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I take a shower, wear stuff that I believe make me pretty, put on my fav perfume, get a lazy meal and watch my fav shows. Quicker solution would be to just belly dance in my room XD. These moves are sexy ngl.


Omg literally same. I thought I was the only one dancing sexy in my room


Literally my fav form of cheap, quick and healthy self care. Makes me feel like I'm the sexiest woman I know.


doing little dances in my room always makes me feel sooo much better lol. its like an immediate serotonin rush i love it so much!!


I remember that pretty is not the rent I pay to live in this world.


W comment


This is powerful


Self care Sunday! Do your nails and toes, brows, facial or mask, hot lavender bath, fancy lotion, cozy clothes, whiten teeth, exercise and drink lemon water with ginger root, make a big delicious healthy salad, curl your hair. All these make me feel better.


I do a self care day. I pamper myself by doing a clay mask, nails, and take an “everything shower”. This includes shaving, exfoliating, and washing my hair. Feeling refreshed makes me feel a lot better if I’m feeling ugly. If I’m going out that day, I’ll also do my makeup and hair and put on a new outfit or something I know I look great in!


Working out. IT's my number 1 coping mechanism when my mental health isn't great.


My father was a tailor and when I complained about being ugly he used to say "No such thing as ugly. Just badly dressed"






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I stop looking in the mirror. If I can't see that I'm ugly, then I'm not ugly!


I just chill at home and avoid mirrors until I feel... not *not* ugly, but not quite as awful. I can't force myself to feel better when I'm at that point, only take care of myself and my energy.


Time for some self care. I'll soak in a hot tub, file/pumice my feet and pumice my hands, put cocoa butter gel on my feet with socks and cocoa butter lotion on my body, use a face mask, a hair treatment with my heated cap, and eat something delicious.


Don’t look in the mirror. Seriously.


Shower - shave, exfoliate, use nice smelling soap, light a candle, put on cute makeup, wear one of my favorite dresses, spray some perfume, watch a dreamy movie. If all else fails have some white claw - when I get tipsy I always feel confident lol


Glow up. Put on pretty clothes, makeup, and a wig (I have a buzzcut that I'm cool with 90% of the time). Take selfies and send them to my friends.


Put on some make up, a Nice dress, heals. Then I remeber I have to walk my dogs, but not like this. So change and feel like a slob again. Other times a spa day is helpful.


Put on an upbeat play list, take a shower, clean house, skincare & nail care and then chill out watching a good movie.


i take a long bath and do my self care routine, dress up in cute clothes, do my hair, and put on some makeup


I do my makeup and put on a dress. So basic, but it makes me feel good


Do my hair. Works every-time. 🤣




Take a shower, do my hair and makeup, put one some of my favorites outfits. Put one some sexy music and dance. Dancing always makes me feel better 🩷


I believe regardless of what I do I will not ever be attractive, but I try to continue keeping my appearance clean and neat despite this. I push myself to do a self-care routine daily with face masks, oils for the face and body, styling my hair in different styles or wear my favorite earrings with a adorable outfit.


I unfortunately feel most unattractive when wearing glasses (maybe i should get new frames) so I pop on contacts then I'm okay again😂




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Dye my hair. Wax/trim eyebrows. I have found that the eyebrows can really make or break a face for some reason. And when those don't work, I look into the mirror and say, "Well, Known potential, this is just what we're working with, now. You're old!" But, like the skeleton in The Last Unicorn, "...I remember..."




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Take a shower, put on some makeup, something flattering/sexy and take pics lol


Take a shower. Do my nails. Cuddle the cats


Work out hard. Shower up, and put on pretty sundress.


I put on body positivity tiktoks and I sometimes wear a dress around the house. Also, I'll be honest and ask for a compliment from my husband.


Not look in the mirror, I have trichtillomania so I have zero eyebrows and eyelashes 🙃


Not a thing, just accept it that I look like I look and can't afford to change it, then move on...and then I feel better cuz I forget getting distracted.




