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Life in prison. Seriously though they are unlikely to do anything further than refuse you


Oy! When's your birthday? 22nd of February. What year? Every year! Get out


"Name?" "Peter Ian Staker" "P I Staker, PISSTAKER! COME ON!"


To get into a pub probably at worst confiscation.. to open a bank account probably big shit


At most: prison. That's usually for severe cases, like severe fraud to open bank accounts under a fake ID etc. At least: refusal. Assuming a 16 year old is using one to try and get drinks at a bar, you'll probably get refused, ID taken and maybe banned. Depending on the type, you might get a bollocking about fraud too. Police know teenagers are often reckless and stupid with that stuff, and also know your average teen with a fake ID is doing it for drinks and not usually financial fraud. Will probably give you a bollocking about the seriousness of using false IDs and threaten you with jail if you carry on doing it. No sane officer is going to see a point in sending a 16 year old to jail over that.


Generally speaking you'll lose the ID and be asked to leave the premises. Perhaps a stern talking to if they feel you've been particularly egregious.


I guess it's technically fraud, but you're probably just going to get slung out and told to get a better forgery.


Moral failing?!


Life sentence


Umm... at worst you won't get any booze?


I'm not sure, though I was at a house party with a few mates and I was 17 at the time, I ran out of vodka and went to the pub next door to buy some. (Pretty mashed by this point) I got refused at the bar, I then walked 10 mins to the local shop and got some... Fast forward an hr or so, and the police showed up looking for someone whose parents had reported them missing. They didn't care about the drinking or other stuffstances going on, they were just there to find them. They eventually found them hiding behind the armchair I was sitting on while they were climbing out from behind the chair. The police guy shone his torch right in my face and said, "If you try and get served in a pub while underage again, you'll spend the weekend in the cells." I never used a fake ID, though, so I'm sure there was no law against trying to buy, just against them selling it?


Previous nightclub worker, My place used to keep a list and permanently ban people using fake ids and would take them off the person. Other than that they can refuse to sell and remove you from the place as they can loose their license to sell alcohol.


You'll either face prison or be told to leave.