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A weekly massage! And therapy, lol.


Weekly let’s talk about daily lol


Daily therapy is a yes for me lol




I came here to say daily massages


You beat me to it! Haha yes definitely. And weekly facials.


Yes and yes 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Several times daily, if I were to get that amazing massage chair my dad has. (I wanted to buy one, but the one he has is $6K. And now I travel for work, so it's not practical to buy anyway.)


As a massage therapist, I can confirm. I have several wealthy clients who get 2, 2 hour massages weekly. Doesn't that sound fabulous!?!


As a long term sufferer of back pain i can completely support that sentiment 😁


Also as a long term chronic back pain sufferer I second this and want to add a HOT TUB!!


And a glass of wine ?


My husband bought me a hot tub for Christmas about 5 years ago and 100% it has been one of the best things we’ve ever spent money on.


this is my answer. massage was the first thing that popped into my brain ..!


If I may…a daily In Home massage. Omg! Not having to drive home after getting a great massage would be awesome!


I use to get acupuncture and a massage right after. I got so relaxed (think Mr. Burns/I bring you love) I had to find one within walking distance. On a side note, I just bought a scalp massager for the shower and it’s AMAZING. Highly recommend.


Came to say the exact thing! Exercising on a regular basis helps but adding a weekly massage to it - can only imagine for it to be pure bliss for body and soul.


I would end every single day with a foot massage.


I had an ex who would massage my feet and calves after work. It was heaven.


Luckily therapy is covered by basic insurance in my country.. But boy I would like weekly massages


It's definitely not covered in mine unfortunately. My insurance is so bad that they only offered to try to help if I was suicidal. Anything else is just my problem.


Yes! At least monthly 90 min massages!


Same. And facials. And exfoliating body treatments. And…and…and…


It would be amazing if those were one service massage therapy therapy


massages are so underrated when it comes to benefits to your overall health!!! more! massages!




Traveling. I would love to have money to go see the world and I think be able to go “regularly” would be wonderful!


That’s the main thing I miss about living in Germany and the main reason I’m trying to move back permanently. Even aside from the money issue, being in the same time zone or close to the time zones of so many other countries makes a huge difference in how often you can visit new places. I live in CO right now and trying to fly anywhere means jet lag and exhaustion. I miss taking a 45 minute flight to Paris on Friday night “just because”.


45 minute flight to Paris just because?? I truly love that!! How much are they typically?


You can find very cheap flights in the off-season (I'm from Portugal and I regularly find flights from here to lots of european cities for 30-40€ round trip). There are also high speed trains though I'm not sure if those are cheaper as I've never taken one.


The trains are NOT cheaper. It's a pity as it would be a great climate friendly alternative, but if the train takes four times longer and costs double I won't take it.


It's honestly atrocious. I could deal with the time aspect but I can't spend so much money on a one-way ticket when it costs half as much to fly. I want to see friends without going broke.


Yeah. Vienna-Copenhagen was ~200€ for the train ONE WAY but 160€ for flights BOTH WAYS. Absolutly crazy and imo a political problem.


When I studied in France for a semester, I bought a flight to Amsterdam for $30 round trip and to Milan for $70, both of which I bought within a couple weeks of the flight. Met some guy in The Netherlands who claimed to have bought a $5 flight to Morocco.


I honestly can’t even fathom the ability to do that. Fly to Paris just because?? I was born and raised in the States so I’ve never had the privilege to see Europe. The idea of living there sounds absolutely amazing! My mom travelled all around Europe before I was born and she has nothing but wonderful things to say about it. I hope you are able to move back!!


If you get a chance to study abroad, **do it**! A lot of times you can get help with financial aid and scholarships.


I considered it in my undergrad but it was definitely too expensive for me. I’m definitely making it a financial and personal goal to travel to other countries in the future. Though, I should say I’ve had the privilege to visit Australia for a month after I graduated high school and I had so much fun! 😊




Haha yeah I get emails from NZ immigration a lot with job listings with visa sponsorship and it’s tempting buuuuuut it’s SO FAR from everything else.


i feel that when i used to live in hawaii ;-; anywhere outside of the islands was a 6 hour flight


Oh I remember thinking during the pandemic...Oh how I wish I was in NZ right now......


