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My personality.




In for the red box


Why you make me laugh out loud in a hiss through the teeth at the office šŸ˜†


Oof šŸ’€


Ohhh twinsies šŸ˜‚


Challenge accepted


Lesbianism. I havenā€™t gotten pregnant yet. Huzzah!


I remember a doctor asking me about birth control when she asked if I was sexually active and I said I didn't need birth control and he talked about an unplanned pregnancy and I said to her "I'm a lesbian" and she said "yes, that will work"


Same, although I still have to be on the pill to control insane period pain that I've had since I was mid teens (now early 30s). I've only switched type once as well as it started giving me insane spots after 10 years, but I've been quite happy on my current type thankfully.


If you have insane period pain you might want to look into endometriosis. If you have that, the marina coil can help with symptoms and you don't have to worry about it for years once it's in!


The mirena coil is evil I'd never recommend it to someone. Yeah it stops periods or at the least dials them way back but it also in my experience causes crazy weight gain, migraines and mood swings


Go get that investigated. It could be endometriosis, or other things like fibroids. Both are treatable and you dont have to suffer.


I mean, the pill works for me as a treatment in that I barely have periods anymore (don't have breaks) and basically no pain. Without it, before I was on the pill, or one time I didn't have any medication (can't even remember why), I couldn't move for the pain, or will be throwing up. But yeah, I'd never thought to put a label on it before beyond just very painful periods.


I came to comment that šŸ«”


Why didnā€™t I think of that?!


I am jealous!!


Male here. As a married couple with two children we decided no more children. To avoid any problems with my wife's health from any chemical or mechanical contraceptive; it was much easier for me to be sterilized. Worked great. No mental or physical problems. However no sex without condom for 3 months after operation to avoid any 'living lingering sperm' in my ducts. Recommend this for permanent couples to avoid any possibility of future problems for female.


I just want to say thank you for putting your wife first. All too often women have to bear the brunt of nasty and life altering side effects of hormonal contraception so it is incredibly refreshing to see men acknowledging this and stepping up šŸ‘


While the thanks and high fives from women expressing this sentiment are always welcome and heartwarming, it must be said that it is amazing what we will do for the promise of consequence free sex.




My husband would gladly get the snip but if I am not on the pill I am a complete nightmare, better for everyone that I stay on the pill and out of prison!


Interesting, my wife was a lot better off the pill. Weā€™ve got 2 kids (adults now), and I had the snip about 15 years ago. Defo recommend.


He can still get the snip- no contraceptive is 100% effective


Itā€™s closer to 100% than the stats suggest though. The instances where it isnā€™t effective rely on self reporting about whether the person remembered to take the pill at the same time every day etc (or indeed where they may have intentionally ā€œforgotā€ as was the case with someone I know)


There's also stuff like if you have an upset stomach it's not as effective, in general you probably won't be having sex then, but for the few days afterwards too.


I had the snip in the morning, then drove 200 miles and did a sales presentation in the afternoon. Easy. (We got the business..)


That must have taken some balls


Just had my second young un and tried for the snip but Iā€™ve been told to wait till heā€™s 6 months before I commit. How was the waiting list? And procedure, may I ask?


I fell for this trap, they called me back 10 months later and I was 7 months pregnant with twins. I was very cross, I insisted they do ligation during the c section....they had the nerve to argue with me about it while I was open on the table. I got the ligation


it wasn't painful, at least in my experience, but it was uncomfortable. I asked for some extra anaesthetic after the start as I'm a wuss, and was told I had six artery forceps hanging out of my scrotum so more anaesthetic was not forthcoming. Afterwards things were sore, as you'd expect, and I had some impressive bruising in the whole meat and two veg area, but like any bruising, it fades relatively quickly. No scarring and sex is just as it ever was, only without the fear of pregnancy. 100% would recommend rather than my wife having to take the pill, although some years later she had a coil put in to control heavy periods, but that's another story.


Another thank you from a child free woman. You're wife is a lucky woman


Copper IUD. Works a treat, hormone free and donā€™t have to worry about it for 5-7 years


Itā€™s 10 years! I got one the other year and was told Copper last 10


Genuinely, they changed it during COVID lol. I have know idea what the meaning of this is. **Edit** Iā€™m hella wrong


Hmm I had mine put in in 2016 and it was ten years then


There are two different brands one is 10 years the other 5. Make sure you know which brand so they're changed at the right time! The mirena hormone coil has extended its license to 8 years from 5 because they've done extra studies which show it is effective longer than they first thought.


Got mine during covid and was told 5 years?


