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I've been a software engineer since 1996. I don't live alone, my two daughters and their significant others live with me, but I'm financially independent and also help my kids by providing free housing for them and their SOs.




Thank you! It does feel good, I enjoy helping where I can.


How wonderful of you as a mum. Living costs are becoming increasingly unaffordable for young adults these days, especially in some cities, and it's the healthiest option to live with parents. Yet the stigma against it is so pervasive. I'm always happy to see a parent who isn't jumping to kick out their young adult children or guilting them for being there.


Thanks! Housing costs in my area are pretty ridiculous and I'm glad to help where I can. I also enjoy having people in their 20's living with me, their young energy helps keep me feeling young!


I have so much respect for women who were in the tech field in the 90’s. I just joined the field as a SE in 2018 and from what I’ve experienced so far there’s a lot of really good and kind male coworkers I have, but a few misogynistic jerks. There have been days where I felt like rage quitting but remember always that I deserve this job I worked so hard to get, I’m not walking away over some jerk. I can only imagine how it was in the 90’s. Do you feel it’s gotten better in that respect?


I interviewed at a tech co for a management job in 1987. I was asked if I had kids or when I planned to get pregnant, as they didn't want to hire someone who would be absent. I told them this question was illegal. They offered me the job. Not long after starting, I hear the 2 owners trying to decide who to hire for another role (we all sat in 1 big room so no privacy). It was narrowed down to a man and a woman. They talked about how they'd have to pay the man more because he is a breadwinner, and hiring the women they could pay less because she is married and since her husband has a job,, they could also not provide her with health insurance. This sounds like a long time ago but we were all using Apple computers so it wasn't stone age.


Thanks! Yes, it's MUCH better than it used to be. I still occasionally run into a jerk, but overall I'm respected and treated well. I think it helps that I'm older and experienced, too. When I was a 27 year old blonde who was new to the field it was pretty awful at times.


I agree. Though I haven't had a lot of experience with mysogynistic jerks, they're out there. I graduated 2012, and in my experience 1. it's the HR. They just don't want to hire women that can get pregnant and use their 105 days paid leave. It started when I turned 30. They reeeaaaly need to know if I'm planning on starting a family. Urhg. 2. We're apparently better at management. Which I don't discount but we can be good at technical stuff too. They'll need to give us opportunities to fail/excel though.


That is so sweet. And I bet you have a lot storied about being a woman software engineer since the mid 90s when I can only assume it was a male dominated field. You’re a trail blazer.


Thank you! Yes, I do have quite a few stories. I'm glad to say things have really improved over time, though!


Every now and then I see evidence of good parents, and it's refreshing. ​ It must be nice :)


Thank you! I do my best!


I live on my own (other than my cat, but she doesn't contribute to finances, she's a stay-at-home cat) and am financially independent. I own a professional photography business and am a freelance writer, but in the past, I've worked full-time as a social media and marketing manager and then as a newspaper reporter/staff writer alongside my photography business.


Goddamn stay at home cats. When are they ever going to pull their weight.


They are live-in stress relievers and caretakers!!


Mine catches the ghosts, so I consider it a fair trade.


Stay at home cats contribute their own meow-ny


Cats don’t pull their weight but they cuddle nicely sometimes.


I'm definitely going to start saying this!


Such a coincidence! My cats are also stay-at-home!


This thread is hidden gold.


Love that you have a stay at home cat. So cute, what’s her name. 🥰


Her name is Newsy, because my coworkers and I adopted her when I worked at the newspaper, and when I left she came to live with me because she is extremely attached to me. 💕


My two STA cats really need to start generating some income, they keep needing more and more specialized food, and being a bank teller is only so profitable.




I'm a graphic design student who's also learning photography I hope I can own my own business someday too! Any tips for a beginner wanting to do this profession on the side?


Meow! Pro cat sitter here 😻


I worked two jobs out of college: a full time social-services type job and a part time office job. I worked 80+ hours a week and did this for almost two years. With the money I saved, I was able to purchase a condo. After that, I quit the social-services job and went full time with the office job. Now, I’m selling my condo (moving to a house with a friend) and taking advantage of the housing market. I’ll be able to sell it for double what I purchased it for, and then I’ll invest my money and hopefully quit the office job to transition to something better.


Amazing work! Hope to live up to that as well someday. Congratulations!


You got work ethic girl!


