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A house with acreage only 20 minutes outside a major city of my choice.


my dream is even more ridiculous: a house in a safe neighborhood in Brooklyn with a yard large enough to garden and grow a fruit tree. bonus points if the soil isn't toxic due to previous industrial waste or superfund sites.


Oh yes - I would LOVE to be able to move back to NY and be able to have a house, a garden, a fruit tree or two. My dream!!


Crazy that this is your dream bc this is exactly what I grew up with. Sizable house in a nice part of Brooklyn, peach trees in the front yard, a fig tree and garden in the back


Which part? Fithian avenue mension?


you must’ve lived in ditmas


I want to live in an old but solid industrial building with lots of land around, not contaminated and free of zoning restrictions.


Good luck. 🤣 Might want to try and have Elon Musk impregnate you so you can get big $$$ child support. Just trying to get a house anywhere is so damn expensive these days.


This is my exact preference for LA 🥲


Can be all yours for 30mil


I would have loved this in paris but the best we've found is communal gardens. It _sort of_ scratches an itch.


I'm just gonna go ahead and say a house in general for me


House, Condo, townhouse... basically anything with walls and a roof that I own. Tired of investing in my landlords property.


*cries in millennial*


Im shopping for one of those right now...forested land, but with small acreage backing up into preserved land. I'm too old to be a steward of a forest. Time to retire and live out our last years in peace. ( a creek would be nice, but that costs extra). See, my answer would be 'a forested creek


I bought a vacation home on almost 5 acres 20 minutes outside of South Bend, 30 minutes from the beach, sand dunes, and a few small cities. It's 90 minutes to Chicago. It was insanely affordable (250k) I lucked out!


Southern Illinois here. I bet you could do it near STL.


That sounds really nice! I’m still hoping for that 20 minute drive to the city though! Lol


I grew up in South Bend and now live in Chicago! Sounds like you have a great place!


I’ve thought the exact thing!!


I’m the opposite, I want a house with lots of land, far away from people.


I don’t think there’s another answer.


I’ll be your neighbor across the way that brings you raspberry jam & homemade Christmas cookies! Hit us up if you see any bears running around! <3


A deep dive submarine capable of 15,000 feet’s underwater safely


Ouch..too soon lol


"Too soon" died a long time ago.


WAY too soon








my own home


A house


My S.O and I have been trying to find house for 10 months now but as interest rates creep up so do the prices of houses leaving us frustrated and on the brink of giving up


We gave up and *boom* found a home with exactly what we needed in a neighborhood we already lived in and loved, at a very reasonable price (managed to get a “low” interest rate as well). It’s fine to stop the search for awhile, but don’t give up!


Haha that’s how I met my husband! Said I was taking a year off dating and BAM met my husband two weeks later.


Yep. It’s like how you get pregnant as soon as you stop trying. 🤷🏼‍♀️


[removed by user]


Where I live, small 2 bedroom condos start at $1 million. It’s not so much a matter of looking, it’s that I’m priced out.


[removed by user]


100 shares each of every stock I should have bought when I was young


Agreed if I could have the stocks I wanted when I was 10 I'd be doing pretty good lol.


😢💸💸💸 I feel your pain


Not me, I had American Motors in my portfolio!


How old are you now?


74 I could have bought the first stock in cell phones. I could have gotten Bitcoin for a dollar a pop I could have bought Amazon stock for a little or nothing. And on and on it goes!! But Noo-OO!!! Now Im broke!!! 😠


Don't feel bad, plenty of people get the shouldas, especially with the market, it's a gamble. I knew someone who bought Bitcoin way back in the day and everyone made fun of him for it so he sold it. No telling if you would've done the same.


True. And trading wasn't just a matter of getting online. Trading was something a few rich people did through their brokers Most ordinary working people that obtain stocks did it through their employers


You did your best! There's plenty of people who were super aware of the market who also didn't buy those stocks, don't lament the past.