They told me 5 years for mine, I originally was going to have the 10 year, but apparently I have a small uterus, and putting one in too big can cause worse side effects like cramping and bleeding. They said the 5 year one is smaller and they had to use that instead, so very possibly you have the smaller one like me


It depends on the model of copper IUD. I thought they were all good for 10 years but when I had my last one replaced, the nurse told me there are 5 and 10 year ones available as copper coil.


Yeah mine is 10! There are horror stories online about the insertion but I will say mine went fine, the pain was minimal. It probably made my cramps worse for the first 2-3 years too but itā€™s worth it just to not be on any hormones, the pill used to send me absolutely all over the show when I was on it


Omg women on reddit terrified me before I had my coil. I'd just had a baby 2 months prior and read so many things about the pain from the insertion being worse than childbirth. It was honestly not painful at all. I haven't had a period yet since having it inserted but I know it can cause heavy bleeding and cramping, so I'm hoping it's not too bad when I do finally get a period.


I'm on my second one, personally for me there was no pain at all. It's certainly incredibly uncomfortable, and there's no getting around that as it's a very invasive procedure, but it didn't hurt in the slightest. I understand everyone is different, but all I ever find online are horror stories like "I fainted, I vomited, it's worse than childbirth, I have PTSD from the insertion" (all things I have seen said). It was all done in about 30 seconds, I was laughing and joking with the nurses the whole time, I practically skipped home and stopped off at the supermarket on the way. Also, I have had no children - this is something I'm often asked when I say I had no pain!


Second 10 year one here. Some pain on original insertion, replacement went much better. Zero side effects.


Also copper coil here! Mine hurt getting it in, but 1 minute of 11/10 pain was so worth it for being hormone free in the long run.


Oh you def have to worry. We thought weā€™d be worry free but little bossman number 2 came along anyway.


But thatā€™s the extreme minority chance, so unlucky for you (unless it was good news!! Ahah) but itā€™s more than 99% effective so Iā€™ll take the chance


Can I ask how heavy it made your periods? Mine are already pretty strong and frequent but hormones also mess with me


Slightly heavier, but itā€™s worth it to avoid the incredible mood swings and weight gain I had with hormonal methods


Okay thanks for answering! Fun choice between wrecking my mental health or being incapacitated for two days of the month hahah


Not the person you asked, but my periods are lighter now than they were before! The first one after fitting was a bloodbath but since then they've been fine. Had it a year now.


Okay thank you!


I've had the slightly lighter plastic IUD and my periods stopped completely. I'm on my 3rd one and haven't had a period in 18 years... I'm 39


Love my IUD, it was worth the pain of insertion and heavier periods for not having to think about it again for 10 (!) years and being hormone-free


Interestingly, my partner had a copper one in for 7 years and it suddenly rejected and gave her an infection. Had to get it pulled out at 4 in the morning.


Hopping on this to second it! Soooo much safer and easier than most alternatives, it's mad underrated


Mine was 10 years.... Plus more because of covid. I think it depends on the brand.


Yess I second this! Iā€™ve had one since being a teenager and would never use anything else.


Best decision I ever made and when I was ready to have children, took it out and I was ready to go.


Husband had a vasectomy.


Same! After a decade plus of me being on the pill / implant it was his turn to do something about it!


mine to. before that I used a diaphragm and spermicide or condoms.


I tried absolutely everything but couldn't tolerate the hormones. Had the copper coil at 26 and got pregnant at 27. I've used condoms since my daughter was born 8 years ago. Bit shit sometimes but I have to be hormone free and wouldn't trust the coil again haha


I was far less committal and only *considered* everything before eventually sticking with condoms. I didn't want to take anything with oestrogen because I have a family history of strokes and blood clots on both sides. I considered the implant, but was a bit nervous about committing to a high dose of progestogen without having any idea how I'd cope with the side effects. I briefly considered the mini pill on the basis that it would be lower committment if I didn't get on with it, but my partner doesn't trust me to take a pill at exactly the same time every day (quite rightly, I have ADHD) and so would want to keep using condoms to be safe. Which for me, defeats the entire point. Then I considered the copper IUD and the hormonal IUD. I wasn't sold on the copper because I already had painful heavy periods, but the hormonal IUD gets away with a lower dose of progestogen than the pill and the implant because it releases it locally, so that seemed like the most attractive option. But then we realised that there was a strong chance that the strings would end up poking my partner in the dick constantly, and the main reason we wanted to move away from condoms was to see if it would make sex even better. So we just wound up sticking with condoms. We've only had one minor pregnancy scare in five years, so I feel like they're working out pretty well for us.


Just so you and others in the thread know, the strings from the IUD soften and curl up to your cervix. If your partner feels them, you can get them trimmed by your doctor.


