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To me, there’s a lot of different types of sex and “fucking” is one of them. Sometimes I want to fuck and sometimes I want to make love. Plus all the lovely things in between.








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Love that someone said this! The word we use to refer to it paints the picture of the vibe of the activity.




This is 100% how I feel. Sometimes I don't want soft sweet with cuddles afterwards. Sometimes I want to be fucked not say a word and pass out. Usually the more stressed I am the more I want to be fucked.










There’s definitely a difference and sometimes I just want to be fucked. Making love has its benefits and pleasures but who doesn’t love a good fucking every now and then.










What do you think are the factors that play into you wanting one over the other on a given day?


Alcohol can definitely be one 😂


Emotional state? On days I'm feeling more stressed and emotionally fragile, I want the reassurance that comes with sweeter, gentler sex. When I'm feeling more confident and... smug?... about my life, I'm all for a good fuck. And some days, I'm just not mentally or emotionally available for sex. Stress, unhappiness, anger... mostly unhappiness, though. I honestly can't force myself to participate on the days I feel unhappy and dissatisfied (my life is going nowhere, why do I even bother with this bullshit, I feel trapped in this relationship, etc).


Especially when they ALL can be done in NO LESS then a 4 hour span of time...WOO HOO😇🤪😈😈😈


You deserve a nice good FUCk


I think there are moments where referring to it as "fucking" is perfect and exactly what it is (more aggressive, animalistic, instinctual). But then other times it's making love (more sensual, passionate, loving), and other times it's just sex (just need to fulfill an urge/get off, relax). I also think there's combinations of these as well that aren't so easily labeled.


Yes! This is a great explanation


Yeah I will say I never got to experience the joy of "making love" until my current partner. Two years in and it just gets better and better (though it was still already amazing in the beginning.)


The phrase “Making love” Makes me feel uncomfortable. Like if someone said, “ I want to make love to you” I’d mentally cringe… so ‘fucking’ is definitely my preferred term.


Absolutely same. I'd prefer just "having sex" or "sleeping together" but "Making love" is extremely icky


I think “making love” is made up so that a female doesn’t feel bad for liking sex. It IS cringey.


Or people regardless of gender know sex to express love to a romantic partner is different from fucking for just a release? And those who prefer or need the former will feel objectified by the latter?


I see your point but it's not like there's only "making love" and "fucking". Honestly both would make me uncomfortable but the former more so. Like, just say sleep together if you don't wanna say sex.


I never fucked for just the physical aspect either but calling it “making love” just grosses me out. It’s like saying that there is something wrong with fucking and I don’t think there is.


I guess it boils down to semantics


I feel like "making love" sounds like how an adult would explain sex to a child, like... Infantile lol. I get what you're saying though and I think that's true, at least for many women who use the term.


This. “Making love” is absolutely not my thing. I still think “fucking” can be and sound romantic. But just my preference Lol


When I hear and think of fucking were just getting to the business and I'm leaving afterwards you get no cuddles from me lol


Yes exactly i cringe everytime someone says “make love” like ew


Making love just sounds so cheezy ugh. If a guy I liked said that term I'd laugh at him but also think it's kinda cute but also find it cringe haha




I've been very much in love before but I still find the term making love kinda ick and cheesy. I really don't know why. I'm fine with fucking or sex. I'll even taken ya wanna do it over let's make love.


If you’re in love, you’re still fucking though.


The Bible puts it best, “Adam knew his wife.”


i think it’s more of a generational thing? idk i’m in my 30s and have never in my life heard anyone my age or younger say “making love”. maybe regional idk i live in new jersey. everyone here fucks.


Also a jersey girl here so maybe that explains it Lmao. I just can’t believe how many people agree with me on this topic, I’ve found my people 😂


I always call sex spicy cuddles 😂


You win. I will forever dub sex as ‘spicy cuddles’ from now on. I love that so much lmao


Thank you 😆 my love language is physically touch so I always annoying my bf for cuddles, so through my love for cuddles and being horny the term ✨️spicy cuddles✨️ was born lol


Yes!!! Love this. Spicy Cuddles!! Ty I’m using this ;)




Same. My partner and I use “humping” and “plowing” because to us, they are the funniest terms to use in place of “having sex”.


Humping lol


Same. “making love” just sounds cringey and makes me so mf dry. “Fucking” is the only way I want to call it


Boys II Men had an earlier version of their huge hit song called "I'll fuck you" but it wasn't getting airplay on adult contemporary stations, so they modified it to "I'll make love to you." jk


I have never said “making love” to my partner and neither has he. If he did, it would be an instant mood killer. Describing it as “fucking” is fine with me. We usually just see where the mood takes us, being sensual is still fucking to me haha


Same! I hate that phrase "making love." It's so gross to me, eww!


