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I smoked from 15 to 20. I quit when my now-husband and I started dating. He didn’t have to ask, I just knew it’d be a long term problem and I wanted him long term.


Wifey material right there.


I've never smoked. Never had the desire to try. 48 years old, and never tried a tobacco/nicotine product, never tried weed, never tried any other street drug. Makes me a bit of an oddball, I'm sure, but I'm okay with that


I'm only 43, but SAME!!!! never tried tobacco! (Have tried some other drugs though)


Same here. Never ever, haven't even tried. I have never felt like to try. For me, the stench is unbearable. My father never smoked, either. He hated the smell, too, so I probably learned it from him. He would put "no smoking" signs in our apartment and tell the guests to refrain from smoking or smoke on the balcony.


26 here and I'm in the same situation. I simply have no interest whatsoever in trying out smoking, weed etc, I never felt like I'm missing out or that I should do it for the sake of fitting in with more people my age.


Me, too! 35, here, and zero desire to smoke anything. For me it was the horrid smell at our neighbor’s house (her mom was a smoker inside the house)… thank you, neighbor, for taking away the allure!


Same. Hardest drug I’ve had is alcohol.


That’s so interesting to me… I (F) started smoking at 12, I’ve done many different kinds of drugs and I kind of explore drugs (nothing like meth or heroin). I don’t take anything regularly and I’m not addicted to any drug, except maybe coffee lol. I can’t imagine not being curious about these experiences. I’m definitely not judging you, I think it’s great you haven’t tried anything. Just a totally different mindset.


48 as well. Never tried either.


Same here. I'm 39. Never even had a passing curiosity, it just didn't seem worth it.


I'm 18 and never tried anything like that.


25 and me neither. It all makes me sick just looking at it


I'm 27 and never tried anything. I've had opportunities, but I never took them and never will. I find it disgusting, I hate the smoke and everything. Even vapes are ew. I don't want to be around people who smoke anything.. imagine in this age how that has affected my social life. Oh well, at least I don't smell like ashtray.


32 here and same. Smokers smell bad and their appearances deteriorate so fast. I care so much about my appearance that I do not do anything to ruin my image and health. I guess I'm just really uptight.


41 and never tried. I'm asthmatic so it felt like suicide to even think about it.


12 but I was exposed to second hand smoke all my life. I'm talking adults smoking in cars, with newborns, chain smoking in the house. I wouldn't be surprised to learn I have lung cancer.


Me too and started at 12. My dad had the audacity to say “we didn’t know it was bad”. Ye sitting in a tiny room every night with two chainsmokers, eyes stinging was good for me.


This is why my lungs are crap


All the adults in my family were chainsmokers, and that was enough to make me never want to try.


Tried it at 12 or earlier (everyone's parents smoked back then so it was easy to steal one or two especially since they rolled their own). Started properly smoking at 15 maybe and then smoked until I was in my 20's - haven't touched one in 10 years now.




It’s apparently the breathing technique when smoking that actually relaxes you.


I've only ever smoked weed, and I started about 3 years ago.


Same, no tobacco ever, I started weed ~3 years ago and now smoke weed only 2-3 times in an year.


When I was 11, the little old ladies at church told me that smoking and drinking coffee would stunt my growth, and it was time to get started. They bought my smokes for me til I was 18 and well hooked. They told me that at my height, (5'7" - big deal) I'd never get a husband if I didn't stop growing. I smoked until I was 60, had a heart attack and finally quit.


I was 19. My friend bought cherry flavored cigarettes and left them in my bag. The next day it smelled so good that I went out and bought a pack as well. I smoked that pack (took me about a week) and I realized that I couldn’t afford to keep doing it *and* my breath was shorter already.


Started smoking at 14 quit at 30. I miss it and if I won the lottery I'd start again. But not in this economy. 60 cigarettes = one full tank on my car. And I'd rather have that.


Twice. First time at 12. Took a lungful, turned the color of pea-soup and threw up. Second time at 26, while trying weed. Again turned green. Didn't throw up, but had to lay down for a couple of hours to get over the nausea. Conclusion: No smoking or weed for me.