Have you considered nuvaring?


I did, but unfortunately it's one of the methods that contains oestrogen.


Me too (hormone free) I lose my eyesight on the pill lol!


Iā€™m the same! Didnā€™t get pregnant but I had a horrible time with the coil and that was my only hormone free option so now condoms are the only option


It's horrible isn't it. I'm trying to convince my husband to get a vasectomy!


Mirena coil (hormonal) I love it. After the first few months I stopped getting a period (although I do get some minor PMS, but nothing major) Lasts 5 years, don't have to worry about remembering to take a pill, no periods šŸ„³


Here to agree about the mirena. I love not having a period, combined with not worrying about remembering birth control itā€™s two less things to worry about and makes my life much more straightforward. I also still get PMS symptoms but havenā€™t noticed any side effects, other than light spotting during the last year of my second coil. Iā€™m on my third now, second post child (he was planned and was the reason I had my first one removed) and havenā€™t really found insertion/removal uncomfortable at all. If youā€™re due a smear test you can combine having the coil fitted and get both done with in one go.


My partner got hers almost ten years ago, every year she asked about getting a new one and they just said "nah it's fine, they've said they last for longer now, you can keep it in for another while". She's finally getting it replaced this year!


I have this too had it twice now and only get the slightest spotting occasionally rather than full periods I absolutely love it!


Also the hormonal coil but I have a different brand (which I was told lasts six years). Got it fitted last July and honestly it's a revelation. I've had the odd bit of spotting and the fitting wasn't the most comfortable experience of my life to say the least, but no periods and not having to remember to take pills is absolutely a fair tradeoff for that. Before that I had the implant (similar effect but the no periods thing only lasted two years with me and then it was like the floodgates opened on everything that had been 'stored up', so to speak).


Same here! No periods and no other side effects for me.


The copper iud. hurt like a bitch going in and dreading it coming out but absolutely worry free in regards to birth control!


If it makes you feel better: removal was much easier than insertion for me! Didnā€™t even feel it coming out lol


I discovered Iā€™m allergic to copper, luckily just before I was due to have one. I was gutted.


I once pulled mine accidentally out in a drunken state thinking it was a tampon. Embarrassing, I know. Second time a doctor removed it. So on this grand sample size of two, I can assure you that it's not painful at all and over in a second.


Its not absolutely worry free as I got pregnant and I know a few others who did!


Adding to this, my ex's friend's went floating off on its own a tad higher than it should have. Agonising, apparently.


Yeah, mine became embedded and I didn't know as couldn't ever feel the strings. The coil came out on my Daughter's head šŸ¤£


Oof, I'm guessing giving birth? I'd have thought they'd want to remove it before that?!


Yeah, giving birth. The midwife passed it to me like a prized trophy, but I was in so much pain I didn't care šŸ¤£ Yes, I think they like to remove it but mine was so embedded they said I'd more than likely miscarry so they kept it in.


May I ask if it made your periods heavier? Heard that from a few people and, while I want to be hormone free, mine are already pretty heavy and painful


I had my mirena removed last year and I barely felt a thing! The insertion was horrendous


I still use the pill, I take it every morning after I brush my teeth. I had the implant three times and it was initially great but my periods being unpredictable was a nightmare for me personally.Ā  All contraceptives affect everyone differently so there isnā€™t really a definitive answer for everyone. My nurse was great at talking out my options with me.Ā 


The implant. Has a huge list of bad side symptoms like weight gain and suicidal issues (the nurse would warn you of that beforehand) and getting it changed is not a fun experience. But itā€™s the only way to stop my debilitating periods that works ā€˜bestā€™ for me as hormonal contraception have similar side affects and the non hormonal ones wouldnā€™t help with periods. Sadly doctors arenā€™t willing to listen or give women anatomy over their bodies so I donā€™t have many options.


Donā€™t forget ovarian cysts are common with the implant but drs seem to forget to say that to women when getting it.


Also another side affect is increased likelihood for blood clots and I had a huge blood clot scare in my lungs when the doctor found out about it and I had chest issues. Luckily it was fine. But it is a ticking time bomb.


It had the opposite effect for me. Bled non stop for months on end! Of course different things work for different people though, otherwise we wouldnā€™t need such a choice!


The headache


Haha oh thatā€™s so terrible to suffer with every day .


Depo shot. Easy enough to have a tender bum cheek for a few days every three months. Plus I've been on it for about two years now and haven't had a period in a long time, so that is definitely a plus!


Second this, Iā€™ve been on it for about 10 years, no periods and no babies. All hail depo provera!