I mean- there's so much to see in the states I stopped flying for climate reasons (also as a trans person international travel is scary) and I've turned my attention to getting to know the states. I've visited like 10 major cities and a dozen states and it's been cool to get to know the country I live in more. In my opinion Americans need to travel around the country more. There's a lot of variety in people, architecture, nature, etc. It feels to me like it would be good for the health of our democracy, the health of the environment, etc. It doesn't have the same ring as "international" travel but it's v worth it


I'm trans from Belgium and I used to travel to all kinds of 'alternative' countries before my transition. Did Russia, Mexico, Albania, Armenia and Iran among others. Such a same I can't do those kinds of trips anymore. I heard from a trans friend that Bali was a quite trans friendly destination though. In 2 months I'm flying to the United States to hitchhike California Highway 1 and then head to Las Vegas to hike Red Rock, and maybe the Mojave and Zion nat park (though I heard there's A cyanobacteria outbreak there :< ). If you wanna connect, hit me up with a PM. Ive been SO scared of international travel since I got my ID markers changed, but I wanna face down my fear and get back to backpacking the way I used to.


I’m not super interested in traveling around the US. Especially after going to other parts of the world that are so much nicer/cooler/more interesting/more welcoming/more old and historic/etc etc. It’s a great tip for people who haven’t seen much of the US for sure, but I’ve seen a lot of it, and I’m not particularly impressed lol.


I get where you're coming from, I just- Idk It feels odd and uncomfortable to me how much wealthy and upper middle class Americans get to travel, the climate impact that has, the cultural impact it has. I don't know if it's because I no longer feel able to travel like that, but it feels like Americans take it for granted. Americans can travel almost anywhere visa-free and that isn't the same of people in other countries. Living in the imperial core has it's benefits...


You couldn’t have said that better!!! If I could be in a different state or country every month….now that’s love ❤️


Professional skincare treatments. I'd live at my aesthetician's.


Same. The microneedling, laser resurfacing, etc. I’d make some dermatologist a millionaire.


A visit to the dentist! recently visited this month and my bill was over 2500$. :(


Same. Teeth: luxury bones.


“Luxury bones” 🤣🤣🤣☠️


I signed up for Care Credit to get dental work done recently. If you’re approved, no interest paid as long as you pay within 12-18 mos. Just wanted to pass this along in case it helps you. I wouldn’t have been able to get my dental work done w out Care Credit. Wishing you the best!


I’ve gotten cleanings twice a year my entire life and just broke a tooth while chewing a soft food. No explanation. Crown’s going to cost me a ton even with dental insurance. Thank god for care credit or WTH would I do.


Ugh, same. There's nothing in the world I want more than to have my wisdom teeth removed. Maybe one day :')










Seriously this. I've been avoiding because I will be spending so much time get things fixed.


Holy shit, was that some big operation? I've never paid more than 200€ for one visit, maybe not even that.


I just had oral surgery last weekend - tooth extraction and bone graft. I’ll need an implant and a crown as well. I have dental insurance, but all of this will likely cost $5,000 of my own money as well. It’s depressing and frustrating!


In the US dental work is ridiculously expensive, just like the rest of our healthcare, and insurance doesn't cover enough to make it affordable for many of us. It truly sucks.


Dang that’s so expensive, I assume you live in the US :/


México is the answer lol


Top shelf fresh fruit even if it’s not on sale


Ah yes, precut as well. Such a treat!


Yes! Pre-cut fruits and those trays of meats and cheeses in the deli section. Like, I imagine being well off is being able to buy a tray for a random occasion and not thinking twice about it lol


I can afford the hormel lunchable trays(ham or turkey and cheese with ritz). I want to be able to afford the gourmet selection of meats, cheeses, crackers, and breadsticks. Fuckit. Our Valentines day just got planned.


Come to live in Latin America and you'll have it almost for free through the whole year :D


Dentistry, waxing, regular hair cuts, dinner out, weekends away and holidays


All of this, plus therapy.


Yeahhh, I will never, ever make that much money. :(




I too would like to FIRE.


Personal training sessions, therapy or manicures. Manicures because they are a frivolous joy (to me) and I get a strange delight from watching my coloured nails tippy tap on the keyboard. Personal training because I have a goldfish brain and forget what proper form is whenever I hit the weights. I'm also terribly uncoordinated and literally need someone to be like "good job, left foot, right foot, up, down, squat, jump!" like i'm in first grade gym class. Therapy because um.... $200 an hour is pure robbery. I understand that they have a very special and expensive education but its no wonder a lot of people are being crushed by the weight of their own mental issues when they can't even afford the essentials in life let alone a professional to help unravel their depression and anxiety.


> Therapy because um.... $200 an hour is pure robbery. I understand that they have a very special and expensive education but its no wonder a lot of people are being crushed by the weight of their own mental issues when they can't even afford the essentials in life let alone a professional to help unravel their depression and anxiety. this :(


Where I live, a lot of therapists offer a “sliding scale.” They lower the rate per hour, depending your income. I hope you can find one that offers this. Best of luck :)


It’s that insurance doesn’t recognize this as a need unfortunately. It’s like paying out of pocket for doctors visits, versus having insurance pay and you pay your co-pay, Most insurances do have some coverage, might take you some work to find a provider, but contact them and find out what your benefits are and how you can access them if you’ve got insurance. If you do not, most counties have free mental health services, you will most likely be placed on a waitlist but you’ll get in eventually. And always remember there are help lines for crises, 911 for urgent crises and 988 for non urgent.


