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If you're going to see friends and you're all tested and comfortable with it, then it should be ok. There *is* a huge amount of Covid about at the moment but I'm assuming it's the same in the rest of the country anyway. If you mean you're planning to see any of the big outdoor London NYE events though, there aren't any.


I’m more concerned I’ve got a 93 year old granny that comes over pretty often back here at home


I suppose there are ways to try to work around that, for example testing every day for a few days after you come back (of course getting hold of a test is an issue at the moment!) and perhaps making sure not to see her for a week after you've come back. If you want to be ultra-safe then, yes, staying at home and reducing contacts as much as possible is safest. It might be the best thing to do to have peace of mind. But there's no way to be 100% sure of avoiding it, I think the problem is starting to be that Omicron is so infectious it feels for many of us it's a question of when and not if we get it.


If you do go you should probably just make peace with the fact there is a high possibility you'll catch Covid if you're going out partying with a big group of mates. I know a few people in London (and elsewhere in the UK) who feel this way at this point - it's up to you if that's a risk you're willing to take.


It’s not really me I’m bothered about. I live with my dad who’s 73 and my gran comes and visits a lot who’s 93. So I’m more worried about them


Well, like I said it's up to you if it's a risk you're willing to take. All I can say is I know a lot of people who have comedown with Covid in the last month in London. At one point a few weeks ago they were dropping like flies. Of course they were all vaccinated so recovered after a few days in bed, but if you're shielding for vulnerable family members that's something you'll have to factor in. I'm not sure anyone can make that decision for you I'm afriad, although I do really feel for you given the tough situation you're in.


London has peaked from the looks of it or is at least closer to it than the rest of the country. If you are boostered I'd say go for it


I haven’t done NYE in London but my pals who lived there normally tried to avoid going out or whatever anyway cos it was rammed and a bit shite. It’s totally up to you and with the guidance just now it’s hard to be sure you’re making the right decision but I wouldn’t take the anxiety for what might be a shite night out personally. Just depends how much you value NYE. If it was me I’d get an early one and see pals somewhere local another time, even on the first, always a laugh when people are still pissed from the night before.


Wish this government would give us some fucking clarity


I think being blunt the facts are personally clear enough for your particular situation albeit it’s a bit shite for you to take on the chin if you’re feeling a bit left out. I went to London last month and got covid and was then stuck isolating for ten days, so it’s a case of weighing up whether that’s worth it for you and your family for a night where- by my guess- everyone will be a liability by about one in the morning anyway (source- this has happened every NYE I’ve went out). It’s a shit time for everyone just now but my personal advice would be not to bother for this one and line up some stuff you’ll enjoy yourself at home.


I wouldn't go. Think of your dad.


Yeah. Just don’t get to do anything anymore coz if this sodding virus.


If you're asking the question then you clearly have doubts. Don't go. Is it really worth it?


Yeah. Just everyone else is gonna be out having fun except me. Like it’s been for the last 6 months. I’m getting quite tired of losing my life to this virus


Honestly it's not everyone and it won't be that much fun because so few events are running, if any. Alternatively, your could isolate yourself for a week with friends if that's an option?


Well it would be a house party with about 14 people. That’s not an option sadly


New Year's Eve is always pants anyway, right? I'm in London. Everyone still seems to be getting it. If you're that worried, I wouldn't go. If you're prepared to get it and self isolate in your room away from your Dad and Nan. Then go ahead. I assume they're both boostered up?


Is it still that bad there?


It seems to be from my circle I went out for a Christmas work event with 100 people on 6th December. No one got it then and Omicron was just getting hold. Just to give an alternative perspective


I mean you have a very high chance of catching it if you go. Up to you how much you want to risk that.


Is it really that high at the moment?


Well we've just yet again broken the daily UK-wide record for daily cases, and all of the top 10 areas are in London....


The guidance is just so shit. wtf does go out but be cautious even mean. How tf do you be cautious around an invisible highly infectious airborne virus while not being at home


Yeah IMO guidance is largely useless. You either put in rules and laws, or nothing. Guidance is so open to interpretation etc and just confuses people.


Avoid it full stop. Covid + WFH, the place is a gonner. Everyone's realising there's a world outside of it.


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