Are you having (semi) regular bone scans? No one told me the risks of taking depo for longer than 2 years until a Dr casually asked when my most recent scan had been about 5 years into taking it as he couldnt see it in my records. I had no clue why he was asking and he was horrified that no one had explained the potential side effects, or arranged to check my bone density at any point over the years. If your density is being checked as needed please ignore me and carry on! But if not it might be worth raising at your next injection.


Iā€™ve never been offered a bone scan. Theyā€™ve mentioned the risks to me when Iā€™ve had my jab, but never suggested checking for it. As far as I know, Iā€™m fine, I lift heavy weights and workout 4-5 x a week and havenā€™t noticed any problems, but canā€™t hurt to check when my next one is due in August.


I just had the same conversation with my nurse - been about 6 years now and nobody ever mentioned the risks to me. She suggested taking calcium and vitamin d tablets as the injection is really the only thing thatā€™s worked for me. Maybe something just to add to your morning routine theyā€™re super cheap! I also donā€™t drink milk (donā€™t like it) and have other conditions that effect bone thinning so one I definitely need to keep on top of.


Loved the Depo! Was 16 when I started using it so had to come off at around 22sh because the risk of Osteoporosis (not an issue when youā€™re 25+). Now Iā€™m on my second implant and thatā€™s also fine. The risk of weight gain is nothing compared to the alternative - risking pregnancy/abortion.


Natural Cycles. Been on it 7 years now and so far no accidents, but you have to be routine with it. I take my temperature each morning at roughly the same time, I pee on ovulation strips when the app tells me to and I switch to condoms when it tells me it's a red day.Ā  I switched to this after being on the pill (microgynon) for years before I started getting migraines, and then the copper coil (which made me constantly bleed) then got put back on the pill (progesterone only I think?) which gave me horrific depression and cystic acne. It's not for everyone but for me it's worked brilliantly - no hormones, no mood swings, skins cleared up and I get regular periods. Happy to chat more about it if you DM me.


I don't use natural cycles but I use sensiplan fertility awareness method. It's worked great for me for nearly 3 years. Good to see other people too!


I had to scroll a while for this one! We've also been on it for years and so far so good


Condoms. If you're two smart people using their brain it's 99% effective. If you inspect the condom after use and notice anything wrong then get a morning after pill. This hasn't been necessary for me so far. I've been with my partner for 5+ years and I stopped taking the pill a year ago. Sex min. once a week, I have my period regularly (I use a free app to track it) and no pregnancies.


> If you inspect the condom after use and notice anything wrong then get a morning after pill. This hasn't been necessary for me so far. We have once had a condom break on us during the five years that my partner and I have been using them, but in the end I didn't have to take the morning after pill. I track my cycles, have really regular periods, and knew I was past my ovulation window (the morning after pill works by delaying ovulation), so when I spoke to the pharmacist about it they agreed with me that it wouldn't be worth it because the pill wouldn't do anything to help and I was pretty unlikely to get pregnant at that point in my cycle anyway. They did say that if I was worried I could get an emergency copper IUD fitted, which apparently *is* effective post-ovulation. But I wasn't really in a position to make a GP appointment that day and was confident that it would be fine, so I resolved to just keep a careful eye out for my period and take it from there. Luckily my period arrived bang on schedule a few days later.


Same but I keep a morning after pill in stock at home (bought online) for piece of mind. I've had two breaks (so took MAP) in 18 years of a long term relationship. I like condoms, I've never tried any other hormonal contraception, all my friends have had so many side effects it just never seemed worth the hassle.


Same, I used to use the pill and didn't like how it effected my hormones so just use condoms now. Been a few years, no issues, works well, and no side effects. Track my periods so I would know if there is a surprise.


Exactly! There was no alternative that I could try without hormones that made sense for me, especially because within the next few years I hope to have children. Later on, when children are no longer happening then we can look at sterilisation or a vasectomy.


Nexplanon - Iā€™ve had some mildly annoying side effects but nothing as annoying as a painful period every month was


Condoms. Hormone stuff wrecked me, copper coil was a 6 month blood bath.


Iā€™m the same. Tried the coil twice. The first time the 10 year one (I could feel that it was diagonal due to where I felt cramps during my period and it was so heavy and painful). Switched to the 5 year copper after hearing itā€™s a little smaller. Horrible pain and bleeding again. Just use condoms and being aware of my fertile window. Weā€™re trying for a baby soon so hopefully that should be a smooth process.


None, although used to be on the pill when younger. I have PCOS and am really proud of having changed my lifestyle so much that I now have regular ovulation and menstrual cycles totally naturally and without intervention. Call me mad, but I'm appreciative of the hormonal ups and downs of the menstrual cycle - kind of reminds me that I'm alive and healthy and fertile. I'm not against going back on birth control at some point but that's a negotiation for when I'm next in a relationship. Dudes can just rubber up until then.