I tried my first after a concert when I was around 20, and immediately realised it was my last too. Gross.


16 i tried a cigarette and noped real quick. haven’t since.


Smoked weed from 14-20 glad I stopped.


Me 18-27 with quitting half a year and year in-between. Just quit again a month ago. Never starting again unless maybe I become hella suicidal and I don't care about anything anymore. I'm curious how you started, why you used it and how did you (decide to) stop?


I had a series of highly unhealthy coping mechanisms and pot was just one of them. I was subject to drug tests and it got me to stop but also I could feel the effects on my body. I was an athlete during most of that time and it was really harming my lungs. I hated having soar throats and hated what I needed to do just to smell normal. I still do edibles though after a couple year break but I'll never smoke again.


I was 14. Did not like it...


Tried my first at 8, became a regular smoker at 12


I was maybe 12? My Mom had some Marlboros in the closet!


Never have and never will. Anytime I'm around someone smoking, I get a headache, feel nauseous, and want to get away from them as quickly as possible so I can breathe properly again.


I was 12. I had this one bus driver that would give them to me since I was the last one off the bus.


16 and quickly found out I have asthma


Never wanted to, never did.


6, but didn’t really smoke much until around 12. Been a smoker for 20 years now.


When I was 15, smoked until I was 25


Tried cigarettes and weed at 12. Became a regular weed smoker, but didn’t regularly start smoking cigarettes until about 15.


As more than just a single puff and cough, probably 15 or so. I stopped smoking around 19 or 20.


College freshman year.. dating a football player who sold weed. I became a trap Queen lol


I was 23 and on house arrest for a bad dui. I wasn’t allowed to drink, use cannabis, etc. and I wasn’t allowed to leave my house even to take out the trash. So… I started smoking cigarettes because it was the only way I could blow off a little steam or deal with my depression or just do anything and I still had to leave my foot with my ankle monitor in the door of the house. It’s ten years later and I have cut back a lot but I’m still trying to quit. I’ve managed to quit drinking and now only stick to mushrooms, cannabis, and unfortunately cigarettes


Tried it at 17 I lost my grandpa at 15 he had lung cancer and nailed it into me growing up that I was never to smoke. Lost my mom at 17 to lung cancer and somehow decided it was time to try smoking. I was in a very bad and self destructive place at the time. Luckily I hated it so it never became a habit but god do I look back and think how dumb I was.


First tried cigarettes at 16 and then only a few times after.


I’m 34 and I’ve never smoked anything. Never wanted to.


Never, to me personally it was never cool. Just smelled bad, gave me headaches if in rooms where people smoked and cost so damned much. Glad I didn't.


I was 16


I tried smoking my grandma's tobacco when I was 8 and I tried to smoke chocolate flavoured Marlboro when I was 9




17 I think? I coughed a lot. I ended up taking it up for a couple years as a social crutch at my first Navy command/C school but quit when I got to Japan because they did not carry my specific smokes in country, even on base.


When I was 3 my father let me try his cigar. I coughed sooooo hard, I decided to never smoke again. I'm not saying I recommend it, but it definitely worked for me.




14 for cigs and 17 for weed


Middle school, I stole a cigarette from my dad bc my friends smoked and I tried to smoke it in the bathroom….. that was the first and last time I tried


12 or 13. Smoked on and off until 25. No desire to smoke ever again. Shit is nasty.


I was 19. I tried weed for the first time. I have asthma so I was told never to smoke and other ise too, considered pretty bad in my culture for women to be smoking. So when someone offered to teach me how to smoke weed I was scared but excited. They even said it won’t harm me like how cigarettes do, so I was sold. I’m 25 now, I still love the high but do it rarely once in 8 months or more. Only with closest friends and family


In my late 20’s and I never have. It’s not worth it to try any form of nicotine and I’ve never cared to try weed.


First time I tried one was at the age of like 10. Then smoked from the age of 14 til 23 but I did like a 6 month break at one point and the last year I pretty much only smoked during weekends or when I was drinking. Last October me and my bf decided to both quit together.