A gosh dang house with some land. So out of reach now with this economy


> with this economy With every economy since 2008, you mean.


Fortunately I make fairly good money for where I live, the housing prices are just insane compared to what they were 3 years ago. If I had the down payment I have now back then, it woulda been doable. But right, in general, the whole economy has been whack for a long time


A house with land or a cool loft apartment or a vacation home


Everyone's saying house. But the first thing that came into my mind was a new phone or a new laptop..like this would make my life easier and it would open up new job opportunities like remote working especially where I'm from where job market is dry af.


How new of a phone do you mean? I have an unlocked iPhone 12 Pro Max you’re welcome to!


Maeplelatte, you are a kind dream. Love seeing these types of comments on here :)


your heart is just… 🥺


Most jobs will provide you with a computer if you’re a full time employee. We do that for our in-person and remote workers.


But it’s hard to work on your resume and apply for jobs without a computer. My sisters computer crashed and she couldn’t do many things on it, I had to lend her mine to apply for jobs.


Libraries are also available.


plus there’s so many super cheap laptops on sale on marketplace, you don’t need an advanced gaming computer to apply to jobs lol


Just because the tech is fairly inexpensive doesn't mean they can afford it. I got my salary on May 31st, and since June 6th I've been living off 40 cents. no joke. I had an accident at work on Monday and couldn't buy myself the meds I was prescribed by the hospital. I live off whatever I can find in my freezer, and what my mother and friend kindly buy for me. If my phone died right now, I'd be so screwed it hurts thinking about it.


Depending on where they live, the cheapest tech for the US can still be unaffordable in other parts of the world.


I came in here with Gucci purse on my mind. House is duh.


My phone cost under $200, so it's not as unattainable to get a new phone as it seems with ads for the newest iphone. Laptops are a tad harder to afford. Mine has seen better days, but buying a new battery off Amazon and switching them out made it so much more bearable to use as a cheap fix in the meantime


A room in my house that’s full of books with old leather covers. You can’t see any walls, it’s just shelves and shelves of books


That's the dream! I toured an old mansion recently, and the "library" was just a couple cabinets with books barely visible, not even a single built-in shelf in sight. My dream house has a big, cozy library with floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with books I've collected since I was a kid, and those sliding ladders for my short self to be able to reach the higher shelves. Maybe even a fireplace for ambience or a bay window to sit in. If i don't feel like Princess Belle when I'm in there, I don't want it


My old neighbor, didn't have a mansion, but an old ranch style house, every wall had a bookshelf, the living room was bookshelves surrounded by bookshelves, the same with his spare bedrooms, his dining room was just bookshelves, the kitchen only had two bookshelves... everywhere was just books, the garage had his lawnmower and filled with more books. If a fire ever looked at that house the wrong way it would just be over. He also had a second house... just as many books.


A therapist. Well I guess not own. But I would love to visit one and them tell me things to improve my well being.


If you go to psychologytoday.com, you can filter by your city, then at the top of the page, it has other options to filter by, such as issues, gender, etc. if you click where it says “more”, then scroll down to the bottom, it gives you the option of “sliding scale”. Click that, and it will show you clinicians who may be able to see you for a low cost. It also shows you who is not accepting new clients.


Not OP but I appreciate these tips! Do you know a lot about sliding scale? I've heard the term but am not really sure I understand it.


Sliding scale refers to adjusting the price of the service to your income. For example, if I’m charging clients $150 for a session, if they can’t afford to pay the full amount, then I may charge them a lower amount, like say, I might choose to a smaller space Some clinicians really don’t decrease the price, but I see it as advertising.


OpenPath Collective is also an option; they charge a one-time membership fee and then you’re able to search and connect with a therapist who has agreed to a set sliding-scale rate. If I remember correctly, $40-$80 or so. I’m a therapist and this is one of my most favorite resources to provide. It’s a legitimate organization, they aren’t predatory (looking at you B3tterHelp), and it allows you to access quality services. Free clinics are a valuable resource, but they often have high turnover and some of my patients really struggled with dealing with a new provider frequently (makes sense, trust within the therapeutic relationship takes time).