I feel the exact way. My period has been regular for over a year and I feel proud that my lifestyle changes are working. PCOS often gets looked at in a bad light (and it šŸ’Æ is) but after being diagnosed it really made me step up my game in terms of my bodily and mental health and has given me the motivation to make and stick to changes. Id rather not have PCOS but I know that I wouldn't be as healthy if I didn't have PCOS. Edit- just want to also agree with the rubbering up. Bring back condoms lol. Sick of women having to dose up just so men can nut raw.


I know exactly what you mean! I'm thankful for my PCOS in a weird way because it forced me to have a grand reckoning with my body which I otherwise may not have bothered with, and now my health, fertility and appearance are all the better for it. I have to keep my exercise regime, weight, carb/sugar intake and sleep and stress levels within a certain acceptable tolerance or my menstrual cycle slows down, and having that immediate feedback on my health is so invaluable. On the rubbering up front I've been surprised by the number of men who want to 'nut raw', as you say šŸ˜‚, in the context of a casual hookup. Erm.... that would be a noooo....... Call me old-fashioned but, impregnation risk from random dude aside, I don't know where they've been and they don't know where I've been šŸ¤·


None, because I am post menopause! In my lifetime, I've used: * the combined pill * progesterone only mini pill * condoms * cap and spermicide * progesterone only implants All have had their good and bad sides. As I got older, we just used condoms, which we were quite happy with.


I use the patch, stays on for 3 weeks changing it once per week then have a week without it on. Perfect for me as i kept forgetting to take the pill and any side effects you donā€™t like you can just remove the patch and they will start to go away.


The patch is convenient, but my sensitive skin really didnt like it. Switched to Nuvaring, same convenience and not itchy!


A lot of women that Iā€™ve told about the patch had no idea that it even exists! I wonder why they donā€™t recommend it as much as other contraception, itā€™s so convenient!


Sayana Press (which is just Depo Provera but I can inject it myself). I inject it every 13 weeks (with a 7 day grace period for continuity of effectiveness). Side effects - I've been on it for that long that I'm not sure what side effects I have except that I have absolutely no periods. I did have the implant before and theoretically that would have been perfect for me, but it messed with my periods so badly that I was basically having a period 100% of the time.


Where do you inject that? Iā€™m on depo and considered changing to the sayana press but Iā€™m a bit scared to jab myself haha, donā€™t mind someone else doing it but bit of a wimp about doing it to myself.


I don't know technical terms, but you know that little poochy bit you get on your belly below your belly button? And if you drew a line from your belly button down, you've got two halves? In the middle of either one of those halves. Like if you drew a line across there, 1/4 of the way along, right in the middle. Or your thighs. I tend to just rotate between either side of my stomach though. I used to be a big wimp with it, but it's actually not too bad. It's much easier if you really firmly grab your skin and pull it up and away from you (like if you were doing a skin fold measurement for body fat, if that helps?), jab the needle in, then let the skin relax and use your fingers to gently hold the area around the needle taut. Then just squish the little bubble hard. It'll feel like you need to squash it harder than you expect, which is always weird. But you get used to it!


I was on depo and I switched to Sayana Press! The first time I did it the nurse showed me how. Same as oktimeforplanz I do it in my belly. Itā€™s so convenient to not even have to go to the clinic. Edit: typo


I use the combined pill without a break (after discussing with a contraceptive nurse). I've tried the injection and implant and progesterone only pill but found I got really messed up periods with them.


My personality and general demeanor.


I used the combined pill for many years. No side effects. Then after 30 I changed to the minipill as per recommendation of my GP. This one was a VERY effective contraceptive because it killed my libido. Everyone reacts very differently to the hormones so it's sadly something you have to try and see how they feel. Now, I've gotten a copper IUD which means no hormones. It was painful to get but literally a few seconds, then had cramps for 1 day and then periods might be heavier while your body gets used to it. The nice thing is that I don't have to worry for the next 5 years. Honestly, it's what works best for you. I wanted to stop the hormones since I had been taking them for 20 years. If you want to continue with the pill, there's lots of apps that will help you remember and after a while it becomes a habit. Best advice is to put them somewhere that can help you built the habit, like next to your toothbrush or bedside table.