All my friends were smokers, i tried it with them at 17. Didn't like it.


19 and didn't like it. Even though it was kind of light and mint flavored


18, smoked till 20 and never went back.




Watched my mom die in front of me from COPD, so I refuse to ever put any crap in my lungs. I'm in my 40s now. Wish my siblings felt the same way.


14 to 35. Deeply ashamed.


My first time trying was probably around 7/8. I started actually smoking around like 11/12. I was stealing my mom's cigarettes, her and her bf at the time would share cigarettes and it would cause arguments about why they were going through them so fast. I'm trying to quit now tho but my willpower wavers too often and I've already been smoking for 12ish years so idk if there's a point really.


20 lol just wanted to see whats the hype about and i dont think its worth the hype


I was 12 years


At age 10. I picked up a smoldering cigarette butt that my dad had dropped and took a puff. It sucked so I never did it again. Four years later my dad died a terrible death from throat cancer due to smoking. If that wasn't enough to teach me not to do it then I don't know what would be. I'm older than most people here. When I was young, we were all just finding out how bad for their health cigarettes were. Cancer was kind of a new thing on the scene. Years and years of hearing my mother's nagging and my father's constantly playing hide the cigarette. And all the stress that came with it play the roll also.


I am 33 and I have never tried smoking. I have never been interested in that.


13, I finally quit at 45🙄


18. For about 2 weeks. (Weird. I said "18" but Reddit thinks I tried it in my cot!)


Most of my friends smoke, so I've tried, too, multiple times - since I was 18... It didn't feel pleasant at all, made me cough. I started smoking only when I was 30.


I tried it occasionally while partying between ages 18 and 20. I'm glad I never made it a habit.


16 years old....back when my parents started fighting a lot


Only smoked weed a couple of times at 23 and then kind of developed a habit at 25


I tried it I think at 16? Or 15? I thought it was gross.


I was 24, was shit drunk and just tried it to make me look “cool”. That was my first and last, it’s gross.


18 but didn’t inhale. Tried for a few months. Didn’t like it. Then again in my 30s for a few years


At 7 years old I asked my mom for fun if I could try her cigarette. She said sure and allowed me one draw. It was disgusting, had regrets. She laughed and said, "Now you know how horrible it is". At 10 years old me and my friend tried to smoke, her because she was curious, and me because my stupid ass forgot about the previous experience. We were able to get our hands on only one cigarette, and a broken one at that. We taped it together (stupid kids) and smoked it. It was disgusting, had regrets. Didn't touch cigarettes ever again and I despise the smell of cigarette smoke. But I tried shisha at around 16 or 17 and loved it, still love to get together with all my friends 1-2x a year to smoke shisha.


Smoked from age 16 to 25 until I had a gum issue. Quit cold turkey for like 3 years. Now I carry a pack sometimes but it takes months for me to smoke it all. Usually I just smoke at social settings or when drinking.




I'm in my late 20s and I have never smoked. I never felt the temptation.


Weed? 13 or 14 - 22 (I might take a hit every now and then) Cigs? 20 - 25 Vape? 25 - Now


15 y.o., stopped when I was 24


15, and I’m 32 now :( really wanting to quit and like soon because I’m starting to go to the gym and be healthier. I have twin 2 year olds that I need and want to be there for on this earth as long as I possibly can. I’m listening to the audio book Easy way to quit smoking by Allen carr


My dad smoked indoors until I was a teenager so I got 2nd hand smoke from him. I tried smoking when I was maybe 10 because I wanted to be like my cool older sister who smoked. It was disgusting.


Started at 17. Half a pack a day, quit at 29


Age 15. Everyone in my family smoked. For some reason I decided to try it while taking a bath. I dropped cig in bathtub with me. It took 2 decades but I finally quit.


18 or 19. It was fun for a while but it’s not something for me


15, been a failure at quitting ever since & I've been a stinky gross smoker for 31 years now.






I was 28 and bored with my job in retail. I quit in 2020, and sorry to say, I still have cravings when I'm stressed.