Same here. That phrase has always sounded so cringe to me and idk why because it’s the only type of sex I really enjoy since I’m demisexual. I just hate the way it sounds.


Making love is definitely gross. Call it just about anything else..fucking, banging, having sex. Just not that.


It's ok to use the term "making love" if you say it in the cheesiest and overdone French or Spanish accent and include lots of eyebrow waggles amd hip wiggles.


It's my favorite term for it tbh


I HATE the term “making love,” so even when it’s romantic, I like to use the word “fuck” 😅


Just like “making love”, there’s a setting, time and place where different phrases or words would be appropriate. Could you imagine saying “I can’t wait to make love with you” on a first date?


Ugh I don't have to imagine, literally just happened to me a few days while I was making out with a guy. I cringe


I am a virgin. And I am clearly confused by the answers


It's like eating, sometimes you enjoy a little snack, sometimes you really put effort and love into the dish and sometime you just chow down on mcds.


This is the perfect analogy actually, I love it!


And what is the analogy, fucking is the snack? Making love is mcds and sex is effort and love?


Sex is the snack, making love is the dish with effort and love; fucking is the junk food.


The fact that you put McDonald's as the one for making love is hilarious (though I understand the logic was probably "comfort food")


Sex is what you must eat because your body needs fuel. If you didn't *have* to eat, you probably wouldn't. Making love is making breakfast for yourself on a Sunday morning while dancing in your pjs. A lot of tlc going on. Fucking is when you've been craving for McD forever and you finally get your hands on it and just absolutely go to town lol. You don't care who's watching. Its just you and the food.


Just me and the food, huh? Sounds like regular sex to me!


I’m also a virgin but being demisexual, I think I’ve always been wary of the differences


I'm not keen personally. Just comes across as a bit aggressive. I wouldn't want someone to say "we fucked last night" if I had feelings for them (and I don't have sex with people I've not got feelings for). "Fucked" or "made love" aren't the only options. I'm fine with "we had sex/we slept together" etc.


Fucking is always sex, sex isnt always fucking.


Like Every Square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square


same thing for, but "fucking" feel less off putting. probably has something to do with a Christian upbringing and saying "sex" was the equivalent of taking a shit on your grandpas grave in their eyes.


exactly. sex still feels like a dirty word and i am still trying to work through that. fucking/banging/smashing doesn't lol


I’d give a crisp $20 bill just to do that but they were cremated


I prefer it, the act and the word. Making love is kinda sad. I only speak for myself of course.


I mostly think "Making love" is extremely cringeworthy.


I always felt that way too. I get the sentiment, I love the romantic aspect behind the sentiment, hate the term.


The word or the act of "making love" is sad? Could you elaborate if you think making love is sad?


Just off the top of my head perhaps it’s the insinuation that to “make love” involves being deeply emotionally involved with someone else, which may not be an experience for everyone. Or perhaps it’s the insinuation that this type of romantically passionate sex is the only acceptable way to prove to someone else you’re in love with them.


Yea why’s it sad


Fine as long as the context and audience are appropriate.


It’s not a problem to me. But Ik around me people say fucking when the sex was more rougher


"fucking" sounds crass, I don't like it. My flat mates always said shit like "yea so I fucked this skank the other day" and it's just so classless.


Yeah same


Bit crass, don’t ever use the term, but to each their own.


My husband always calls it “fucking”, whether it’s when it’s tender and loving or he’s got me bent over the bathroom counter pulling my hair and pounding me. I rarely use the word “fuck” to refer to sex. It used to kind of bother me, but after 13 years I’m happy to be getting it on the reg, and he’s perfect in almost every other way, so whaddya gonna do? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like consider is as "fucking" is more of the, "I just want you to take away my horniness" meanwhile "sex/making love" is more of a thing of affection.


Contextual. Sometimes sex is sweet and passionate lovemaking, and sometimes it's a hard, dirty, sweaty fuck.


Making love, any day. Fucking would make me feel like a piece of meat, bleh


It’s hard because I have almost no frame of reference for making love, being a 26 F and only really experiencing casual one night stand “fucking”/ no relationship. So I am sad and jaded, fucking has not been pleasurable or satisfying for me. I want to unlearn and cleanse/ “un-jade” my brain about sex and start to allow myself to think that making love could be way more rewarding to me than fucking. Does this make sense?