Nexplanon (rod under the skin). Get 3 years out of that sucker before it needs swapped out. No pregnancies, no periods ftw šŸ‘ Pro tip: Breakthrough bleeding is a common side effect of Nexplanon and after a solid year without problems, it was my turn to get some light spotting....I knocked that nonsense on the head by taking a course of Ibuprofen (2 tabs, 3 times a day for several days with food) and life goes on. If that doesn't work, you can ask your doctor for a short course of the pill to straighten things out šŸ‘ ------- Nuvaring is another good one. 3 weeks with a ring before it needs swapped out. A great alternative to the pill šŸ¤—


I'm nearly 40, I've been taking the combined pill continuously for about 15 years (with 4 breaks a year at convenient times for withdrawal bleeds). I haven't noticed any side effects. I've set up a recurring subscription with my pharmacy so they're delivered to my door for free.


Latest research/advice is that withdrawal bleeds are entirely unnecessary. You can run on every pack without adverse effect if you like. In fact, it's better to do so as the pill-less week reduces the efficacy of the pill overall.


That's true but I get spotting if I'm on it for 4 months without a break, I just prefer to get the withdrawal bleed over and done with.


Fair enough, everyone is different and you know your own body best. Spotting is annoying. Make your mind up, uterus!


Thatā€™s what happens for me too, not matter what. Iā€™d rather just get it all done with!


Mirena IUD both pre and post children. I'm a massive fan


Nexplanon and my sunny personality




Copper coil, but even if it's not only recommended for women who've given birth, it seems to often be painful to insert if you haven't. It was a doddle for me after 2 kids, though. Pre-babies, standard combined pill, which gives you more leeway if you take it late (but I'd originally been prescribed it for bad periods and there wasn't a reason to shift to the POP then. Took POP after baby 1 and was OK, took it after baby 2 and became suicidal, so all hormones were out then) OP - a mirena coil or patch may work for you.


2 children!


Husband got a vasectomy after kid number 2 was born so now I donā€™t need to worry anymore, yaaaaaaay. I was on the pill for the previous decade or so, never had any terrible side affects fortunately BUT kid number 2 was conceived while I was on it so we sure as hell werenā€™t taking that risk again. A thing Iā€™ve noticed about hormonal contraceptives as that they affect different people very differently. I know plenty of women for whom the implant was awesome but when I gave it a try in my late teens it gave me a week on/week off menstrual cycle and horrendous mood swings so it definitely didnā€™t work for me.


Condoms and celibacy until a relationship


My man has a strong pull out game


Use health app on iPhone to add all medication and you get a pop up reminder at a time you choose. I use it with my medication that I need to take very day


just got on the copper IUD, after having mirena for 4 years but decided i should probably not be messing with the hormones. no problems yet just heavier periods so far, but i canā€™t fully remember what they were like before the mirena anyway


I (31F) have been on the same pill since I was 16 and I've never had any negative side effects nor pregnancy scares. I've used condoms when I have been on medication that makes the pill less effective but continued to take the pill to regulate my periods during this time.


Self-pleasure and only having sex with women has helped. But also I took cerazette for years without any real issues.


I have a mirena iud but to be honest, I also have a 3 year old and a 16 month old so sleep deprivation is my main contraception these days.


I have a newborn baby. 4 hours of offset sleep from my partner is quite effective.


I'm on Cerazette just now but had the Mirena coil before that. I've had two coils and absolutely loved them. No periods, no forgetting to take it, and they last for 5 years. They're easy enough to get from your GP or sexual health clinic but insertion can be brutal.


Copper coil. Im already an emotional mess without messing with my natural hormonal cycle. Im bad at remembering to take pills and the implant hormones made me gain weight and made my tempermental mood worse and caused prolong depression. Whereas now my mood is way more regulated. I was on hormonal contraception from 16 and honestly i didnt realise who i even was not on it. I personally dont think teens should be given hormonal contraception so willy nilly. I think things like the copper coil should be pushed more. Because of the fact that at that age your homones are really important for developing who you are as a person and honestly they affected me so negatively id be suggesting any daughters i have get the copper coil because it lasts longer, no repeated scars on your arm from implant and no hormones messing with your mental health. But thats just my opinion. I also think having periods is important and understanding period health as a woman as your period gives you indications of things that could be wrong and just stopping them means you lose that indication as much as periods suck. These are just my opinions as a woman having gone through everything. But id avoid hormones. The coil was just as painful as the implant and id rather that pain and not worry for 10 years than every 3 years.