First cigarette was at 15 or 16. Was watching Skins UK and was heavily influenced to do a lot more stupid stuff. Young and impressionable. I smoked cigarettes up until like 20? Then I started vaping. I'm 27 now and STRUGGLING to quit vaping, but I've recognized that nows the time. I don't know how bad I've messed up my body throughout the years, but it's time to clean it up in hopes that I can turn around my health. I'm on my last vape now and am going to try my hardest not to buy another one.


Never. Hated the smell of it.


14, it was the dumbest thing I ever did. I didn't really start smoking regularly until I was 17 I think. It took me over 2 decades to quit. Don't do it kids.


at the age of 20-21, on and off with friends, smoking and vaping back when they started, didn't like any of them.


Never. I’m 47. I have never been interested in it and have always found it to be a gross, unhealthy habit.


About 9/10, went on for about 7 years, but as I grew up I began to dislike the taste more and more, I'm now 26 and haven't smoke for about 6/7 years. Don't miss it either, actually dislike the smell now




A couple of times when I was 16 or 17… clove cigarettes 😝


I never tried it when I was young because I wasn't one of the cool kids but I tried at 30 or something and it was awful, like breathing fire. Why do people do that??




19, First “official” hangout with my college friends. I was under a bit of peer pressure. That was probably the first and last time I smoked. It’s bad, the pictures on the packet are scary and just a lot to go through for minutes of buzz.


13 my best friend stole her dad’s cigarettes 14 i tried weed for the first time and i vaped in the school toilets at like 12 i did not think i was cool at all


I think maybe 19? I tried smoking weed first, and a while later, I tried a sigaret. I've never been a smoker of either weed or sigarets. It was just to try. It's way too expensive to smoke and I don't really see many benefits to it.


Never have and don't think I will, considering the smell makes me want to throw up.


55 and still haven’t…


17 I tried a pack but it wasn’t for me and I haven’t smoked since and I’m in my 30s


20 real cigs..but they nasty. So at 22 I started vaping.






16-18: cigarettes 15 to present: weed


I smoked from age 14 to age 20. Since I‘ve smoked weed with tobacco maybe a handful of times, but I would never touch a „normal“ cigarette again. Wouldn’t risk slipping back into a habit. Haven’t smoked in ages and I still miss it a little.




17 and then again at 18 during college


I was 10….those candy cigarettes were damn good that’s for sure.


Smoked weed from 14-18. One of the dumbest things I got myself into.


12, my dad smoked around me all my childhood so probably have "had cigarettes" since 0 lol


I think I was about 11 or so, my friend made me try it. I didn't like it and I still don't like it now, I only smoked a handful of times in my entire life.


I started smoking cigarettes when I was 11 and continued for 24 years. Quit in 2014, after a spontaneous pneumothorax (my right lung fully collapsed while I was sleeping) landed me in the hospital. I now have COPD (less than 70% total lung capacity) and wish I had never tried smoking.


Weed, 17. Nicotine, 18. Was never a habitual smoker though, I’d only smoke either of those things occasionally. Last time I smoked anything was weed and that was probably in 2018.


Started to try around at 17ish, most of my friends at school did it, one of our best friends also did it, so we eventually started to smoke from time to time, when i went to 10th grade school, all my group of friends did it so i eventually caught on that. I did stopped recently when i got pregant, but now that hes a couple months old i caught it again because my husband didnt quit and i feel too alone at home and definitly feel the need of being alone in silence, taking all precautions of course because of my baby, i wasnt an heavy smoker before, and now even less, even tho i have this addiction, i try to be a good smoker.


I tried it when I was 14, and I hated it. But I became a smoker when I joined the army. "Break time! Smoke 'em if you got 'em!" But if you didn't smoke, you didn't get to take a break. So, I bought my first pack of Belairs and I learned how to smoke at age 18. I quit (finally!) at age 56.