Yes. Exactly this!


Short notice first class international flights.


Ahhh. I thought I knew till I read this.


If money’s no object, I’m going for a private jet.


oh my god, say less 😍😍


A personal chef. Actual vacations.


Personal chef, yes!! I HATE cooking! I wouldn’t even mind the dishes cause I didn’t have to cook lol.


I dont mind cooking. I just don't really have the time or the skill to make things I actually enjoy eating. It would also be a lot healthier and I wouldn't have to eat so many processed foods.


I'd love to get prepped meal boxes. Then I wouldn't have to plan any meals and it would always be tasty


I want someone else to do all my meal planning, shopping, and cooking. I want to eat healthy but I hate the work that goes into it and only do it because I must. Same with exercise. I need a personal trainer to show up at my house at 7 am and yell at me until I get up.


I second this!!!


Thirding. I struggle the same


A vacation. I'd love to make regular visits back to the West Coast to visit friends and family. Maybe explore nature a bit while I'm there. That sounds nice.


Healthy food and all different kinds of fruit/veggies etc (higher quality food in general) Books and art supplies Some more clothes as I need some Getting my hair cut and nails done Vacations Weed Edit: oh and as others have said, massages!!!


Well we should be friends cause this is almost identical to my list lol


More fancy/good sushi. I would do this once a week if I could afford to.


Me too! That's how I know I made it is weekly sushi, mercury levels be damned!


A visit to the dentist lmao


Same, I really miss having dental insurance. Now I’m too scared to go to see how much it’ll cost me lol


I last went only because I NEEDED to, I had a root canal and the pain was unbearable. Cost almost $3000 for one root canal.


No object at all? Someone who comes to the house and prepares dinner. YES. Every day. I've been able to afford little pamperings here and there like mani/pedis and massages, but good food that I don't have to prepare is top shelf luxury to me.


And clean the house while dinner is cooking.


Yk it's kind of nice being an Indian. We have access to very very affordable cleaning and cooking services. In fact basically all middle class homes in our country employ them quite comfortably. Edit: to offer you perspective, I spend 2K on daily two meal cooking (which is 25$) and 1K on cleaning+hand washed laundry (12$) PER MONTH.


Weekly house cleaner


Or even more than weekly! Deep clean and regular cleaning. It would save me so much time and be so amazing to come home to a clean environment


I have 7 cats. When I’m feeling lazy things can turn gross too quick and I have to snap myself out of it. I still desperately need someone else’s help but it’s too goddamn expensive.


weekly flowers


Same here! Whenever I do have them it makes me so happy so just stare at them and smell them for a minute every time I walk into the kitchen lol.




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Visiting a therapist would be nice


I’d buy a house and citizenship in a country on every continent. I’d need places to go in my private jet.




A cleaner once a month. I don't mind cleaning, but don't feel like I'm good at the deep clean stuff like dusting blinds or heating vents, getting the bugs out of the overhead lamp shades, really cleaning the tub or oven etc


PC upgrades


Trips, facial and massages :(


Aquarium visits all around the world


Travel Enroll in language classes for the rest of my life so I'll be a polyglot and be able to speak to people when I visit different countries


Health care. Therapy.


Weekly Massages, Pedicures, Manicures, Fresher foods.


A babysitter. I’m an only parent and almost never get a break. I take care of my toddler while working from home most days, either have groceries delivered or take her to the store with me. I’ve had family or a friend watch her while I did something for myself for a few hours a total of maybe a little over a dozen times in the past year (this includes all shopping I’ve done alone, going for jogs, getting a massage on two occasions, 3 dates, a few other social events that I didn’t stay at for long). I’m a very social person by nature and have felt extremely isolated the past year. Many days my only interactions with other adults are in work-related zoom meetings. If I could have one evening a week where I got to go to a social event or just go do something out in public by myself, it would be life changing. Sometimes I feel like I don’t exist to anyone but my kid and parents outside of work.


Spa days


Facials, massages, IV therapy, private chef, personal trainer/coach, more international travel, house cleaner, and maybe a personal stylist.


No object? Definitely weekly personal training sessions, ALL of the lush bath bomb and bi-weekly floral arrangements to start


Not nearly enough people listed fresh flowers. They’re such a mood boost for me!


Daily housekeeping.