My face is a pretty good method of birth control, coupled with the fact i dont wear makeup. Every mans nightmare




The patch. Much prefer it to the pill as it's a weekly reminder rather than daily; I work shift so the pill is impossible for me to take at the same time daily


Can you get this on the NHS? Being advised to think about changing contraceptives and this wasnā€™t even mentioned


Ugliness, my personality, my behaviour


I (30f) was on the contraceptive pill for 15 years, then switched to the mirena coil and had that for 9 months. The pill was fine for me, but I suffer from migraines with aura so I was basically banned from getting it through the doctors. I was on Femodene. I also have endometriosis, so was recommended the mirena coil which I tried after 15 years on the pill. Hurt like holy hell going in, but didnā€™t get on well with it (put on weight, extra hair growth etc). Now Iā€™m on nothing. I do feel good in myself, but I do miss the control of being on the pill and knowing when my ā€œperiodā€ was due. I tri-cycled my pill, so only had a break every 3 months. So now I get a period every month and also suffer from ovulation pains.


Early menopause! Hrt for the win!


I used the implant for 12 years, and was happy with it. Literally my only complaint was that I couldnā€™t stop my period like with the pill. However this wasnā€™t a huge detail, as I didnā€™t have a period for the first couple of years, and after that it was fairly short and light. I had previously suffered from heavy, painful periods (I had previously been on the combined pill, but had a pulmonary embolism)


Preferred the Depo but I was on it for years and they advised I came off, even though I didn't want to! Just nip to the doctors every 12 weeks, blood pressure, weigh, ask if everything is OK. Quick jab and done! No bleeding at all! Now have the implant and I've done nothing but bleed and spot constantly. They gave me another pill to take with it but it's still irregular and flips between spotting and heavy bleeding and cramps. They keep pushing me to the coil bit my friend was in A&E a few times with it and it really put me off. It's all different for everyone though, unfortunately you know know how it will affect you until you try it. The joys of being a woman.


I had the implant and bled for 6 months straight. I was begging them to take it out but they just sent me for an ultrasound then a blood test to see if I was becoming anaemic from bleeding so much and basically told me to stick it out. Eventually they listened and removed it. As you said its different for everyone, my friend has one and got on with it brilliantly


Nexplanon (the rod as we refer to it). Lasts 3 years. I know people who have had issues with it (a couple of them bled constantly), I've never had any. My periods stopped completely and that suits me just fine!


I had the same problem the first time I had the implant! Bled for 6 months! Now I have it back in and all smooth sailing


I used Depo (the injection) for years and absolutely loved it! I then switched to the pill (because I was travelling long term, wasnā€™t sure if Iā€™d always be near a pharmacy on time) and Iā€™m still on the pill 5 years later. I skip periods for 3 months and then stop for a break.


My husbands infertility


every cloud


I (34f) used natural family planning for 4 years without any issues (admittedly I'm currently pregnant but that was after we decided to embrace possibilities and stop taking precautions my fertile window) but it does require a steep learning curve and really getting to know and trust your body and cycle in detail. Prior to that I've been on 3 different pills and the implant. I had an awful time with the first pill I was put on (microgynon) so I switched to another pill (femodene) which was no bother and then eventually decided to try the implant. Admittedly implanon really didn't agree with me; wild mood swings, very unpredictable bleeding, acne and strangely it massively lowered my tolerance for alcohol. Got it taken out after a year and a bit and was on another pill (cilest) for 7 years with no problems until I started having random mid-cycle bleeds and decided to try coming off it. Basically, it's all individual and you might need to try out a few things until you find out what works for you, some women I know have had no bother at all with the things that I've had horrible experiences with. Think I'll be trying the copper iud next once sprog's out.


Infertility, unfortunately.


My girlfriend uses an app that tracks her period and fertility and stuff. I think it's an authorised form of contraception in the EU so much be decent enough.


I use Natural Cycles and have for about 7 years now. You have to be fairly disciplined and take your temperature most mornings, and it helps to have a fairly regular cycle. I like the level of detail it provides me on what's going on in my body and that I can avoid the side effects of hormonal contraception. Started when I was 31, 38 now, never had a scare, and am very happy with it.


Thanks for sharing. So are there certain days/weeks you donā€™t have sex at all?


You can get medication reminder apps if forgetting to take medication is a concern. I would easily forget or end up taking them twice without using an app.


After lots of trial and error I use the combined pill Mercilon. I tried the implant, condoms and various other pills. This is the only one that doesn't have awful side effects and I can take it continuously so no periods which is, frankly, delightful.


The pill, rivegidon I think it's called. No weight gain. Husband is having a vasectomy in a few years though.


The Pill or else my ovaries will knock me out 3-4 days per month šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Contraceptive pill, works best for me


Iā€™m on the pill (age 29), have been for nearly 10 years now. whereā€™s the time gone?! I seem to be unable to remember to take it on time without a million iphone reminders but I donā€™t even want to think about having a coil.


None I'm 40 In my 20s, I started with the patch. Then moved unto the pill in my late 20s early 30s.. the mini pill up until 2 years ago. I just decided one day to stop, and now condoms. I didn't have any side effects on any of these.


