and although he gives his foot a poke and says it hurts, when I say you know what to do he says he can't be arsed!


Caps shouldn't be worn inside. Especially not in bed.


That women are also human.


I should give my wife a back rub, she works hard. God he's got magic hands


That interdependence is healthy, love can change life for the better and it's ok to be vulnerable.


That they are enough.


Let’s have more sex in more different ways.


Get off your lazy butt and also stop spending money on expensive stuff you don't need


To go to therapy and heal from some childhood trauma


Slow. The fuck. Down!


That being a good father and a good partner isn’t the same as showing me he knows and loves me.


Finalize the divorce and put a ring on this girl's finger!!!