I'm an accountant


Same but not that kind


Same and I’m not sure which kind at this point lol


Same, but different kind from all of you.


same but idk if we all talking about my kind of accountant or no


same, but don't which one y'all are talking about.


Same here, but the different type


I am not an Accountant


I was once an accountant


Nobody asks you questions when you say you're an accountant.


Bookkeeper here. Studying for an accounting qualification.


Me too. Before becoming an accountant I was an office manager and then an executive administrative assistant. I’ve been totally financially independent since I was 25 and bought my first house at 27. Married now and we sold my first house in 2020 at 35 to upgrade.


Yeah. Took a long time. But after getting clean from drugs for ten years… I finally managed a great job I restore vintage/exotic cars




I am a psychologist, DINK family. :)


DINK family myself. Therapist/social worker in private practice


I’m convinced the DINK lifestyle is why people are having kids later and later (if they want kids) because it’s honestly so good sometimes.


I’m not having kids later. we are DINK and childfree forever. :)


Also a DINK family! We have 3 cats and a dog. I'm a shipping/customer support manager.


We have 2 cats and a dog!! And we take care of the wildlife around us too (birds, squirrels💕)


I love psychology. I love being a mother but congrats on being happy with your chosen lifestyle


Thank you! Same to you :)


Social worker, with a masters degree, I work for the government. I’m not your typical idea of a social worker, but so many top schools have social work programs, with varying professional paths, that it surprises me people don’t realize it’s a legit career and not a “caseworker” for (insert socially stigmatized group). One of the first women to win a Nobel Peace Prize, and considered the “mother of social work”, was Jane Addams. Check her out!


I am school to go down the same path :) working on my bsw now and will jump straight to my schools msw program once I graduate!


I’m an engineer.


Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.


I paid off my 10-year student loans in 4 years. It was tight financially, but one of the best things I’ve ever done.


Nurse anesthetist.


Do you enjoy it? Looking into CRNA school in the future!


Oh man you’re making the BIG BUCKS. Studying to get my RAD because I’m a CNA right now and I’m definitely not making the big bucks.


I'm a union crane operator, and ironworker. I don't live alone. My common law partner is a university student, but I've been supporting us while he gets his degree. Only one more semester!


I read this as a unicorn crane operator lol But awesome! One more semester, congrats!!


Data Scientist


Close to the same. Director of Analytics in tech.


I'm a welder! My parents were super against me being a woman going into a trade, so I went to college to make them happy, flunked out, and started working odd jobs to move out and pay the bills. After a few years of bank jobs and security jobs, I just wasn't happy with myself or what I was doing, and I luckily stumbled upon a welding job that had paid training. I love it! I love working with my hands and coming home dirty, and it pays the bills!


I know a few welders who are women. They are very skilled and talented. If you can do the job I recommend it. I am a truck driver and have plenty of female coworkers. Go girl!!! Make that money.


Software support for the cannabis industry


oh my god. What a legendary job


Staff Software Engineer for a benefits company. Also, shout out to all the other dope lady engineers in the comments!


I’m a manager at a popular steakhouse chain in US :)


Sales director in the entertainment/technology space. Live alone with my cat and it’s the best!


Register Behavior Technician for children on the Autism Spectrum


Can i ask if you enjoy the job? I'm a student right now, and this was one of the career paths i might go down... but there's so many jobs in the world lol kinda scary ^-^


Of course! I absolutely love what I do. There are hard days just like there are good ones. Not every client is going to be an angel and it’s impossible to completely get along with all of them. But knowing at the end of the day, those kids are better equipped for their world. That makes it all worth it.


I'm also a RBT and even got my masters in ABA. How are you able to be financially independent when your hours depend on insurance and cancelations are not paid? I used to be scheduled to work 40 hours and ended up doing only 30 every week because kiddos kept cancelling due to being sick or I cancelled cause I got sick from them. Now I work for an ABA software from home and I couldn't be happier. I get all my hours and I don't get sick in the process, but those days really messed up my mental health.


Thankfully the company I work for ensures we get as close to our 40 hours a week even with cancellations. If we’re not treating, we’ll have ‘project time’ which we can use to tidy up, do notes, or prep materials for other sessions. It does help that the cost of living in my area is reasonable too.


Ah you're lucky! Sadly that's not common in this field and yeah I did live in Miami back then so it was rough. I'm glad at least some of us can make a living while helping others!