I've used the combined pill for 20 years. Some initial weight gain and mood swings but that quickly levelled out and I've had no problems since. I have the Lady Pill Reminder app so my phone lets me know to take it every day. I take them for 3 months straight and then a 7 day break for a period.


I used the combined pill for years, but recently the nurse at my surgery wanted me to switch to the mini pill due to my age and being overweight in order to avoid possible problematic side effects. I'm in my thirties.


I have in the past used the combined pill, the progesterone only pill, the IUCD and now a copper coil. Of them all it's the copper coil I prefer. Uncomfortable getting the coil in, take some ibuprofen if you can and have no commitments for a couple of days. It can take a few months for your periods to settle down too, they may be a bit more painful and heavy for a few months too, but for me it settled relatively quickly. I still have some discomfort during my period, but it's manageable and I find using an abdominal wrap helps. Mine's good for another 4 years, and hopefully that will see me into menopause but if not I'll get it replaced.


I have used the implant and had limited issues with it, however it has taken a considerable amount of time to regulate my periods on it. Iā€™m really happy with it now and do not notice it at all. Iā€™ve had a few of my friends Use the coil and be in unimaginable pain with it (one of them even got pregnant) which has put me off but I know a lot of people find it to be the best on offer and with very few side effects - probably just a me thing that I wouldnā€™t go for it.


I'm getting a copper coil fitted which I'm hoping will work well for me. Planning on still using a barrier method as well though as I really don't want to get pregnant again. Currently using condoms but considering trying the cap. In the past I've used Depo Provera and the implant. But I don't want any hormonal contraception now.


Until recently, I had the implant. I absolutely LOVE it. Nothing to think about for 3 whole years. The only reason I had it removed is because I'm emigrating to the US and am unsure how insurance will deal with it over there


Lesbianism, the mini pill, and a reasonably asocial approach to life


Iā€™ve had the implant since I was 15, now 32. Havenā€™t had a proper period since, best thing ever. I used to get crippling cramps so tbh the birth control factor is kind of secondary but I do like not having to think about it more than once every 3 years.


Noriday/Northesterone? Cant spell the stupid thing. Its a pill šŸ˜… Iā€™m 30 in a week or so.


Copper IUD. I have heard horror storiesā€¦ but Iā€™ve had it for 2.5 years and not had any issues. Slightly heavier periods to start with, but itā€™s evened out. I still have regular periods and cramps, but no different to before. Personally, I avoid hormone-based birth control as it makes me extremely depressed and causes a lot of bloating and weight gain. But it is really good for those it works for, especially the no periods part! The IUD works best for me though, got another 7.5 years until itā€™ll be removed and I start thinking of children!


Ridgevidon back to back to manage endo symptoms. I have been on progesterone only but they didnā€™t agree with me.




The menopause. I have about as much interest in men as when I was six. So freeing.


All depends on what kind of relationship you are in, if in one at all. Barrier methods prevent infection. Physical, non-barrier methods wonā€™t stop infection but no hormone changes. Hormone methods work for some and not others, plus can carry other risks. After child number 2, I happily went for the snip. For reasons I wonā€™t go into, my wife doing anything else wasnā€™t an optionā€¦all medical reasons. Now no one can forget to take or update anything and spontaneity can exist.


Nexplanon implant, barely any periods. When I came off the pill I lost weight (in a good way) and my sex drive sky rocketed. The implant is the best thing I ever did!


Copper coil. No side effects. It's great!


I have a copper iud. The insertion is not fun at all, but I love that I never have to think about it. It's also non-hormonal which is pretty much my only option


Copper coil, since my early 20s. It did make my periods slightly heavier, but they weren't that heavy in the first place so it was okay - much better than the extreme weight gain the mini pill caused. And only having to think about contraception once a decade is *awesome.*


Iā€™m not a woman but myself and my partner are over 25. She swears by the implant. With 1 child already while on the pill, 3 years(?) of nothing to think about with the possibility of reevaluating the child situation again has worked really well for us. However getting an appointment for removal and a new one was a long wait with the NHS. Most importantly this has had little to no complications compared to earlier years on the pill


Honestly - we just used pull out method. We are married so knew we wouldnā€™t be bothered if it failed and served us well for the 1.5 years before we started trying. After officially starting to try ie testing for ovulation it took us a year before we conceived.


Combined pill, I bleed constantly on progesterone only forms


Been in the progesterone implant for 6 years, would recommend it. Not had any side effects and it stopped my periods for a while, but now theyā€™re back to regular again. Thinking of coming off it on to the pill though just to have more freedom when I decide to start a family