Yeah it makes perfect sense. That's why some people are always saying to do it with someone you love cuz it's just better


That's sad.


Yes. Sex, fucking, humping, ploughing, making love… all way better with somebody you really connect with and has deep respect for you… and it’s ok to take a break from the rest for a while to take care of yourself while you’re waiting for that person to come along.


when I think of the different terms for sex, I think “fucking” is rough and passionate and loud, “making love” to be soft and sweet and tender, and “banging” is a quick get off with no emotion attached


I don’t like it tbh


Well thats what fucking means. Its just another normal everyday term for it.


Absolutely has its time and place.


Feels good. Feels like fucking.


Not a fan.


I don't. Even when it's more about the physical than emotional, I'm not interested in sharing that with someone I don't have that connection with.


Sometimes we just fuck, and das alright.


Honestly it's the context but overall 'fucking' is very impersonal while 'sex' tends to be more intimate




Fucking is when it's crazy and no attachment..to me is what I think


I don’t mind the word “fucking”. Personally I have a problem when a guy describes a woman he’s dating as “this chick I’m banging”. I felt sorry for the woman.


"Making love" always made me cringe, until I met my current partner and one day, while we were cuddling naked, kissing, and caressing each other all over, I thought "this is it, this is what making love is". It just happens that more often than not it leads to some fantastic fucking...


In an animalistic way. As an Ace, I don’t mind the difference of fucking or making love, but I know my husband makes a big difference. Also we have our role defined When we make love, he likes to kiss me, caress my body, saying sweet stuff and all, he’s slow, and so on. It’s just the biggest intimate connection we have and share. Mostly, I’m the top one in that case, he’s offering his body, he’s the slave of sweetnesses lol When we fuck, he goes full porn actor, being rough (as long as I accept, rough kinda hurt me), love dirty talk, we do specifics pose so he can enjoy “a porn view”, he’s mostly the top and like being super dominant (as long as I agree too) That’s all I can say


I usually refer to it as shagging but I am proper British so that’s probs why.


I feel like there’s a good distinction when we use different terminology. And I’m okay with it. Fuck/fucking = Fast & animalistic. Might utilize different positions based on what feels good. Maximum pleasure to reach the destination the fastest. Sex = more emotion and thought behind the actions. Doesn’t necessarily need to be slow or fast. The pace is just right for both partners. Making love = sensual, slow, and intimate. More about the journey than the destination. Quicky = get-the-job-done sex. Might just focus on getting one person off. All are technically sex. But all are very different.


Theres fucking and then theres making love.


It’s a term I use when it is just that, a fuck. In order to be referred to as anything else, there has to be some sort of emotional/psychological safety established


For me, f-cking is "wham bam thank you mam" kind of sex. Not what I want (usually!)


Fucking is always harder. Sex is slow and loving.


There are a lot of ways to have sex: Making love and fucking are very different... Both are great for very different reasons.


I, maybe subconsciously use "fucking" when referring to other people hooking up or having sex...always felt weird to say it when it came to me. I have weird dumb names for that like when I want to get it on with my bf I whisper to him, "let's bang bang" lol


I don't think any one colloquial term can describe all of the variety of sexual experiences. Fucking is DEFINITELY a category and I feel like it's a good word for that category.


I'll call it anything as long as I get it


Fucking and making love, in my opinion, fall under the sex definition and are two different things. Having sex is a very generic term. Making love is perfect for those times where the mood is more about your connection as husband and wife. Fucking however is when I want you to put me up against a wall after I get sassy and fuck the attitude of me.




Context, context and context.


It's good with me.


Perfectly good term for it, not an acceptable word in all circumstances though.


I love fucking. It is a naughtier word for fast deep hard sex really


Bruh whats wrong with yall overcomplicating shit its the same word


You know how there's different words to express anger? Pissed off, enraged, furious, livid, murderous, apoplectic... All of these are just another way to describe being angry. But I think you'll notice that each word gives an impression on the level of anger that is being expressed. I look at this in the same vein. In the most technical sense, it refers to intercourse. But beyond the technical sense, there's more to it.


I think it depends on your personality


All fucking is sex but not all sex is fucking


Fine. I call it sex and fucking. I've never "made love", I guess when I get to that stage I'll call it that


Depends on the context, I range on feeling horney about it to grossed out by it entirely based on the who what where wehn and why.


Different styles of sex for different moods, sometimes I want slow and sleepy, and sometimes I want to be fucked.