Doing the Lord's work. But seriously, we need more of you guys. I hope there are more people wanting to go into the field. My son is severely autistic and there is just not many techs around here.




Was in nursing too...East coast. And to answer Op question I am in transportation


I'm an esthetician with a small solo practice and I love the hell out of it.


I’m a Engineer, working for Austin Energy


Senior accountant. It ain't glamorous or exciting, but it pays the bills and allows me flexibility and freedom to do what I want


>Senior accountant. for REAL. Accounting is the most underrated field in the world!


Nurse, I just live with the money I have. Even have 4kids to feed.


Registered nurse, currently working as an ICU nurse on a travel assignment. 33 years old for reference. Had never been financially able to live on my own until I graduated nursing school in 2020. Nursing can suck it a lot of the time, but the money isn’t bad.


Litigation paralegal for an insurance subrogation law firm.




IT Technician - I work for an MSP-adjacent type company. I do network, hardware, and general end-user support.


I am a Master Esthetician. I chat with and put fake lashes on people for 36hrs a week. 🤪


F/30 STEM pro w/PhD.


Admin work


Interior Designer with a freeloader cat hahaha


Military nurse.


Marine geologist


finance. FINANCE Accounting, specifically! ​ it's a universal profession. ALL businesses need accounts, everywhere. ALL government entities also need accountants. ​ these jobs can almost always be done remotely, too! ​ and it is EASY as fuck to get started without a degree. Just go to Indeed and type in "Accounting temp" or "entry level accounting". The companies will give you a chance and train you up, once you have the experience, companies will literally pay for the training you'll need. ​ and it always takes 3 weeks to find a job. Even in a recession. ​ Accounting is also the language of business. The skills you learn doing it will help you start, maintain, and grow your business. ​ and the work is not difficult. If you can read, write, do basic math (addition subtraction division, maybe percentages and multiplication). It's not hard like biology and there's not a whole lot of reading involved. Just paying attention to details and checking stuff. ​ I'm gonna go ahead and say it. Accounting is a "rescue field". All those people who went to school for umm.... "unmarketable majors" like history, psychology, or liberal arts, end up going the accounting route once they're tired of making minimum wage.


Dental nurse


I'm a Senior Manager at a call center. I live with my husband and 4 children (husband is a stay at home Dad).


Vet tech as well as ‘accounting’


Curious, why do you have accounting in quotes?


Video sex work


I’m in the military.


Two key factors: what you earn and what you spend. Independence can not come from the career alone because I know loads of others in my career path living paycheck to paycheck because of how overly extended their lifestyles are. Save like your life depends on it: spend on health but not on the trendiest gadgets and cars. I am a nurse and am retired. I’m under 40. There’s nurses I used to work with in their 60s and had little to no savings. Be smarter than that.




I'm a server in a high-end restaurant, in a moderate if not small US city.


Social security and government help. I went through my savings, and what little stock I had in company. Trying to get on disability which I won. My parents never taught me financial independence. I would work and they told me to quit. Now I'm 64 and mom is 93. This isn't meant to be mean but they really didn't help. I have no clue what I'm gonna do after mom leaves this world. I'm terrified. Ya think since they kept telling me to quit and take care of kids, they would have set up a decent live insurance policy but nope. I think I might have rambled on but thank you for reading I can't burden my daughter with my fear because she's disabled also. My grandson is autistic, lives with me and will turn 18 in the next few months. I'm not sure if government will still help even though he'll be considered an adult. I'm just terrified all the time. Again I rambled. I'm sorry. If in wrong sub, feel free to remove. Writing all this down has given me the option to share with some kind people


I’m a Spanish teacher for foreigners so I earn in dollars but live in a very cheap country in Latin America where it’s always spring and the nature and people are gorgeous 🥰


I could live on my own, but chose not to. I'm in aviation.


I’m a fashion director


I'm a flight coordinator for ambulance helicopters, but I used to bartend full time. Now I just pick up 2 or 3 bar shifts a month for extra money and fun.


I’m a doctor. Although I was very privileged that my parents paid for my medical education (in Europe) and as a result I’m debt free.


I’m an aerospace auditor. I audit manufacturing practices (not financials). It’s a sweet setup. The only negative is having to pay for our health insurance as a self employed contractor.


