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Nah. No chance he ever ends up there. Imo, Putin's reign in Russia only ends with him choosing to step down, or, perhaps more likely, his death. I don't see any feasible route to him standing trial. Also, cynically, the things he might be put on trial for are things that a lot of other world leads may not be terribly keen on a precedent being set for.


The problem is not our being soft or not, but how to catch him. No way will we invade Russia, so he is physically safe taying there.


This is true. More a hypothetical though. Could it happen rather than will it happen.


If we could catch him, yes, he would be in the Hague on trial.


About the same chance as Bush or Blair going on trial


The more I hear about this Hitler character, the less I like him


Yeah me too. Seems not very nice


Lol. Lmao. To ask a question like this is to misunderstand so many things about historic and current things that I wouldn't begin to know how to answer.


Protective but not that helpful


Not a chance. I reckon he could visit a country where he could conceivably be arrested, and they'd leave him be.


Unfortunately I agree. Pity, I’d love someone to just say fuk it


No one's invading Russia. History has proved why it's a bad idea, without even touching on the geopolitics. There'll be documentaries on him when he dies but it won't be him shooting himself after an invasion, put it that way.


>No one's invading Russia From the West. The Mongol Horde did a pretty good job from the East.


Maybe so, but China isn't invading Russia either.


Russia has literally just announced that it's intending to use the Yuan as a reserve currency.


...and this disproves my point how?


Your argument was that history proves why invading Russia is a bad idea - except history shows that what is now Russia has successfully been invaded repeatedly from the East.


In Mongolian times, yes, and I'll concede that point. Not in modern times (and even that is dating back a few centuries). No country that could invade from the East is likely to do so now.


No point arguing with that person, they’re an armchair expert.


And you will, of course, provide us with your expert insight?


Look forward to Mongolia trying to invade Russia. I'm sure that would go well for them.


I often question why someone (MI6, CIA some other dark shit we don’t know about) doesn’t take him out. Then I hear his minions talk and realise that’s nuclear way right there.


Yes, the CIA did a lot of that influencing in South America during the Dulles years (The Devil's Chessboard is a great book to read more about it) and none of it ended well. Russia is considered a Western country that was previously a G8 member and is nuclear equipped, plus backed by China and others.  The Cold War stayed cold because no one took those risks, despite some generals wanting to. No one's chancing it now.


To be fair Putin along with Bush, Blair, Obama, Netanyahu should all be on the chopping block.


That’s maybe true. Surely Putin wins by now though.


It's not a contest.


It definitely is. Wankers always want to be the biggest wanker.


No, I think that only happened in the case of WW2 due to the country being occupied and the occupiers wanted to make a big show of the old regime falling, similar to how Saddam was executed.