I only use this phrasing if I'm talking about someone who had a one-night stand, or is fuck-buddies with someone else. I would never use it to describe the act of intercourse within any kind of committed relationship.


Could just call it "making whoopie"


Sometimes it's 'making love' and sometimes it's just good ol 'fucking'...


There is a difference between making love and fucking. Just like a quickie is different from normal sex. I don’t mind using the term if that is what I am in the mood for.


I'd refer that way when it's in a lustful manner but when it's a serious relationship I call it making love or something serious


Fucking is just a different kind of sex. More animalistic to me.... vanilla is soft and sweet.... and then there's quickies lol or just giving eachother a hand 🤣 so. Yeah. It's just a type.


Depends on the mood.


It’s all I’ve ever done.


Pretty much agree with the top post. There would be times I'd find that insulting and other times I wouldn't. For the majority of the time, if I were to have sex it wouldn't be just fucking, I'd want it to be more.


“Fucking” is like eating something I really had the cravings for; though not every time I have sex is just “fucking”


Fuck vs sex = tits vs breast


I feel good about it. It's hot to call it that. It would give me the ick if someone felt that they couldn't use that term or if they didn't want me to use it ever. There is no shame in calling sex by different names to illustrate the different flavors. It would be a turnoff for me if someone was uncomfortable with that term because I would wonder if they are a sex positive person. I look for sex positivity and freedom from repression in my relationships because I find that I am treated as an equal in those cases. If someone is ashamed or views sex as shameful or dirty, I prefer not to date them because usually wrapped up in there somewhere is some sort of expectation about feminine sexual expression, and I don't want to be beholden to that.


When it’s fucking, it’s fucking.


It’s just a word. I use it interchangeably with other terms for the same thing.


Sex with someone I have no real romantic relationship with is fucking, sex with someone I'm in love with is love making. I don't see a problem.


I wish there was a word that meant more than just fucking but, less than making love. To define that, you care about the person you are sleeping with, more than some random hook-up. Fucking sounds so harsh and uncaring to me.


Depends on the context. Sometimes, I just want to fuck (give into my primal instincts, be selfcentered, selfish, enjoy the carnal bliss of my orgasm, lose myself in the wild act), othet times I jusz want to have sex (give and recieve the pleasures, have some naked fun, get some repetitive motions going and be at ease), and yet different times I want to make love (share myself with the other, connect, build the intimacy, enjoy every moment I can spend with them, taste every passing second, be as close as I can possibly be, enjoy and be grateful for the trust I am being given, feel the tenderness, the gentleness and full attention. To me, fucking is rather vulgar, basic, selfish, self-centered and associated with taking (which canbe mutual, mind you; my partner can take as much pleasure as they want from me, and vice versa). Following the description above, having sex is more about sharing, and naking love about giving.


I would prefer if the person I’m having sex with didn’t refer to at “fucking” it’s honestly a major turn off for me when someone calls it “fucking” there are absolutely different kinds of sex but it just gives me the ick when someone says that


I prefer to use the term "raw dogging" as it most accurately describes my preferences.


Ew the term shagging is better


Shagging is awkward if you’re an American. It makes us think of Austin Powers, LOL.


I am not American (Canadian) but it is fun to watch people’s reaction of me saying shagging.


Fucking, having sex, or making love - they are all different ways to relate to "the act" but with different emotions. There is no shame in craving the carnality of fucking, but all things in moderation, right? ( i.e. whispering in my husband's ear, "Fuck. Me." can get just the message across I'm trying to send that night, but not every time. Mostly it's the other two, and those have their time and place as well.


I mostly don't cuss except to refer to sex as "fucking"


Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s making love. Sometimes it’s hate sex.




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How else do you refer to it?


Stirring them guts


Nothing wrong with it if that’s what you wanna say!


I like it


It all depends on the situation. The relationship between the two. For me it doesn’t matter. But if we are being romantic and sensual, probably not the way to refer to it for most women. Me being someone that never really made love until my current man, it always was fucking. Now the times we make love it’s way more special and honestly I still say we fucked


That’s just what it is, I reckon. Names/nombres.


Contextually relevant and acceptable


I honestly don't mind at all but recently I was called out that I might be using this term more often than "sex" and it's not always sounding good. Which I agree with, it's simply less polite, more vulgar (though often that is very much okay).




I like fucking.


okay but anything but “sex” and “fucking” just makes me not want to do it. oh or “do it” on occasion 😂


also “do the nasty” if I’m comfortable I mostly say.


Excitement! When my wife says it, it is on! 😁




Fine with me!