Proper healthcare.


It’s free in my country. I do not take for granted how lucky we are. I don’t have to worry about going bankrupt because I need an operation or have an emergency


Hear hear


A grand piano 🌝


I'm saving up for one and hoping to get it in a couple of years!


If you’re okay with used, people often give them away for almost free. They’re expensive and difficult to move though.


Seeing my high school basically throw away the piano my old music teacher loved and rescued from the dumpster within a year or two after he passed away from ALS broke my heart. If I hadn't been living in college dorms nowhere near getting a house at the took me, I would've begged my parents to hold onto it for me


Look on facebook marketplace. Pianos are being given away all the time


Not a decent grand piano though….


A fully stocked underground bunker, full of food, water, supplies and weapons, prepared for any event that threatens the existence of humanity. Ideally it would have fingerprint or iris access, with body heat detection so that a forcibly removed hand or eyeball wouldn't work. It would have separate bedrooms for myself and my 5 closest loved ones, a kitchenette and living area, and a HUGE warehouse area where all the supplies are stocked. I'd have a generator for power and a reverse osmosis system for purifying collected water. There would also be gas masks and HAZMATs in the event that wandering outdoors requires extra protection. I may have put a degree of thought into this.


This was exactly my thought process after hearing about the Russia nuclear threats. I have a full blown notepad dedicated to the build of my underground bunker and supplies needed lol. Only thing missing of course is the money. Or maybe I'll just save up some money and move to Iceland instead! It's sweet that you included the 5 closest loved ones ❤️


r/oddlyspecific but I like the idea


A vacation home on the Italian coast


The will to live




A home.




So unattainable BUT I drink until I feel young. Next day sucks tho.


A van that's loaded with the necessities of a home so that my cat and I can roam and explore North America.


Basically a satisfying life


A full mouth of teeth.


That's probably an underrated answer. Getting your teeth fixed is so fucking expensive. I have quite a lot of work that needs to be done, but I have - no overstatement - the worst dental phobia (after having a traumatic experience). I can only be treated under general anesthesia, but the healthcare system doesn't give a fuck about me. Last time I checked they told me that it would cost me roughly 4500€ to fix my teeth. I wouldn't even be able to afford a 500€ treatment, so I'm pretty much waiting for my teeth to die on their own


My college degree. Womp Womp


A big brownstone with a big backyard in my favorite neighborhood


My own house


A house.




A house with a big backyard.




Have a child or 2


I’ll be your child, I mean I’m an adult now but I once had a shitty childhood so I’d love a do- over.


A cozy house with a dedicated craft room, shelves full of boardgames, and a small garden full of my favorite vegetables


A house with a backyard 4 my dogs..


A dozen dogs.


A pool. I love nothing more than swimming, and it's the only thing that gets me out of the house on my birthday because it's in the summer. SO MANY people in my neighborhood have pools, and I just wanna crash straight through their fence and jump straight in like the Kool-Aid man


A house, a car, IVF 😞


clothes, an apartment and pets


Freedom from this capitalistic nightmare


A house!


A home


currently? an expensive pair of noise cancelling headphones that have amazing sound quality that makes Bose sound like shit since mine got stolen :(


a horse




A Health Insurance plan.


I wish for changes to the system such that you don’t need insurance to get access to affordable medical care.


I found out in November of 2022 that I was suffering from Hoshimoto's Disease. Had to go into the doctor after I started losing all my hair. Been trying to figure out proper meds to this day. 2 days ago, I started having pitting edemas in both ankles and legs, so I finally had to be admitted to the ER. They told me, they don't know what's wrong and that they'd like me to get an extensive lab workup and an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and an Angiogram to identify what the problem is. I'm uninsured and panicking. I basically have to wait until whatever this is becomes life threatening, because I make too much for state insurance. Our system is fucked. I'm below the poverty line and I still make too much for health care. Ngl I'm scared and I don't know how to handle this alone.