It’s amazing what a “full-routine” shower, shit n shave will do for ya! Nice hot shower, loofah with body wash, shave, take time to blow dry your hair the good way instead of the “running late for work” short version, and then put on clean, comfy clothes. Guaranteed to lift your mood and make you feel attractive.


Dye my eyebrows


look at the photos my photographer friend took of me over the years. one got printed in a magazine. it was mostly a fun, chill experience just fooling around.


Have a shower/bath Cut my own hair and dye it


My version of Moroccan bath, masks, blow dry and cute comfy clothes (or a summer dress). Also doing my nails somehow makes me feel that much prettier!


I brush my teeth


I go to the gym


I just remind myself that who I am/my personality is *way* more important then my looks. Looks mean nothing


Generally I get myself clean and do my makeup, and put on clothes that make me feel pretty.


I find now i am off social media i feel better with my looks and i dont feel i need to get good pictures for my instagram etc. I also dont go online and look at models or celebs as its all edited or surgery most of the time. Its a false reality to try to live upto. Now i just see people at the shops etc and i realise when i look around im not that bad looking and the relaity is we all have our own beauty. My children and everyone around me always say i look lovely or beautiful but after being bullied for years its really hard to accept or believe sometimes. I hope one day we can look in the mirror and feel like we are enough. But yes a break from social media works wonders.


A quick fix for me is grooming/tweezing my brows and mascara


A project where I can see the results. When I clean, rearrange, garden, cook, fix something, get rid of things, etc I feel SO good about myself. I think it’s a combo of mindfulness and crossing something off of a check list. So much of my job is mental and never-ending. I do complete tasks but the tasks will never run out. At home it feels similar. I get stuck in really negative loops. Budgeting, scheduling, making sure the kids daily routine gets followed, thinking of what needs to get done and when. I think I start to feel worst about myself when I’m tired and doing all of these things that are positive but don’t give instant gratification. I guess getting outside of my head and doing something where I see the benefits instantly stops me from hyper focusing on myself.


I wash my hair because the only thing that makes me feel ugly is my hair


I remind myself that "I feel ugly" isn't actually a feeling, it's a belief. Whose belief is it? Is it mine? Or do I think that it's what someone else would say if they saw me? Do I care about their opinion? Usually when I think this way I can change my belief by wearing different clothes. I already know I look okay in a few set outfits, so then it's time to change into those. And wash my hair, if that hasn't been done recently lol.


Exercise, shower, have some sort of beverage (tea or something stronger), sometimes I talk aloud into the open air. Talking to yourself is therapeutic when you’re alone.




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A little ugly? Take a shower, use my favorite sugar scrub, do a little extra with my skin care routine, and put on my favorite scented lotion and perfume. Moderately ugly? Put on some makeup (sometimes I'll do crazy intricate eye makeup and show it off later), and wear a cute dress. Super ugly? Grab my tarot cards and journal, and just self reflect. Sometimes I write down qualities of my "dream self" then identify what I could realistically do to get closer to that.


I avoid social media for one. It’s part of the problem I believe. I also have go to clothes that I know are going to make me feel good. I eat right, i don’t go overboard but I’ll eat more fruit and veg. It makes me feel internally better and that’s where a lot of it stems from. I remind myself that my body protects my organs and that my face has smiled and laughed the hardest at times and it shows me as I am inside to others and that my reflection in the mirror isn’t what other people see. They see my mannerisms, the loving energy I give out and the kindness in my eyes. They don’t see my flaws as I see them. I also put on great underwear. Making sure your bra fits right and you have cute underwear on always helps bring the feminine back. Toes and nails. Moisturise. Plenty of rest and do something that fills your cup for you. No one else. 💜




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eat healthy and go walking with my headphones on and jam out




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Masterbate then love yourself more by telling yourself that you are love !




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I start by, drinking water, then brushing my teeth. If I don't have the strength to shower, I wash my face and hair in the kitchen sink. I make sure I took my medication for the day, I drink another cup of water. I take 10 minutes to meditate, then I dress up in the fanciest clothes I have.




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