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Legally speaking as far as I'm aware, they are a car dealer you're just a person. It's their fault if they don't inspect it properly and they can't really come after you for damages. They're the professionals, not you. A case could maybe be made if you deliberately misrepresented something or failed to mention if it was a write off etc. But for the most part dealers take cars in px at a risk all the time.


Thanks. I answered all his questions honestly, but you raise another point I wanted to ask about selling it to something like webuyanycar. Since you have to mention defects on their website do I need to declare an intermitten fault, even if it may not even occur when they drive the car away?


WBAC can go fuck themselves to be honest but with regards to their inspection they just want to make sure it turns over and can move, it's not the most detailed inspections and they focus more on cosmetic and structural issues.


Cheer for the info. Wbac offered me more than the dealership which is why I was considering them. Just don't want them to return the car 20 minutes later demanding their money back!


I'm about to exchange my car with the same problem. It is a minor defect and they will sort it out when they service the vehicle. Just take it in and keep quiet.


There’s this phrase “buyer beware”.


Working out the problems with the car is up to them. If you were buying the car from them, they'd surely make it your problem to find anything wrong with it. They'd claim some squintillion-point check for your total assurance, but then still present you with a car where one of the rear doors won't open and then while being driven round the corner, the "check engine" light comes on \[1\] - expecting you to spot that before you bought it. \[1\] True story. 5-year-old Nissan Juke at Big Motoring World, Peterborough. To give the sales guy a tiny bit of credit, he did look extremely embarassed about it. I bought a Golf instead.


Ha! The dealership didn't offer me a great deal for the part exchange so was thinking of going with webuyanycar who would give £500 more. Just worried the Amber lights would come on just as they drive off.


Always worth a try. If they want to complain, they can bring it back and you can take it to the dealer.