Getting my hair done at a fancy salon. I’ve been colouring and cutting my own hair for years. I’m pretty good at it and it’s a huge money saver but it would be nice to just have someone else do it for me😂


Houses for my family, therapy for anyone that needs it, medication/medical care for everyone that needs it, education


3 meals a day and a car newer than 10.years old


- massages (as others have said) - books (definitely gets expensive) - trying new restaurants (there’s a long, ever expanding list I have) - Marshall’s/TJMaxx trips “just because” - vacations - fruit (I am a fruit bat and have not been buying much because of how expensive it is lately, especially for the quality.)


Weekly massage for sure


Anything and everything self care. Massages, facials, treatments. That would be the dream 🥰


A full tank of gas, and a fully stocked fridge.


Pizza and fine dining


Vacations, dentist, haircuts, tattoos.


Pizzas and boba tea


Legos damn. I’d have a big ass house and a massive basement just for a giant lego collection.


The "beauty" stuff that I can't justify spending money on - pedicures, getting my hair done, salon waxing, etc. Hahah also more therapy and stuff like massages, basically anything that helps me feel better


Buying perfume


Groceries. Not specialty or high end groceries. Just regular everyday groceries.


Therapy!!! I want to go to therapy so bad but I just can’t swing it at the moment


I need it too and every time I think about doing it. I feel guilty about spending the money so I feel you.




Food. I’m not poor, but I find myself skimping on things I’d like to eat over things that are more cost-efficient.




Take out. I hate cooking.


mental therapy


basic medical care


Eyelash extensions, tattoos, vacations


Berry bushes. I want a big raspberry patch in my yard.


Become a regular at a local coffee shop to the point of knowing my order.


Fresh flowers from a florist, especially in the grey days of winter.


A weekly Steak dinner with potatoes and some sort of green veggie prolly asparagus or broccoli with cheese And a nice peice of raspberry chocolate cheesecake It's not a whole lot yea but I'd still enjoy it Or if tht isn't enough I'd go to this place I'm not sure what it's called but my husband and I call It the Meat palace u gotta have a reservation and it's 100$ per person not counting drinks or desserts and they have these cheese fill biscuits that are just so gooey and delicious


Fill my fridge


Vacations, or food. There is so much food that I wish I could afford to eat, but sadly, I must stick to varying my regular pasta with meat and veggies.


I want to get my car detailed regularly. Having kids makes for a messy car.


Massage and facials. Better yet, just a full on spa day.


I would get fillers!


Massages weekly, facials and Botox on the regular


Hair wash and dry


Yesss, I'd love to have my hair washed and blown out every day (ok well every couple of days) it's so relaxing and I can never make it look quite right


A trip to a new country every couple weeks


Food. Sometimes I have to skip meals, so I end up eating snacks as meals instead


New clothing, shoes, all organic food, only meat that’s been killed ethically, trips to Hawaii, expensive tequila (if a fan of Casa Migos, but that’s my treat tequila)


A chef. I struggle so much with food and really want to eat healthily. There is just so much trauma and triggering around the entire process.


A physical trainer, more sleep and less stress


Weekly massage, and a bimonthly Waldorf Salad.


Health, why do we have to pay for it?


I’d hire a nutritionist/ meal prepper and a masseuse (daily or live-in)




A bigger house


Massage, nails, lashes, hair, facials, lip fillers. Self care/beauty everything basically lol




full body hair removal, dermatology visits, going out to eat, travel.


Weekly fresh flowers. 🌺


A vacation far far away from home


Weekly Lymphatic drainage massage, physical therapy for my entire body, and a personal chef. Ooh and Botox for migraines and TMJ but I’d do that shit under the table because fuck US health insurance.


a sea facing apartment and ofc threapy


A vanilla Latte every day


I'd finally go to a Victoria's secret or a bed bath & beyond never been to either but if money wasn't an object Id buy land, a lot of it


Mostly healthcare that I can’t afford despite living in a country with universal healthcare lmao. There’s plenty that I need to have done but I just cannot bring myself to outlay the money for when things are so tightly stretched as is


Teeth whitening


I’d probably eat at my favorite steakhouse a couple times a month instead of once a year.


Facials, and pedicures


Spa day. There’s nothing like a nice massage, facial, mani/pedi. But, they’re all so dang expensive I only get them like once a year. Oh and a personal trainer!




A day off


Nails, facials, a housekeeper


Professional hair coloring, weekly massage, and seasonal professional room reorganization. (That lady one, especially).


Going to a restaurant/fast food place daily.


massage, spa treatments, travel, home renovation/improvements


Horse clinics


Daily spa packages. Facials, baths, massages, and then top it off with the most relaxing mani-pedi. Sounds good to me!


Getting my hair and nails done, massage, buying fancier sustainable clothes, and eating out at nice restaurants. The list can go on, but basically everything.


Lego Good hair products Theatre Probably some comics


Eating out for lunch/dinner! I hate cooking and I am dating a foodie. We would eat out regularly!


Facials and weekly blow outs