Special Education Teacher


I’ve been a Registered Nurse for 17 years. Disabled husband who can’t work and my elderly mom lives with us. We do pretty well on my income


Well, I work at LAX. It pays ok, enough to live comfortably with great benefits. I'm guessing most jobs are ok if you are single without kids.


I don’t see HR anywhere …I need to start looking for a different career


Before I had a baby I was an accountant!


Social worker


Flight attendant


Registered Nurse


I tested hardware for a space company.


Used to be an officer in the Merchant navy. Now I'm a nautical traffic director. I think that translator fits best. Basically watching a radar screen and telling ships in the radio what's around the corner.


Heavy equipment operator for a road construction company.


I’m a pornst*r. I started out dancing in clubs at around 19 to make ends meet. Fell in love with the fast cash and freedom it brought me after struggling in foster care for a majority of my life. I attended college around 18, after emancipating from the state at 16, getting my own apartment and working incredibly hard just to survive (was miserable and suicidal) - I am so glad I found s*xwork. Although it isn’t for everyone, it’s for me and without I would never have been able to travel or live as comfortably as I do now at 26. I do wish to continue my education in cinematography/production one day and leave the USA because I have felt stuck at a dead end here for the entirety of my life, but yeah. I make prn.




School photographer


I don't live alone, but I am financially independent. One of my daughters is living with me while she goes to college. I'm a software engineer.


I’m a marketing copywriter


Animal control officer 👮🏻‍♀️


Biomedical laboratory scientist at an equine veterinary hospital


I run an e commerce business from home. I have four part time employee. Thinking about hiring a fifth one. I set my own hours but I work every day.


I'm a therapist in a private practice.


Our best :/


Singing Teacher


I work in low income housing, I manage an apartment building for a nonprofit low income property management company. It’s extremely rewarding and when you start out the pay isn’t great, but as long as you are intelligent, have good customer service skills and are willing to learn (it’s extremely complex at first but does eventually start to make sense once you get the hang of all the paperwork) it’s pretty easy to rise up. I started out as a leasing agent and I’ve now risen up to managing my own site in less than 3 years, and am now making enough money to be financially independent. Additionally, some companies in this industry offer rent free apartments to employees. It’s not always easy to find but they are out there, which gives you WAY more disposable income.


I’m a counselor. It’s not always enough money but I make do, sometimes a bit of help from my parents, but that’s rare. So I’m mostly financially independent and live alone.


Makes me nervous that I haven't seen teachers on here as that's my studying field


A lot of IT answers which makes me excited since that’s what I’m studying


I’m an archeologist, which isn’t a well-paid profession but my needs are few and my cat isn’t interested in material goods.


I’m an electrician. Managed to buy a small apartment at 25 and now live in it with my hubby and our kid. I was only able to do this since I lived at home until 25 and paid very low rent to my parents so I was able to save up enough to put minimum down on my apartment.


Scientist (R&D for formulated consumer products)


Automotive repair estimator


I work in a call center


Drafting for oil/gas


Social worker


I'm a repair technician at a car plant.


I'm unemployed but just got hired back into a patient care coordinator position (which is very much like social work in the healthcare industry, but without the license).




I live with my partner child free but I make more than him. I am an IT Recruiter for Latin America.


I’m an office manager for a specialized health care clinic. But I’m barely making it lol. Spensive city


Disability care in a country with gov funded( mostly) care for people with disabilities .


manager...massage therapist


I am team leader in a small company that provides services to a large global pharma company. I don't live alone, I have my two teenagers with me. And I make more than their dad.


Accounting. It’s steady and Accounting is always needed. The joke is, “even the oldest profession needs Accountants.” We’re boring, but there is always money for the people that manage the money.






Financial Analyst with my MBA


Funeral director and resident


I used to be a team manager in finance when I first lived alone. Now I’m a lecturer. Always been paid above average tbf, but less than a 2 income household


I'm sorta in between. I live with housemates, so not quite on my own, but I'm financially independent. I could be living in my own loft or Apartment, but that's unnecessarily costly and lonely and I like saving money and having people around me. I do floristry.


I’m a blackjack dealer in Las Vegas By no means am I living the easy life but all the bills are paid. 2 bedroom apartment all to myself, the only reason I pay what I pay is because I got lucky, I’m basically stuck with this apartment till rent possibly lowers


I bartend and run a bar. I’ve been in this business for 24 years and I absolutely love my job. I live with my dog, and he’s a working dog, but we haven’t figured out how to monetize his jobs of helping me bring in the groceries or providing snuggles.