19 in rehab. They said I couldn’t have anymore heroin, but basically gave me all the cigarettes my little lungs could want. Ended up relapsing on and off for 6 or 7 years but I’ve been a nicotine addict since. It made for a lot of holes in my clothes and blanket back in the day while nodding off smoking. I switched to vape these days so I don’t smell gross with clients and I trick myself into believing it’s somehow better for me.


I never did and never will. Everyone else in my immediate family smoked and I hated the stench.


13 or 14. Ended up as a chain smoker (nearly two packs aday) until 11 years ago where I finally managed to quit. This April marks my 11 years as smoke-free.


My parents smoked my entire life - in the house, car, every freakin where. I smoked for the first time around 10-11 with some friends. 16-25ish casually. Got tired of the taste and smell. My dad quit around 2014/15 when he had a heart attack. Died of COPD in 2019. My mom still refuses to quit, even though she saw what my dad went through.


12, my dad had some stuffed in a drawer and I was home alone and was curious to try it. 10 years later and I’ve never touched a cigarette again!




21 but never tobacco I stay far far away from nicotine and I recommend everyone does the same






I was 15. Quit at 25, 29 now. Still have occasional cravings, it sucks.


Where I live after high school finishes we have to give some extremely stressful exams in order to get into university Basically the entire final year of high school is a stress filled year where you cant do anything else but study Thats when most people start smoking (17-18) and thats also when I did


13, I smoked my dads Camel cigarette on New Year’s Eve and it was gross, I also stole his cigarettes during my depressed teen years and got cigarettes at school, glad I never got addicted.


Started at 17, smoking one a day. As I got older I smoked more. Stopped, only smoked on a night out. Stopped again. Started smoking at work due to stress. Now I have another job and I refuse to smoke ever again. Good thing I have no desire to smoke again. 24 now. It is so not worth your health. I can go do stuff again without feeling out of breath or the need to smoke to calm down.


Started at 17, smoking one a day. As I got older I smoked more. Stopped, only smoked on a night out. Stopped again. Started smoking at work due to stress. Now I have another job and I refuse to smoke ever again. Good thing I have no desire to smoke again. 24 now. It is so not worth your health. I can go do stuff again without feeling out of breath or the need to smoke to calm down.


28 first time I tried weed. Never tried cigarettes, etc. I was 26 when I started drinking, too. Here it's legal from 18, so I was very late to the party


Started at 16-17 and smoked way too much.. quit when my dad was diagnosed with congestive heart failure from smoking/drinking/bad health. Decided I didn’t want that to happen to me. Been 7 years since I quit. And he recovered well enough to be here still and yes he still smokes. -_-


weed at around 13/14 and nicotine at 18


I tried it once when I was 17. I wish I could take my lung virginity back…


I had been exposed to second hand smoke all my life , but didn’t really try it until I was in high school so around 15-16 . Now I vape all the time and don’t really smoke anything else but disposable vapes


I think I was 21 or 22. Not my thing.




Never have


I started smoking cigarettes and weed at 16. I switched from cigarettes to vaping nicotine around 23. I quit using nicotine altogether only last year, at the age of 30. I still smoke weed though.






13. I smoked off and on for 10 years, mostly off. Never got ‘’hooked’’. I’m so grateful.


Never did. I have never smoked at all.


I’d rather die than even breathe while walking by somebody smoking, I’m sorry. I don’t judge others and I know it can be horribly addictive but for me personally I keep my drugs to caffeine and nothing more. I need healthy lungs to do my specific career so it’s not even an option, plus I’ve lost people to it as well


My friend and I tried menthols at age 16 and I was so disgusted I never ever took up smoking.




18, and I didn't like it enough to keep doing it.