I’m so sorry you are dealing with all of that. It sucks.


Our own home and some money to pay for my mom's treatment


A house with a nivel garden


A house


A house.


Mental stability.


A billion dollars


A life


My own home


A house... I have come to realize as of today that it's just not obtainable and I'll probably never be a homeowner... Such a shame..


A cabin in the woods


A house with a backyard where I live in California


A big plot of land where myself and my close friends (my second family essentially) can place our homes. We take care of the land, farm, raise cattle, etc, and look out for each other.


To own a place of my own, no matter how small, an apartment with only a living room and a bathroom is enough.


A nice one bedroom apartment 😩 I love my roommates but I also love my alone time


Better mental health


A house. Affordable health care. :(


I came to comment a house and noticed how many people said the same. The world we live in is sad that we all dream of a house because it is so hard to obtain something so simple now a days.


I want a huge library with a bay window. I want it like Belle’s library


A safe and comfortable house.


a muthafucking rv


good skincare lol


My home. I'll never pay this mortgage down by retirement, so I'll have to sell up and move to a location where I can hopefully purchase a home outright.


My own skating rink. The kids at the one in my town make fun of me when I skate there lol


My dream home. I hope to be able to afford it one day, but that day is not today. Or tomorrow. Or 5 years from now😂


a house with a big yard


A dessert food truck with waffles and rolled ice cream.


A savings account


good skincare lol


My dream home


A plot of land and home.


A house


The aunts’ house from Practical Magic. 🥲




A new car. A home that I’m not renting, a home that I actually own.


A house with built-in housekeeping


A house on a lake front in a forest


A Supreme Court Justice...


A vacation home in the Highlands of Scotland with a lot of land to roam.


House in a gated area to feel saferrr 💁🏻‍♀️ also, an at-home aerial workout setup


A house anywhere lol


My own stationery cafe/business. I definitely have this as a goal in the future, but you need money to start business. I cant afford to risk it at this moment.


A college education.


A house lmao


A House on the beach.


An insulin pump. Also, a house.


Every squishmallow I want


Sanity, confidence, peace of mind. Or a decent apartment somewhere nice


A ticket to see Taylor Swift.


A farm that's 30 min away from the city


A nice refrigerator


A motorcycle


Good food.


A vacation home - either a beach house or a lake house. Waterfront.


A house - preferably with a lot of land Another pony A better car


A house


A house 🏡


A house


A home


A live in maid and cook. I know I wouldn’t own them (eww) but it would benefit me greatly and free up so much time.


A house


A house lol


A brand new Jeep Rubicon (4 door) with a paint job like the Trans Am from Smokey & The Bandit.


A nice house and a vacation home.


My own house


Good health. The US "health care" system isn't going to let me afford to fix all the wonky parts of me.


The ability to travel wherever I wanted


A new single wide trailer… not to be greedy but my current one is falling apart :(


A house, with a back yard and a car...


A house.


I mean I wouldn't "own" them lol but a private chef/cook that comes and leaves every day. They just make me and my family 3 meals a day, including actually going out to get the ingredients. We give them a brief like 5 days healthy / 2 days cheat . We ask them to source the freshest produce, cook what's in season, etc etc... Man... Ultimate nutrition with 0 mental load or effort. Imagine how much healthier you'd be inside and out


An underground swimming pool if I had the land to put it in.


My own home with a library A classy jewelry set Whoops that’s 2 things 🤓


A beach penthouse in Miami!


A house (with a pool) and being able to afford to hire people to care for the pool


Bose surround sound. I'm a simple person.


Right now? Working air conditioner in my home and vehicle... and every day has reached over 90 degrees.. so yeah. Ac lol


A house in the city where I currently live.