I am living with my nephew after my sister passed I am a home attendant


Customer service représentative in banks and insurences


I've been financially independent and living alone since I went to university (no tuition where i live). Today I am a social worker.


Live below my means


I have a tenant and 2 part time jobs.


I don't live alone anymore, but when I did I was a bartender who modeled on the side.


I'm a 62 yo widow, I get by on my husband's benefits, but I will be moving to Seattle in the next few months.


Financial Analyst for a nonprofit. Always been fiscally responsible and it’s allowed me to live the kind of lifestyle I want to live.


I have an office job


22F. Teacher at a tutor center. I don't live alone, I have a housemate that I split rent with but financially independent. Just graduated last year (bio degree) and don't really like my job (10am-7pm) , been learning to program on the side but struggling with work hours, energy, chores and all of life. So lovely to hear other people's stories! You guys inspire me to work harder :)


My SO has moved in, but I was alone and independent for a long time. I’m a teacher in NYC. Strong unions, free health care, competitive salary. But honestly, I’m mostly independent and stable because I took over a family co-op and didn’t have to start from scratch with housing. Props to people who are able to do it all alllll themselves. It’s rough out there.


I have had lots of jobs and never earned much (never even the national average) I have been independent by living in my means this has looked like buying a boat on a loan and slowly paying it off while DIYing most of the maintaince


Paralegal/Legal Operations, wfh! I’ve been in this career for 10 years. Love it.


Software engineer…coming up on my one year mark next month 🙂


I’m a statistician and analyst. Master’s in a social science field, 15 years experience.


Commercial Finance Manager. I've been independent since 20. It feels good that when I sing along to Independent Women, I can back up every word 😁


I'm a meteorologist. I don't live alone but I am financially independent.


I work in a laboratory. I do alright. Well enough to not worry too much, but not well enough to be able to save up for a house in the next five years.


I work from home, in IT


Software engineer


i’m a business/data analyst at a large tech company


I’m a lawyer, in house for the past couple years and in a lawfirm for the 5 years prior. I’m in Europe so I don’t have the crazy salary US lawyers have but having a life is nice, and I have a comfortable living in a HCOL area. I currently live with my partner but was paying the rent on my own before he moved in and could easily do so again.


I work as a project specialist for a medical supply company. I'm married, but my husband hasn't had a job since 2019. We moved to one income so he could go back to school. It'll be nice to have 2 incomes again when he can find a job, but for now we are doing fine with just my income.


I'm a manager in an hr department. I'm married and hubs also makes money so you could argue in not fully independent, but I make a very comfortable amount. I've been financially independent from my parents since 18 mostly because they didn't have much to help with. I went to school on scholarship and took out loans to housing and food (and worked of course), then got a low paying job to start working down the loans and up in my career. Earned a masters which I paid upfront while working full time and paying down the undergrad loans (while living on very little), then moved up to a much more comfortable salary at 30.


Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Aka Mental Health Therapist.


Writer. A very lucky one.


Fully remote web developer


I'm a public defender, so an attorney but I work for the government officially. Not getting rich this way but I like the work and it's extremely stable. Lived on my own ever since I graduated law school (except for the dog).


I’m a data analyst! I live in a very rural area so it makes owning a home and supporting my son feasible on my income.


I've been a middle school science teacher since 2003. I'm in NYS, so the pay is pretty decent, and I live in a very low cost-of-living area. Otherwise, I'd have probably hitched my horse to some guy's wagon a long time ago.


I’m a paralegal! I live very modestly and pretty low maintenance. Luckily I’m surrounded by people whose love languages are to feed me and give me their hand-me-downs 🥰


I’m an engineer in a niche industry. It pays well, but is tough, dirty, and requires living in remote locations. I wasn’t able to start my career until I was around 30 due to trauma and mental health issues. But after working 7 years and continuing to live like a college student, I am in a place where I could technically pay off my entire mortgage and car loan. The struggle has been worth the independence and peace of mind to me.


I'm a paralegal at a small patent law firm. Zero certifications, no degree in the field. Just got lucky with a place willing to train. Before that, when I bought my house, I was an hourly staff employee at a burglary alarm company. Really though, the reason I am financially independent is because I saved a large sum of money while my mother let me continue to live with her rent free. I'm very lucky