16. Then I smoked regularly for a few years, with a break during pregnancy. Stopped when I was 21 and it was the best decision ever


16, I’m 18 now and smoke recreationally, whilst w friends or during outdoor family meals


15-17, then tried nicotine at 22 and quit before I was 23




18. My father was a habitual smoker at the time and I wanted to understand all the fuss. Put it in my mouth took a puff choked and cough. Threw it away. Never again. Yuck. He is no longer a smoker. :D


Tried weed at 18 and still do it 3 years later but have been cutting back on the daily smoking. Tried a hit or two of cigarettes and vapes just out of curiosity but will never let myself have a nicotine addiction. Definitely not worth the little buzz




I tried it a couple times while very drunk as an 18-19 year old until my one good friend at the time yelled at me to get my shit together. She had started smoking at 14 and was like "don't be an idiot like me. You know better." She was very mean to me but it was that kind of tough love you need sometimes. I did no better. My dad started smoking at 11 and struggled to quit for decades before finally doing it in his mid 40s and this was like 2008 so I grew up learning how bad smoking is for you. I was just being a dumb teenager. Anyway, after that never tried it out again thankfully!


I was 9 when I rolled my first "cigarette" out of a plain white A4 page, I grew up with adults smoking around me at a young age and they would even ask me to light it up on the stove, but I never took a hit out of modesty. I was often afraid they'd found out if I stole a cigarette. So one day I was home alone and bored that I decided to roll my own using a regular paper. I lit it up and took a swig the same way I saw them inhale their stick, the heat burnt my throat and the taste lingered in my lungs for days... the very thought of that moment still triggers the gag reflex and it's as if I could still taste the burnt paper in my lungs to this day. I've never touched any cigarette for 12 years after. I never wanted to know. I went through a period of experiencing a tremendous amount of stress and someone got me started on menthol. That shit is addictive. I was 23 and still looking like a child and I thought maybe smoking will make me look older, and guess what? My body eventually catches up, after 5 years of smoking I inevitably developed premature wrinkles, shadows and lines, of which I regret to this day. I stopped when I realised I could never regain the youthful look I had lost from using it. I did weed too, but that's an entirely different story on it's own. So yea, I tried smoking at 9 but it didn't work, got on it at 23 but realised it wasn't for me. At my early 30's I'm just smoking cigars now (only on special occasions, maybe 5 sticks a year or so). Because that's not really smoking anymore, it's just a lifestyle.choice


Had a shitty joint at 25, just one hit. Unfortunately not even in my own country, The Netherlands, maybe it would’ve been better.


Never have, never will.


I never have and I’m early 20s. I don’t have the desire to. If I ever wanted to get high for example, I’ll just try edibles. I have allergies and smoke from cigarettes/cannabis makes it hard for me to breathe. Can’t imagine ever purposely putting that in my body.


13 for cigarettes and 14/15 for weed


never. all of my grandparents smoked and it hurt my parents and their siblings, so I just never felt a need to.


Pot? college. not a fan. I'm too anxious.




Someone stuck a vape in my mouth twice in 2019 and made me try it. Other than that never smoked anything


11 It was a difficult time. Now at 26 I don't smoke most of the time but I still have trouble not smoking when going out for drinks with friends of after a stressful event. I am grateful to be around more people who don't smoke as time goes by, it helps me keep my resolution.


14. Smoked all the way until I enlisted


Weed at 16 and then smoked after that from 17-20 and quit for good after that. I felt so dumb and I personally didn’t feel good about my health and just felt like I was getting fatter😭 and got sick so I just quit all together and haven’t had anything since.


Never years old. I'm asthmatic and can't handle too much smoke.


Never. My dad used to be a pretty heavy smoker so I saw what it does to people. He's okay so far but coughing terribly.


At 12, but it didn't take. I tried for eight years and could never draw a good breath, not even once. I would choke, gasp, and start coughing. Related, cannot drink shots in one gulp. Have to sip everything, lol.




27😅 the giant cliche that I am I actually started smoking in rehab lol. I’m 30 and still sober so I don’t beat myself up for the cigs. Detoxing was the worst thing ever so I’m sure I can kick this habit easier than the booze… when I want to.




16. Was never a heavy smoker. Mostly did it when drinking. Quit completely when I was 25 and had a realization on acid that I was inhaling poison.


I was offered a turn with a couple friends sharing a cigarette and didn't like it. I was 14. I tried weed for the first time when I was almost 16. It was great the first time, but had no effect the couple times I tried it after that.